1. Abbiate, Roland 1
  2. Abbotts, Edward ‘Crash’ 1, 2
  3. Abelson, Tamara 1
  4. Abshagen, Karl 1
  5. Adenauer, Konrad 1, 2, 3, 4
  6. Akers, Sir Wallace 1
  7. Alemayehu, Prince 1
  8. Alexander II, Tsar 1
  9. Alexander of Yugoslavia, King 1, 2
  10. Alexandrovna, Grand Duchess Xenia 1, 2
  11. Aliens Act (1905) 1
  12. Andrial, Dr Jindrich 1
  13. Andrial, Juliana 1
  14. Angelov, Pavel 1
  15. Anrep, Boris 1
  16. Apollonowitsch, Vladimir 1
  17. Archer, Jane 1
  18. Aschmann, Gottfried 1
  19. Ashley, Gisela 1
  20. Attila the Hun 1
  21. Attlee, Clement 1, 2
  22. Augusta, Empress 1
  23. Ayer Jr, Frederick 1, 2, 3