- La France Libre (magazine) 1, 2
- Labarthe, André 1, 2
- Lacoste, René 1
- Lang, Ira 1, 2, 3
- Lawrence, D. H. 1
- Layton, Sir Walter 1
- League of Nations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- Lecoutre, Marthe 1, 2
- Leeper, Rex 1
- Lefevre, Earnest 1
- Lefevre, Nina 1
- Lemmens, Jan 1, 2
- Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
- Lewis, Brigitte 1
- Lewis, Cecil 1
- Liddell, Captain Guy
- and atomic bombs 1, 2
- in Berlin 1
- and declaration of war 1
- and Franz Mariaux 1
- and Free French 1
- and German counterespionage section of MI5 1
- and Gustav Hilger 1
- and Horst Kopkow 1
- and Klop’s post-war operations 1, 2
- and Lisbon operatives 1, 2
- and Moura Budberg 1, 2
- and ‘Ostro’ 1
- overlooked for MI5 headship 1
- and potential German coup 1
- recruits Dick White 1
- recruits Klop 1
- and Richard Wurmann 1, 2, 3
- and Walter Krivitsky 1
- and Wilhelm Gessmann 1
- Linklater, Magnus 1
- Listowel, Lady 1
- Lloyd, Richard Llewellyn 1
- Lloyd George, David 1, 2
- Lobkowitz, Maxmillian 1
- Locker-Lampson, Godfrey 1
- Lockhart, Robert Bruce 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
- Lombardi, Vera 1
- Loxley, Peter 1, 2
- Ludwig, Otto 1, 2
- Luftstreitkräfte (German army’s air force) 1
- Luftwaffe (German air force) 1