- Paget, Colonel Bernard 1
- Pan, Major Vaclav 1
- Papen, Chancellor Franz von 1, 2
- Parmentier, Dirk 1
- Paul I, Tsar 1
- Pauls, Rolf 1
- Pavelić, Ante 1, 2, 3
- Pavlova, Anna 1, 2
- Penrose, Sir Roland 1
- Perowne, Victor 1
- Peter the Great 1, 2
- Petrie, Sir David 1, 2
- Pfeffer, Gulla 1
- Philby, Kim
- and Alan Nunn May 1, 2
- and Sir Colville Barclay 1
- confession of 1
- and Constantin Volkov 1
- and Enigma system 1
- and Klop 1, 2
- and ‘Max Klatt’ 1, 2
- memoirs of 1
- and Otto John 1, 2, 3
- and peace feelers 1, 2, 3
- recruits agents 1, 2
- and Rote Drei 1
- suspicion of 1, 2
- Photo Finish (play) 1
- Piggott, Julian 1
- Pilcher, Gonne St Clair 1
- Pius XXII, Pope 1
- Poleschauk, Valeria 1, 2
- Poliakova, Maria (‘Vera’) 1, 2, 3
- Potsdam Agreement (1945) 1
- Prelin, Colonel Igor 1
- Private Angelo (film) 1
- Prokofiev, Sergei 1
- Protze, Traugott 1
- Prytz, Bjorn 1
- Pückler, Count Carl Heinrich 1
- Pujol Garcia, Juan (‘Garbo’) 1, 2, 3, 4
- Pünter, Otto 1, 2
- Putlitz, Wolfgang Gans Edler Herr zu
- and appeasement policy 1
- arrested in Britain 1
- background of 1
- branded a traitor 1
- and declaration of war 1
- and Dick White 1, 2
- flees Nazi Germany 1
- and Holland 1
- importance as information source 1
- memoirs of 1
- and Nicholas Elliott 1
- and Otto Bene 1
- and Otto John 1, 2, 3, 4
- and Otto Ludwig 1, 2
- and post-war rebuilding of Germany 1
- and potential German coup 1
- as propagandist 1, 2
- and ‘re-nazification’ of West Germany 1, 2
- sexuality of 1, 2, 3
- in US 1
- and ‘Venlo Incident’ 1