Dakota Sherrod regulated her breathing as the production crew double-checked her harness. The intention had been to shoot this scene in one take, but three attempts later, they were still trying to get it perfect.
“You need to land in the center of the mark once you get to the second rooftop,” the movie director insisted, frustration lacing his words, as if it was Dakota’s fault he couldn’t get the shot they desired. “The target has been moved to the right a few inches. There’s no reason you shouldn’t be able to stick the landing once you’re over the ledge.”
Dakota nodded, trying like hell to hold her tongue to keep from telling him where he could stick his target. If she had to do this scene one more time, she was definitely going to hurt somebody.
Anxiousness thumped through her body as she mentally prepared herself despite the physical impact the scene was having on her. This had to be the last take. Her knees couldn’t handle another landing. Each time her feet connected with the roof, her joints screamed from the blunt force.
As the body double for the lead actress, doing all of the stunts for the highly anticipated action flick was an amazing opportunity. Dakota had been a stand-in for the A-list actress on a number of projects, but this one could catapult her career to the next level. Her only concern was that the movie included more intense and dangerous scenes than usual. The effect they were already having on her body had her thinking about changing careers. But besides stunt work and sex, there was nothing else she enjoyed doing that would offer the same excitement and adrenaline rush.
Audrey, the stunt coordinator, tugged on the cables that Dakota was hooked up to and nodded to the director. It was almost time. Time to show them that despite some of the unconventional methods used to film some of her scenes, she could handle anything they threw her way. Camera and crew members were set up on both rooftops and there were a few below intending to capture every angle of the action. And she planned to give them what they wanted.
Dakota shivered. The thin T-shirt and skintight jeans did nothing to shield her from the cold breeze that seemed to come out of nowhere. The wind had calmed since they arrived on the rooftop, but she could feel it stirring up again.
“How does this harness feel?” Audrey asked. Dakota had mentioned that the first one she’d been wearing was too big and probably was the cause of the failed landing the day before.
“It feels fine.” They’d been checking and rechecking everything for the past twenty minutes. Moviegoers would be amazed at the details that went into a sixty-second shot. She appreciated the extra care taken to make sure she was safe with each stunt, but it was time to get this scene over with.
“Ready?” Audrey asked.
“Yes.” Dakota was more than ready. Prepping to leap from one rooftop, six stories high, to another one, amped the rhythm of her heartbeat, sending excitement pulsating to every cell in her body. Yeah, she was a little anxious, but this was the rush that kept her coming back for more.
The crew moved away from her and gave the director a thumbs-up. Dakota readied herself.
“Aaaaand action!”
Dakota took off in a sprint. Pumping her arms in sync with her legs, she weaved around air conditioner units and pipes as she dashed across the roof. Her booted feet ate up the blacktop, kicking up gravel in the process. Adrenaline soared through her veins the closer she got to the roof’s edge, and she pushed harder. The wind kissing her heated cheeks did nothing to slow her pounding heart and the burn in her joints. Leaping to the next roof at top speed was her main focus.
You. Can. Do. This.
The sounds of birds, traffic, and the production crew faded into the background. The only sound penetrating her brain were helicopter propellers. The whirring of its blades flying overhead fueled her speed in a need to outrun the machine, adding an extra layer of excitement to the process.
Dakota flew through the air, her arms and legs, like the blades of an airplane propeller, thrust her forward and over the narrow street below.
“Oomph!” she grunted when the bottom of her black combat boots made contact with the second roof. She winced when the impact jarred every bone in her body.
She didn’t stop.
She couldn’t stop.
Dakota sprinted across the second rooftop as if her life depended on it—which it did, according to the script. The same momentum drove her to another ledge. With one palm on the rough surface of the ledge, she swung her legs over the top and hurdled over the building.
Yes! She had hit every target perfectly.
She dropped ten feet below onto another roof and landed on a twelve-inch thick cushion that helped soften her fall.
Dakota’s legs, feeling like limp noodles, gave out and she collapsed onto the mat, arms and legs spread as she struggled to catch her breath. There was no way the director didn’t have what he needed from her for the scene.
Homer Parland, a well-known director in the business, had been riding her tail for the past two weeks. He kept making her do and then redo stunts, and then claimed a problem with one aspect of it or another. This was her first time working on a project with him and based on his snide remarks spoken under his breath in passing, it was clear he didn’t like her.
As long as she did her job and got paid, Dakota didn’t give a damn whether he liked her or not. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d had to deal with jacked-up attitudes on a set. Hearing stupid comments like: Are you going to send your daddy after me since we changed the scene? Or, Give her whatever she wants. The last thing I need is Wesley Bradford showing up on set.
Early in her career, she had made the mistake of having her father, Wesley, represent her. One of the leading talent agents in the business, he had guided her career successfully for the first two years. He also made tons of enemies along the way. A whatever-I-have-to-do kind of guy, his clients always ended up with lucrative contracts. It didn’t matter who he had to step on to make that happen.
But Dakota had fired him twelve years ago. Rarely had they seen eye-to-eye, often disagreeing more often than not on pretty much every subject. It didn’t take long to figure out they couldn’t have a father/daughter relationship and an agent/client relationship at the same time. Still, however, she had to put up with people in the industry who dealt with him at one time or another.
“You okay?” a production assistant asked, pulling Dakota out of her thoughts. He dropped down beside her.
“Yeah,” she panted. Seconds ticked by as her breathing slowly went back to normal. She sat up with their help. They couldn’t remove the cables or her harness until the director gave the word. Dakota inhaled and released slow even breaths, praying that was the last take.
Once she was back on the ground, she spotted Homer heading their way.
“That was better, but I want to run it one more time.”
“What? Are you kidding me? Damn it, Homer! That shot was perfect and you know it!” Dakota seethed, getting in his face. She had never confronted a director like this before, but between her body aching and frustration nipping at her nerves, she couldn’t stop herself.
The crew that was around moments ago eased away, leaving her and Homer alone.
“I don’t know what your beef is with me, but I’ve given you a hundred percent every day. I’ve done everything you’ve asked of me. If any of those shots were off, it wasn’t because of me. Yet, I’m the one out here busting my ass because you guys can’t get it right!”
Homer stared at her for the longest minute. Dakota thought she saw a flicker of a smirk on his lips, but it was gone so fast she couldn’t be sure.
“Are you done?” he finally asked.
Still fuming and holding back what she really wanted to say, Dakota kept her mouth shut but continued to glare. She should just throat-punch him. That would ease the irritation thumping through her veins. Having a black belt in karate, she knew just where to hit him without killing him. Inflict pain so he could feel what her body was experiencing at the moment. But the last thing she needed was a lawsuit or to lose this job. Being known for punching a director wouldn’t go over well in the industry.
“Now that I have your attention, you can either be back here in forty minutes, or I’ll find someone else for this project. Your choice.” Without a backward glance, he headed over to the camera crew.
“Sorry, Dakota. If it helps, I thought the last shot was on point,” Audrey said as she quickly unhooked the gear Dakota was still wearing. “Hang in there.”
“Thanks,” Dakota said and headed to the trailer that she shared with several other stunt people. Just as she reached the structure, she spotted a familiar face and her sour mood started to shift. Justin Crosby walked toward her holding up a cup of coffee, and a cute little boy followed close behind him.
Justin owned a rigging construction company that movie producers in Atlanta often used. His team was charged with the responsibility of installing and overseeing rigging gear like scaffolding, cranes, and cables, as well as building sets and scenery structures among other tasks.
He was also fine as hell, with a fun personality that could brighten her irritated mood. Dakota would have made a play for him when they first met, but he was dating a woman for the last two years, and they were now engaged to be married.
“Hey. Thought you could use a pick-me-up,” he said, handing her the cup.
“You thought right. Thank you. So, who is this handsome young man?” She bent down to the boy’s height.
“This is my nephew, Dominic. He’s the best cure for a rough day. Oh, and he’s the one I was telling you about who wants to be a stuntman. Dom, this is Dakota Sherrod.”
“Hi,” he said, grinning hard.
“It’s nice to meet you. That’s awesome that you want to be a stuntman.”
“I saw you running on that building. It was cool when you jumped!” Dominic said, his enthusiasm palpable as he recounted part of her stunt and told her about a car chase scene that he’d seen earlier.
“When I get older, I might do some of that stuff, but I don’t know if I can run through fire. Do you jump out of airplanes and fall down stairs like stuntmen?” Dominic asked, his eyebrows drawn tight as if they were having a deep conversation.
Dakota couldn’t hold back a laugh. He was too cute. She glanced at Justin and he grinned and shrugged.
“Like I said, he’s the best cure for a rough day.”
“Actually, I have jumped out of planes as a skydiver, but not for a stunt.”
“Oh…have you ever met Wonder Woman?”
Dakota chuckled. “I’ve met the actress who played her and her body double.”
For the next ten minutes, Dominic lobbed one thought-provoking question after another at her.
“How old are you, Dominic?”
He shuffled from one foot to the other. “I’m nine, but I’m going to be double-digits in a couple of months.”
Dakota smiled and listened as he talked about what he planned to do for his birthday and what presents he wanted. The kid dominated the conversation, entertaining her and Justin as he leaped from one topic to the next.
When there was a slight lull in the conversation, Dakota turned to Justin. “What else are you planning to show him today?”
Justin glanced at his watch. “This is probably it since my brother will be here soon to pick him up.”
“My dad has to take me to taekwondo today.”
“Guess what, Dom. Dakota is a black belt in karate,” Justin said.
Dominic’s eyebrows arched in surprise. “For real?”
Dakota loved his energy and enthusiasm.
Dominic sighed. “I’m only a yellow belt.”
“Well, work hard, and I’m sure you’ll eventually get your black belt.”
He nodded, that serious expression back on his face when he said, “Can I have your telephone number?”
“Dom!” Justin thundered. Dakota’s lips twitched, trying to hold back a laugh. “What the heck, man? You know that’s not appropriate.”
“What? I may have some more questions,” Dominic explained before he stared down at his shoes. Then he glanced up at Justin. “Plus…Uncle Laz said if you meet a pretty girl, get her telephone number.”
Dakota burst out laughing and Justin struggled to keep a straight face as he explained why a kid shouldn’t ask a grown woman for her telephone number. She didn’t know who Uncle Laz was, but Dakota had a feeling he’d be hearing from Justin.
While they argued good-naturedly, Dakota noticed a tall man glancing around as he slowly headed in their direction.
He must be Dominic’s dad.
Over six feet tall, low haircut with a perfectly trimmed goatee, he had the same cinnamon skin tone and build as Justin, but the guy appeared more intense. And mouth-watering gorgeous.
Sipping her coffee, she tried not to stare, but it was hard not to. Sexy walk. Powerful build. The closer he got, she could even see his dark, penetrating eyes. Now, this was a man she wouldn’t mind getting to know.
Dominic looked over his shoulder and then took off running. “Dad!” he yelled.
“I see good looks run in the family,” Dakota murmured to Justin, noting that his brother was even more handsome than she originally thought. “I just want to know why you never introduced me to him, and please tell me he’s single.”
A crooked grin tilted the left corner of Justin’s mouth. “He’s single, and I thought about introducing you two, but he wasn’t ready.”
Dakota’s brows dipped. “What the heck does that m—”
“Dakota, this is my dad!” Dominic announced proudly.
“That’s Ms. Dakota to you,” his father corrected. His gaze did a slow glide down her body before returning to her eyes. “Or is it Mrs.?”
“Uh…it’s Miss,” she said, thrown by the unabashed way he checked her out and the deep rumble of his voice.
Though his gaze had thoroughly appraised her, Dakota had a feeling he saw way more than what was on the outside. Observant. Intimidating. Fit. Probably military or maybe he was in law enforcement. The way he’d been glancing around when she had first spotted him, he had clearly been taking in his surroundings. As if preparing himself just in case something jumped off and he had to leap into action.
“Dakota Sherrod, this is my brother Hamilton Crosby.”
“His name is Hamilton, but you can call him Ham. That’s what my uncles and godfather call him. He used to be a policeman. Now he’s a…a security specialist,” Dominic shared proudly. Clearly, he thought nothing of putting Hamilton’s business out there to a perfect stranger.
His father shook his head. “You must have made some impression on my son. It’s nice to meet you.” He extended his hand and she shook it.
Her pulse leaped. Every nerve in her body was on high alert at the thrilling current that shot through her body.
Well damn.
This was a first. Lately, she hadn’t had much of a social life, thanks to a busy schedule; but the few men she allowed to get close never made her body tingle. And heck, all Hamilton had done was touch her hand. What would happen if his brawny hands skimmed over the rest of her body?
Just the thought sent a delicious shiver through her.
Dakota eased her hand from his grip and swallowed. Her palm still prickled as she glided it down the side of her jean-covered leg.
“I see Ted trying to get your attention,” Justin said nodding his head toward where one of the crew members was standing near a trailer. He had both hands up, and each finger spread, signaling she needed to be on set in ten minutes.
Dakota sighed. “Sorry, fellas. Duty calls. It was nice meeting you guys. Unfortunately, I have to get going. But first…”
She handed her coffee to Justin. “You didn’t even finish it,” he said.
“Hold it for a second.” She snatched the pen sticking out of his shirt pocket and reached for Dominic’s hand. Dakota scribbled her telephone number in his palm as he giggled and squirmed under her touch.
“Call me sometime, and um…give your dad my number.”
Dominic’s wide grin lit up his face. “Okay.”
Dakota returned Justin’s pen, thanked him before reaching for her coffee cup, then turned and walked away. She put a little extra hip action into her walk since she could feel Hamilton’s gaze on her.
Justin had been right. Dominic was the perfect cure for a crappy day. The renewed energy was just what she needed to get through more filming. Now, hopefully, his father would take the hint and give her a call.
Then again, she couldn’t help wondering what Justin meant by that comment about Hamilton when he said, He wasn’t ready.