The next morning, Dakota slowly opened her eyes but didn’t move her head which pounded like a jackhammer hard at work inside her skull. She couldn’t remember climbing into bed, but she had tossed and turned for most of the night, unable to shut down her brain. At least she didn’t dream about Sonny, but thoughts of him, the detectives, and Hamilton wouldn’t let her rest.
Dakota moved her head slightly toward the window, a sliver of sunlight filtered through the side of the closed blinds. It was morning…or maybe it was afternoon. She didn’t much care. All she wanted was to go back to sleep, but her bladder screamed for her to get up.
Instead, she closed her eyes and played the conversation with her father the night before over and over in her mind. He’d been livid that she hadn’t thought enough of him to call and let him know she was okay. She gave him the same phony story she told Tymico, leaving out the part about Hamilton. Saying that she was hanging out with a friend didn’t go over any better. He wanted her under his roof where, according to him, she’d be safe.
All thoughts of her father and sleep slipped away when Dakota inhaled. The intoxicating scent of strong coffee swirled around her, and then she heard a sound near the door. Slowly, she glanced that way.
He stood, leaning against the doorjamb, holding a steaming cup of coffee. God, she could kiss him. Not because he looked downright sexy in the white T-shirt that stretched across his wide muscular chest and jeans that revealed thick thighs. No, it was the coffee that really had her attention. How’d he know she never started her day without at least one, two, or four cups of coffee?
“You are truly a sight for tired eyes.” She sat up slowly, wincing at the pain the simple act evoked. Popping a few ibuprofens and soaking in a warm, steamy bath rose to the top of her priority list; right after she drank her coffee.
A sexy smile graced his lips and he strolled toward her, his dimples twinkling. He handed her the cup and sat on the edge of the bed. “Rough night?”
Dakota didn’t speak until after a few sips of strong brew. “How’d you know I take my coffee black?”
He shrugged. “According to you, we’re perfect for each other. Since I like my coffee strong and black, I assumed you did, too.”
She grinned at him over the rim of the mug. “You assumed right, Mr. Crosby.”
“How’d you sleep? Or did you sleep?”
“A little, but what I really could use is something for this pounding headache.”
Hamilton nodded toward the table next to the bed, and she spotted a bottle of water and ibuprofen. “Considering how much you drank after speaking to your father, I figured you’d probably need those this morning.”
“I can’t believe you’re not married. You are truly a godsend. I don’t know if I could’ve gotten through last night without you. Thank you.”
“No problem. Glad I was there.”
“We didn’t discuss this yesterday, but how do you get paid for the services you’ve providing me?”
He leaned his arms back, propping himself up with his palms flat on the bed. Dakota started to move her legs, but she liked having him close. She had stayed up with him, falling asleep on the sofa. Since she couldn’t remember climbing into bed, she assumed he had carried her.
“This situation is a little unusual. As of right now, there’s no charge.”
“You’re doing this pro bono?”
“Something like that. No need to worry about how I’ll be paid. Hopefully, we’ll get an all-clear from Laz today and you’ll be able to go back to your life.”
Dakota didn’t miss the way his appreciative gaze was taking her in. She could only imagine how awful she must look, but the desire radiating in his eyes said otherwise. Then again, he had already seen her at her worst, covered in blood. This morning was probably an improvement. “Any new developments?”
“Nothing new, but I’m glad you weren’t the target. Now, we need to make sure that once you leave here, it’ll be safe for you to return home.” He stood. “Are you hungry?”
“A little, but I think I’m going to lay here a while longer. You’re welcome to join me.” She patted the other side of the bed and tried to keep her voice serious, but her lips twitched, fighting a smile.
Hamilton laughed. “You don’t quit, do you?”
“Nope. Not when I really want something.”
He released a long breath. “It’s tempting, Dakota. Damn tempting, but I need to stay focused, alert while we’re here. That’ll be hard to do if you…if we…are in a compromising position.”
“Or positions,” she added, and he shook his head grinning.
“Unfortunately, I have to pass. Try to get some more sleep. You had a long day yesterday.”
“I could sleep better if you’re lying beside me,” she said, giving it one more shot as he moved closer to the door. He chuckled again but didn’t stop. “Oh well, I tried.”

* * *
The moment Hamilton stepped out of Dakota’s room, he released a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. Even when she wasn’t feeling her best, she was still one of the most desirable women he’d ever met. He loved her fire, her sense of humor, and her resiliency. She was everything he hadn’t known he wanted.
Too bad the timing is all wrong.
He pushed away from the wall and headed to the bedroom he’d slept in—or at least tried to sleep in. Staying up most of the night, keeping an eye on her just in case she had another bad dream, denied him much needed rest. Normally, with only four hours of sleep, he was good. But right now, he could use a little shut-eye.
Sitting on his bed, he dropped back and stared at the ceiling, his mind on Dakota’s offer. Though he had almost married Jackie, a needy, insecure woman, Hamilton had always been attracted to badass, adventurous women who weren’t afraid to go after what they desired. Dakota had those qualities in spades.
But he couldn’t think of her without thinking about Wesley and remembering the shit he endured because of her father. Nor could he forget about Jackie’s betrayal during the ordeal with Wesley. Between those two, it was a wonder he wanted anything to do with any woman.
And then along came Dakota. He wanted her. God, he wanted her.
His dick throbbed with need, and he slid his hand to his erection that pressed against his zipper. Despite his resistance to Dakota’s invitations, Hamilton didn’t know how much longer he could go without having her. Their attraction was too strong to keep ignoring.
When this situation is over and she’s safe, no more holding back.

* * *
Dakota stumbled out of bed, yawned and ran her hands through her hair. She couldn’t believe she had fallen back to sleep and had slept for three hours. Still, she didn’t feel completely rested, but hunger pains had awakened her.
She headed to the bathroom to freshen up, then slipped into a T-shirt and a pair of shorts. She debated on tidying the bed or going in search of food and coffee.
Definitely coffee.
The house was quiet, and she wondered what Hamilton was up to. Moseying down the short hallway, Dakota slowed when she reached his bedroom door, but then stopped suddenly. An intense pool of warmth ricocheted inside of her and it took all she had to remain silent.
Stepping back a little as to not be seen, she took the opportunity to get a good look at Hamilton’s profile as he stared down at the cell phone in his hand. His body was amazing in clothes. His muscles evident with every move he made. But seeing him without a shirt on took her breath away.
Her hands itched to touch his skin, run her fingers all over his sculpted body. His biceps bulged as he typed something into his phone. Then he tossed the device onto the bed and snatched up the T-shirt.
Dakota didn't know if she made a sound or if he sensed her near the door, but his gaze met hers. He turned fully toward her, his shirt still in his hands and her heart slammed against her chest.
Hot damn.
The man’s body was absolute perfection.
“Hey, I didn’t know you were awake. Everything okay?” he asked.
Hell no, everything wasn’t okay!
She was in lust with a man whose professionalism and issues with her father kept him away from her, leaving her sexually frustrated at every turn. Now she was only allowed to look at God’s best work—this man’s incredible body.
No, she was not okay.
Her mind spun at the site of his wide shoulders that tapered down to a narrow waist. Flat abs hosted a wisp of hair that started just below his navel and disappeared behind the low waistband of his unbuttoned jeans.
Dakota felt like a damn pervert for imagining all the ways she could love on that body, and the gifts she could discover behind the zipper of his pants.
Her gaze went back up to the impressive ink, a tribal tattoo. Parts of it had peeked out above his button-down shirt the day before, making her curious, but now she had the pleasure of seeing the design. The tat started along the right side of his torso and trailed up his chest and wrapped around his right shoulder and bicep. The sight only made him that much more intriguing.
Just one touch. Just one little touch. Or…maybe a lick.
Clearly, she needed to get laid. She had never obsessed over a man like this before.
Hearing her name snapped her out of the trance and Dakota brought her attention up to his handsome face. She ran her sweaty palms down the sides of her shorts, suddenly wanting to strip out of her clothes. She had never thrown herself at a man, but there was something about Hamilton that made her stupid…and horny as hell.
“Dakota?” He moved forward and she took a step back. She wanted to respect his feelings and professional morals, but…
“Um…damn, Hamilton. Why the hell do you walk around with fucking clothes on?” she yelled.
“What?” he asked, confusion in his tone.
She turned and stomped away from the door, ignoring him when he called her name. He was right yesterday when he said they might have to keep their distance while at the house. Anything else was just torture. He must’ve had willpower of steel.
“No one who looks like you should cover up all of that…that perfection! Urgh!” she growled and stormed into her bedroom, trying to slam the door behind her, but he caught it before it closed.
“You care to tell me what’s wrong with you?” he asked and leaned against the doorjamb, shirtless.
“What’s wrong with me? You’re what’s wrong with me! “She poked his chest with her finger, feeling as if she was jabbing a brick wall. “I’m weak, all right. I’ll admit it. I’m so frickin’ weak and turned on right now, I’m about ready to jump you.”
The corner of his lips tilted into a sexy grin, and her body tingled as warmth spread through her. But when he pushed away from the door jamb, every sexual nerve in her body went on high alert.
“I suggest you not come any closer because I can’t be responsible for what I might do to you,” she said. He probably thought she was kidding, but now he was playing with fire whether he knew it or not.
“That’s right. You have a mean right hook and from what I hear, you have the ability to kill a man with your bare hands and feet.”
She gave an unladylike snort. “Killing you is the last thing I have in mind. What I’d rather do is—”
“Just stop talking.” Hamilton tugged on the tail of her T-shirt and pulled her closer. Then he shocked her when he lifted the garment over her head and tossed it to the floor.
For the first time since meeting him, Dakota stood speechless. Their gazes collided and she shivered when the back of his chilly fingers grazed her bare breast. Her senses were on high alert as he dragged his large hand slowly down her side, dipping at her waist before sliding over the curve of her hip. All the while their gazes never wavered from each other.
She had a feeling anything she experienced with other men in the past wouldn’t compare to whatever happened between her and Hamilton. The thought thrilled her to the tip of her toes, sending a wave of heat pulsing through her veins.
“You talk about my body…” He unfastened her shorts and they slid down her legs and puddled around her ankles before she kicked them off. The tiny pair of lace panties went next. “I’ve been dreaming about yours and that was before I saw all of…all of this.” He waved his hand up and down at her body the way she’d done to him moments ago.
“Well, um…I guess we’re on the same page. So, what are you going to do about it? And um…what about your rules?”
“Fuck my rules.”