“I’m gonna run to the lady’s room, and no, I don’t need you to go with me,” Dakota said, and Hamilton laughed.
“Okay, hurry back.” They kissed before she left his side and he watched as she glided away looking as tasty from the back as she did from the front. He’d admit to keeping her close to his side for most of the night, but who could blame him? Everything about the woman drew attention. From her vibrant personality to the skin-tight dress she was wearing, he couldn’t help but be possessive, especially since the sight of her killer long legs could cause a traffic jam.
They were at the afterparty, hosted by one of the A-list actors who had starred in the movie premiere they’d viewed earlier. The gathering was well attended by not only those who were a part of the project but many from the entertainment industry. It really wasn’t Hamilton’s scene, but he was glad to be there with Dakota.
He ambled over to one of the bars that had been set up in the ballroom.
“What can I get you?” the bartender asked, setting a drink napkin on the bar in front of Hamilton.
“A cranberry and orange juice would be great.”
“Coming right up.”
Hamilton glanced around at the crowd, feeling proud of the way his guys were handling themselves. Supreme had been hired to oversee the security at the premiere as well as at the party. Considering the square footage of the mansion and the number of people in attendance, Hamilton was glad they opted to add a few extra security guards. His men had been busy. The later the party flowed into the evening, the more the drinking increased, forcing his security team to escort numerous intoxicated guests from the estate. For the most part, all was going well. But Hamilton knew a room full of egos connecting with an open bar was rarely a good combination.
The bartender set Hamilton’s juice on the napkin.
“Thanks.” He took a few sips before spotting Dakota talking to a guy he’d seen earlier. Sebastian Jeter. He thought it had been his imagination, but over the last couple of hours, each time Hamilton looked up, the guy was eyeing him and Dakota. Now Sebastian had cornered her. Well, maybe he hadn’t actually cornered her, but that’s how Hamilton saw it. After hugging each other, the guy regarded Dakota as if he wanted to eat her up.
A twinge of jealousy pierced Hamilton in the chest, but he stayed where he was, watching from a distance as the two chatted.
“They secretly have a thing for each other,” a sultry low voice said from Hamilton’s right. He glanced at the woman, recognizing her from the movie they had watched earlier. She’d been in the industry for a while, but he couldn’t recall offhand what else she’d been in. Nice looking with mocha skin, long curly hair, and a friendly smile, but the coldness in her dark eyes was an immediate turnoff.
“Personally, I think Dakota has been playing hard to get with Sebastian. Making him jump through hoops and stringing him along.” The woman looked Hamilton up and down. “A good-looking man like you shouldn’t settle for someone like her. You can do better.”
“Is that right?”
“For sure. I’m Zondra Monroe.” She extended her hand and Hamilton hesitated before shaking it. “And you are?”
“Dakota’s date, but I guess you already know that.”
She quirked a surprised brow before a sneer spread across her lips. “I assumed. But in this business, it doesn’t really matter. Entertainers usually share more than just a stage or a screen.”
“Well, I’m not in the business, and I sure as hell don’t share.”
Hamilton’s attention went back to Dakota and ignored the woman’s seductive laugh. He studied Sebastian, an actor whose stardom was quickly rising in the ranks if the number of films he’d been in recently was any indication. He might’ve been good at acting, but Hamilton didn’t like how touchy-feely he was. The man couldn’t seem to keep his hands off of Dakota. First the hand on her lower back which had gotten a little too close to her ass before she eased out of his hold. Now, he touched her arm, rubbing it while saying something to her and smiling.
The tension that suddenly dug into Hamilton’s shoulders loosened when a tall blonde strolled over to Sebastian and he put his arm around the woman’s waist.
“Don’t relax too much, handsome. That’s only his so-called girlfriend, but he goes through women faster than mail carriers go through mail. Trust me. Sebastian wants Dakota.”
“And you know this how?” Hamilton couldn’t believe he was having this conversation, but curiosity got the best of him.
“Sebastian and I talk often. So, when Dakota gets tired of you and moves on to him, look me up.”
Hamilton finished off his drink and set the empty glass on the bar. “What’s your problem with Dakota?”
Zondra glanced down at the dark liquid in her glass, studying the drink as if it held answers. “Dakota and I started in the business around the same time, and we’ve worked on a number of projects together. At one point, we might’ve even been considered friends.”
“I assume that’s changed.”
“Yeah. The tramp lured my boyfriend into her bed, and then tried to deny it.”
“Spewing more lies, Zondra?” Dakota slipped her hand into Hamilton’s. So caught up in the conversation, he hadn’t seen her approach.
“No lies. Only facts.”
“Facts like how I got a stunt role you wanted? What can I say? I had a better agent. It’s been over twelve years. Get over it and move on.”
“Just know I haven’t forgotten…anything. One of these days someone is going to knock you off that throne you’ve placed yourself on.”
“Well, it won’t be you. Considering your fight scene on set yesterday, you couldn’t punch your way out of a wall-less room.”
Zondra glared at Dakota, a fire in her eyes that could demolish a skyscraper, but Hamilton had to give his woman credit. She sported her usual confident, almost arrogant expression while he prepared himself to break up a fight. But instead of saying more to Dakota, Zondra turned to him.
“Nice talking to you, handsome. Remember what I said.” She walked away without a second glance.
Dakota sighed and leaned against him. “She hates me, and she’s delusional. What did she say?”
“Nothing worth repeating.” Hamilton lowered his head and kissed Dakota. He didn’t believe a word Zondra said, and until Dakota gave him a reason not to trust her, he’d give her the benefit of the doubt.
“You and Sebastian looked pretty chummy. Friends?” Hamilton directed her away from the bar.
“Not hardly. More like acquaintances. He’s interested in more, but I’m not. Jealous?”
Hamilton smiled down at her, recognizing the teasing in her voice. “Should I be?”
“Nope. I’m all yours, and so that there’s no misunderstanding, that goes both ways. You’re mine.”
He laughed and wrapped his arms around her, kissing the top of her head. “Yes, ma’am. How about we go outside and get some air?” Hamilton asked close to her ear, and she shivered against him. “Cold?”
“No. You have that effect on me when you’re this close. Now, when you say let’s go out for some air, is that code for let’s find a dark corner so you can get under my dress.”
Hamilton chuckled and shook his head. “You little minx. As tempting as that is, the next time I have you will be in my bed. Tonight. But in the meantime, let’s go check out the terrace and you can tell me why Sebastian Jeter was feeling you up.”
She laughed. “Oh, you saw that, did you? Don’t worry, baby. I don’t care how rich and good-looking he is. You’re the only man for me. Besides, he doesn’t get my juices flowing the way you do.”
Smiling and shaking his head, Hamilton led her across the room. They were near the terrace doors when Dakota slowed. He glanced at her before following her line of vision and then cursed under his breath.
“Hamilton, I swear I didn’t know my father was going to be here.” And of course, the man was headed in their direction. With a slight stagger in his walk, it was safe to assume he’d had a little too much to drink.
“I haven’t talked to him in days. Last I heard he was on the west coast. I’ll keep him away.” Dakota tried to pull away, but Hamilton held on to her hand.
“No. I want you with me. Don’t worry, I’ll behave. Let’s step outside.” What he really wanted to do was avoid her father altogether. Less chance of an altercation.
Hamilton looked around to see if he could make eye contact with any of his guys and his gaze connected with Kenton’s. Most of the team towered over the guests, making it easy for them to stay abreast of what was going on.
Hamilton gave a slight nod toward the terrace and Kenton started across the room. Angelo, the team leader for the night, was on the opposite side of the room but followed. Hamilton didn’t look to see if others took heed. His main concern now was to keep Wesley from causing a scene.
Shortly after he and Dakota stepped outside, Wesley burst out of the door.
Hamilton’s pulse pounded in his ears. He noted a few people were already on the terrace or nearby. Wanting to put some distance between him and Wesley, he backed up, but Dakota’s father wasn’t having that. He charged toward them.
“What the hell are you doing with my daughter?”
“Dad, please. Just go back to the party.”
“Not with—without you,” her father said, his words slightly slurred. “I don’t want you near this guy!”
Hamilton held tight to Dakota’s hand. “Come on. Let’s get out of here.”
Wesley grabbed her arm, pulling her back, shocking her and Hamilton. “Don’t touch her!”
“Dad, stop it!” Dakota said through gritted teeth and pulled away. “You don’t get to tell me what to do. Now go back to the party.”
Wesley moved around Dakota with the speed of a man half his age and pointed his finger at Hamilton’s face.
“You stay away from her!”
“Listen, Wesley. I don’t want any trouble,” Hamilton said, anger knotting inside of him, especially when Wesley grabbed Dakota’s arm, yanking her out of Hamilton’s grasp.
“I will ki—kill you if you come near her again.”
Dakota gasped. “Dad! Stop it.”
“I’m not let—letting you go with that—that rapist!”
Something snapped inside of Hamilton. His fist plowed into Wesley’s face.
“Hamilton, no!” Dakota shrieked and he felt her pull on the tail of his jacket, but it was too late. He practically lifted Wesley off of his feet and slammed him against the house. Seeing the man’s nose gushing blood only made Hamilton punch him again.
Screams pierced the air and there was a flurry of movement, but Hamilton couldn’t stop the fury raging through him. For years he wanted to shut this man up. To stop him from spewing lies and making his life a living hell.
He brought his arm back again, but before he could hit Wesley, someone grabbed Hamilton from behind.
“That’s enough!” Angelo locked Hamilton’s arms behind him and pulled him back, while Kenton held onto Wesley. Other members of the team formed a human wall around them, effectively blocking them from view.
Breathing hard and struggling to get his bearing, Hamilton’s heart nearly stopped at the shock on Dakota’s face.
Wesley shook out of Kenton’s hold. “Get off me! I want that man arrested,” he sputtered, wiping his bloody face with the sleeve of his suit jacket.
More security poured through the double doors, ushering people back into the house and away from the scene.
“Let’s go,” Angelo grumbled, tightening his hold. Hamilton knew the drill. They had procedures for dealing with unruly guests. He just never expected to be one of them. Considering the night had started out perfect, now everything he had worked for might be trashed because of one stupid mistake.
“Hamilton,” Dakota called out and he stopped, but Angelo shoved him forward.
“Sorry, man. You know the routine,” Angelo said, forcing Hamilton away from the scene.
He knew, but Dakota didn’t. “Make sure one of you is with her at all times.”
“Already done.”
“Kenton! Move or so help me you’re going to be the one needing protection!” Hamilton heard Dakota say. He almost felt sorry for the man. He might be over six feet tall and two-hundred-plus pounds, but he was no match for that little firecracker.
“God…what have I done?” Hamilton mumbled, thinking about the ramifications of punching Wesley.
“For starters, you just pummeled the woman’s father. Way to make an impression on her family.” Angelo had released him, but stayed close, escorting him around the outside of the home to the guest house the owners had allowed his guys to use.
Hamilton didn’t respond. Dakota meant everything to him and he wouldn’t lose her because of Wesley. Hopefully, she knew both of them well enough to give him the benefit of the doubt of any lies her father spewed. If not, Wesley would regret crossing him.

* * *
“Move out of the way!” Dakota roared, frustration and fear at war within her. She had to get to Hamilton, but Kenton blocked her every move, grasping her wrists when she swung at him again.
“Would you stop? I don’t want to hurt you,” Kenton said in a low rumble.
If she wasn’t so pissed, she might’ve laughed. Clearly, he didn’t know who he was dealing with. If he wasn’t a friend of Hamilton’s and worked for him, she would’ve already laid his ass out.
“Dakota, I promise he’s okay,” Kenton said, still holding onto her.
Torn by conflicting emotions, she stopped fighting him, her body deflating like a nail-punctured tire. What the hell had just happened? How had her perfect evening turned to shit in an instant?
“Where’s Angelo taking him?” Her voice cracked and she cleared her throat, refusing to let Kenton see how much the last five minutes had upset her.
“We had to remove him from the scene. Protocol. But trust me, Ham won’t leave here without you.”
Knowing he was right, Dakota bit her bottom lip to get her emotions under control. Hamilton was a gentle man, and it shocked her to see him lose his temper. But who could blame him? Being called any kind of name could ignite a fight, but rapist? That was…
“If I release you, do you promise not to punch me again? I’m pretty sure you left a bruise on my chest,” Kenton said. Dakota heard the humor in his words, but at the moment she felt more like crying than laughing.
“Yeah.” She nodded and he let her go.
“Don’t worry about Hamilton. He’ll be fine, and once I get clearance I’ll take you to him. All right?”
Dakota rubbed her forehead, trying to pull herself together. “Okay,” she said absently and turned to her father.
He was sitting on one of several wood benches that lined the terrace and faced a pond. Someone had given him a few towels, ice, and a bottle of water. Dakota was pretty sure Hamilton hadn’t hit him as hard as he could have. The first punch, maybe—but had he put all his weight behind the second one, her father probably would’ve been unconscious.
The bleeding had stopped, so it was safe to say his nose wasn’t broken, but the left side of his face looked as if he had run into a door several times. And knowing him, he had refused medical attention.
At a loss, she stood there for a moment. Except for Kenton and another one of Atlanta’s finest, whose name she couldn’t recall, Dakota and her father were the only people left on the terrace. He had a lot of explaining to do. There was no way Hamilton had ever forced himself on a woman, but there had to be a good reason why her dad accused him of such a heinous crime.
“Do you need a doctor?” she asked as she approached him. She might’ve been confused and frustrated, but that didn’t mean she didn’t care about his well-being.
He waved her off with the bloody towel in his hand. “I’ll be fine. But Dee Dee, you have to stay away from him,” Wesley said.
“Why?” She folded her arms across her chest to ward off the chill in the air. It was a beautiful spring night, but the drama of the past few minutes had cast a dark cloud over the evening. “Why would you say something like that to him, especially here?” Thankfully, the commotion hadn’t taken place inside the house where most of the attendees had been.
Her father huffed out a breath and didn’t respond.
“Tell me!” she shouted, anger bubbling inside of her at his silence. “What is wrong with you? You can’t just go around accusing someone of something like that.”
“It’s complicated.”
“Complicated?” she snapped. “I’ll give you complicated if you don’t tell me why you accused my boyfriend of rape.”
“Boyfriend? You can’t be serious.”
“I’m dead serious. Now start talking.”
After a long hesitation, he said, “I can’t discuss it.”
“Dad?” someone gasped, and Dakota swung around. Sebastian was standing in the doorway, shock written on his face as he darted across the threshold. “Wesley Bradford is your father?”
Kenton was in front of Sebastian before he could take another step. “We’re asking everyone to stay inside until further notice.”
“Not until I make sure Dakota is all right. Dakota?” He tried peering around Kenton, but the bodyguard was wider and a few inches taller than him.
“I’m fine, Sebastian. Please just give us a moment.”
“All right, but Dakota…find me when you’re ready to leave and I’ll see you home.”
“She already has a ride home,” Kenton said before Dakota could respond, a hardness in his tone. She couldn’t see his face, but considering how rigid his back was, and the fact Sebastian didn’t say another word, the actor got the point.
Dakota hadn’t noticed her at first, but the woman who’d been with Sebastian earlier tried to push past Kenton.
Kenton and the other bodyguard held them both off.
“That’s Alexia. Let her through. She’s one of my clients,” Wesley explained.
“I don’t care who she is. We’re not done here,” Dakota shouted, but then reined in her anger, knowing she wouldn’t get far with her father if she didn’t calm down. “I want answers, Dad, and I want them now. You might have ruined Hamilton’s reputation and career by saying what you said and I want to know why.”
“Dakota, this is not the time.”
She plopped her fisted hands on her hips. “Are you serious right now? You just called him a rapist in front of everyone and now you suddenly don’t want to tell me why? Oh no, you’re going to talk; otherwise, you and I are done!”
When he still didn’t speak, she started to move away but he reached for her hand. “Please, Dee Dee. I love you, sweetheart. I can’t lose you, but you have to trust me on this. You need to stay away from him.”
“Not until you tell me why.”
Again, her father went mute and Dakota wanted to scream. Why wouldn’t he tell her? For the life of her she couldn’t understand why he and Hamilton couldn’t be in the same room, and neither wanted to talk about whatever happened.
Dakota ran her hands down her face, fighting back tears as a nauseating sense of despair settled in her gut. God knew she loved her father, but she couldn’t go on like this. He’d been manipulating her life one way or another for as long as she could remember. There was no way in hell she was letting him sabotage what she had with Hamilton.
Torment ate at her from the inside. She didn’t want to lose her father, but she was tired of getting caught up in his mess. But when she turned to face him, to tell him just that, a thought sparked in her mind.
“What does Hamilton have on you?”
Despite the puffiness of his face, surprise sparked in his eyes. That was it. Hamilton had something on him. Whatever it was had to be huge if her father was prepared to let her walk out of his life.
“I guess it’s safe to say you won’t be pressing charges against him for what happened tonight.”
He licked his lips before dropping his gaze. “No.”
Dakota should be happy for that news, but that only meant that whatever happened was worse than she could imagine. Wesley Bradford lived to make people squirm, make them pay whether they deserved it or not. For him to suddenly back down wasn’t normal.
“Dad, I’m really trying here. I want you and I to rebuild our relationship, but you’re making it very difficult. I never know when to believe you, and now…” She released a shaky breath and swallowed. “If you can’t be straight with me, you and I…we’re never going to have what we used to have.”
Wesley stood, staggering a bit. He used the bloody towel to dab at his nose, which wasn’t bleeding as bad. “Honey, I want the same thing, but this subject is off-limits. It’s none of your business.”
“Tonight, you made it my business!” She seethed, her body vibrating with pent-up anger as she fought to get her breathing under control. They stood facing each other for several seconds, neither willing to back down.
“Dee Dee…”
“Since you won’t tell me what you did, I guess we have nothing else to say to each other.” Her voice broke on the last part. “Take care of yourself, Dad.” Dakota looked away, tears blurring her vision, but she batted her eyes and swallowed, determined to keep them at bay.
When she glanced up, Kenton was standing on the edge of the terrace. He gestured with a slight nod in the direction where Angelo had taken Hamilton.
A tightness in her chest kept Dakota from taking a step forward. She wanted to see Hamilton, but she knew that once she turned away from her father, that was it. She was done fighting with him.
As if sensing her anguish, Kenton moved toward her. Another tear slipped down her cheek before she could catch it. He looked so uncomfortable and she felt like crap trying to keep herself together. Working with men most of the time, she maintained her tough-girl exterior, but right now she just didn’t have it in her.
“Let’s go, stuntwoman.” Kenton looped a long arm around her shoulders and pulled her close to his side, comforting her. Just what she needed. “You know, I might have to get workman’s comp for the beating you put on me,” he cracked.
Dakota snorted. “Whatever. You shouldn’t be such a wimp,” she said, drying her cheeks with the back of her hand. She really liked Kenton. He was quickly becoming the big brother she always wanted.