“What do you think?” the makeup artist asked when she turned Dakota’s chair around to face the mirror.
Dakota turned her head left and right, impressed by the transformation. Given the long dark curly wig with reddish highlights and the way the artist had made up her face, she looked like a different person. At a quick glance, she and the lead actress could be twins.
“I think you’re very good at what you do.”
“Why, thank you. I try.” The redhead beamed at Dakota, her diamond stud nose ring glittering under the lights.
At the last minute, the director decided to add a fight scene in which he needed Dakota’s expertise. It wasn’t a big scene, but it would give her an opportunity to show off some of her karate moves. For the past week, she and Homer had been getting along better. He had done a one-eighty in regards to his negative attitude toward her. She wasn’t sure what changed, but it made working with him more tolerable.
With one last look in the mirror, Dakota said her goodbyes and exited the makeup trailer.
“How’s it going?”
Dakota turned to see Sebastian leaning against the outside of the trailer. Handsome with a Larenz Tate type of swagger, but taller, Sebastian was quickly becoming one of Hollywood’s drool-worthy heartthrobs.
“Hey there. I didn’t know they were working on your scenes today,” she said, accepting a hug from him. He always smelled so good but hugging him was starting to feel weird. He seemed to hold on longer than necessary these days.
“Actually, I just stopped by to talk to Homer for a minute and figured I’d say hello to you before I left.” He fell into step with her as she walked to the trailer that she was sharing with a few other actresses.
“How’s it been working with him?” she asked.
“Not too bad. Being family, he kinda has to be nice to me.”
“Family? I had no idea you two were related.”
“He’s my uncle. Actually, I have a few family members in the industry, but it’s not something we broadcast. Don’t want anyone thinking I get special treatment. Speaking of family, I was surprised to learn that Wesley is your father. Why haven’t you mentioned it?”
Dakota shrugged. “Like you are regarding your family in the business, it’s not something I discuss. Besides, most people already know.”
“I didn’t know.”
“Are you looking for a new agent?” she asked, wondering what difference it made that she and Wesley were related. She hoped he wasn’t about to ask her for an introduction or a favor regarding her father. They still weren’t on speaking terms. It had been almost a week since the afterparty and Dakota had been spending most of her spare time with Hamilton and Dominic, her two favorite guys.
“No, he’s Alexia’s agent.”
“Oh, the woman you were with at the party?”
Sebastian nodded. “I tried to get her to go with someone different, no offense to your father, but she insists he’s the best. She’s a model but wants to get into acting.”
Dakota couldn’t deny that her dad was the best at what he did. “He’ll do right by her if she’s any good and serious about working.”
“Well, I don’t like him and I surely don’t trust him with her.”
Dakota couldn’t say much about his feelings for her father. People either worshiped the ground he walked on because of his negotiating abilities, or they hated him. Which was why it would be impossible to narrow down the enemies who would send him threatening letters.
“Are you and Alexia dating?” she asked. She didn’t really care, but Sebastian flirted with anyone in a skirt, and she wondered.
“Nah, we’re just friends. I’m holding out for you.”
Dakota looked at him sideways. “I hope you’re kidding.”
“I’m serious. I’m heading back to Cali in a few weeks, but I was hoping that you and I could spend some time together.” He brushed the back of his fingers down her bare arm and a creepy sensation skittered through her body. Dakota moved out of reach. That touch was a little too intimate for her liking.
“I already told you at the party, I’m seeing someone.”
“I didn’t get the impression that it was serious.”
She stopped walking and turned fully to him. “Why would you say that?”
“Because the guy let you roam around the party alone.” He leaned in and lowered his voice. “If you were mine, I wouldn’t let you out of my sight.”
Dakota snorted and started back on her trek to the trailer. “Then it’s good I’ll never be yours. I don’t like any man hovering over me.”
Except for maybe Hamilton…a little, she thought. Thinking of him reminded her that she’d be seeing him in a few hours. He promised to stop by to check out her motorcycle scene. She wasn’t sure which made her more excited, finally getting to ride a Ducati 1098S or having her man watch her in action.
“So, all of this time you’ve been flirting with me, was what? You being nice?” Sebastian asked defensively. Clearly, she had bruised his oversize ego.
Glad she had arrived at her trailer, Dakota was ready to end this conversation. “It wasn’t flirting, and yes, I was being nice. I’m sorry if I gave you the impression that I was interested in something more. I’m very happy with the man I’m with. Very happy.”
He stopped abruptly. “Well, I doubt it’ll last.”
Dakota frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
He turned and walked off without a backward glance.
“Yet another reason why I’m not interested in your narcissistic ass,” she mumbled and headed into the trailer.
It was conversations like that one that had her thinking more about leaving the industry. Dealing with self-absorbed people was getting old and doing stunts for a living wasn’t as appealing. Besides, this movie project was almost done and she was scheduled to head to Vegas and start her next assignment in a month. Dakota couldn’t even imagine leaving Hamilton.
She shook the thought free. No, she wouldn’t worry about that until the time came. Right now, she needed to focus on kicking some ass.

* * *
Hamilton stood next to his brother, Justin, watching as Dakota prepared for her motorcycle scene. She’d had a fight scene earlier, which he wasn’t able to catch, but he was glad he made it to this one.
Her goal was to nail the motorcycle stunt in one shot in hopes of getting out of there early. According to her, it was the only day they could do the scene due to several streets being blocked off in the normally high-traffic area. Hamilton was hoping for the same since he also had the rest of the day free.
Dakota snagged his attention when she revved the engine of a custom Ducati 1098S and took off down the street before slowing and circling back. She looked like a total badass on the sleek black bike that was accented in chrome with a matching helmet. The black leather jumpsuit she was wearing added to the fierce look.
“Your woman has nerves of steel, man. I can’t imagine doing half the stunts she’s performed on this project,” Justin said, admiration ringing in his voice. “How much did she tell you about this stunt?”
The question immediately put Hamilton on edge. “Not much. She just said that she’d be riding a motorcycle like one she wanted to purchase one day. I guess she’s been planning to test drive one but hadn’t yet.”
“With the way she’s handling that machine, no one would ever know she hadn’t ridden it before.”
As the words left Justin’s mouth, Dakota did a wheelie, riding a short distance with the front wheel of the bike off the ground. Considering the act was illegal on city streets, he hoped it wasn’t something she did outside of being on a movie set.
Justin chuckled. “Now she’s just showing off, probably for you.”
Hamilton’s pulse thumped loudly in his ear and his chest tightened as she popped another wheelie. When the front tire hit the ground, she sped down the street at top speed, then slowed and turned around only to do it again. This woman was going to be the death of him. He didn’t want her showing off. He just wanted her safe.
“This will be the last time I come and watch her do a stunt,” he said to Justin. “My heart can’t take this shit.”
Justin laughed and pounded him on the back, then gripped his shoulder. “Well, brace yourself, bro. You’re in for a treat.”
If Hamilton hadn’t promised Dakota that he’d be watching, he would’ve got the hell out of there right then. Now he was glad that Jackie had already had plans for Dominic. Otherwise, he would’ve brought his son to the set. Hamilton didn’t need the kid fantasizing about motorcycle stunts.
“Do they usually have firefighters on the set?” He had noticed the firetruck parked at the end of the set along with an ambulance. “I can’t remember seeing them the day Dom was here.”
Justin shook his head. “Only when we’re dealing with fire and explosives.”
Hamilton’s pulse inched higher. “Please tell me that’s for another scene and not Dakota’s.”
Justin flashed another grin, and Hamilton wanted to march across the street and pull Dakota off the bike. Instead, he stood by watching as they gave her final instructions. He was too far away to hear the exchange, but she eventually gave a thumbs-up to the crew.
“Okay, here we go,” Justin announced.
Hamilton held his breath thinking that he needed to talk to Dakota about looking for a different career. Knowing she did this type of work was one thing. Seeing her in action was something altogether different.
He half listened as his brother gave him a rundown of the stunt, saying something about the barn, ramp, and a haystack on the back end. From where they stood, Hamilton could barely see the starting point of the set, but he had a decent view and could watch most of the scene play out.
Dakota got into place and revved the engine several times before taking off. Anxiousness roared inside Hamilton, and his hands fisted. He watched the woman he loved fly down the street as if she had a death wish. Keeping her body low, Dakota blended in with the bike and seemed to be going twice as fast as when she was practicing. His pulse rate inched a little higher when she disappeared inside the barn. Seconds later, the front of the bike appeared and…
Hamilton startled and his heart slammed against his chest when the bike flew through the air. Dakota was thrown twenty feet, barely missing some of the crew members.
“Oh, shit! Something went wrong!” Justin yelled.
Hamilton took off in a sprint, and an icy fear twisted inside his body as he raced down the street. Smoke billowed around the area making it difficult to see, but he kept moving. He had to get to her. He had to make sure she was okay. Emergency personnel and crew members had already leaped into action and the set was a flurry of activity.
Please…please…please… Let her be okay.
By the time he reached her, she was surrounded by practically everyone on the set.
“Dakota! Dakota!” Hamilton screamed, barely recognizing his own voice as panic rioted within him and he pushed his way through the crowd.
“Stay back! Give us some room,” an EMT yelled, forcing the crowd back, but Hamilton couldn’t stay away. He had to get to her. He had to make sure she was okay.
“Dakota!” he screamed over and over, still trying to get around everyone.
“Ham!” his brother yelled, holding tight to the tail of Hamilton’s shirt, trying to keep him from getting any closer.
“I have to get to her. I have to—”
“Stop it!” Justin grabbed him around the waist with both arms in a tackle, practically lifting him off the ground and moving him away from the crowd. “Chill, man! You gotta keep your head. Let them do their job.”
Hamilton continued pushing against his brother, unable to help himself. “I have to…” His voice hitched when he caught sight of her lying on the ground, his heart lodging in his throat. “Oh, God, she’s not moving. She’s not moving! I have to get to her! Dakota!” he screamed louder.
She had to hear him. He needed her to hear him.
I can’t lose her. God, I can’t lose her.