Three days later…
Excitement bubbled inside of Dakota as they stood in Judge Wallace’s chambers. He was officiating their wedding; a wedding Dakota thought wouldn’t happen for another few weeks due to poor planning. They hadn’t considered that they’d need an appointment to get married at the courthouse.
But as usual, Hamilton saved the day. He had provided security for the Judge earlier in the year and had called in a favor the day before. Now here they were, with Laz, Kenton, and Dominic as their witnesses.
“Now by the power vested in me by the City of Atlanta, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”
“I’ve been waiting all day for this moment.” Hamilton’s strong hands went around her waist and he pulled her close. When their lips touched, pleasure ricocheted through Dakota’s body and a burst of fireworks shot off in her head. Hamilton had kissed her plenty of times, made love to her mouth like no one else, but this…this time was different. This time she was kissing her husband, the man she planned to spend the rest of her life with.
“Ugh, they always do this,” Dominic grumbled, and Dakota broke off the kiss, unable to hold back her laughter. She never knew what was going to come out of his mouth.
“This is what married people do,” Hamilton said, staring into Dakota’s eyes. “I’m going to be kissing my wife all day, every day for the rest of my life. So, get used to it, kid.”
Once they finished the paperwork and thanking the judge, their small wedding party filed out of the judge’s chamber. They hadn’t told anyone, except Laz and Kenton their wedding plans, but intended to have a large reception in a couple of months.
Since Dominic still had trouble keeping secrets, they hadn’t told him the wedding plans until they arrived at the courthouse.
“Man, wait until you fall in love. You’re going to be just like your dad,” Laz said, draping his arm around Dominic’s shoulder as they strolled toward the courthouse exit.
“I’m never kissing a girl. I don’t care if she is pretty.”
They all laughed.
“Yeah, you say that now,” Kenton jumped in, walking on the other side of Dominic. “Trust me, in a few years—”
“In about twenty years,” Hamilton corrected.
Kenton grinned and shook his head. “Okay, in twenty years, Dom, you won’t be able to keep the girls off of you.”
Dakota listened as they all went back and forth, telling Dominic what he could expect in the future. Dakota couldn’t ever remember being so happy. She had finally married the man of her dreams and couldn’t wait to start their life together. The only thing that would have made her wedding day perfect was if her best friend would’ve been there. She never imagined getting married without Tymico by her side.
As for Wesley, he was still in the hospital and Dakota made an effort to start her journey to forgiveness by visiting him daily. They actually talked without arguing, which was an improvement. She made arrangement for him to have a live-in nurse until he was fully recovered. Once she returned from her honeymoon, she planned to continue her frequent visits. They had a long way to go in rebuilding their relationship, but she was optimistic that it could happen.
“I’ll go and get the SUV,” Kenton said, slipping on his sunglasses.
“And I see someone I know. I’ll catch up with you guys a little later,” Laz announced and headed down the hallway toward a tall, black woman wearing a gorgeous gray power suit, looking like a total boss.
“Who is that?” Dakota whispered.
Hamilton grinned as he stared after his friend. “That would be Journey Ramsey. An attorney Laz is in love with. He just doesn’t know it yet.”
Dakota nodded slowly, looking forward to learning more details about the woman. Maybe while they were on their honeymoon, she could pry more information out of Hamilton. They planned to spend a couple of days at a hotel in downtown Atlanta, and then on Saturday, they were leaving for a week-long stay in Orlando. Dominic didn’t know it yet, but they were surprising him and his best friend with a trip to Disney World.
“So that was really your wedding?” Dominic asked Dakota, frowning. “That doesn’t look like a wedding dress,” he said of the floral sleeveless dress that she’d chosen that was both sexy, yet modest. “And aren’t you supposed to go to a church? There wasn’t even any music. Why did…”
“And it begins,” Hamilton said under his breath as Dominic followed them outside, asking one question after another, not caring if he got an answer.
Dakota burst out laughing. This was the beginning of her new life and she was happier than she ever thought possible.
“You know you’re stuck with us now, right?” Hamilton said, stealing another kiss.
“I know.” She grinned. “And you two are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I can’t wait to start this new chapter in our lives.”
“Me too, baby. Me too.”

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