ALEX LEANED AGAINST the locker next to Jennifer’s. Her art class had gotten out about fifteen minutes ahead of schedule so she had nothing to do but wait. Maybe I should send Drake a text or something. Rather than grab her phone, Alex reached into her bag and took out her small pocket mirror so she could check her reflection.

Guess I could use a little more gloss.

Before she could get her shimmery peach gloss, her reflection changed to that of the Mongol girl. She stared at Alex, mouth moving, her head swiveling as though making sure no one else was with her. Alex tried hard to see anything in the background or anything about the girl herself that would indicate who she was or what time period she lived in.

“She’s probably having a seizure or something.”

Alex gasped as the connection was broken. She felt the blood rush to her face as laughter broke through her confusion. Three of Catelyn’s groupies were walking down the hall and staring at Alex like she had some sort of disease.

“Catelyn always said she was a freak.”

Their giggles echoed down the hallway. Alex tossed the mirror into her bag and tried to shut out the laughter. This day just keeps getting better and better. All she wanted to do was get home and crawl under her covers and sleep away her junior year. It was feeling an awful lot like her freshman year, which had been mostly miserable with a few high points thrown in.

“What the hell are they cackling about?” Jennifer came striding up to her locker giving the trio of Catelyn’s friends a dirty look as they disappeared around the corner.

“They caught me in one of my ‘moments’.”

“Oh crap, that sucks! So did you see anything helpful?”

“Not really. Just her face.”

“Seems like these little glimpses into the past don’t really help you at all, do they? I mean, we thought that we could find something useful but it seems impossible. Unless you travel into someone famous that you know.”

“I know. It’s frustrating. Guess that means I’ll be heading back any day now.”

“What exactly is a ‘Mongol’?”

Alex rolled her eyes in mock exasperation. They had studied about the Mongols in history class last year. She knew her friends didn’t have her gift for memorizing anything and everything about history, but she thought that some of what they learned would stick.

As they walked to the car, Alex tried to explain about the Mongol people and their history. She stopped after a few minutes; it was clear Jennifer couldn’t care less about hearing about Mongolia.

Rock music blasted Alex’s eardrums as soon as Jennifer turned the key. Alex watched Jennifer bob her head up and down, and tried to figure out who the band was. Jennifer must have seen her perplexed look.

“It’s Skillet. I saw a video someone posted on Facebook and totally fell in love! The lead singer is smokin’.”

“I’ll have to check them out when I get home!”

“I bought two of their albums on iTunes. Seriously awesome music.”

Alex made a mental note to download their music when she got home. She could download as much as she wanted as long as she gave her mom money to cover the purchases.

“So what’s going on with you lately? I mean, the way you’re acting with Beau is totally lame! He’s a jerk and he’s never going to ask you out, Alex. And if he did, it would only be to make fun of you or something.”

Alex didn’t answer right away. Jennifer’s words hit home like slaps to the face. The problem was, she didn’t know why she was suddenly infatuated with Beau Johnson again. It was like he had somehow crawled into her brain and heart and infected her with thoughts of him.

Why should I even give him the time of day? It’s not like I don’t have a boyfriend.

Thinking of Drake only added to the misery festering inside her. It wasn’t right treating him badly, but she couldn’t help it. Part of her didn’t want to speak to him, afraid he would be able to see right through her, see her feelings for Beau. Alex wanted to run away so she wouldn’t have to deal with any of it.

“I don’t know what’s going on! I know he’s a jerk and I know he would never notice me in a million years but for some reason, I can’t stop thinking about him! Ever since that whole thing with Catelyn went down, he’s all I think about.”

“It’s bizarre, Alex, seriously. You haven’t thought about him for like a year or more, and now all of a sudden you’re a freshman all over again.”

Alex groaned and rubbed her eyes. “I know! Let’s just drop it, okay? This whole thing will probably go away soon. At least, I hope it does.”

“Maybe you should take some aspirin and make sure to drink plenty of fluids.” Jennifer laughed sarcastically.

“You’re hilarious, you know that?” Alex pointedly ignored Jennifer as she pretended to be engrossed in something on her phone.

“Sorry, all right? I was just kidding. You were the one making it sound like you had a cold or something that would go away.”

Alex put down the phone. “Why do boys have to be such a pain? Why the hell does he have to be in my head anyway?”

“Don’t ask me. I never understood what you saw in that guy anyway. Sure he’s easy on the eyes, but so is Drake and he’s totally into you!”

“I know,” Alex mumbled miserably.

“Are you not into Drake anymore? I mean, it’s cool if you don’t like the guy and want to break up. But if you still like him, you need to just put Beau out of your head or at least pretend he doesn’t exist when Drake’s around.”

“I don’t know how I feel! I’m all mixed up inside.”

“Well, duh! I know that! But what are you going to do? You can’t just keep ignoring Drake. It’s not cool, Alex.”

Alex knew Jennifer was right about Beau. She closed her eyes, trying to force her brain to spit out the reason why she was all of a sudden over Drake and why this renewal of her obsession with Beau. She forced Drake’s face to materialize in her mind, hoping she would feel something, anything to indicate what she should do.

Drakes face changed to that of a young Irish lad, blue eyes dark and full of mystery. Warmth spread through Alex’s chest. Why can’t Conor be real? Her mind wandered to the other boys she had met in her travels, the ones she felt a strong and deep connection to. I just don’t feel that same connection to Drake.

“If I tell you something, you have to swear on your life you won’t tell anyone as long as you live.”

Alex could see excitement in Jennifer’s eyes. The girl loved a juicy secret.

“Of course I promise. Haven’t I kept quiet about your traveling thing?”

Alex nodded. “Yeah, you’re right. Here’s the thing: when I traveled back in time, there was someone. A guy I felt I knew better than anyone in the world. It was like we belonged together forever. I guess I just realized I don’t feel that way about Drake.”

“Geez, Alex! You’re a junior in high school. Why are you thinking about the rest of your life? Do you really think you’re going to marry your high school sweetheart and live happily ever after? Get real. Now is the time to have fun, not meet your future husband.”

“I never said I was planning on marrying anyone—”

“Then why are you talking about these guys from the past like that? They are long dead anyway so what’s the harm in dating Drake or anyone else and having fun?”

“I don’t know. Maybe part of me is hoping I’ll run across someone like them in the present time. I’ve met someone special every time I’ve gone back so far.”

“I think you’re taking this way too seriously. And do you really think Beau is this special guy? He’s nothing but a jerk and he’ll never respect you or be your friend, Alex.”

“I never said I did! I just don’t feel for Drake what I felt for those other boys.”

“Those other boys aren’t here, Alex.”

“I know that! You just don’t get it. I felt something strange and wonderful when I was with those other guys. It’s hard to stay with someone when they don’t make you feel like you want to feel.” Alex tried to put her emotions into words but she was afraid Jennifer would never understand.

“Then you’ll likely end up alone, Alex. I think you’ve convinced yourself about those guys from the past. What do you think? That their spirit is being reincarnated too? Sounds a little too good to be true if you ask me.”

“I don’t know.” Alex groaned in frustration. The words she spoke did sound ridiculous and yet she couldn’t help how she felt. “Why else would the connection feel the same?”

Jennifer sighed loud enough to be heard over the stereo. “I don’t know, Alex. I’m not an expert. Just seems kinda harsh to treat Drake like crap when he hasn’t been anything but nice to you.”

“Is that really it? Or are you afraid James will break up with you if I dump Drake?”

“That’s ridiculous, Alex! I couldn’t care less if you break up with Drake.”

Alex rolled her eyes. She knew Jennifer well enough to know she was lying. Her face flushed and her voice got all high pitched and cracky. “Maybe I will then.” Alex tried to sound confident in her decision rather than pathetic and miserable.

Jennifer stomped on the brakes outside Alex’s house. “Do whatever you want.” Jennifer looked at Alex expectantly.

“I don’t want to fight with you—”

“Forget it. See you tomorrow, okay?”

It was clear Jennifer wanted the conversation to end and Alex out of the car. Alex mumbled good-bye as she grabbed her backpack from the backseat, slamming the door a little harder than she normally would.

Jennifer sped away, peppering Alex’s legs with dirt. She stood there for a minute staring open-mouthed as Jennifer’s Pontiac sped away. Her chest constricted and tears filled her eyes. She hated arguing with any of her friends but she hated arguing with Jennifer the most. While she and Amy got along fine, Alex knew she and Jennifer shared a special bond that went even beyond their sharing of Alex’s secret.

She walked into the house, thankful her mom was still at work. She didn’t want to discuss her day at school or to have her mom ask why she was upset. The last thing she wanted to do was talk about her problems with boys with her mom.

She’d never understand.

Alex stumbled to her bedroom amid a haze of salty tears. She had never felt so alone in her whole life. Everything had been so good, and all of a sudden, things were falling apart. Her best friend was mad at her, she no longer wanted Drake as a boyfriend, she didn’t understand why she was having thoughts about Beau, and she didn’t know what she was going to do about the evil Traveler.

She curled up in the fetal position, cradling a pillow against her chest and let the tears fall. Sobs wracked her body so hard her bed shook. Alex wished there was someone she could call, someone she could talk to about the torrent of emotions tearing her apart. She knew the Traveler would eventually succeed in killing her unless she could find the strength to kill him first. Facing her own demise was enough to send her over the edge into panic and hysteria. Lost and alone, desperate and afraid, Alex sent up a silent prayer to a being she wasn’t even certain existed.

Please God, I need help! I can’t face this man alone!


Alex awoke groggy and confused. She wiped her eyes and looked at the clock on her nightstand. Mom should be home in an hour. Her eyes felt heavy and tired. She walked into her bathroom to freshen up. If her mom saw her like this, she’d demand to know what was wrong.

As Alex stared at the reflection of her blood-shot hazel eyes, the image shifted to that of the Mongolian girl. Alex’s breath came faster as her arm raised of its own accord. She tried to fight the urge to touch the mirror but to no avail. Her fingers made contact with the mirror, which now felt like syrup, thick and sticky.

Terror and pain raged through her body. Her mouth opened involuntarily in a silent scream before the blackness took her.