The len() function

The simplest example is the len() function, which counts the number of items in some kind of container object, such as a dictionary or list. You've seen it before, demonstrated as follows::

>>> len([1,2,3,4])

You may wonder why these objects don't have a length property instead of having to call a function on them. Technically, they do. Most objects that len() will apply to have a method called __len__() that returns the same value. So len(myobj) seems to call myobj.__len__().

Why should we use the len() function instead of the __len__ method? Obviously, __len__ is a special double-underscore method, suggesting that we shouldn't call it directly. There must be an explanation for this. The Python developers don't make such design decisions lightly.

The main reason is efficiency. When we call __len__ on an object, the object has to look the method up in its namespace, and, if the special __getattribute__ method (which is called every time an attribute or method on an object is accessed) is defined on that object, it has to be called as well. Furthermore, the __getattribute__ for that particular method may have been written to do something nasty, such as refusing to give us access to special methods such as __len__! The len() function doesn't encounter any of this. It actually calls the __len__ function on the underlying class, so len(myobj) maps to MyObj.__len__(myobj).

Another reason is maintainability. In the future, Python developers may want to change len() so that it can calculate the length of objects that don't have __len__, for example, by counting the number of items returned in an iterator. They'll only have to change one function instead of countless __len__ methods in many objects across the board.

There is one other extremely important and often overlooked reason for len() being an external function: backward compatibility. This is often cited in articles as for historical reasons, which is a mildly dismissive phrase that an author will use to say something is the way it is because a mistake was made long ago and we're stuck with it. Strictly speaking, len() isn't a mistake, it's a design decision, but that decision was made in a less object-oriented time. It has stood the test of time and has some benefits, so do get used to it.