With the built-in property clouding the division between behavior and data, it can be confusing to know when to choose an attribute, or a method, or a property. The use case example we saw earlier is one of the most common uses of properties; we have some data on a class that we later want to add behavior to. There are also other factors to take into account when deciding to use a property.
Technically, in Python, data, properties, and methods are all attributes on a class. The fact that a method is callable does not distinguish it from other types of attributes; indeed, we'll see in Chapter 7, Python Object-Oriented Shortcuts, that it is possible to create normal objects that can be called like functions. We'll also discover that functions and methods are themselves normal objects.
The fact that methods are just callable attributes, and properties are just customizable attributes, can help us make this decision. Methods should typically represent actions; things that can be done to, or performed by, the object. When you call a method, even with only one argument, it should do something. Method names are generally verbs.
Once confirming that an attribute is not an action, we need to decide between standard data attributes and properties. In general, always use a standard attribute until you need to control access to that property in some way. In either case, your attribute is usually a noun. The only difference between an attribute and a property is that we can invoke custom actions automatically when a property is retrieved, set, or deleted.
Let's look at a more realistic example. A common need for custom behavior is caching a value that is difficult to calculate or expensive to look up (requiring, for example, a network request or database query). The goal is to store the value locally to avoid repeated calls to the expensive calculation.
We can do this with a custom getter on the property. The first time the value is retrieved, we perform the lookup or calculation. Then, we can locally cache the value as a private attribute on our object (or in dedicated caching software), and the next time the value is requested, we return the stored data. Here's how we might cache a web page:
from urllib.request import urlopen
class WebPage:
def __init__(self, url):
self.url = url
self._content = None
def content(self):
if not self._content:
print("Retrieving New Page...")
self._content = urlopen(self.url).read()
return self._content
We can test this code to see that the page is only retrieved once:
>>> import time >>> webpage = WebPage("http://ccphillips.net/") >>> now = time.time() >>> content1 = webpage.content Retrieving New Page... >>> time.time() - now 22.43316888809204 >>> now = time.time() >>> content2 = webpage.content >>> time.time() - now 1.9266459941864014 >>> content2 == content1 True
I was on an awful satellite connection when I originally tested this code for the first version of this book back in 2010 and it took 20 seconds the first time I loaded the content. The second time, I got the result in 2 seconds (which is really just the amount of time it took to type the lines into the interpreter). On my more modern connection it looks as follows:
>>> webpage = WebPage("https://dusty.phillips.codes")
>>> import time
>>> now = time.time() ; content1 = webpage.content ; print(time.time() - now)
Retrieving New Page...
>>> now = time.time() ; content2 = webpage.content ; print(time.time() - now)
It takes about 620 milliseconds to retrieve a page from my web host. From my laptop's RAM, it takes 0.018 milliseconds!
Custom getters are also useful for attributes that need to be calculated on the fly, based on other object attributes. For example, we might want to calculate the average for a list of integers:
class AverageList(list): @property def average(self): return sum(self) / len(self)
This very simple class inherits from list, so we get list-like behavior for free. We just add a property to the class, and hey presto, our list can have an average as follows:
>>> a = AverageList([1,2,3,4]) >>> a.average 2.5
Of course, we could have made this a method instead, but then we ought to call it calculate_average(), since methods represent actions. But a property called average is more suitable, and is both easier to type and easier to read.
Custom setters are useful for validation, as we've already seen, but they can also be used to proxy a value to another location. For example, we could add a content setter to the WebPage class that automatically logs into our web server and uploads a new page whenever the value is set.