Naked Dad

Mom shook me awake in the night.

“Your father wants to see you.”

The elevator door opened. The living room was full of people. It was like a birthday party only no one was speaking, just sitting there staring at my dad, who was sitting in the middle of the couch, naked. Then everyone stared as Mom wheeled me in front of him like a birthday cake. Before I could close my eyes, Dad jumped up and tried squeezing behind the TV but his butt was too big. He said something to my mom and she picked up the phone and called more and more people.

When our neighbour Macey got there she took one look and called an ambulance, though my mom objected. She didn’t want to make a fuss.

When the ambulance guys came, they convinced Dad to put his shorts back on and go peacefully with them. They kept him in the hospital overnight. When he came home, he seemed fine if slightly dazed.

No one ever mentioned this again.