The following concordance gives precedence to the original Tibetan in the first column, with Sanskrit equivalents in the middle column and English translations or proper names in the third column.
ka dag |
primordial purity |
kun tu’am rgyun du ’jog pa |
saṃsthāpana |
perpetual placement |
kun btags |
parikalpita |
imaginary nature |
kun da |
kunda |
generative essence (code word); lit., jasmine |
kun ’dar |
avadhūti |
central channel |
kun rdzob byang sems |
saṃvṛtibodhicitta |
relative enlightened mind |
kun gzhi |
ālaya |
substratum |
kun gzhi rnam par shes pa |
ālayavijnāna |
substratum consciousness |
kun bzang sdom pa gsum ldan |
threefold vows of Samantabhadra |
kyi hud |
hahava |
hell of lamentations (fourth of eight cold hells) |
kri ka |
epicanthus |
klags lung |
recited transmission |
klad kor |
anusvāra |
nasalization marker |
klad rgya |
mastakaluṅga |
cerebral membrane |
klu |
nāga |
serpentine water spirit |
klu chen brgyad |
aṣṭamahānāga |
eight great nāgas |
klu dbang ’khyil ba |
kuṇḍalinī |
coiled nāga (latent energy at base of spine) |
klong |
space, aureole, vortex |
dka’ thub kyi lam |
tapaścaryā |
way of austerities |
dka’ thub gsum |
three austerities |
dkar po’i sa bon stobs |
gaurībījabala |
power of the seed of virtuous action (first of five powers) |
dkon mchog gsum |
triratna |
three precious jewels |
dkyil krungs |
paryaṅka, āsana |
cross-legged posture |
dkyil ’khor |
maṇḍala |
maṇḍala |
bka’ rgya |
sealed injunction, restricted teaching |
bka’ babs bzhi |
four successions of the transmitted teachings |
bka’ ma |
distant lineage of orally transmitted teachings |
bka’ bzhi |
caturvacana |
four transmitted teachings/pronouncements |
rkang mgyogs kyi dngos grub |
jaṅeghākarasiddhi |
accomplishment of swift-footedness |
rkang mthil rlung |
pādatalavāyu |
wind at the soles of the feet |
rkyang pa |
single syllable |
rkyang ma |
lalanā |
left channel |
rkyen |
pratyaya |
condition, circumstance |
rkyen snang |
circumstantial appearance |
skad cig ma’i rang ’gros |
instantaneous natural dynamic |
skal ldan rjes ’dzin |
accepting of fortunate disciples |
sku |
kāya |
buddha body |
sku rdo rje |
kāyavajra |
adamantine reality of buddha body |
sku rdo rje’i rjes gzhig |
dissolution of the adamantine buddha body |
sku mi zad pa |
akṣayakāya |
inexhaustible buddha body |
sku gsum |
trikāya |
three buddha bodies |
sku gsum bla sgrub |
attainment of the guru as the three buddha bodies |
skyabs gnas |
śaraṇa |
refuge, object of refuge |
skye sgo |
utpattidvāra |
entrance to rebirth, cervix |
skye mched drug |
ṣadāyatana |
six sense fields |
skye gnas bzhi |
caturyoni |
four modes of birth |
skye ba ye shes kyi rim pa |
stage of pristine cognition that arises (third of four stages) |
skye med chig chod |
unique determination of the unborn state |
skye srid kyi dag byed |
purification of rebirth (third of three purifications) |
skyes bu chung ngu |
kāpuruṣa |
person of lesser capacity |
skyes bu chen po |
mahāpuruṣa |
person of greater capacity |
skyes bu ’bring |
madhyamapuruṣa |
person of middling capacity |
bskyed rim |
utpattikrama |
generation stage (of meditation) |
bskyed rim bdag byin gyis brlab pa |
self-consecration of the generation stage |
bskrad pa |
uccāṭana |
expulsion |
kha ton |
svādhyāya |
oral recitation |
kha nang du lta ba |
antaramukha |
introverted |
kha sbyor yan lag bdun |
saptasampuṭa |
seven aspects of union |
kha ’dzin |
opinion |
kha zas |
bhojana |
diet, food |
khams |
dhatu |
sensory element, material element, seminal fluid, physical constitution |
khams dangs ma |
generative essence |
khams ’dus pa tha ma |
final absorption of the sensory elements (i.e., stability) |
khams ’dus pa dang po |
initial absorption of the sensory elements (i.e., blazing of fierce inner heat) |
khams ’dus pa bar ma |
middling absorption of the sensory elements (i.e., dynamic movement) |
khaṭvāṅga |
khaṭvāṅga |
khaṭvāṅga scepter |
khu khrag |
semen and blood |
khu tshur |
muṣṭi (mudra) |
gesture of the fist |
khyab byed |
vyāna |
pervasive wind (associated with metabolism and muscular movement) |
khro rgyal |
krodhajina, krodharāja |
wrathful conqueror, wrathful king |
mkha’ ’gro ma |
ḍākinī |
ḍākinī, female muse, sky-farer |
mkhal rken |
perinephric area |
mkhal rtsa |
kidney channel |
’khor ba |
samsara, cyclic existence |
’khor ba’i nyes dmigs |
saṃsārādīnava |
defect of cyclic existence |
’khor lo |
cakra |
cakra, energy center, wheel-shaped anal plug |
’khor lo sgyur pa |
cakravartin |
universal emperor |
’khrul ’khor |
yantra |
yogic exercise, device |
’khrul ’byams |
pervasion of bewilderment (third of four pervasions) |
gang zag |
pudgala |
individual person |
gang zag gi bdag med |
pudgalanairātmya |
nonself of individual persons |
gang zag gsum |
three sorts of person |
gu gul |
guggula |
frankincense |
gud chung spun lnga |
five sibling frailties |
gus sbyor |
satkṛtyaprayoga |
devout application |
gegs sel nges |
definitive dispelling of obstacles |
goms stobs |
abhyāsabala |
power of familiarity (third of five powers) |
gol sa |
deviation |
gol sa bcad |
severing of deviations (third of the four syllables of the Great Seal) |
gos gyon |
wearing of clothing (as an ancillary yogic practice) |
gyen rgyu |
udānavāyu |
ascending wind (associated with the vocal cords) |
grub mtha’ |
siddhānta |
philosophical system, tenet |
grogs chos spyod bcu |
ten facilitating modes of doctrinal conduct |
grong ’jug |
resurrection |
grol lam |
muktimārga |
path of liberation (guidance) |
glang po che’i rna ba |
posture that resembles the ear of an elephant |
gleng gzhi |
nidāna |
introductory narrative |
dgang |
pūraka |
filling (second of four applications of wind) |
dga’ ’khyil |
nandyāvarta |
swirl of delight (motif) |
dga’ spro |
exaltation |
dga’ ba |
ānanda |
delight |
dga’ ba bcu drug |
ṣodaśānanda |
sixteen delights |
dga’ ba bzhi |
caturānanda |
four delights |
dga’ bral |
viramānanda |
absence of delight |
dge ba |
kuśala |
virtuous action |
dge ba chos sdud |
kuśaladharmasaṃgrāhaka |
discipline of gathering virtuous attributes |
dgongs thun rjes ma |
next evening session |
dgongs pa |
abhisandhi |
enlightened intention |
dgra bgegs tshar gcod pa |
eradication of hostile and obstructing forces |
’gag pa’i bden pa |
nirodhasatya |
truth of cessation |
’gyur ba rnam drug |
six aspects of transformation (of generative essence) |
’gyur ba’i sdug bsngal |
viparināmaduḥkhatā |
suffering of change |
’gyur med yongs grub |
avaivartasampanna |
unchanging consummate nature |
’gro ’dug mang po |
excessive movement (first of four challenges) |
rgya tshil |
deer fat |
rgya yan |
carefree |
rgyal |
king spirits (of anger) |
rgyal ’gong |
king spirits and bewitchers |
rgyal po rol pa |
rājalalita |
posture of royal ease |
rgyal ba |
jina |
conqueror, buddha |
rgyal ba rigs lnga |
pañcajina |
buddhas of the five enlightened families |
rgyal rigs |
kṣatriya |
princely class |
rgyal srid sna bdun |
saptarājyaratna |
seven insignia of royal dominion |
rgyas gdab gsum |
trimudraṇa |
three sealings |
rgyas pa’i las |
pauṣṭikakarma |
rite of enrichment |
rgyu mthun spyod |
niṣyandacaryā |
causally concordant conduct |
rgyu ba |
gati |
movement |
rgyu lhan cig skyes pa |
coemergence of the causal basis |
rgyud |
tantra |
continuum, tantra text |
rgyud sde bzhi |
four classes of tantra |
rgyud gsum |
three continua (ground, path, and result) |
rgyun gyi rnal ’byor drug |
six phases of continuous yoga |
rgyun gcig tu byed pa |
saṃsthāpanā |
perpetual placement |
rgyun du byed pa’am rtse gcig tu byed pa |
ekotīkaraṇa |
one-pointedness |
rgyun ’byams |
pervasion of continuity (fourth of four pervasions) |
rgyu’i bdag med |
hetunairātmya |
nonself of the causal basis |
sgo bcu |
daśadvāra |
ten orifices |
sgom |
bhāvanā |
meditation, cultivation |
sgom rim gsum |
tribhāvanā |
three stages of meditation |
sgom lam |
bhāvanāmārga |
path of meditation/cultivation |
sgyu ma |
māyā |
magical display, illusion |
sgyu ma’i dpe bcu gnyis |
twelve similes of magical display |
sgyu lus |
māyākāya |
illusory body |
sgyur byed |
vikāri |
earth pig year |
sgra |
śabda |
sound |
sgrub chen |
mahāsādhana |
great attainment |
sgrub pa |
sādhana |
attainment |
sgrub pa po |
sādhaka |
practitioner |
sgro btags |
āropa |
superimposition |
nga bdag |
ātma, svayam |
self, myself |
ngag ’dren pa |
recitation, recite |
ngag dben gsung rdo rje’i rnal ’byor |
yoga of adamantine buddha speech that entails the isolation of ordinary speech |
ngu ’bod |
raurava |
howling hell (fourth of eight hot hells) |
ngu ’bod chen po |
mahāraurava |
great howling hell (fifth of eight hot hells) |
nges byed bzhi |
caturniścaya |
four grades of ascertainment (warmth, peak, acceptance, and supremacy) |
nges gnas |
niyatistha |
real nature |
nges pa lnga |
pancaniścaya |
five certainties |
nges pa gsum |
three certainties |
nges par rgyu ba |
niścaraṇa |
definitive movement |
nges par ’jog pa’am bslan te ’jog pa |
avasthāpanā |
definitive or integrated placement |
ngo bo nyid |
svabhāva |
essential nature, inherent existence |
ngo bo nyid med gsum |
trayaniḥsvabhāva |
three essenceless natures |
ngo bo nyid gsum |
trisvabhāva |
three essential natures |
ngo bo sbyor ba bzhi |
four essential applications |
ngo bo’i bdag med |
svabhāvanairātmya |
nonself of the essential nature |
dngos gzhi |
maula |
main practice |
mngal sgo |
yonidvāra |
womb entrance |
mngon dkyil |
visualization maṇḍala |
mngon rtogs brgyad |
aṣṭābhisamaya |
eight phases of clear realization |
mngon shes lnga |
pancābhijnā |
five extrasensory powers |
rngub pa |
inhalation (first of four applications of wind) |
sngags |
mantra |
mantra, spell |
sngags kyi rnal ’byor |
mantrayoga |
yoga of mantra |
sngags pa |
mantrin |
practitioner of Mantra |
sngo ba |
pariṇāma |
dedication of merit |
sngon gyi gnas rjes su dran pa’i mngon par shes pa |
pūrvanivāsānusmṛtyābhijnā |
extrasensory power of the recollection of past lives |
sngon ’gro |
pūrvaka |
preliminaries, preliminary practices |
cang te’u |
ḍamaru |
skull drum |
cer phog |
direct focus |
cong zhi |
śaila |
calcite |
gcig bsgom mdud grol |
knots unraveled in a singular meditation |
gcig brjod kun khyab |
permeating all things in a singular utterance |
gcig shes kun grol |
all things liberated through singular knowledge |
bcas mtshams |
prescribed boundary |
bcud |
sattva, rasa |
(sentient) inhabitants, essence |
bcud bsdus |
condensed elixir |
bcud len |
rasāyana |
extraction of elixir |
lce’i dbang po |
jihvendriya |
sense faculty of the tongue |
lce’u chung |
lambikā |
uvula |
cha ga |
epicanthic |
fold |
cha shas kyi rten bcas |
calm abiding with a partial support |
chad lta |
ucchedavāda |
nihilism |
chig brgyud |
unique lineage (i.e., with a single lineage holder) |
chig chod blo bde |
ease of singular resolution |
chu stod |
āṣāḍha |
late-summer month |
chu bur can |
arbuda |
blistering hell (first of eight cold hells) |
chu bur rdol ba can |
nirarbuda |
blister-bursting hell (second of eight cold hells) |
chu bo rgyun gyi rnal ’byor |
yoga of continuous flow |
chu srung |
water protection rite |
chu’i dkyil ’khor |
udakamaṇḍala |
maṇḍala of water |
chu’i khams |
abdhātu |
water element |
chud ma zos pa gsum |
three things not to be squandered |
chos kyi sku |
dharmakāya |
buddha body of reality |
chos kyi khams |
dharmadhātu |
seed of reality, sensory element of phenomena |
chos kyi ’khor lo gsum |
trayadharmacakra |
three promulgations of the doctrinal wheel |
chos kyi bdag med |
dharmanairātmya |
selflessness of phenomena |
chos kyi gnas tshul |
dharmastithi |
abiding nature of reality |
chos kyi phyag rgya |
dharmamudrā |
phenomenal seal |
chos kyi ’byung gnas |
dharmodaya |
hexahedron (motif); lit., “source of phenomena” |
chos sku de bzhin nyid kyi ’pho ba |
consciousness transference into the reality of the buddha body of reality |
chos ’khor snying gi ’khor lo |
heart cakra of the phenomenal wheel |
chos gos rnam gsum |
tricīvara |
three religious robes |
chos can |
dharmin |
apparent thing, subject, topic, attribute |
chos nyid |
dharmatā |
reality, true nature of phenomena (i.e., emptiness) |
chos dbyings ye shes |
dharmadhātujnāna |
pristine cognition of reality’s expanse |
chod tshad |
evidence of determination (i.e., realization) |
mchog |
uttama, parama |
supremacy |
mchog dga’ |
paramānanda |
supreme delight |
mchog sbyin |
varadānam |
supreme generosity |
mchog sbyin gyi phyag rgya |
varadamudrā |
gesture of supreme boon |
mchod sdong |
yaṣti |
offering lamp |
’chi khar ye shes zang thal du btang ba’i rnal ’byor |
yoga that penetrates pristine cognition to its core at the time of death (sixth of six phases of continuous yoga) |
’chi bdag |
Yama |
lord of death |
’chi ba slu |
ritual on cheating death |
’chi med |
amartya |
deathlessness |
’chi srid kyi dag byed |
purification of death (first of three purifications) |
’chugs med mkha’ spyod kyi ’pho ba |
unerring consciousness transference into the realm of the sky-farers |
’jam rlung |
mṛduprāṇa |
gentle breathing |
’jam rlung dgang gtong |
filling and release of gentle wind |
’jam rlung bzung ba |
control of gentle wind |
’ja’ lus |
mahāsaṃkrāntikāya |
rainbow body |
’jigs pa brgyad |
aṣṭabhaya |
eight fears |
’jug gnas sdang gsum |
inhalation, pausing, and exhalation of breath |
’jug pa’i rnal ’byor |
yoga of engagement |
’jug pa’i byang chub sems |
prasthānabodhicitta |
engaged enlightened mind |
rjen rjen |
stark |
rjes thob |
pṛṣṭalabdha |
postmeditation |
rjes dran |
anusmṛti |
recollection (fifth branch of six-branch yoga) |
rjes dran lnga |
five recollections (Kadampa) |
rjes gnang |
anujnā |
initiation, permissory rite |
rjes sbyor |
upayoga |
subsequent application |
rjes gzhig |
dissolution |
brjed byang |
ṭippaṇī |
memorandum |
brjed ’byams |
pervasion of forgetfulness (first of four pervasions) |
nyams |
experience |
nyams rtogs bskul byed kyi sgron ma |
lamp that inspires experiential realization (fourth of five lamps) |
nyams len |
upagamana |
experiential cultivation |
nyams len sngags rim |
stage of mantra to be experientially cultivated |
nyams rlung |
degenerate wind |
nyams gsum |
three meditative experiences |
nyal ba’i rnal ’byor |
svapnayoga |
sleeping yoga, dream yoga |
nyi tshe dmyal ba |
pratyekanaraka |
ephemeral hells |
nyin rtags drug |
six signs indicative of daytime yoga |
nyin mo snang ba rgyas gdab pa’i rnal ’byor |
yoga that secures appearances during the daytime (first of six phases of continuous yoga) |
nyin mo’i rnal ’byor |
divāyoga |
daytime yoga |
nye ’khor dmyal ba |
upāntanaraka |
neighboring hells |
nye bar ’jog pa |
upasthāpanā |
intensified placement |
nye bar zhi bar byed pa |
vyupaśamana |
intensified calming, quiescence |
nyes byas |
duṣkṛta |
minor (monastic) offenses |
gnyan khrod |
haunted |
mountain range |
gnyan sa |
rugged place |
gnyis med |
advaya |
nonduality |
gnyug ma’i don |
ādyārtha |
innate truth |
gnyug ma’i lha |
ādyādevatā |
innate deity |
gnyugs ma’i rang so |
innate natural state |
gnyen po rkyen thub |
capacity to apply antidotes according to the circumstances (fourth of five capacities) |
mnyam nyid kyi ye shes |
samatājnāna |
pristine cognition of sameness |
mnyam gnas kyi rlung |
samānavāyu |
stabilizing wind |
mnyam med snying rje’i rnal ’byor |
union of peerless compassion |
mnyam bzhag |
samasaṃsthāpa |
meditative equipoise, placement in meditative equipoise |
snying gi thig le bcu drug |
sixteen spheres of the heart (Kadampa) |
snying rje |
karuṇā |
compassion |
snying gtam |
innermost advice |
snying po ma |
primary essential |
snying po’i yang snying po |
quintessential |
snyems pa |
parāmarśa |
egotistical pride |
snyems ’phrigs |
arrogant conjecture |
snyel byang |
memorandum |
bsnyen sgrub |
sevāsādhana |
ritual service and attainment |
bsnyen pa |
sevā |
ritual service |
bsnyen par rdzogs |
upasampadā |
full monastic ordination |
ting nge ’dzin |
samādhi |
meditative stability (sixth branch of six-branch yoga) |
ting ’dzin sems dpa’ |
samādhisattva |
being of meditative stability |
gtad so |
focus |
gti mug |
moha |
delusion |
gtum mo |
caṇḍālī |
fierce inner heat, channel of fierce inner heat |
gtum mo dmigs pa bco brgyad |
eighteen visualizations of the fierce inner heat |
gtum mo zad bza’ |
consumption of the channel of fierce inner heat (a yogic exercise) |
gtum mo ras thub |
capacity to wear the cotton robe of the fierce inner heat (first of five capacities) |
gter kha bco brgyad |
eighteen treasure troves (of Guru Chowang) |
gter ma |
nidhi |
treasure, revelation |
gtor ma |
bali |
torma offering |
rta zhon |
riding of the horse (ancillary yogic practice) |
rtag lta |
śāśvatadṛṣṭi |
eternalism |
rtags lta |
liṅga, cihna |
sign |
rten dkyil ’khor gyi thig le bzhi |
four spheres of the supporting maṇḍala (Kadampa) |
rten bcas kyi zhi gnas |
sāśrayaśamatha |
calm abiding with a support |
rten ’brel |
pratītyasamutpāda |
dependent origination, auspicious circumstance |
rten ’brel chig chod kyi khrid |
guidance that determines auspicious circumstances |
rten med kyi zhi gnas |
anāsrayaśamatha |
calm abiding without a support |
rtog ge |
tarka |
sophistry |
rtog pa |
kalpa |
ideation |
rtog pa’i rnal ’byor |
kalpayoga |
conceptual yoga |
rtog dpyod ’od kyi sgron ma |
lamp of the light of ideation and scrutiny |
rtogs pa |
adhigama |
realization |
lta stangs |
avalokita |
yogic gaze |
lta ba |
dṛṣṭi |
view |
ltag par stobs kyi rlung |
wind of power at the back |
ltung ba |
āpatti |
downfall |
lto ba ldebs pa |
contracting the abdomen |
ltos med bzhi |
caturanapekṣa |
four things to disregard |
sta gon |
adhivāsana |
preparatory empowerment rite |
stan ’ding |
āsanadāna |
spreading of the mat (ancillary yogic practice) |
stegs bu |
vedikā |
platform |
steng gi skyil krung |
ūrdhvaparyaṅka |
upper posture |
steng sgo |
ūrdhvadvāra |
upper gate |
steng rlung |
ūrdhvavāyu |
upper wind |
stong chen yig ge lnga |
five syllables of great emptiness |
stong pa nyid |
śūnyatā |
emptiness |
stong pa’i byang chub |
śūnyatābodhi |
generative essence of emptiness |
stong ra |
empty frame |
stod g.yogs |
uttarīya |
upper robe |
stobs lnga |
pañcabala |
five powers |
stobs bcu |
daśabala |
ten powers |
brtan pa’i rtags drug |
six signs of stability |
brtan pa’i yan lag |
supportive ancillary practices |
brten pa lha’i thig le drug |
six spheres of the supported deities (Kadampa) |
bstan pa |
śāsana |
Buddhist teaching |
tha snyad don ’tshol gyi sgron ma |
lamp that seeks conventional methods (first of five lamps) |
tha mal gyi gtum mo |
ordinary fierce inner heat |
thab ’gal gyi phyag rgya |
sealing gesture of the opposing stoves |
thabs |
upāya |
skillful means, method |
thabs lta stangs |
yogic gaze of skillful means |
thabs lhan cig skyes pa |
coemergence of skillful means |
thal chen |
mahābhasma |
human ash |
thig nag |
kālasūtra |
black line hell (second of eight hot hells) |
thig le |
binṇdṇu |
vital essence, sphere, drop |
thig le dkar dmar |
red and white vital essences |
thig le nyag gcig |
unique vital essence |
thig le stong pa’i sgron me |
lamp of the empty vital essence |
thig le yig ge drug |
six syllables of vital essence |
thig le longs spyod |
resource of vital essences |
thig le’i rnal ’byor |
yoga of the vital essence |
thugs |
citta |
buddha mind |
thugs dam |
steadfast meditation, meditational deity (hon.), postdeath meditation |
thugs rdo rje |
cittavajra |
adamantine reality of buddha mind |
thugs mi zad pa |
akṣayacitta |
inexhaustible buddha mind |
thun |
prahara, yāma, hāraka |
session (of meditation), ritual charm |
thun bzhi’i rnal ’byor |
catuḥpraharayoga four-session yoga |
thub pa lnga |
five capacities |
thur sel |
apānavāyu |
descending purgative wind |
theg pa chung |
hīnayāna |
Lesser Vehicle |
theg pa chen po |
mahāyāna |
Great Vehicle |
them yig |
signpost |
tho yig |
memorandum, notes |
tho rangs rig pa gsal char btab pa’i rnal ’byor |
yoga that illuminates awareness at dawn (fifth of six phases of continuous yoga) |
thod rgal |
vyutkrānta |
all-surpassing (realization) |
mtha’ brgyad |
aṣṭānta |
eight extremes |
mtha’ bzhi |
caturānta |
four limits |
mthar thug lnga |
five culminations of Khyungpo Neljor |
mthar thug chos kyi rnal ’byor |
yoga of conclusive attributes |
mthar phyin pa’i lam |
niṣṭāmārga |
path of conclusion |
mthar lam |
niṣṭāmārga |
path of conclusion |
mthun dpe |
simile of compatibility |
mthong lam |
darśanamārga |
path of insight |
dag pa gsum |
three purities |
dag pa’i ’khor lo |
śuddhacakra |
pure cycle |
dag pa’i sgyu lus |
śuddhamāyākāya |
pure illusory body |
dag pa’i snang ba |
pure appearance |
dag byed gsum |
three purifications |
dang ba |
prasāda |
conviction (first of four modes of faith) |
dangs ba’i rlung |
lucid wind |
dad pa |
śraddhā |
faith |
dam pa rigs brgya |
one hundred sacral aspects |
dam tshig |
samaya |
commitment |
dam tshig gi phyag rgya |
samayamudrā |
commitment seal |
dam tshig sems dpa’ |
samayasattva |
being of commitment |
dam rdzas |
samayadravya |
sacrament of commitment |
dal ’byor |
kṣaṇasampat |
freedoms and advantages |
dug lnga |
pañcaviṣa |
five poisons |
dug zhi ba |
alleviation of poison |
dug gsum |
triviṣa |
three poisons |
dus sbyor kyi rlung |
winds of temporal conjunction |
de kho na nyid kyi rim pa |
stage of the real nature |
de bzhin nyid kyi dag pa |
purity of the real nature (first of three purities) |
don lnga |
five solid viscera |
don spyi |
arthasāmānya |
general concept |
don lhan skyes dbu ma |
genuine, innate middle way |
drag gi las |
krūrakarma |
rite of wrath |
drag po’i thun rdzas |
sacramental charm for wrathful rites |
drag rlung |
strong breathing |
dran pa gcig pa’i rnal ’byor |
yoga of single recollection |
dri ma |
mala, gandha |
odor |
dri za |
gandharva |
gandharva; lit., “odor eater” |
dri za’i grong khyer |
gandharvanagara |
gandharva spirit town |
dril bu |
ghaṇṭā |
bell |
dregs pa |
proud spirit |
drod gsum |
three aspects of warmth |
dvangs cha |
clarity aspect |
dvangs ma |
pure essence, chyle, semen |
dvangs ma gsum |
three pure essences (of channels, winds, and generative fluids) |
dvangs ma’i khye’u chung |
offspring of pure essence |
dvangs ma’i srog |
vitality of pure essence |
gdangs |
ojas |
luster, glow, resonance, incandescence |
gdong rtse |
coinage with hole in the middle |
gdon |
malign spirit |
gdol pa |
caṇḍāla |
outcaste |
bdag |
ātman |
self, soul, I |
bdag gi srung ba |
protection of self |
bdag nyid chen po |
mahatma |
great identity |
bdag po’i ’bras bu |
adhipatiphala |
predominant result |
bdag ’dzin |
ātmagraha |
self-grasping |
bdag gzhan brje ba |
exchanging of self and others |
bdud rtsi lnga |
pancāmṛta |
five nectars |
bdud bzhi |
caturmāra |
four malevolent forces/devils |
bdun tshig |
forty-nine-day ceremony |
bde ba |
sukha bliss |
bde ba’i rang nyams lhan cig skyes ma |
innate personal experience of bliss |
bde stong |
bliss and emptiness |
bde drod |
blissful warmth, warmth of bliss |
mdo |
sūtra |
discourse |
’da’ kha ma |
ātyaya |
time of death |
’da’ kha ma grong ’jug |
resurrection at the time of death |
’du byed kyi sdug bsngal |
saṃskāraduḥkhatā |
suffering of conditioned existence |
’du byed kyi phung po |
saṃskāraskandha |
aggregate of formative predispositions |
’du shes kyi phung po |
aṃjñāskandha |
aggregate of perceptions |
’du shes gsum |
three perceptions of male, female, and nondual union |
’dul bar byed pa |
damana |
control |
’dre |
evil spirit |
’dod chags |
rāga |
desire |
’dod pa |
icchā |
longing (second of four modes of faith) |
’dod ma’i gnas lugs |
original abiding nature |
’dod zad |
dispassion |
rdo rje |
vajra |
adamantine reality, vajra (emblem), penis |
rdo rje skyil krung |
vajraparyaṅka |
cross-legged adamantine posture |
rdo rje rgya gram |
viśvavajra |
crossed vajra |
rdo rje ’jig byed kyi rnal ’byor |
union of Vajrabhairava |
rdo rje nor bu |
vajramaṇi |
adamantine gem (i.e., penis) |
rdo rje gtsug gtor |
vajroṣṇīṣa |
adamantine protuberance |
rdo rje ’dzin pa’i sa |
level of an adamantine holder (thirteenth buddha level) |
rdo rje gsum gyi ril ’dzin |
encompassing of the three adamantine realities |
rdo rje’i gur |
vajrapañjara |
adamantine tent |
rdo rje’i rba rlabs |
adamantine waves of blessing (a yogic practice) |
rdo rje’i bzlas pa |
adamantine recitation |
rdo rje’i lus |
vajrakāya |
adamantine body |
rdo rje’i rva |
vajra |
prong |
ldang ba’i rnal ’byor |
yoga of reemergence |
ldog gi tshad |
evidence of pitfalls |
sdigs mdzub |
tarjanīmudrā |
gesture of menace |
sdug bsngal gyi sdug bsngal |
duḥkhaduḥkhatā |
suffering of suffering |
sdug bsngal gsum |
triduḥkhatā |
three sorts of suffering |
sdud rim |
saṃhārakrama |
phase of absorption (of wind) |
sde tshan brgyad |
aṣṭavarga |
eight phonetic sets of syllables (consonants and vowels) |
sdod tshugs pa |
withdrawal |
sdom pa gsum |
trisaṃvara |
three vows |
sdom pa’i khrims |
discipline of observing vows |
brda dbang |
symbolic empowerment |
brda’ don ’grol ba’i sgron ma |
lamp that unravels the symbolic meaning (third of five lamps) |
bsdus ’joms |
saṅghāta |
crushing hell (third of eight hot hells) |
nag khrid gsung bgros |
black guidance that is discussed |
nang gi skye mched lnga |
pancādhyātmikāyatana |
five inner sense fields |
nang gi lhan cig skyes ma |
innate inner state |
nang bltas |
internal inspection |
nang nub ’dod yon grogs su ’khyer ba’i rnal ’byor |
yoga that carries the attributes of desire on the path as an assist during mornings and evenings (second of six phases of continuous yoga) |
nad gdon ’khrugs thub |
capacity to agitate diseases and demonic possession (third of five capacities) |
nā da |
nāda |
vibration |
nam mkha’i khams |
ākāśadhātu |
space element |
nam gung shes bya bum par gzhug pa’i rnal ’byor |
yoga that induces knowable phenomena into the vase (of luminosity) at midnight (fourth of six phases of continuous yoga) |
nor bu |
maṇi |
gem, penis |
nor bu mig gsum |
three-eyed gem |
gnad |
marma |
crucial/essential point |
gnad ’doms |
essential point |
gnad phyugs med dgu |
nine unerring essentials (of dream yoga) |
gnas kyi srung ba |
protection of environment |
gnas cha |
abiding aspect |
gnas brtan |
sthavira |
elder |
gnas pa’i rnal ’byor |
yoga of abiding |
gnas tshad |
correct standard |
gnas lugs |
sthiti |
abiding nature of reality |
gnas su dag pa |
inherent purity |
gnas sum mkha’ ’gro |
ḍākinīs of the three abodes |
mnar med |
avīci |
hell of ultimate torment (eighth of eight hot hells) |
rnam gcod |
vyavaccheda |
preclusion |
rnam rtog ’gyu tshad |
plethora of fleeting conceptual thoughts |
rnam thar sgo gsum |
trivimokṣamukha |
three gateways of liberation |
rnam snang gi chos bdun |
vairocanasaptadharma |
sevenfold posture of Vairocana |
rnam pa |
ākāra |
apparition, apparent form, sensum |
rnam pa kun ldan gyi mchog dang ldan pa’i stong pa nyid |
sarvākāraguṇopetaśūnyatā |
emptiness in all its finest aspects |
rnam par dpyad pa’i stong pa nyid |
vicāraśūnyatā |
analytical emptiness |
rnam smin gyi ’bras bu |
vipākaphala |
ripening result of past actions |
rnam smin gyi lus |
vipākakāya |
maturational body |
rnam shes kyi phung po |
vijnānaskandha |
aggregate of consciousness |
rnam shes sgo lnga |
five sensory consciousnesses |
rnam shes tshogs brgyad |
aṣtavijñānakāya |
eight aspects of consciousness |
rnal ’byor |
yoga |
yoga, union, engagement |
rnal ’byor gyi srung ba |
protection of engagement |
rna’i dbang po |
śrotrendriya |
sense faculty of the ears |
snang chen |
grand subtle perception (of whiteness) (second of four subtle perceptions) |
snang mched thob gsum |
three phases of subtle perception, diffusion, and attainment (i.e., whiteness, redness, and blackness at the time of death) |
snang ba |
ābhāsa |
appearance, perception, pure visionary appearance (Great Perfection), subtle perception (first of four subtle perceptions) |
snang ba mched pa |
diffusion of subtle perception (i.e., redness) |
snang [ba nyer] thob |
attainment of subtle perception (i.e., blackness, third of four subtle perceptions) |
snang ba byin gyis brlab pa |
consecration of appearances |
snang ba bzhi |
four subtle perceptions, four pure visionary appearances (Great Perfection) |
snang tshul |
apparent modality |
sna’i dbang po |
ghrāṇendriya |
sense faculty of the nose |
snod |
bhājana |
inhabited world |
snod drug |
six hollow viscera |
bsnol ma |
cross |
padma |
padma |
lotus, vagina |
padma ltar gas pa |
padmanaraka |
hell of lotus-like cracks (seventh of eight cold hells) |
padma ltar cher gas pa |
mahāpadmanaraka |
hell of large lotus-like cracks (eighth of eight cold hells) |
po ti gdong ras can |
labeled book |
pod dbang |
empowerment of the book |
dpa’ bo gcig po |
ekavīra |
solitary spiritual warrior (i.e., without consort) |
dpa’ bo chig chod |
heroic determination |
dpal be’u |
śrīvatsa |
heart-orb motif |
dpe dang don gyi ye shes |
upamārthajnāna |
illustrative and genuine pristine cognitions |
dpe don ston pa’i sgron ma |
lamp that reveals the illustrative meaning (second of five lamps) |
dpe’i ye shes |
upamajnāna |
exemplary pristine cognition |
dpyod pa |
vicāra |
scrutiny |
spang ba |
parityāga, prahāṇa |
renunciation |
spu gri’i thang |
kṣuranaraka |
plain of razors (third neighboring hell) |
spu ris |
subtle distinction, hairbreadth distinction |
spyi sbyor |
general application |
spyi gtsug bde chen gyi ’khor lo |
crown cakra of supreme bliss |
spyil bu |
kuṭi |
grass hermitage |
spyod lam |
caryāmārga, īryāpatha |
regimen |
sprul pa lte ba’i ’khor lo |
navel cakra of emanation |
sprul pa’i sku |
nirmāṇakāya |
buddha body of emanation |
spros pa |
prapañca |
conceptual elaboration |
pha rgyud |
pitṛtantra |
father tantra |
pha chos |
inherited teaching, ancestral teaching |
pha rol gyi sems kyi mngon par shes pa |
paracittābhijnā |
extrasensory power of knowledge of the minds of others |
phag mo’i brda dbang |
symbolic empowerment of Vajravārāhī |
phung po |
skandha |
aggregate |
phung po lnga |
pañcaskandha |
five aggregates |
phur bus gtab pa |
kīlitana |
thrusting of the ritual spike |
phur bus btab pa |
kīlita |
struck by the ritual spike |
pho skor |
yogic |
exercise of stomach rotation |
pho zhe sdang skye ba’i yul |
object giving rise to male hatred |
phyag rgya chen po |
mahāmudrā |
Great Seal |
phyag rgya chen po gding thub |
capacity to fathom the Great Seal (fifth of five capacities) |
phyag rgya chen po’i yi ge bzhi |
four syllables of the Great Seal |
phyag rgya bzhi |
caturmudrā |
four seals |
phyag rgyun |
practical transmission |
phyi bltas |
external inspection |
phyi’i skye mched lnga |
pancabāhyāyatana |
five outer sense fields |
phyin ci ma log pa’i yongs grub |
aviparyāsapariniṣpanna |
incontrovertible consummate nature |
phyir phul ba |
pratyarpita |
pushing out |
phyir mi ldog pa |
avinivartanīya |
incontrovertibility (fourth of four modes of faith) |
phyed skyil |
ardhaparyaṅka |
semi-cross-legged posture |
phra rgyas |
anuśaya |
subtle impulse |
phra thig gi rnal ’byor |
yoga of subtle vital essence |
phrag dog |
īrṣyā |
jealousy |
phrin las |
kārya, karma |
enlightened activity |
’phangs |
elevation (fourth of four applications of wind) |
’phen stobs |
ākṣepabala |
power of propelling intention (second of five powers) |
’pho skyas |
excessive migration (second of four challenges) |
’pho chung |
saṃkrānti |
minor cycle (of wind) |
’pho chen |
mahāsaṃkrānti |
major cycle (of wind) |
’pho ba |
saṃkrānti |
transference of consciousness |
’phrul sbyar ba’i dbang |
transformative empowerment |
ba nu’i man ngag |
pith instruction named cow’s udder |
bag chags |
vāsanā |
propensity |
bag chags kyi lus |
vāsanākāya |
body of propensities |
bar thun rjes ma |
next middle session of the day |
bar do |
antarābhava |
intermediate state |
bar do’i dag byed |
purification of the intermediate state (second of three purifications) |
bar srid |
antarābhava |
intermediate state |
bu chung gi lam |
way of Buchung |
bu ’od gsal |
child luminosity |
bum pa can |
kumbhaka |
vase breathing |
bum dbang |
kalaśābhiṣeka |
vase empowerment |
bur ston chen po |
molasses feast |
be’u bum |
anthology of teachings |
bon po |
Bonpo |
bya grub pa’i ye shes |
kṛtyānusthānajñāna |
pristine cognition of accomplishment |
bya btang |
renunciation |
bya bral |
freedom from activity |
bya ma rta |
cāra |
messenger |
bya ra |
adṛsyapuruṣa |
sentinel |
byang chub |
bodhi |
enlightenment |
byang chub kyi phyogs chos |
bodhipakṣadharma |
factors conducive to enlightenment |
byang chub kyi sems |
bodhicitta |
enlightened mind, generative essence/fluid |
byang chub lnga |
pañcabodhicitta |
five generative essences |
byang chub sems kyi thig le |
vital essence of generative fluid, sphere of enlightened mind |
byang chub sems dpa’ |
bodhisattva bodhisattva |
byang chub sems dpa’i sdom pa |
bodhisattvasaṃvara |
vows of the bodhisattvas |
byang sems gnyis |
twofold enlightened mind |
byams pa |
maitrī loving-kindness |
bying ba |
magna mental dullness |
bying rmugs |
sluggish inertia |
byin gyis rlabs pa’i rnal ’byor |
yoga of consecration |
byin rlabs |
adhiṣṭhāna |
blessing, consecration |
byin rlabs bla ma’i rnal ’byor |
union with the teacher (guru yoga) who confers blessings |
byin rlabs bla ma’i ’pho ba |
consciousness transference of the guru’s blessing |
byin rlabs bzhi |
caturadhiṣṭhāna |
four blessings |
byin brlabs rang byung gi sgron ma |
lamp of self-originating consecration (fifth of five lamps) |
byis ’jug bdun |
seven neophyte empowerments (in Kālacakra) |
bye ba khrag khrig |
koṭiniyuta |
million trillion |
byed pa rgyu mthun |
kāraṇaniṣyandahetuphala |
result corresponding to its cause on the basis of past |
activities |
bram dze |
brāhmaṇa |
brahmin, priestly class |
bris sku |
citrapaṭa |
icon |
bla ma |
guru |
teacher |
bla ma kun ’dus |
Gathering of All Gurus (i.e., teacher) |
bla rtsa |
pulse of vitality |
bla tshe |
vitality |
blo sna |
excessive thought (third of four challenges) |
dbang |
abhiṣeka |
empowerment |
dbang gi yul |
viṣaya |
sense object |
dbang gi las |
vaṣitakriyā |
rite of subjugation |
dbang chog |
abhiṣekakrama |
empowerment rite |
dbang bzhi |
caturabhiṣeka |
four empowerments |
dbang bzhi pa |
caturthābhiṣeka |
fourth empowerment |
dbang lag |
orchid |
dbu ma thal gyur ba |
prāsaṅgika mādhyamika |
consequentialist mādhyamika |
dbu ma rang rgyud pa |
svāntantrika mādhyamika |
syllogistic mādhyamika |
dbu ma’i ’bar ’dzag |
burning and dripping (of syllables/vital essence) within the central channel |
dbu ma’i lam |
madhyamapratipat |
middle way |
dbu mdzad |
chant master |
dbugs ’byung ’jug |
cycle of respiration |
dbyings |
dhatu |
expanse |
dbyibs kyi rnal ’byor |
yoga of form |
dbye |
ritual separation |
dbye cha |
distinguished aspect |
dbye byed |
distinguisher |
’bogs lugs |
conferral |
’byams pa bzhi |
four pervasions (in dream yoga) |
’byung nye ba rnams |
adhyāpatti |
specific subsidiary downfalls |
’byung ba bzhi |
caturbhūta |
four elements |
’byongs pa’i rtags bzhi |
four signs of refinement |
’bras bu |
phala |
fruition |
’bras bu bzhi |
catuḥphala |
four types of result |
’bras bu lhan cig skyes pa |
coemergence of the result |
sbyang ba gsum |
triviśodhana |
three refinements |
sbyin pa |
dāna |
generosity, gift |
sbyin pa gsum |
three aspects of generosity |
sbyor lam |
prayogamārga |
path of connection |
ma rgyud |
mātṛtantra |
mother tantra |
ma dag pa’i sgyu lus |
aśuddhamāyakāya |
impure illusory body |
ma dag pa’i snang ba |
impure appearances |
ma ’od gsal |
mother luminosity |
ma rig kun ldan gti mug |
delusion embodying all fundamental ignorance |
mal |
natural condition |
mas brtan gyi dga’ ba bcu drug |
sixteen aspects of delight, stabilized from below |
mas brtan gyi dga’ ba bzhi |
four delights ascending from below |
mi bskyod pa |
Akṣobhya, urine (coded term) |
mi rtag pa |
anitya |
impermanence |
mi rtog pa |
avikalpanā |
nonconceptualization |
mi mthun pa’i dpe |
pratidṛṣṭānta |
simile of incompatibility |
mi zad pa’i blo gros |
akṣayamati |
inexhaustible intelligence |
mi slob pa’i zung ’jug |
coalescence (of the path) of no-more-learning |
mi’i klad pa |
naragoda, mastaka |
human brain |
mi’i tshil |
human fat |
mig gi dbang po |
cakṣurindriya |
sense faculty of the eyes |
mig thur ma |
cataract scalpel |
mig rtsa |
optic nerve |
mun khang |
apavaraka |
darkened room |
me mnyam |
samāna |
fire-accompanying wind (associated with digestion) |
me thab drug |
six opposing stoves (posture of the hands, legs, and elbows) |
me ma mur gyi ’obs |
agnikhadā |
pit of burning embers (first neighboring hell) |
me long gi ye shes |
ādarśajnāna |
mirrorlike pristine cognition |
me’i dkyil ’khor |
agnimaṇḍala |
maṇḍala of fire |
me’i khams |
tejodhātu |
fire element |
med snang khyab gsum |
nonexistence, appearance, and pervasion |
mo ’dod chags skye ba’i yul |
object giving rise to female desire |
mya ngan las ’das |
nirvāṇa |
nirvana |
myong ba rgyu mthun |
anubhavaniṣyandahetuphala |
result corresponding to its cause on the basis of past experience |
dman pa dbyibs kyi rnal ’byor |
yoga of lower forms |
dmigs tho |
list of visualizations |
dmigs pa’i snying po dus gsum |
three essential phases of visualization |
dmigs pa’i gnas drill |
quintessential points of visualization |
rmi nyams |
experience of dreams |
rmi lam |
svapna |
dream yoga |
rmi lam bsgyur ba |
transformation of dreams |
rmi lam spel ba |
increase of dreams |
rmi lam sbyang ba |
refinement of dreams |
rmi lam gzung ba |
retention of dreams |
rmongs |
vyāmoha |
obfuscation |
smad dkris |
ardhoruka |
skirt |
smar khrid mdzub btsugs |
direct guidance that is pointed out |
smin lam |
path of maturation (empowerment) |
smon pa’i byang chub sems |
praṇidhibodhicitta |
aspirational enlightenment |
smon lam stobs |
praṇidhānabala |
power of aspirational prayer (fifth of five powers) |
tsog bu |
utkuṭaka |
crouching posture |
gtsug gtor |
uṣṇīṣa |
crown protuberance |
gtsub shing me’i ’khrul ’khor |
kindling fire with a rubbing stick (yogic exercise) |
gtso bo sems dpa’ sum brtsegs |
three-tiered principal beings (of commitment, pristine cognition, and meditative stability) |
gtso bo’i nga rgyal |
pradhānāhaṃkāra |
egocentricity of primal matter |
btsan bkra |
auspicious tsen spirit |
btsan thabs |
haṭha |
forceful method |
rtsa |
nāḍi |
channel |
rtsa khyim |
framework of channels |
rtsa ’khor ’dab ma |
channel branch |
rtsa brgyud bla ma’i thig le drug |
six spheres of the teachers of the root lineage (Kadampa) |
rtsa dag sku rdo rje |
channels as the adamantine reality of buddha body |
rtsa mdud |
channel knot |
rtsa ’dab |
channel branch |
rtsa ba rgyu’i rnal ’byor |
union of the primary causal basis |
rtsa ba’i bla ma |
mūlaguru |
root teacher |
rtsa ba’i rlung lnga |
pancavāta |
five primary winds |
rtsa ba’i sems |
mūlacitta |
fundamental mind |
rtsa dbu ma |
avadhūti |
central channel |
rtsa sbubs |
channel enclosure |
rtsa’i rnal ’byor |
nāḍiyoga |
yoga of the channels |
rtsub rlung bstan thabs |
forceful method of rough breathing |
rtsub rlung bum pa can |
rough vase breathing |
rtsol ba |
prayatna, samudyoga |
articulation of sound, exertion |
rtsol ba’i rlung |
wind of exertion |
brtse ba |
prema |
love |
brtsegs kyi yi ge |
stacked letter |
brtson ’grus |
vīrya |
perseverance |
tsha ba |
tapana |
heating hell (sixth of eight hot hells) |
tshang bug |
brahmārandha |
fontanel |
tshad med bzhi |
caturaprameya |
four immeasurable aspirations |
tshad rims kyis ’debs pa |
affliction through fever |
tshig brgyud chen po |
great word transmission |
tshig zin |
memo |
tshigs chen bcu gnyis |
twelve major joints |
tshul khrims |
śīla |
ethical discipline |
tshe grub |
long-life attainment |
tshe dbang |
long-life empowerment |
tsheg drag |
visarga |
visarga (aspiration marker) |
tshogs |
sambhāra |
accumulation, provision |
tshogs |
gaṇa |
communal offering |
tshogs lam |
sambhāramārga |
path of provisions |
tshor ba’i phung po |
vedanāskandha |
aggregate of feelings |
mtshan rtags bzhi |
four signs indicative of nighttime yoga |
mtshan dpe |
lakṣaṇavyañjana |
major and minor marks |
mtshan ma lnga |
five signs (of the dissolution of the elements) |
mtshan mo’i rnal ’byor |
rātriyoga |
nighttime yoga |
mtshams sbyor |
anusandhi |
reconnection (with propensities of past life), reincarnation |
mtshogs ma |
fontanel |
mdzod spu |
ūrṇakośa |
hair ringlet |
’dzin pa |
grahaṇa |
retention (fourth branch of six-branch yoga) |
rdzu ’phrul gyi mngon par shes pa |
ṛddhyābhijñā |
extrasensory power of miraculous abilities |
rdzogs pa chen po |
mahāsandhi |
Great Perfection |
rdzogs rim |
sampannakrama |
perfection stage (of meditation) |
wal wal |
vibrant |
zhi ba |
śānta |
calm |
zhi ba’i las |
śāntikriyā |
rite of pacification |
zhi bar byed pa |
śamana |
calming |
zhi byed |
śamana |
pacification |
zhun chen |
melted human fat |
zhe sdang rdo rje |
dveṣavajra |
adamantine reality of hatred |
gzhan stong |
extraneous emptiness |
gzhan dbang |
paratantra |
dependent nature |
gzhan ’byor lnga |
pancānyasampat |
five circumstantial advantages |
gzhal yas khang |
vimāna |
celestial palace |
gzhi |
ādhāra, āśraya, mūla |
ground |
gzhi gnas |
śamatha |
calm abiding |
gzhi rtsa bcad |
basis that eradicates obscuration (first of the four syllables of the Great Seal) |
gzhi’i rgyud |
continuum of the ground |
gzhil ba |
praśāntaka |
crushing (third of four applications of wind) |
bzhag thabs bstan |
presentation of the means of establishing the nature of mind (second of the four syllables of the Great Seal) |
za byed las |
devouring rites |
zab gnad lnga |
five profound essentials |
zab pa sngags kyi rnal ’byor |
yoga of profound mantras |
zung ’jug gi sku |
yuganaddhakāya |
body of coalescence |
zung ’jug yi dam kyi ’pho ba |
consciousness transference into the coalescent meditational deity |
zla ba chu shel |
candramaṇi |
pure crystal |
gza’ |
stroke-causing demon |
gza’ gtad med |
without referential object |
gzugs |
rūpa |
sights, matter |
gzugs kyi phung po |
rūpaskandha |
aggregate of physical forms |
gzugs sku |
rūpakāya |
buddha body of form |
bzung ’dzin |
grāhyagrahaṇa |
subject-object dichotomy, dualistic perception |
bzod pa |
kṣānti |
tolerance |
’og gi skyil krung |
lower posture |
’og sgo |
pāyu |
lower gate |
’og rlung |
lower wind |
’od kyi gong bu |
globe of light |
’od kyi gtum mo |
luminous fierce inner heat |
’od gsal |
prabhāsvara |
luminosity |
yang dag par rgyu ba |
genuine movement |
yang sos |
sanjīva |
reviving hell (first of eight hot hells) |
yas thags |
Bon ritual ingredients |
yi ge ’god pa |
akṣaranyāsa |
arrangement of letters |
yi ge drug ma |
ṣaḍakṣara |
six-syllable mantra |
yi ge bdun ma |
saptakṣara |
seven-syllable mantra of Cakrasaṃvara |
yi ge med pa’i brda thabs |
unwritten symbolic method |
yi dam |
iṣṭadevatā |
meditational deity |
yi dam kun ’dus |
Gathering of All Meditational Deities |
yi dvags |
preta |
anguished spirit |
yid ches |
adhimukti |
confidence (third of four modes of faith) |
yid lus |
manomayakāya |
mental body |
yin nges rnam bzhi |
four definitive presences |
yin lugs |
real nature |
yungs kar |
sarṣapa |
mustard |
yul mkhyen gsum |
three aspects of objective understanding |
yul can lnga |
pañcaviṣayin |
five sensory consciousnesses |
yul drug |
ṣaḍviṣaya |
six sense objects |
ye grol |
timeless liberation |
ye shes |
jnāna |
pristine cognition |
ye shes kyi sku |
jnānakāya |
body of pristine cognition |
ye shes kyi rnal ’byor |
jnānayoga |
yoga of pristine cognition |
ye shes kyi phyag rgya |
jnānamudrā |
seal of pristine cognition |
ye shes kyi rig ma |
consort embodying the awareness of pristine cognition |
ye shes lnga |
pancajnāna |
five pristine cognitions |
ye shes sems dpa’ |
jnānasattva |
being of pristine cognition |
yer yer |
quivering |
yo ’bog |
elm tree |
yon tan |
guṇa |
enlightened attribute |
yon tan brgyad |
aṣṭaguṇa |
eight attributes (of the eight elements) |
g.yas rol |
ardhaparyaṅkalalita |
posture of right-sided royal ease |
g.yung drung |
svāstika |
svastika motif |
g.yon rol |
rājalalita |
posture of left-sided royal ease |
ra mo |
shag |
Solomon’s seal |
rak ta |
rakta |
blood, menses |
rang ’gros |
natural momentum |
rang ’gyu |
natural momentum |
rang ngo |
intrinsic nature/face |
rang stong |
intrinsic emptiness |
rang dvangs |
naturally clear |
rang dran rig |
intrinsic awareness |
rang mdangs |
natural glow |
rang babs |
natural state |
rang babs rnam gsum |
three natural states (of body, speech, and mind) |
rang byin rlabs |
svādhiṣṭhāna |
self-consecration |
rang ’byor lnga |
pañcasvasampat |
five individual advantages |
rang bzhin |
svabhāva |
intrinsic nature, inherent existence |
rang bzhin gyi rigs |
buddha nature, enlightened heritage that naturally abides |
rang bzhin brgyad cu’i rnam rtog |
conceptual thoughts that partake of eighty natural expressions |
rang rtsal |
natural energy |
rang rig |
svasaṃvedana |
intrinsic awareness |
rang rig pa’i dag pa |
purity of intrinsic awareness (third of three purities) |
rang so |
svadhārā |
natural position |
rab tu rgyu ba |
pracāra |
intense movement |
rab tu byung ba |
pravrajyā |
mendicant ordination |
rab tu tsha ba |
pratāpana |
intense heating hell (seventh of eight hot hells) |
ral gri lo ma’i nags |
asipatravana |
forest of swordlike leaves (fourth neighboring hell) |
rig gdangs |
radiant awareness |
rig pa |
vidyā, saṃvedana |
awareness |
rig pa rten du gnas pa |
resting of awareness on its support |
rig pa rdo rje’i lu gu rgyud |
adamantine chain of awareness |
rig pa’i ngo sprod |
introduction to awareness |
rig pa’i rang so |
natural state of awareness |
rig ma |
female consort embodying awareness |
rig ’dzin |
vidyādhara |
awareness holder |
rig ’dzin gyi sdom pa |
vidyādharasamvara |
vows of the awareness holders |
rigs |
kula |
enlightened family |
rigs lnga |
pañcakula |
five enlightened families |
rigs lnga yum lnga |
five lords of enlightened heritage and their five female consorts |
rigs lnga’i ril ’dzin |
encompassing of the five enlightened families |
rigs gcig |
ekakula |
single enlightened family |
rigs ldan gyi gzhi gzung |
holding the family-endowed basis |
rigs ma |
female partner |
rim gyis pa |
gradual |
rim sbyor |
sequential phases of application |
ril ’dzin |
piṇḍagrāha |
encompassing |
re khā nag po |
kālarekhā |
black outline |
reg bya |
spraṣṭavya |
tangible |
rengs pa |
stambhana |
paralysis |
ro |
rasa |
taste |
ro mnyam |
samarasa |
common savor |
ro ma |
rasanā |
right channel |
ro myags kyi ’dam |
swamp of putrefied corpses (second neighboring hell) |
rlung |
vāyu |
wind |
rlung khug pa |
cycle of wind |
rlung gi dkyil ’khor |
vāyumaṇḍala |
maṇḍala of wind |
rlung gi khams |
vāyudhātu |
wind element |
rlung gi bdag po |
mastery of the winds |
rlung rgyu ba’i byed las |
dynamic functions of the movement of wind |
rlung gnas |
location of winds |
rlung bum pa can |
kumbhaka |
vase breathing |
rlung sbyor |
union of upper and lower winds |
rlung sbyor lnga |
five applications of the winds (of the elements) |
rlung sbyor bdun |
seven applications of wind |
rlung sbyor bzhi ldan |
fourfold application of wind |
rlung gzhil ba |
exhalation of breath |
rlung sems |
subtle energy and mind |
rlung sems dbyer med |
indivisibility of subtle energy and mind |
rlung srog rtsol |
prāṇayāma |
winds of vital breath and exertion |
lag khrid |
firsthand guidance |
lam |
mārga |
path |
lam khyer dgu |
nine things carried on the path |
lam ’khyer |
carrying of the nature of mind on the path (fourth of the four syllables of the Great Seal) |
lam gyi bden pa |
mārgasatya |
truth of the path |
lam gyi rim gnyis |
two stages of the path |
lam lnga |
pancamārga |
five paths |
lam rim |
paṭhakrama |
graduated path |
lam lam |
dazzling |
las |
karma ritual, action, impact of past deeds |
las kyi phyag rgya |
karmamudrā |
action seal, female mudra |
las kyi rlung |
karmavāyu |
wind of past actions |
las mkhan |
acolyte |
las mgon |
ritual acolyte of Mahākāla |
las rgya |
karmamudrā |
action seal, female mudra |
las rgyu ’bras |
causes and results of past actions |
las snang gyi dngos po |
entities that appear on the basis of past actions |
las byed pa’i ’khor lo gnyis |
two active cakras |
las tshogs |
karmagaṇa |
liturgical/ritual feast offering |
las bzhi |
catuḥkarma |
four rites |
las gshin |
acolyte of Yama |
lus kyi ’khrul ’khor |
physical exercise |
lus kyi dbang po |
sense faculty of the body |
lus dkyil |
kāyamaṇḍala |
body maṇḍala |
lus dkrugs ’khor |
yogic exercise that stimulates the body |
lus nyams |
experience of the body |
lus gnad |
essential physical posture |
lus rnam gzhag |
structure of the subtle body |
lus dben sku rdo rje’i rnal ’byor |
yoga of the adamantine buddha body that entails the isolation of the ordinary body |
lus zungs |
physical constituent |
lus shin tu sbyangs pa |
prasrabdhakāya |
extreme physical refinement |
le lan |
aparādha |
criticism, offense |
log gnon rnam pa lnga |
five (subsidiary pith instructions) of suppression |
long gtam |
excessive chatter (fourth of four challenges) |
longs spyod kyi rlabs |
wave of perfect rapture (a yogic exercise) |
longs spyod sgrin gyi ’khor lo |
throat cakra of perfect resource |
longs spyod rdzogs pa’i sku |
sambhogakāya |
buddha body of perfect resource |
sha lnga |
pancamāṃsa |
five meats |
sha chen |
mahāmāṃsa |
sacramental human flesh |
sha ba’i ril ma |
deer droppings |
sha ma li’i sdong po |
hill of iron śālmali trees (fifth neighboring hell) |
sha gzugs |
monastic boots |
shig ge |
open |
shel sbub can |
crystal tube |
shes sgrib |
jneyāvaraṇa |
obscuration of knowledge |
shes bya rgyud rim |
stage of continuum to be known |
shes rab |
prajnā |
wisdom |
shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa |
prajnāpāramitā |
transcendent perfection of wisdom |
shes rab ye shes kyi dbang |
prajnājnānābhiṣeka |
empowerment of discerning pristine cognition |
gshang rlung |
anal wind |
bshad tshom |
public exegesis |
sa |
bhūmi |
bodhisattva level |
sa bdag |
bhūmipati |
spirit lords of the soil |
sa gnon |
bhūmisparśamudrā |
earth-subduing gesture |
sa bon |
bīja |
seed syllable, generative fluid |
sa bon dang bcas pa’i rim pa |
stage conjoined with the seed syllables (first of four stages) |
sa bon med pa’i sna tshogs rdo rje |
(stage of) the crossed vajra in which the seed syllables are absent (second of four stages) |
sa rlung |
wind of the earth element |
sangs rgyas |
buddha buddha |
sangs rgyas kyi ma ’dres pa’i chos bco brgyad |
aṣṭādaśāveṇikabuddhadharma |
eighteen distinct attributes of the buddhas note: this was missing in 1st pass |
sad ’byams |
pervasion of wakefulness (second of four pervasions) |
sad bzhi |
four challenges |
sa’i kham |
earth element |
sal sal |
clear |
sing sing |
pulsating |
sun byin stobs |
power of eradication (fourth of five powers) |
sum mdo |
channel of triple intersection (below the navel) |
seng ge rnam rol phyag rgya |
siṃhaśayyā |
posture of the lion’s play |
seng ge’i nyal stabs |
posture of a reclining lion |
sems |
citta |
mind |
sems skyil |
sattvaparyaṅka |
bodhisattva posture |
sems bskyed |
cittotpāda |
setting the mind on enlightenment |
sems can gyi don byed |
discipline of acting for the benefit of sentient beings |
sems ’jog |
cittasthāpanā |
mental placement |
sems nyams |
naṣṭacitta |
experience of the mind |
sems nyid |
cittatva |
nature of mind |
sems gnas cha |
abiding aspect of mind |
sems dpa’i skyil krung |
sattvaparyaṅka |
bodhisattva posture |
sems dben thugs rdo rje’i rnal ’byor |
yoga of adamantine buddha mind that entails the isolation of ordinary mind |
sems ’dzin |
cittadhāraṇa |
mental focus |
sems gzung man ngag dgu |
nine pith instructions concerning mental focus/retention of mind |
ser sna |
mātsarya |
miserliness |
so tham pa |
aṭaṭa |
hell of chattering teeth (fifth of eight cold hells) |
so thar gyi sdom pa |
prātimokṣasaṃvara |
vows of individual liberation |
so ma |
soma |
fresh |
so sor sdud pa |
pratyahara |
composure (first branch of six-branch yoga) |
so sor rang rig |
pratisamvedana |
particularizing intrinsic awareness |
sor ’jog nyid |
unmodified basic state |
sor rtog pa’i ye shes |
pratyavekṣaṇajñāna |
pristine cognition of discernment |
sor sdud |
pratyāhāra |
composure (six-branch yoga) |
sor sdud kyi ting nge ’dzin |
pratyāhārasamādhi |
meditative stability of composure |
sor mo |
aṅguli |
digit, finger width |
srid pa’i dbang |
empowerment of conditioned existence |
srid zhi’i mtha’ gnyis |
two extremes of existence and quiescence |
srung ’khor |
rakṣācakra |
protective circle |
srung ba bzhi |
four protections |
srog |
prāṇa, āyuḥ |
vitality, vital breath, aspiration (sound) |
srog gi rlung |
prāṇavāyu |
wind of vital breath |
srog gi srung ba |
prāṇarakṣā |
protection of life breath |
srog sngags |
life-extracting mantra |
srog snying |
vital heart mantra |
srog thig |
vitality essence |
srog thur bsre ba |
mingling vital breath with downward purgative wind |
srog dang rtsol ba |
prāṇayāma |
breath control (third branch of six-branch yoga) |
srog rtsol gi rlung |
prāṇāyāma |
breath control (i.e., control of the winds of vitality and exertion) |
srog rtsol rlung gi rnal ’byor |
union of the winds of vitality and exertion, yoga of breath control |
srog ’dzin |
prāṇāyāma |
breath control |
srog rlung |
prāṇa |
life-sustaining wind, wind of vitality, wind of life breath |
srog shing |
yaṣṭi |
axis of vitality (central channel), life-giving axis |
srod la dbang po bzhi la bsdu ba’i rnal ’byor |
yoga that gathers the four powers at twilight (third of six phases of continuous yoga) |
slob pa’i zung ’jug |
coalescence (of the paths) of learning |
slob ma |
śiṣya |
disciple |
gsang chen rigs gcig |
unique and most secret enlightened family |
gsang rten |
secret support |
gsang spyod ri thub |
capacity to dwell in mountains, engaged in secret practice (second of five capacities) |
gsang ba nor bu’i thig le |
vital essence of the genitals |
gsang ba’i snyoms ’jug |
guhyasamāpatti |
secret equipoise |
gsang ba’i rim pa |
secret stage (fourth of four stages) |
gsang dbang |
guhyābhiṣeka |
secret empowerment |
gsang rlung |
secret wind |
gsal ba |
prakāśa |
radiance |
gsal ba’i sems |
prakāśacitta |
luminous mind |
gsal le gnas cha |
radiant and abiding aspects |
gsung |
vāk |
buddha speech |
gsung rdo rje |
vāgvajra |
adamantine reality of buddha speech |
gsung mi zad pa |
akṣayavāk |
inexhaustible buddha speech |
gsung rabs kyi sde bcu gnyis |
dvādaśāṅgapravacana |
twelve branches of the scriptures |
gsum pa’i ye shes |
pristine cognition of the third empowerment |
gser ’gyur gyi rtsi |
rasāyana |
alchemical transformation of gold |
bsam gtan |
dhyāna |
meditative concentration (second branch of six-branch yoga) |
bsam gtan gyi yan lag dgu |
navadhyānāṅga |
nine branches of meditative concentration |
bsen |
attachment spirit |
bslab pa |
śikṣā |
precept |
lha so so’i dag pa |
purity of an individual deity (second of three purities) |
lhag mthong |
vipaśyanā |
higher insight |
lhag pa’i lha |
adhideva |
preferred deity |
lhan skyes |
sahaja |
coemergence (fourth of four pure appearances) |
lhan skyes dga’ ba |
sahajānanda |
coemergent delight |
lhan skyes gnas lugs |
innate abiding nature |
lhan skyes ye shes |
sahajajnāna |
coemergent pristine cognition |
lhan cig skyes sbyor |
coemergent union |
lhan cig skyes gsum |
threefold coemergence |
lhan lhan |
bright |
lha’i rna’i mngon par shes pa |
divyaśrotrābhijnā |
extrasensory power of clairaudience |
lha’i mig gi mngon par shes pa |
divyacakṣurābhijñā |
extrasensory power of divine clairvoyance |
lhun grub |
anābhoga |
spontaneous presence |
lhun grub rin po che’i sbubs |
precious enclosure of spontaneous presence |
lhug pa loose a chu zer ba |
huhuva |
hell of groans (third of eight cold hells) |
a ru ra gser mdog |
harītakī |
golden myrobalan |
utpal ltar gas pa |
utpala |
hell of lily-like cracks (sixth of eight cold hells) |