1. The Parting from the Four Attachments
2. The Seven-Point Mind Training of the Great Vehicle
3. The Heart of Dependent Origination
4. The Carrying of Happiness and Suffering on the Path
5. The Mind Training according to Sumpa Lotsāwa
6. The Severance of Machik Labdron
8. The Resting in the Nature of Mind
10. The Sequence of the Buddhist Teaching
11. The Sameness of Existence and Quiescence
13. The Hidden Guidance of Kadam
14. The Four Deities of Kadam: Munīndra
15. The Four Deities of Kadam: Acala
16. The Four Deities of Kadam: Avalokita
17. The Four Deities of Kadam: Tārā
19. The Sixteen Spheres of the Heart
20. The Six Descents of the Transcendent Perfection of Wisdom
21. The Five Paths of Pacification
22. The Three Stages of Meditation—Beginning, Middle, and Conclusive
23. The Five Doctrines of Maitreya
24. The View of Intrinsic Emptiness
25. The View of Extraneous Emptiness
26. The Elucidation of the Concealed Meanings of Yogatantra
28. The Guidance of White Tārā
29. The Guidance of White Amitāyus
30. The Direct Guidance of Avalokiteśvara according to the Lakṣmī Tradition
31. The Direct Guidance of Avalokiteśvara according to the Candradhvaja Tradition
32. The Direct Guidance of Avalokiteśvara according to the Tsembupa Tradition
33. The Direct Guidance of Avalokiteśvara according to the Kyergangpa Tradition
34. The Direct Guidance of Cakrasaṃvara
35. The Direct Guidance of Hevajra
36. Vajrapāṇi in the Form Mahācakra
37. Vajrapāṇi in the Form Caṇḍa
38. Vārāhī in the Form Kurmapādā
39. The Secret Guidance of Kurukullā
40. The Six-Branch Yoga of Kālacakra
41. The Aural Lineage of Kālacakra
42. The Ritual Service and Attainment of the Three Adamantine Realities according to Orgyanpa
46. The Attainment of Coemergence
47. The Perfection of the Path of Fierce Inner Heat
48. The Straightening of Crooked Posture
49. The Path of the Female Mudra
50. The Great Seal Devoid of Letters
51. The Attainment in Proximity to a Stupa/The Determination of Mind
52. The Mingling of Sutra and Tantra
53. The Dispelling of Obstacles due to External Demons
54. The Dispelling of Obstacles due to the Agitation of the Physical Body by the Elements
55. The Dispelling of the Obstacles of Meditative Stability and Mind
56. The Great Seal Dispelling the Three Sorts of Suffering
57. The Clear Recollection of the Innate State
59. The Twenty-Nine Essential Visualizations of Self-Consecration
60. The Exegesis of the Concealed Path
61. The Elucidation of the Symbolic Meaning
62. The Five Stages of the Secret Assembly
63. The Vital Essence of Liberation
64. The Unelaborate Practice of Red Yamāri
66. The Mental Focus on the Horns of Bhairava
67. The Central Channel Dependent on the Male Deity Cakrasaṃvara
68. The Central Channel Dependent on the Female Deity Vajravārāhī
69. The Five Stages according to Ghaṇṭāpāda
70. The Four Stages according to Kṛṣṇacārin
71. The Guidance of White Cakrasaṃvara
73. The Great Magical Emanation
74. The Kharamukha Cakrasaṃvara
75. The Six Meditations of Vajravārāhī
76. The Six Doctrines of Nāropā
77. The Six Doctrines of Nigumā
78. The Amulet Tradition of the Great Seal
79. The Three Aspects Carried on the Path
80. The Deathlessness of One’s Own Mind
81. The Six Doctrines of Sukhasiddhi
82. The Inner Guidance of Nairātmyā/The Emanational Navel Cakra
83. The Coemergent Union of the Great Seal
85. The Four Syllables of the Great Seal
86. The Introduction to the Three Buddha Bodies
87. The Indivisibility of Subtle Energy and Mind
88. The Six Doctrines according to the Sekharma Tradition
89. The Mingling and Transformation of the Three Poisons
90. The Four Scrolls of the Aural Instructions
91. The Six Doctrines of Liberation through the Upper Gate according to the Aural Lineage
92. The Nine Doctrinal Cycles of Nirdehaḍākinī
93. The Elaborate Guidance according to Zhang Tselpa
94. The Six-Branch Yoga according to Pelchen Ga Lotsāwa
95. The Cycle of Pagmodru Densatel
96. The Unique Enlightened Intention according to the Drigung
97. The Six Doctrines according to Taklungpa
98. The Means for Attainment of the Guru, Auspicious Circumstances, and Common Savor
99. The Fivefold Capacity of Lorepa
100. The Six Primary Essentials for the Mountain Retreat of Yangonpa
101. The Four-Armed Mahākāla in the Form Kurakma
102. The Inner Guidance of Glorious Pañjaranātha
103. The Trilogy of Spiritual Songs
104. The Six Doctrines of the Accomplished Masters
105. The Gradual Path of Padmasambhava
106. The Collected Injunctions of the King