
For example, if in right ΔABC the length of leg AC¯ is 6 inches and the length of leg BC¯ is 8 inches, we say that the ratio of AC to BC is 6 to 8, which is often written as 6 : 8 but is just the fraction 68. Like any fraction, a ratio can be reduced and can be converted to a decimal or a percent.

AC to BC=6 to 8=6 : 8=68AC to BC=3 to 4=3 : 4=34=0.75=75%

If you know that AC = 6 inches and BC = 8 inches, you know that the ratio of AC to BC is 6 to 8. However, if you know that the ratio of AC to BC is 6 to 8, you cannot determine how long either side is. They may be 6 and 8 inches long but not necessarily. Their lengths, in inches, may be 60 and 80 or 300 and 400 since 6080 and 300400 are both equivalent to the ratio 68. In fact, there are infinitely many possibilities for the lengths.

Table with two rows: AC and BC. In top row AC, there is the following: 6, 3, 24, 2.4, 300, 3x.  In bottom row BC, there is the following: 8, 4, 32, 3.2, 400, 4x.

The important thing to observe is that the length of AC¯ can be any multiple of 3 as long as the length of BC¯ is the same multiple of 4.

Key Fact C1

If two numbers are in the ratio of a : b, then for some number x, the first number is ax and the second number is bx.

TACTIC C1 In any ratio problem, write x after each number and use some given information to solve for x.