
William Gilpin

Early Denver

Oregon Trail

Julia Pratte

Lewis Ledyard Weld

Sibley tent

Henry Hopkins Sibley

Philip St. George Cooke

Edward R.S. Canby

Seymour W. Waggoner

John Baylor

John P. Slough

John M. Chivington

The First Colorado’s Company commanders

Company G recruits drilling

Robert B. Wallace

Camp Weld, Colorado

Samuel Tappan

Fort Garland, Colorado

James Ford

Theodore Dodd

Fort Bliss, Texas

William Byers

Fort Craig, New Mexico

Kit Carson

Fort Thorn, New Mexico

View of Valverde battlefield and mesa

Alonzo Ickis

Byron and Molly Sanford

Fort Union, New Mexico

James Carleton

Kozlowski’s Ranch

Pigeon’s Ranch

Charles Kerber

Samuel Robbins

Sharpshooter’s Ridge

Gloriéta Mesa as seen from Johnson’s Ranch

Supply wagons on fire

Governor John Evans

George Aux

Torn U.S. flag

Gilpin graves

Sibley’s grave

Fort Bliss today

Fort Craig today

Ruins of Fort Union

Pigeon’s Ranch today