
All page numbers are refer to the print edition of this title.


acupuncture, xi, 29, 92–93, 95, 98–100

aerobiome, 111

agni (digestive juices), 40, 42, 115, 116–17

alcohol, 28, 113, 135, 149, 152, 176

Alzheimer’s disease, 24, 59, 92, 111, 141

Annemarrhena asphodeloides (anemarrhena rhizome), 91

appendix, 54

Areca catechu (betel nut), 90

armpits, 20–22

astringent, 130

autism, 111

autoimmune conditions, 43


agni, 40, 42, 63–65, 115, 116–17

doshas, 8, 63–67

infradian rhythm in, 164

metabolic typing, 63–67

skin in, 19

taste in, 45, 114

urine in, 59

Bacteroides type, 11, 68

bedtime, 166, 169, 188

behavior and microbiome, 113

biofilms, 75–76

biological rhythms, 9–10, 165

bitter, 130

bitter medicinals, 26

bladder microbiome, 30

bland, 130

body-mind constitutional diagnosis, 132

body-mind types, 131–34

brain. See also gut-brain connection

chemical release, 121

“second,” 112

thinking and, 110

vitalizing, 128

breakfast, 184–85


awareness practice, 159, 160–63

as the bridge, 158–63

power of, 158–59

at rest, 155


diaphragm and, 154–55, 156

exercises, 33–34

healthy, 24–25, 33

lungs and, 33, 154

in morning routine, 182, 183

reverse, 161–62

shallow, 155

well, benefits of, 153

in wooded area, 124

Bristol Stool Chart, 61, 62, 70, 80

buried traumas, 83–84

butyrate, 54–55

canola oil, 140–42

Chinese medicine

about, x–xi

Earth school, 115

eight principles of, 151

emotional states, 119

for epidemics, 89–90

gu syndrome, 115–16

metabolic typing and, 66–67

recurrent miscarriage in, 29

shen disorders, 116

skin in, 19

taste in, 45, 114

urine in, 58

wu chen in, 120

circadian clock, 165–66

circadian rhythms, 163, 164

circulation, 127–29

cleanses. See dietary reset

Clostridium difficile (C. diff), 59

coffee, 50, 62, 152, 184

cold, 67, 151

commensal relationship, 12

congee, 184, 189, 196–97

constipation, 62–63, 66, 156

contemplation, 182–83

Corynebacterium, 21

COVID-19, viii, ix, x

craniosacral therapy, 83

Crohn’s disease, 84–85

C-section babies, 29–30


awareness of, 163

daily, 164

night/day, 166–70

science of, 163–70

types of, 163–64

daily schedule

breakfast, 184–85

dinner, 187

evening routine, 187–89

lunch, 186

between meals, 185

morning routine, 181–84

recap, 199

water consumption, 185–86

dampness, 63, 66, 91–92

Da Yuan Yin, 89, 90–91

deficiency, 127, 137, 151

depression and disease, 113

detoxification. See dietary reset


body-mind constitutional, 132

Eastern medicine and, 146

lingering pathogens, 87–88

mind-gut links and, 111

poop, 61–63

tongue, 22, 63–65, 92, 175, 186

diaphragm, 154–55, 156

diet. See also food

back to basics and, 146

changing, as work, 131

defined, 103

in dietary reset, 176

of Eastern medicine, 103–4

as everything we’re exposed to, 120

in flipping a switch, 108

gut and, 102–3

informed decisions about, 107

ingestion of five senses and, 118

modification, 108–9

scientific studies, 106, 107–8

dietary reset

about, 171–73

body detoxification, 173–81

daily schedule, 181–89, 199

defined, 169, 171

easing into transition and, 177

elements to eliminate, 198

elimination and, 176

metabolic types and food and, 189–93

primary focus of, 173

processes in body and mind and, 175

protocol, 171–202

recap, 198–202


awareness of, 49

balanced, 65–66

enterotypes, 67–69

in large intestine, 37

mind’s role in, 39–45

in mouth, 37, 38, 45

night/day cycle and, 167–68

overeating and, 40, 43–44

in small intestine, 37

in stomach, 37

taste in, 45–47

thoughts and feelings’ effect on, 47–48

vitalizing, 127

warm versus cold and, 51

digestive stimulants, 185

dinner, 187


depression and, 113

Eastern medicine and, 145–46

gut as start of, 8

gut microbiome diversity and, 76–80

disharmony, patterns of, 151

diversity, disease and, 76–80

doshas, 8, 63–67

dry brushing, 184

dysbiosis, 12, 76, 111, 117

Eastern medicine. See Ayurveda; Chinese medicine

eating. See also diet; food

Eastern-medicine perspective, 40

frequency, 50

guidelines, 200–201

inflammatory process and, 50

night/day cycle and, 167–68, 180

with the seasons, 164

emotional expression, 119–21

emotions, 109–10, 117

enteroendocrine system, 112–14

enterotypes, 67–69

epidemics, Chinese herbs for, 89–90

essential oils, 19–20

evening routine, 187–89

excess, 127, 151

exposome, 111–12, 157

exterior, 151

eyes, microbiome and, 27

fast/hot metabolism, 191–92

fasting, 178

fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT), 3, 59–60, 73

feng shui, 121–23

fiber, 138–39

fibrocytes, 84

fight-or-flight response, 15, 155–56

five elements, 64

five spirits, 120, 159

fluids, 95


about, 104–5

coma, 49

combining, 49

cooked, 51

decisions, 48–49

digestion of, 47–48, 50–53

in Eastern medicine, 129, 201

to eat and avoid, 134–42

for fast/hot metabolism, 191–92

ideas of good and bad, 107

for irregular/dry metabolism, 190

as medicine, 47, 151

new mindset about, 126–27

processed, avoiding, 143, 145

sensitivities, 151–52

for sluggish/damp metabolism, 193

tastes and, 130

transit time, 55–56

food allergies, 143

forest bathing, 123–25

Fruehauf, Heiner, 116

functional medicine, 145

Fu Zhen, 92

Genetic Information

Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), 133–34

GI tract

components of, 37

as open on both ends, 37

overwhelming, 43–44

tissue layers, 38

glossary, this book, 203–7

Glycirrhiza uralensis (licorice root), 91

Goldilocks gut, ix, xi, 71, 76, 77

grains, 178–79, 200

grief, 156

gu syndrome, 115–16


environment, cultivating, 71

Goldilocks, ix, xi, 71, 76, 77

lining, integrity of, 41

lymph tissue, 42

storing information in, 110

toxicity generation in, 42

as where disease starts, 8

gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT), 40, 44–45, 86

gut-brain axis, 55, 100, 112–13

gut-brain connection

about, 109–11

Eastern medicine and, 111

existence of, 1

experience of well-being and, 15

lab animal experiment, 114

links to, 111

mind and, 102

as two-way street, 118

“gut feeling,” 109

gut flora, 2, 16

gut microbiome. See also microbiome

about, 2–3

diversity, disease and, 76–80

large intestine and, 53

weight of, 2

handwashing, 18

healing, 149–50

heat, 66, 97, 151

Human Microbiome Project, 78

hygiene, 180–81

hypermetabolism, 64–65

hypometabolism, 65

imbalances, 5, 7, 15–21, 40, 63–66, 104, 144

immune system

eating and, 40

GALT and, 44–45

gut microbes in training, 3, 42–43

lungs and, 32–33, 34–35

mesentery (mo yuan) and, 86

probiotics and, 70–71

skin and, 17

tonsils and, 27

inflammation, 11, 15, 23, 40, 42–44, 50, 66

infradian rhythms, 163, 164

“inner pharmacy,” 120

interior, 151

internal conflict, 117–18

interstitial space, 94

interstitium, 7, 85. See also san jiao

intestines. See also large intestine; small intestine

connection to rest of the body, 81

fiber and, 138

lining of, 77

mesentery and, 84, 85–86

irregular/dry metabolism, 189–90

jin ye, 95

journaling, 182

kapha dosha, 65

kitchari, 184, 186, 189, 194–96, 197

kriyas (cleansing actions), 33

lactic acid microbes, 53

Lactobacillus, 11, 28, 70

large intestine. See also intestines

cleansing and balancing, 158

digestion and, 37, 52, 53, 138

lung connection, 156–58

leaky gut, xi, 23, 40, 44, 54, 116

Li Dong-yuan, 115, 117


in dietary reset, 176

Eastern medicine and, 103–4

emotional states and, 119

guidelines, Eastern medicine, 129

lingering pathogens, 87–88

liver, 154, 169–70

lunch, 186

lung-large intestine-skin axis, 153


breathing and, 154

cleansing and balancing, 158

ecosystem in, 31–32

immune function and, 34–35

intentional breathing and, 33

microbiome, 31–35, 154

ratio of bacterial to human cells in, 33

respiratory pathway and, 32


formation of, 94

mesenteric, 86

as transport mechanism, 97

Magnolia officinalis (magnolia bark), 90

massage, self-oil, 188

melatonin, 166, 169

menstruation, 15

mesentery (mo yuan)

about, 82–83

communicating via, 92

disease formation, 84–87

embryonic connections, 83–84

immune connection, 86

intestines and, 84, 85–86

lingering pathogens and, 87–92

in metabolic disorders, 84

structure of, 85–86

metabolic types

fast/hot metabolism, 191–92

food choices and, 189–93

irregular/dry metabolism, 189–90

poop analysis and, 63–67

sluggish/damp metabolism, 192–93

metabolism, 40–41, 51, 53, 63–68, 78, 167, 189–93

metabolites, 3, 7, 127, 148

microbes. See also specific microbes

about, 2

essential oils and, 19–20

genes, 3–4

passing on to newborns, 15

in probiotics, 70

supplemental, 70–71

types of, 2

microbial cloud, 6

microbial communities, 5, 54, 96, 111

microbial testing, 133

microbiome. See also gut microbiome

approach to understanding, 5–6

bladder, 30

composition, behavior and, 113

current understanding of, 6–7

diversity, 76

in Eastern medicine, 6–7, 10, 144

eyes, 27

fungal, 16

holistic management of, 12

indigenous vs. modern, 78–80

as individually unique, 9

influences of, 3

lung, 31–35

mouth, 22–24

nose, 24–27

potential, 3

signals to the brain, 109

skin, 17–22

term usage, 12

testes, 31

tonsils, 27

vagina, 28

Western science and, 7, 10

womb and, 29–30

microbiota, 12


balancing, 39

Eastern-medicine perspective, 40

gut-brain connection and, 102

role in digestion, 39–45

mitochondria, 4

moong (mung) dal, 194

morning routine, 181–84

mouth. See also tongue diagnosis

breathing through nose versus, 24, 25

diet and, 23–24

digestion in, 37, 38, 45

microbiome, 37

microbiome composition, 22

sick, in seeding GI tract, 23

mo yuan (membrane source), 8, 87. See also mesentery (mo yuan)

mucosa, 38, 40

munda agni, 65

muscularis externa, 38

mycobiome (fungal microbiome), 16

natural world, broken connection to, 142–47

nature, in Eastern medicine, 124–25

negative ions, 123

nervous system balance, 39

neti (nasal cleaning) pots, 34

night/day cycle. See also cycles

bedtime and, 166, 169, 188

blue light and, 166–67

eating and, 167–68, 180

liver energy and, 169–70

melatonin and, 166, 169

metabolism and, 167


bacteria, 25

breathing through, 24–25

taste and, 25–27

“old friends” hypothesis, 123

Olean/Olestra, 139–40

OpenBiome, 60

overeating, 40, 43

Paeonia lactiflora (white peony root), 91

panchakarma, 41–42

pancreas, 50

Peyer’s patches, 86

phlegm, 116

pitta dosha, 64–65, 109

placement of objects, 121–23


analysis, metabolic typing by, 63–67

constipation, 62–63, 66

diagnosis in Eastern medicine, 61–63

as diagnostic tool, 60

loose stool, 62, 66

medicinal poop emoji and, 60

as medicine, 57–61

optimal stool, 61, 76

probiotics and, 69–75

Porphyromanas gingivalis, 24

postbiotics, 69

prakruti, 131

pranayama (vitality control), 33

prebiotics, 53, 69

Prevotella type, 11, 68–69


defined, 69

existence of, 1

microbes in, 70

naturally fermented products and, 74

as part of OTC craze, 72

recommendation on use, 73, 74–75

supplements, problem with, 72–73

psychobiotics, 69

pungent, 130

“purgation,” 177


circulation of, 95, 127

defensive, 17, 87

deficiency, 53, 87

defined, 2, 127

in harmony, 113

pestilential, 88

san jiao and, 95, 99

spleen, 7, 40, 51, 66–67

recurrent miscarriage, 29

reverse breathing, 161–62

salt, good, 137–38, 179–80

salty, 130, 137

sama agni, 65

samskaras, 149

san jiao (triple burner)

about, 93

accessing with acupuncture, 98–100

as “burning spaces,” 81

defined, 7, 93

functional regions, 95–96

as irrigation system, 97–98

as organ, 94

role of, 96–97

as three environments, 93

Scutellaria baicalensis (skullcap root), 90

self-assessment, life change, 174

self-oil massage, 188

sensitivities, food, 151–52

serosa, 38

shaoyang, 93

short chain fatty acids (SCFAs), 54, 118


armpits, 20–22

in diagnosis and treatment, 19

issues, 19

microbiome, 17–22

regional differences, 20

sluggish/damp metabolism, 192–93

small intestine. See also intestines

digestion and, 37, 48, 50–53

enzymes, 50, 53

microbes, 52–53

movement patterns, 52

smoothies, 186

sour, 130

spleen qi, 7, 40, 51, 66–67

stomach, 37, 48


effect on body and mind, 114

effects on gut and behavior, 54

liver qi stagnation and, 66

microbiome and, 4, 47

reduction, microbiome and, 118

submucosa, 38

sugar, 135–37

supplements, in Eastern medicine, 150

swara, 25, 164

sweet, 26, 46, 130

symbiosis, 12

synbiotics, 69


bitter, 26

in digestion, 45–47

in Eastern medicine, 45, 114, 130

effects on tissues and organs, 129

food/medicines classified by, 25–26

in nasal cavity, 46

in regulating the body, 10

types of, 46

testes microbiome, 31

tikshna agni, 64

tongue diagnosis, 22, 63–65, 92, 175, 186

tongue scraping, 22, 24, 181, 199

tonsils, 27

toxins, 41–42, 157, 173–75

transit times, 55–56

traumas, buried, 83–84

triggers, eliminating, 148–49

trikatu, 185

tsaoko fruit, 90

ultradian cycles, 163–64

underarm odor, 20–21

vaastu, 121–23

vagina microbiome, 28

vata dosha, 63, 66

vegetable oils, 140–42

vikruti (acquired constitution), 11, 131

virome, 16–17

vishama agni, 63

vitality, 2, 9–10, 16, 33, 63, 127–28

water consumption, 185–86

wei qi (defensive qi), 17, 87

yang, 98, 151

yin, 98, 137, 151