
Introduction. The Fascinating World of Microbes

1. Montgomery and Biklé, Hidden Half of Nature, 37.

2. Montgomery and Biklé, 24.

3. Montgomery and Biklé, 25.

4. Montgomery and Biklé, 27.

5. Yong, I Contain Multitudes, 10.

6. Das et al., “Concept of Krimi,” 57–69.

7. Montgomery and Biklé, Hidden Half of Nature, 27.

8. Yong, I Contain Multitudes, 11–12.

9. Yong, 19.

10. Mayer, Mind-Gut Connection, 25.

11. Yong, I Contain Multitudes, 44.

12. Yong, 230.

Chapter 1. Everything but the Kitchen Sink

1. Yong, I Contain Multitudes, 61.

2. Belizário, “Human Microbiomes,” 1050.

3. Wikipedia, “Mycobiome,” accessed January 4, 2019.

4. David Pride and Chandrabali Ghose, “Meet the Trillions of Viruses that Make Up Your Virone,” The Conversation (webpage), October 9, 2018.

5. Grice and Segre, “Skin Microbiome,” 244–53.

6. Grice and Segre, 244–53.

7. Grice and Segre, 244–53.

8. Hamblin, “1,458 Bacteria Species.”

9. Hamblin.

10. Ossolo, “Antiperspirants, Deodorants.”

11. Blakemore, “Armpit Transplants.”

12. Blakemore.

13. Rutsch, “Meet the Bacteria.”

14. Rutsch.

15. Steven Lin, “Is Your Mouth Microbiome More Important than Your Gut?” MindBodyGreen (webpage), accessed February 5, 2020.

16. Mark Burhenne, D.D.S., “The Oral Microbiome & Its Impact on Every Other System in the Body,” Ask the Dentist (webpage), updated February 6, 2020.

17. Mark Burhenne, D.D.S.

18. Steven Lin, “Is Your Mouth Microbiome More Important than Your Gut?” MindBodyGreen (webpage), accessed February 5, 2020.

19. “Gum Disease Linked to Alzheimer’s, Study Claims.” Analysis by Bazian, NHS.UK (webpage), January 24, 2019.

20. Ruth Williams, “Booger Bacteria’s Sweet Immune Suppression,” The Scientist (webpage), September 6, 2017.

21. Williams.

22. National Institutes of Health, “Eye Microbiome Trains Immune Cells to Fend Off Pathogens in Mice,” NIH (webpage) News Release, July 11, 2017.

23. Olivia Willis, “Why Your Vaginal Microbiome (Like Your Gut) Is Important,” Australian Broadcasting Corporation (webpage) Health News, November 21, 2017.

24. Willis.

25. Willis.

26. Willis.

27. Baker, Chase, and Herbst-Kralovetz, “Uterine Microbiota.”

28. American Microbiome Institute, “What Happens If You Give C-Section Babies a Vaginal Microbiome?” Microbiome Institute (blog), February 8, 2016.

29. American Microbiome Institute.

30. Zimmer, “Germs in Your Gut.”

31. Zimmer.

32. Olivia Willis, “New ‘Bladder Microbiome’ Discovery Could Change the Way we Treat UTIs,” Australian Broadcasting Corporation (webpage) Health News, June 2, 2018.

33. Rachael Rettner, “Men’s Testes Have a ‘Microbiome.’ Could It Affect Fertility?” Live Science (webpage), June 19, 2018.

34. Rettner.

35. Kara Gavin, “Bacteria in Your Lungs? New Microbiome Study Shows How They Get There,” M Health Lab, Lab Report (blog), February 24, 2017.

36. Gavin.

37. Gavin.

38. O’Dwyer, Dickson, and Moore, “Lung Microbiome,” 4839–47.

39. Mueller et al., “Infant Microbiome Development,” 109–17.

40. Mueller et al.

Chapter 2. The Kitchen Sink

1. “Digestive System: Histology of the Alimentary Canal,” Anatomy and Physiology (webpage), January 9, 2014.

2. “Digestive System.”

3. Vighi et al., “Allergy and the Gastrointestinal System,” 3–6.

4. Junger, Clean Gut, 33.

5. Junger, 26.

6. Lu et al., “Extraoral Bitter Taste Receptors,” 181–97.

7. International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders, “Disorders of the Small Intestine,” About GI Motility (webpage), last updated March 24, 2016.

8. John Easton, “Specific Bacteria in the Small Intestine Are Crucial for Fat Absorption,” UChicagoMedicine (webpage), April 11, 2018.

9. Easton.

10. Easton.

11. Easton.

12. Enders, Gut, 45.

13. Jill Corleone, “Are Bananas High in Soluble Fiber?” SFGate (webpage), November 27, 2018.

14. Liu et al., “Butyrate,” 21–29.

15. 15. Liu et al., 21–29.

16. Buck, Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, 286.

17. Liu, “Butyrate,” 21–29.

18. Jill Corleone, “Are Bananas High in Soluble Fiber?” SFGate (webpage), November 27, 2018.

19. Liu et al., “Butyrate,” 21–29.

20. Elizabeth Rajan, M.D., “Digestion, How Long Does It Take?, Mayo Clinic (webpage), December 31, 2019.

21. Enders, Gut, 47.

Chapter 3. Quite Simply, Poop

1. Tungland, Human Microbiota, 399.

2. “Cow Dung Uses and Used for Centuries,” TrueAyurveda (blog), September 4, 2014.

3. Rajeswari, Poongothai, and Hemalatha, “Antimicrobial Activities of Cow Dung.”

4. Liji Thomas, M.D., “History of Fecal Transplant,” News Medical (webpage), last updated August 23, 2018.

5. Eakin, “The Excrement Experiment.”

6. “Anatomy and Normal Microbiota of the Digestive System,” Lumen Learning, Microbiology (webpage), accessed February 18, 2019.

7. Montgomery and Biklé, Hidden Half of Nature, 31.

8. “About the Rome Foundation,” Rome Foundation (webpage), accessed March 22, 2019.

9. Kunal Ahuja, and Kritika Mamtani, “Probiotics Market Size by Ingredients,” Global Market Insights (webpage), November 2019.

10. Montgomery and Biklé, Hidden Half of Nature, 30.

11. Bollinger et al., “Human Secretory Immunoglobin A.”

12. Montgomery and Biklé, Hidden Half of Nature, 31.

13. Velasquez-Manoff, “Western Diet.”

14. Jeff Leach, “East African Hunter-Gatherer Research Suggests the Human Microbiome is an Ecological Disaster Zone,” The Conversation (webpage), February 28, 2017.

15. Leach.

16. Leach.

17. Schorr et al., “Gut Microbiome of the Hadza.”

Chapter 4. Making Connections

1. Biologydictionary.net, “Mesentery,” May 13, 2018.

2. Carina Wolff, “The Scientist Who Discovered A New Organ—The Mesentery—A Year Later,” Simplemost (webpage), March 22, 2018.

3. Wolff.

4. Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, “Mesoderm,” Encyclopaedia Britannica (webpage), July 20, 1998.

5. “Mesenchymal Stem Cells: The ‘Other’ Bone Marrow Stem Cells,” EuroStemCell (webpage), accessed April 1, 2019.

6. Online Etymology Dictionary, “Mesentery.”

7. Rivera et al., “The Mesentery, Systemic Inflammation, and Crohn’s.”

8. Rivera et al.

9. Rivera et al.

10. Rivera et al.

11. Rivera et al.

12. Macpherson and Smith, “Mesenteric Lymph Nodes,” 497–500.

13. Guarino, “Meet the Mesentery.”

14. Chang et al., “Cutting Edge,” 4361–65.

15. “Da Yuan Yin,” TCM Cure (webpage), November 15, 2006, http://cm-cure.com/Da-Yuan-Yin-Chinese-medicine-herbal-formula.

16. “Da Yuan Yin.”

17. “Da Yuan Yin.”

18. “Da Yuan Yin.”

19. “Cao Guo,” American Dragon (webpage), accessed June 5, 2017.

20. “Da Yuan Yin,” TCM Cure (webpage), November 15, 2006, http://cm-cure.com/Da-Yuan-Yin-Chinese-medicine-herbal-formula.

21. “Da Yuan Yin.”

22. “Da Yuan Yin.”

23. “Da Yuan Yin.”

24. “Da Yuan Yin.”

25. “Da Yuan Yin.”

26. Rachael Rettner, “Meet Your Interstitium, a Newfound ‘Organ,’” LiveScience (webpage), March 27, 2018.

27. Deadman, Manual of Acupuncture, 153.

28. Deadman, 154.

Chapter 5. Mind Your Microbiome

1. Office of Dietary Supplements. “Vitamin D: Factsheet for Health Professionals,” National Institutes of Health (webpage), updated August 7, 2019.

2. Brad Yantzer, “D-I-E-T, The Four-Letter Word,” TrueAyurveda (blog), April 15, 2019.

3. Manning, Against the Grain, 176.

4. Philip Perry, “Scientists are Zeroing In on Where Intuition Comes from, Biologically,” BigThink (webpage), January 29, 2018.

5. Valerie van Mulukom, “Is it Rational to Trust Your Gut Feelings? A Neuroscientist Explains,” The Conversation (webpage), May 16, 2018.

6. Sarkar et al., “Psychobiotics.”

7. Sarkar et al.

8. Richard Conniff, “Take a Deep Breath and Say Hi to Your Exposome,” Scientific American (webpage), September 28, 2018.

9. Rogers et al., “Gut Dysbiosis to Altered Brain Function.”

10. Rogers et al.

11. Ye and Liddle, “106 Gastrointestinal Hormones and the Gut Connectome.”

12. Ye and Liddle.

13. Bergland, “Tranquility Promotes Healthier Microbiome and Gut-Brain Axis.”

14. Rogers et al., “Gut Dysbiosis to Altered Brain Function.”

15. Rogers et al.

16. Ye and Liddle, “106 Gastrointestinal Hormones.”

17. Bergland, “Tranquility Promotes Healthier Microbiome.”

18. Mayer, Mind Gut Connection, 25.

19. Bercik, et al., “Intestinal Microbiota.”

20. Bob Quinn, with Erin Moreland, “Gu Syndrome: An In Depth Interview with Heiner Fruehauf,” ClassicalChineseMedicine.org (webpage), 2008.

21. Philip Perry, “Scientists Are Zeroing In on Where Intuition Comes from, Biologically,” BigThink (webpage), January 29, 2018.

22. Perry.

23. Yong, I Contain Multitudes, 257–58.

24. Twohig-Bennet and Jones, “Health Benefits,” 628–37.

25. Twohig-Bennett and Jones.

26. Clemens G. Arvay, MSc, “How Being in the Forest Actually Boosts Immunity, According to Science.” MindBodyGreen (webpage), accessed April 24, 2019.

Chapter 6. Food for Vitalizing Mind and Body

1. Psomagen, Terms of Service,” Psomagen.com (webpage), updated November 1, 2019.

2. Psomagen.

3. National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), “Genetic Discrimination,” US NIH (webpage), accessed May 17, 2019.

4. Wikipedia, “Olestra,” accessed April 26, 2019.

5. Melissa Kravitz, “6 Foods that Are Legal in the U.S. but Banned in Other Countries,” Business Insider (webpage), March 1, 2017.

6. Kravitz.

7. Kravitz.

8. “Azodicarbonamide (ADA) Frequently Asked Questions.” US FDA (webpage), accessed April 26, 2019.

9. Fallon and Enig, Nourishing Traditions, 133.

10. Menni et al., “Omega-3 Fatty Acids Correlate with Gut Microbiome Diversity.”

11. Joseph Mercola, “Canola Oil Proven to Destroy Your Body and Mind,” Mercola (webpage), December 27, 2017.

12. Mercola.

13. Mercola.

14. Yong, I Contain Multitudes, 54.

15. Montgomery and Biklé, Hidden Half of Nature, 5.

16. Montgomery and Biklé, 55.

Chapter 7. Change Your Life, Change Your Microbiome

1. Smolinska et al., “Volatile Metabolites in Breath,” 1–11.

2. Maciocia, Foundations of Chinese Medicine, 196–97.

3. Marcus Woo, “Body Maps Expose the Chemical Residue that Coats Our Skin,” Wired (webpage), March 30, 2015.

4. Woo.

5. “Chronobiology: The Science of Time,” Chronobiology (webpage), accessed May 4, 2019.

6. “Chronobiology”

7. John Douillard, “Seasonal Living: The Original Biohack,” LifeSpa (webpage), March 14, 2019.

8. John Douillard, “3-Season Diet Challenge,” LifeSpa (webpage), accessed Feb 6, 2020.

9. Kevin Jiang, “Bacterial Circadian Clocks Set by Metabolism, Not Light.” U Chicago News (webpage), December 15, 2015.

10. Chappell, “Nobel Prize in Medicine.”

11. Chappell.

12. Wehr, “Melatonin and Seasonal Rhythms.”

13. Wehr.

14. “Melatonin: The Sleep Hormone That Provides a Good Sleep,” BrainEffect (webpage), accessed May 11, 2019.

15. Roizen, Crupain, and Spiker, What to Eat When, 32.

16. Roizen Crupain, and Spiker, 34–35.

17. Roizen, Crupain, and Spiker, 33–35.

18. Roizen, Crupain, and Spiker, 29.

19. Roizen, Crupain, and Spiker, 30.

20. “Melatonin: The Sleep Hormone That Provides a Good Sleep,” BrainEffect (webpage), accessed May 11, 2019.

21. Michael J. Breus, “Unlocking the Sleep-Gut Connection,” Psychology Today (webpage), January 8, 2016.

22. Michael Breus, “The Latest on Sleep and Gut Health,” The Sleep Doctor (webpage), May 29, 2018.

Chapter 8. Dietary Reset Protocol

1. Junger, Clean Gut, 127.

2. “Mung Beans, Mature Seeds, Cooked, Boiled, without Salt, Nutrition Facts & Calories,” Self NutritionData (webpage), accessed May 22, 2019.

3. John Douillard, “Get to Know the Kitchari Cleansing Bean.” LifeSpa (webpage), September 15, 2015.

4. Douillard, “Get to Know the Kitchari Cleansing Bean.”

5. Douillard, “Get to Know the Kitchari Cleansing Bean.”

6. Chung et al., “Protective Effects of Organic Solvent Fractions.”

7. Douillard, “Get to Know the Kitchari Cleansing Bean.”