Chapter ELEVEN
Instead, he kept his fat ass glued to a chair.
By the second day of the trial, Scat had picked up a pen and started scribbling on a long yellow pad while the lawyers and witnesses talked. I’d follow his hand, and sometimes, it didn’t even look like words he was writing.
Maybe that dunce was drawing pictures or doodling.
I would have paid money to be looking over his shoulder and see what was running through his sick mind. But he tore out every paper when he was finished. Then he’d fold it over and bury it deep in the pocket of his blazer.
“He’s not even getting up there to defend himself,” Dad told me one night while we were playing dominoes in our living room. “That’s because he’s got no defense. His side’s just praying one of them white jurors from Hillsboro is gonna tow that racial line and vote not guilty, no matter what comes out in court.”
“I heard justice is supposed to be blind, like the statue of that lady with the scales in her hand outside the courthouse,” I said snide, playing another tile.
“But people ain’t,” Dad said, locking the game at both ends and showing me that he was holding the double-blank to win. “And some of them especially ain’t color-blind.
“Remember that boy they killed in Mississippi back in the fifties—Emmett Till?” Grandma asked Dad, shifting her eyes to me.
“Sure do,” answered my father, shuffling the dominoes for another game.
“Nobody can forget!” hollered Mom from the kitchen.
“They murdered him for whistlin’ at a white woman, then sunk his body in the river,” Grandma went on, laying her sewing down on the table. “The law put the killers who did it on trial. But they sat in court smoking cigarettes, calm as a Sunday picnic, because they knew a white jury from their town would never convict them.”
“I heard about that in Mr. Dowling’s class,” I said, pulling seven new tiles towards me.
“After the killers got off, Emmett’s mother made sure the funeral had an open casket,” Mom said, as she walked into the living room, wiping her hands on her apron. “That way nobody could be blind to the way he looked after that vicious beating, and soaking in the river for days.”
And I thought about those pictures the detectives took of me in the hospital.
My lawyers said that Aaron Chapman would never put Charlie Scat on the stand because he could blow up like a volcano and lose his temper at any minute. They said he’d already cursed at a judge when he didn’t get any bail.
But I didn’t have to see him on any witness stand to know everything about that pork chop. I just hoped the jury could see it, too. And that none of the white ones from Hillsboro would be blind to it on purpose.
Then the day before the trial ended, the judge gave the boot to a white woman juror after a newspaper printed a story about how she’d once worked at the same job with Scat’s uncle.
“I believe that could possibly sway your objectivity,” the judge told her in court before replacing her with the first alternate juror—a black dude with gray hair, who looked old enough to be my grandpa.
On the last day of the trial, Aaron Chapman put on a real sideshow, giving his closing speech to the jury.
“Baseball was meant to be a game—something to teach good values,” Chapman said, swinging an invisible bat. “There are other games that we learn to play from the time we’re very young, and many of those games and their values are reinforced by our communities.
“My client, Charles Scaturro, learned that a man protects his friends and his neighborhood. That’s exactly what he was doing on the night in question—trying to prove himself a man.
“His so-called friends, Rao and Spenelli, came to him upset and feeling threatened by strangers. They came to Charles Scaturro because they felt safe in his presence. They came to him because he’d learned to play the ‘protector’ game. A game he maybe learned to play too well.
“Now I’ll tell you his actions were justified that night. But if you can’t agree with me, I’d like you to embrace this thought: Charles Scaturro was in protection mode when he encountered those criminals on the streets of Hillsboro. Not attack mode. Charles Scaturro was doing what teenagers do naturally. He was acting out of passion, playing the cowboy sheriff, if you will. And yes, maybe taking too much authority into his own hands.
“This was not a hate crime. Noah Jackson and his fellow car thieves or gold-chain hoodlums, however you want to view them, just happened to be black.
“And as for that racial slur—the n-word. That’s a current hip-hop greeting. My client’s been inundated by it through movies, TV, and music. So blame Hollywood or the FCC for any cultural misunderstanding he may have possessed.
“Now I want to ask you all to be honest with yourselves. Who here hasn’t heard teenage African Americans call each other the n-word? Not in malice. But in friendship. And how many of you who disagree with that usage of the word ever stopped to challenge them on it? How many of you here, black or white, have used that word yourself? And none of you have ever perpetrated a hate crime, have you? So don’t be a hypocrite and say that it proves something.
“If you must find Charles Scaturro guilty, don’t say it was a hate crime. Thank you.”
Then the judge gave the jury their instructions, explaining the law to them.
“If you conclude that the defendant did not know that the young men he encountered were there to steal a car, and solely accosted them because of their race, then by law you must find Charles Scaturro guilty of a hate crime.”
I watched the jury file out past the stars and stripes on the U.S. flag to their meeting room. Blacks outnumbered whites two to one. But that didn’t matter. The vote had to be unanimous in a criminal case, twelve to zero. And from what I knew about growing up in East Franklin and going to school at Carver High, I didn’t believe for a second that there wasn’t at least one die-hard cracker in that group of four white jurors who wished he’d been the one to beat me with that bat.
The officers cuffed Charlie Scat and took him away to some cage.
There were reporters on the steps of the courthouse. The city lawyers told me not to talk to them until a verdict came back.
I didn’t have anything to say yet anyway.
But Chapman was flapping his gums to a whole crowd of reporters.
“Like I clearly said in court, my client has no ill feelings towards anyone. He’s just for keeping his neighborhood safe,” he said.
“I hate that man,” I told Dad on the low. “I’d like to boot his ass down every one of these stairs.”
“You and me both,” replied Dad.
It was freezing outside, and the same smoke coming out of Chapman’s mouth was pouring from mine.
Two days later, on a Saturday night, I got a call from the city’s lawyers telling me not to go to school on Monday morning because the jury had come to a verdict. I’d already missed four days of classes the week before. But I was up on my studying and knew I wouldn’t fall into any deep holes over it.
“It’s usually good news when they decide so fast,” Mom said.
“Yeah, but good for who?” Dad asked, without getting an answer.
On Sunday morning, we took the bus to Centreville.
It was Grandma’s idea just to go there and walk.
Most of the stores on Sheffield Street were closed, so we had plenty of sidewalk to ourselves. It was cold and the wind was blowing hard enough that you could hear it. But we were standing in a bright patch of sun.
“Like I said before, it wasn’t your time,” Grandma told me, looking up at Michael Sheffield’s name on the street sign.
“It wasn’t your time either, Mama Jackson,” Mom said.
I watched the sign shaking in the wind and said, “I just wish I knew what this was all for. Why me?”
“Those are answers we don’t have yet, Noah,” answered Grandma. “And maybe we wouldn’t even understand them if we did.”
“Just mortal man caught up in God’s plan,” said Dad, with his collar turned up against the wind and his hands deep into the pockets of his coat.
The next day in court, I could see Scat’s right leg shaking underneath the table. I guess he had a lot more to lose than me.
But I couldn’t figure out what there was to win.
The judge called the jury inside, and once they were all in their seats he asked, “Madam Forewoman, have the members reached a unanimous verdict?”
“We have, Your Honor,” said a pale older white lady, with her cheeks painted red.
“Madame Forewoman, how do you find the defendant, Charles Scaturro, on the charges of robbery and assault as a hate crime?” asked the judge.
The woman stood up and cleared her throat.
“Guilty,” she said, clear and strong.
The lawyers next to me were slapping my back.
I let out a long breath. But I couldn’t find any real reason to celebrate.
Scaturro’s sentencing wasn’t for another four weeks—a few days after graduation. The city’s lawyers needed me to speak at the sentencing, to say why Scaturro should get the whole twenty-five years the judge could give him by law.
So it wasn’t over for me.
And nearly every free second I had, that speech was turning over in my mind.
“You got an idea of what it’s gonna sound like?” Dad would ask.
But I’d just shake him off and say, “I’m still trying to get ahold of it.”
For more than a month, Deshawna and me had stopped arguing, probably because I started having more respect for how hard it was to raise a baby, even just part-time. That made things go a lot easier between us. And sometimes when her and Destiny Love were smiling at the same time, I felt like I wanted Deshawna to be more than just my girlfriend. So for Christmas I bought her a bracelet with lots of little charms that said things like “Boo” and “Super Mom.”
On Christmas Day, I watched Destiny Love sitting under the tree at our house, pushing three different kinds of Play-Doh together till it made a brand-new color I’d never seen before.
Then I came home from work one night, just before New Year’s Eve, and our apartment was empty when it shouldn’t have been. I went to the refrigerator for something to eat and tried to push the idea that anything was wrong out of my head.
But a streak of cold ran through me, and I couldn’t touch a bite.
I’d forgot to turn my cell phone back on after work, and when I did, I saw all the missed calls.
That’s when Mom came through the front door with tears in her eyes.
She stood straight in front of me, trembling to get out what she had to say.
“Noah, something terrible—” she said, stopping to take a deep breath.
And I already knew in my heart that Grandma had died.
The day before Alethea Jackson’s wake. Noah and his father sit alone in a side room, waiting to make some of the final arrangements with the funeral director.
DAD: I’ll tell you true, it comes in stages, son. (Looks at the dark wood paneling on the wall.)
NOAH: What does?
DAD (Turns his eyes back to Noah.): Figuring out what it means to be a man. I’m almost forty-six years old now, and it still keeps changing. First, I thought I was a man when I was old enough to shave. Then once I got married and made a baby, I thought that was it. NOAH: It wasn’t?
DAD: When my father passed, I thought for sure I knew, because I was the man of the house then. But I’ll tell you what I’ve learned now—it’s not till both your parents are gone and leave you here all alone on this earth that you really know what it is.
NOAH: Let me hear.
DAD: They’ve left, and it’s your turn. You need to make sure your children know how to stand on their own two feet. That you’ve taught them something better than what you knew to start out. And that they’re always the most important thing, because this is gonna be their world soon, not yours. That’s what it is, Noah. Don’t let the bullshit that comes flying at you every day get your mind fixed on anything else. NOAH: I’ll keep watch for it. I promise.
DAD: Keeping watch isn’t enough, ’cause your eyes can fool you. Like they did when that car you went to steal looked more valuable than everything your family ever taught you.
NOAH: I guess it takes some smarts, too.
DAD: It’s called maturity, son. Hopefully, from everything you been through, you’re beginning to get some.