The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Abramovich, Roman
Agony of the Russian Idea, The (McDaniel)
Alexander II, Tsar of Russia
Alpha Brigade
Amalrik, Andrei
Andrew, Christopher
Andropov, Yuri:
death of
dissent and
Hungarian Uprising and
poetry of
Prague Spring and
Putin’s relationship with
Anonymous International (Humpty Dumpty)
Arab Spring
animal and plant life in
in history
international competition in
Kursk disaster and
and Law of the Sea Treaty
militarization of
nuclear waste and reactors in
oil and
research and exploration in
shipping routes in
underwater mountain ranges in
viruses and bacteria in
warming of
Arctic Council
“Arctic Meltdown” (Borgerson)
Armstrong, Terence
Arnold, Henry “Hap”
Aron, Leon
Aslund, Anders
Assad, Bashar al-
Bacillus F
Back in the USSR (Kagarlitsky)
Baibakov, Nikolai
Baker, James
Baltic Sea
Ukraine and
Bamford, James
Baranczak, Stanislaw
Barents Sea
Baryshnikov, Mikhail
Berdyaev, Nikolai
Berezovsky, Boris
attempts on life of
business holdings of
and criticisms of Putin
demeanor of
education of
presidential elections and
Putin’s prime minister appointment and
Putin’s relationship with
wealth and power of
Yeltsin’s memoirs and
Berlin Wall, fall of
Berlusconi, Silvio
“Bigger Bludgeon, A” (Fishman)
Billington, James
Black Sea
Ukraine and
Black Sea Fleet, Russian
Black Tuesday
Blok, Alexander
Blumenthal, Sidney
Bogdanchikov, Sergei
Böhm, Horst
Bohm, Michael
Bonner, Elena
Borgerson, Scott G.
Boris Godunov (Mussorgsky)
Bosnia, airstikes in
“Bouvier Affair, The” (Knight)
Boxall, Simon
Breaking with Moscow (Shevchenko)
Breedlove, Philip
Brezhnev, Leonid
dissidents and
Brooke, James
Brookings Institution
Brothers Karamazov, The (Dostoevsky)
Browder, Bill
Brushkov, Anatoly
Brzezinski, Zbigniew
Budapest Memorandum
Bukovsky, Vladimir
Bush, George W.
and Law of the Sea Treaty
Ukraine and
and Loans for Shares deal
oil and
Russian presidential elections and
and transition from Soviet Union to Russian Federation
“Carelessness as a Russian National Trait” (Bohm)
Carnegie, Dale
Carter, Ashton
Casey, William
Catherine II, the Great, Tsarina of Russia
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Internet and
KGB and
Putin’s wealth and
Chaadayev, Peter
oil and
Russian wars with
and Russia without Putin
terrorism and
Chekhov, Anton
Chemezov, Sergei
Chicherin, Georgy
Chilingarov, Artur
Arctic and
coastline of
Crimea and
economy of
gas and
humiliations of
Kazakhstan and
oil and
Russia and
terrorism and
as threat to West
trade of
western provinces of
iconoclasm and
Kazakhstan and
Ukraine and
Christ the Savior Cathedral
Chubais, Anatoly
background of
demonstrations against
and Loans for Shares deal
nano project and
physical appearance of
presidential elections and
and transition from Soviet Union to Russian Federation
Churchill, Winston
climate change
Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Hillary
Cold War
end of
U.S. as victor in
Communists, Communism, Communist Party
Andropov and
and campaign against dissent
collapse of
and collapse of Soviet Union
and coup against Gorbachev
Dresden and
finances of
Hungarian Uprising and
Kazakhstan and
KGB and
Khodorkovsky and
oil and
political assassinations and
presidential elections and
Putin’s baptism and
Putin’s outing himself and
and transition from Soviet Union to Russian Federation
Ukraine and
and violence and demonstrations
Comrade J (Earley)
Conolly, Arthur
Ukraine and
Co-worker (Usoltsev)
Internet and
Navalny on
oil and
Russian annexation of
Tatars and
Ukraine and
Curzon, Lord George
Dalai Lama
Davies, Norman
Dead Souls (Gogol)
Deepwater Horizon
Internet and
presidential elections and
Salye and
television and
and transition from Soviet Union to Russian Federation
Ukraine and
dissidents, dissent
Bukovsky and
as imperialist plot
KGB and
Putin’s relations with
Sakharov and
Soviet Union and
Doctors’ Plot
Donald Cook, USS
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
defending KGB headquarters in
and Green Beret bases in West Germany
Putin’s posting in
Putin’s return from
World War II and
Dugin, Aleksandr
Durov, Pavel
Dzerzhinsky, Felix
East Turkestan
Eide, Espen Barth
European Union (EU)
Arctic and
British exit from
Internet and
Ukraine and
Family, the
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Federal Security Bureau (FSB), Russian
alleged bombings of
Arctic and
and creation of National Guard
Internet and
Kazakhstan and
political assassinations and
Putin’s directorship of
and Russia without Putin
Feynman, Richard
Final Settlement, Treaty on the
Financial Times
First Person (Putin)
Fishman, Mikhail
Russian relations with
terrorism in
Freeland, Chrystia
Friedman, Thomas
Frolov, Mikhail
Fuchs, Klaus
Fyodorov, Nikolai
Gaidar, Egor
Arctic and
China and
comparisons between oil and
Crimea and
Kazakhstan and
Putin’s failures and
Putin’s reelection and
Russia and
Gates, Bill
Gates, Robert M.
Geneva Freeport
Genghis Khan
“Geographical Pivot of History, The” (Mackinder)
Geological Survey, U.S.
German Empire
Arctic and
China and
Kaliningrad and
reuniting of
Germany, East
collapse of
comparisons between Soviet Union and
economy of
Putin’s posting in
Putin’s wife and
Germany, Nazi
Arctic and
KGB and
oil and
tracking down criminals of
World War II and
Germany, Weimar Republic of
Germany, West
Green Beret bases in
Gessen, Masha
Gibbon, Edward
Gladkov, Yuri
Global Times
Gogol, Nikolai
Goldman, Marshall
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Andropov and
and collapse of Soviet Union
comparisons between Putin and
coup against
criticism of
glasnost and
Khodorkovsky and
oil and
presidential elections and
reuniting Germany and
Sakharov and
Soviet economy and
Ukraine and
World War II and
Gotti, John
Gracián, Baltasar
Gravano, Salvatore “Sammy the Bull”
Green Berets
Grímsson, Ólafur Ragnar
Guccifer 2.0
Gulf of Mexico
Gurevich, Vera
Gusinsky, Vladimir
Gustafson, Thane
Han Chinese
Henry I, King of France
Heroes (Johnson)
Hill, Fiona
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, The (Gibbon)
Hitler, Adolf
comparisons between Stalin and
oil and
World War II and
Hoffman, David
How to Win Friends and Influence People (Carnegie)
Hu Jintao
human rights
Humes, Graham
Humpty Dumpty (Anonymous International)
uprising in
Ibn Miskawayh
Icon and the Axe, The (Billington)
of Kievans
Putin’s mission and
Russia and
Stalin and
Inside the KGB (Kuzichkin)
comparisons between television and
dissidents and
Durov and
finances and
hacking of
Islam and
and pedophilia charges against Bukovsky
politics and
Putin’s dislike of
Putin’s underestimation of
repressive actions against
Snowden and
international sanctions against
Islamic revolution in
Central Asian countries and
connections between Chechens and
Internet and
and Russian incursion into Syria
and Russia without Putin
China and
Kazakhstan and
and Russia without Putin
Ivan IV, the Terrible, Tsar of Russia
Ivanov, Alexander
Ivanov, Sergei
Jews, Judaism
anti-Semitism and
Berezovsky and
and campaign against dissent
and collapse of Soviet Union
and coup against Gorbachev
Doctors’ Plot and
Khodorkovsky and
messianic consciousness of
presidential elections and
Putin’s relationship with
Ukraine and
World War II and
Johnson, Paul
Kabayeva, Alina
Kagarlitsky, Boris
KAL 007, shooting down of
Kalugin, Oleg
Kan, Naoto
Kant, Immanuel
Kaplan, Robert D.
Kara Sea
Kashin, Vasily
Kasparov, Garry
China and
and collapse of Soviet Union
as Mackinder’s Heartland
Russian invasion of
statehood of
Ukraine and
Kennan, George
Kerry, John
KGB, KGB agents
active reserves of
anti-Semitism in
burning records of
Communist Party and
and coup against Gorbachev
dangers faced by
dissidents and
Dresden and
FSB and
fundamental changes in
and Green Beret bases in West Germany
lying of
opening of archives of
paperwork of
paranoia in
physical appearance of
political assassinations and
purges and
Putin’s ambitions and
Putin’s career in
Putin’s inner circle and
Putin’s resignation from
recruiting of
Sobchak and
structure of
training in
Khalimov, Gulmurod
Khmelnitsky, Bohdan
Khodorkovsky, Mikhail
ambitions of
arrest and imprisonment of
bank of
Chevron-Yukos merger and
childhood and adolescence of
demeanor of
education of
and Loans for Shares
management style of
oil and
organized crime and
physical appearance of
Putin’s relationship with
and Russia without Putin
Soviet financial system worked by
Khrushchev, Nikita:
anti-Stalin campaign of
iconoclasm and
Soviet grain imports and
Ukraine and
in myth and history
religion in
Shevchenko and
Ukrainian independence and
World War II and
Kissinger, Henry
Klimenko, Herman
Knight, Sam
Koch, Erich
Koch, Frederick
Koehler, John O.
Kolskaya oil rig, sinking of
Korea, South
Korejba, Jakub
Kovalchuk, Mikhail
Kozyrev, Andrey
Kudrin, Alexei
Kurile Islands
Kurskaya Metro Station
Kursk disaster
Kuzichkin, Vladimir
Law of the Sea Treaty
Lazar, Marcel
Lenin, Vladimir
and collapse of Russian Empire
comparisons between Putin and
iconoclasm and
oil and
Russian national anthem and
statues of
tomb of
Ukraine and
democratic movement in
Free Economic Zone in
gang wars in
Internet and
KGB in
Khodorkovsky and
mayoral elections in
phone service in
poverty and food shortages in
Putin’s childhood and adolescence in
Putin’s wife and
Shevchenko and
Sobchak as mayor of
U.S. consulate in
World War II and
Lermontov, Mikhail
Life and Fate (Grossman)
Limonov, Eduard
Literature and Revolution (Trotsky)
Litvinenko, Alexander
Loans for Shares
Lomonosov, Mikhail
Lomonosov Ridge
Lugar, Richard
Lugovoi, Andrei
Lunkin, Aleksandr
Luzhkov, Yuri
Lysenko, Trofim
MacArthur, Douglas
McCain, John
McDaniel, Tim
MacKay, Peter
Mackinder, Halford
Magic Christian, The (Southern)
Magnitsky, Sergei
Man Without a Face, The (Gessen)
Mao Zedong
March West doctrine
Mariinsky Canals
Markov, Georgi
Mayakovsky, Vladimir
Medvedev, Dmitri
Arctic and
comparisons between Putin and
and demonstrations against Putin
on economic reform
Internet and
Kaliningrad and
and Russia without Putin
Menatep Bank
Mendeleev Ridge
Meri, Lennart
Merkel, Angela
Mezhuev, V. M.
Mickiewicz, Adam
middle class
Mihailov, Sergei
Minsk agreements
Mitrokhnin, Vasily
Molotov, Vyacheslav
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
Mongols, Mongol Horde
and campaign against dissent
changing street names in
and coup against Gorbachev
demonstrations and violence in
feared Russian collapse and
iconoclasm and
Internet and
KGB in
Khodorkovsky and
mayoral elections in
in myth and history
oil and
Olympic Games in
organized crime in
political assassinations and
Putin’s FSB directorship and
Putin’s postings in
Russian-Chechen wars and
Russian gold depository in
Soviet high-rises in
and transition from Soviet Union to Russian Federation
Ukraine and
U.S. embassy in
World War II and
Moscow Times, The
Murder in Samarkand (Murray)
Murray, Craig
mutual assured destruction (MAD)
Napoleon I, Emperor of France
Naryshkin, Sergei
National Geographic
National Guard, Russian:
creation of
as Putin’s personal guard
Russian internal enemies and
Russian Syrian incursion and
Navalny, Alexei
Internet and
Russian internal enemies and
and Russia without Putin
Nazarbayev, Nursultan
Nemtsov, Boris
Nerchinsk, Treaty of
New Economic Policy (NEP)
New Silk Road
New Year’s
New York Times, The
Nicholas I, Tsar of Russia
Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia
Nikitin, Alexander
Nixon, Richard
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Arctic and
Charter of
expansionism of
Kaliningrad and
KGB illegals and
reuniting Germany and
Russian-Chechen wars and
and Russian threat to West
Soviet submarine transfers and
Ukraine and
Northern Sea Route (NSR)
Northwest Passage
nuclear weapons, reactors, and waste
and Arctic
and China
and floating nuclear power plants (FNPPs)
and Kaliningrad
and Kazakhstan
and KGB
and NATO expansionism
and Russia without Putin
and Sakharov
and stealing atomic secrets
and Sudden Nuclear Missile Attack (SNMA)
and Ukraine
and U.S.-Soviet relations
Nuremburg trials
Obama, Barack
Arctic and
Chechnya and
China and
comparisons between gas and
Crimea and
exploration for
in history
Kazakhstan and
Khodorkovsky and
nano project and
price of
privatizing of
Putin’s failures and
Putin’s reelection and
Russia and
Soviet Union and
spills of
Berezovsky and
and criticisms of Putin
Khodorkovsky and
and Loans for Shares
presidential elections and
Putin’s relationship with
and Russia without Putin
and threats to Putin’s power
Oligarchs, The (Hoffman)
Olympic Games
O’Reilly, Dave
Oreshkin, Dmitri
Orlov, Count Alexei
ORT (TV Channel 1)
Owen, Sir Robert
Panama Papers
Panetta, Leon
Petofi, Sandor
see also Leningrad
Petrostate (Goldman)
Philosophical Letters (Chaadayev)
“Plenty of Room at the Bottom” (Feynman)
gas and
Kaliningrad and
national poet of
Ukraine and
Politkovskaya, Anna
Polo, Marco
Potsdam Agreement
Prague Spring
Pribylovsky, Vladimir
Prokhanov, Alexander
Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The
Proton rocket crash
Pushkin, Alexander
Pussy Riot
Putin, Vladimir Vladimirovich:
accused of pedophilia
alcohol consumed by
aliases of
alleged corruption of
ambitions of
authoritarianism of
awards and honors of
baptism of
birth of
boxing and judo of
bribe refused by
childhood and adolescence of
children of
on collaborators and snitches
communal apartment life of
counterintelligence work of
criminal investigation of
criticisms of
cyberpolitics and
death of
demeanor of
demonstrations against
disappearances of
on economic diversity
education and training of
electoral demographics of
enemies and rivals of
failures of
finances of
foreign intelligence and relations work of
on future
German language studies of
hybrid warfare of
illegal agent screening of
injuries of
inner circle of
as insulting
leadership skills of
lion tamer role of
as Little Volodya
loyalty and trust important to
marriage and married life of
media seizure of
misreading of
mission of
oath of office taken by
order and control important to
in outing himself
paranoia of
parents of
personal guard of
personal nightmare scenario of
physical appearance of
political assassinations and
popularity of
power and authority of
predicting behavior of
presidency handed to
presidential campaigns of
presidential inaugurations of
prime minister post offered to
reading of
on recentralization
relations between authoritarian leaders and
rise to power of
Russia without
sense of danger of
speeches of
statism of
street fighting of
successors to
on television
undercover work of
weight gain of
working class background of
worldview and geopolitics of
Putina, Lyudmila
East Germany and
husband’s finances and
married life of
Qaddafi, Muammar
Reagan, Ronald
rebirth, myth of
Rebuilding Russia (Solzhenitsyn)
Red Banner Institute
Red Notice (Browder)
“Reflections” (Sakharov)
Repin, Vladimir
“Restoration of Order, The” (Baranczak)
Revenge of Geography, The (Kaplan)
Rice, Condoleezza
Rising Tide (Weir and Boybe)
Rockefeller, John D.
Rogozin, Dmitri
Roldugin, Sergei
Rolling Stones, The
Russia Hand, The (Talbott)
Russian Empire
China and
collapse of
developmental dynamic lacked by
Gogol and
iconoclasm and
militarism of
national poet of
oil and
Ukraine and
Russian Federation:
ambitions of
Arctic and
authoritarianism lite of
centralization of
Chechen wars with
China and
collapse of
comparisons between Soviet Union and
comparisons between U.S. and
Constitution of
creation of
Crimea annexed by
defectors from
demographobia of
drunkenness in
economy of
expansionism of
Family rule of
French relations with
future of
gas and
gold holdings of
holidays of
humiliations of
hybrid warfare of
iconoclasm and
internal enemies of
international sanctions against
Internet and
Japanese relations with
Kazakhstan and
military equipment industry of
national flag and anthem of
oil and
organized crime in
paranoia of
political assassinations of
population of
presidential elections in
without Putin
Putin’s failures and
regular army of
resurgence of
rule of law in
sciences and education in
Syrian incursion of
Tajikistan and
as threat to West
trade of
transition from Soviet Union to
Ukraine and
U.S. military ships and aircraft buzzed by
U.S. relations with
violence and demonstrations in
and vulnerability of Kaliningrad
Russian Idea
Russian Idea, The (Berdyaev)
Russian Revolution
carelessness of
as iconoclasts
messianic consciousness of
in myth and history
polarization of
survival of
Ukraine and
Russians in the Arctic, The (Armstrong)
“Russia on the Threshold” (Putin)
Russo-Japanese War
Ryzhkov, Vladimir
St. Andrew Hall
St. Basil’s Cathedral
St. Petersburg, see Leningrad
Sakharov, Andrei
arrest and internal exile of
and collapse of Soviet Union
dissidence of
electoral office of
KGB and
Putin on
Salye, Marina
Sanders, Bernie
Saudi Arabia
Schultz, Debbie Wasserman
Sea of Okhotsk
secret service, Russian
Serbs, Serbia
Shadkhan, Igor
Shamil, Imam
Shevchenko, Arkady
Shevchenko, Taras
Shevtsova, Lilia
shock therapy
Shoigu, Sergei
Shvets, Yuri
China and
oil and
and Russia without Putin
World War II and
Silk Road
Sinyavsky, Andrei
Skuratov, Yury
Slaughterhouse Five (Vonnegut)
Small, Andrew
Snowden, Edward
Sobchak, Anatoly
Chubais’s relationship with
and coup against Gorbachev
mayoralty of
Putin’s KGB connections and
Putin’s relationship with
Prague Spring and
and transition from Soviet Union to Russian Federation
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr
attempt on life of
and collapse of Soviet Union
dissidence and
Kazakhstan and
Putin’s esteem for
Soviet economy and
Ukraine and
Soros, George
Southern, Terry
Soviet Civilization (Sinyavsky)
Soviet Union, see Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Spiegel, Der
Stalin, Joseph
achievements of
Arctic and
collective agriculture and
comparisons between Hitler and
comparisons between Putin and
demise of
genetics and
iconoclasm and
Kazakhstan and
KGB and
Khrushchev’s denunciation of
oil and
Putin’s family connections with
Soviet national anthem and
statues of
Tatars and
Ukraine and
World War II and
Star Wars missile defense program
Dresden and
and Green Beret bases in West Germany
Nazi criminals and
Putin’s bronze medal and
Stasi (Koehler)
Steinbeck, John
Sword and the Shield, The (Andrew and Mitrokhnin)
Sword and the Shield, The (miniseries)
Talbott, Strobe
Tamm, Igor
Tatiana Café
terrorists, terrorism
Chechnya and
China and
France and
Internet and
Kazakhstan and
and Law of the Sea Treaty
Mongols and
National Guard and
U.S. and
“Testament” (Shevchenko)
Thatcher, Margaret
Three Days of the Condor
Tiananmen Square
Time Machine
Time of Troubles
To Build a Castle (Bukovsky)
Tolstoy, Count Leo
Tretyakov, Sergei:
and capabilities of secret service
KGB and
Putin’s relationship with
U.S. defection of
Trotsky, Leon
Trump, Donald
Tsiolkovsky, Konstantin
Turks, Turkey
agriculture in
and collapse of Soviet Union
economy of
independence declared by
Kazakhstan and
language of
in myth and history
national anthem of
national liberation sought by
national poet of
nuclear weapons and
peasants of
Poland and
presidential elections in
as real country
revolution in
Russia and
split between east and west of
starvation in
World War II and
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
Afghani war of
Andropov’s leadership in
and Arctic
and China
civil war in
collapse of
collective agriculture in
comparisons between East Germany and
comparisons between Russian Federation and
and coup against Gorbachev
defectors and asylum seekers from
dissidence in
and Doctors’ Plot
and Dresden
economy of
as evil empire
expansionism of
free elections in
genius for survival of
grain shortages of
and Hungarian Uprising
hybrid warfare of
and iconoclasm
illegal agents of
and Kaliningrad
and Kazakhstan
and military superiority of West
national anthem of
nostalgia for
and oil
organized crime in
peasants of
and political assassinations
population of
privatizing assets of
and Putin’s outing himself
Putin’s return to
and Putin’s writings on snitches
regular army of
and reuniting Germany
Russian Orthodox Church in
saints of
sciences and education in
scientific socialism as basis of
submarine transfers of
and television
trade of
transition to Russian Federation from
and Ukraine
U.S. relations with
and World War II
United Kingdom
Arctic and
Berezovsky’s life in
China and
exit from EU of
and pedophilia charges against Bukovsky
political assassinations and
Putin’s education and
Putin’s statism and
Ukraine and
World War II and
United Nations
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)
United States
Arctic and
China and
as Cold War victor
and collapse of Soviet Union
comparisons between Russia and
defectors and asylum seekers in
gas and
Internet and
Kazakhstan and
and Law of the Sea Treaty
military equipment production of
oil and
organized crime in
politics in
Putin’s education and
Putin’s statism and
reuniting Germany and
Russian aircraft buzzing military ships and aircraft of
Russian-Chechen wars and
Russian presidential elections and
Russian relations with
Russian sanctions and
sciences in
slavery in
Snowden and
Soviet relations with
terrorism and
Ukraine and
World War II and
Usoltsev, Vladimir “Big Volodya”
Vickers, Michael G.
Victory Day
V Kontakte (VK)
Vladimir of Kiev, Grand Prince
Voice of America
Volodin, Vyacheslav
Vonnegut, Kurt
Wang Haiyun
Wang Jisi
War and Peace (Tolstoy)
Warsaw Pact
Washington Post, The
Washington Station (Shvets)
Wiesenthal, Simon
Williams, Brad
Wolf, Markus
World Economic Forum
World War I
World War II
Arctic and
and comparisons between Hitler and Stalin
Dresden and
Leningrad and
oil and
Soviet casualties in
Ukraine and
Xi Jinping
Yamani, Sheikh Ahmed Zaki
Yanayev, Gennady
Yanukovich, Viktor
Yeltsin, Boris
Chubais’s relationship with
comparisons between Putin and
corruption investigation of
and coup against Gorbachev
drunkenness of
and Loans for Shares
memoirs of
organized crime and
parliamentary opposition to
and presidential campaigns and elections
Putin as successor to
Putin’s prime minister appointment and
Putin’s relationship with
resignation of
and tank firing on parliament
absorbed by Rosneft
Chevron’s merger with
Khodorkovsky’s ownership of
Zhivkov, Todor
Zolotov, Viktor
Zuchold, Klaus
Zukunft, Paul
Zyuganov, Gennady