Never accept the tempting offer of a better exchange rate from any would-be money-changer who approaches you. This informal money-changing system almost invariably involves a hefty rip-off, where you discover that you have a lot fewer pesos than were apparently counted out.
All taxis are unmetered, and although there are set prices for regular journeys, they are not widely visible. Most taxi drivers are honest, but a few will attempt to bamboozle visitors out of large sums. Always agree a price before setting off. Tourist taxis in front of hotels, airports, and bus stations charge twice the price of regular ones.
Roads in and around Santo Domingo can be appallingly congested, especially at rush hour (7–9am and 5–7pm) and weekends and public holidays (for further details see Festivals & Holidays), when a large number of the capital’s inhabitants head for the beaches or mountains. Try to avoid traveling at peak periods, in particular Friday afternoons and evenings, and Sunday evenings. Congestion is particularly heavy when re-entering the capital Santo Domingo and attempting to cross the Ozama River into the city center.
Fill up whenever possible, particularly if you are driving in the Cordillera Central or the remote northwest, as running out of fuel can be time-consuming and highly expensive.
Banks in the main towns are also often closed at weekends, although casas de cambio (bureaux de change) are more flexible in their opening times. When heading off into the country, make sure to withdraw enough cash to cover any eventuality.
Though the Dominican Republic has less of a drugs culture than other Caribbean nations, there are still drug dealers in tourist resorts, offering cocaine, marijuana, and ecstasy at some nightclubs and other venues. The Dominican police take a very harsh view of all drug use and Dominican prisons are extremely unpleasant.
It is easy, especially with children, to underestimate the power of the tropical sun, and sunburn and sunstroke are the most common threats to an enjoyable stay. Visitors should avoid the hottest part of the day, between noon and 3pm and cover themselves with a strong sunscreen, even when the weather seems predominantly cloudy. Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.
These annoying and potentially harmful insects are found in most parts of the country, especially near stagnant water and mangroves. Wear as much repellant as possible and make sure that your room is fitted with a proper screen.
Although not particularly dangerous as such, the sand flea’s bite is surprisingly painful. These creatures seem most active on beaches at dusk, but appear to be repelled by suntan lotion or baby oil. When bitten, hydrocortisone cream helps in reducing pain and itching.
Motorbikes are the cheapest method of public transport (for further details see Motoconchos). They are also physically dangerous not only for the unhelmeted passengers, but also for pedestrians, who are often involved in accidents with these vehicles. Look both ways before crossing the road.