Note: “LG” refers to Lee Grant.
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Abzug, Bella, 411
Academy Awards. See Oscar nominations and awards
acting. See also specific productions
age, appearance, and effect on casting, 154–56, 205, 207–8, 213, 238–39, 303, 320
in adverse conditions, 203–4
apex of theater career, 204
awards (see awards and nominations)
fear of forgetting lines, 131, 272–76, 306, 386
fourth wall, 275–76
heedlessness of advice, 73
interaction with audience, 274
loss of confidence, 77–78, 274–76, 303
makeup art, 195
migraine pain while, 230–31, 289, 327–28
Neighborhood Playhouse, 51–57, 62, 192, 275, 318
rebound after blacklist, 193–94, 205, 238–39, 434–35
saying yes to everything, 315
shift away from, toward directing, 320
stage fright, 57
subconscious slip, 272
television work while on blacklist, 138–39
use of fear in, 57
Actors Studio, 71, 101–2, 232–33, 241
Adams, Brooke, 326
Adler, Lulla, 152
Adler, Luther, 305
Adler, Stella, 101
Affrime, Mindy, 324
AFTRA (American Federation of Television and Radio Artists)
complicity in blacklist, 134–36, 139, 141, 438
election of new officers, 133, 135–37, 139–40
night of apology, 438–39
Airport ’77, 311–13
Aldredge, Theoni, 203
Allen, Irwin, 316
Allen, Woody, 101
Allgood, Sara, 75
All You Need Is One Good Break, 72–74, 83, 144
Alpert, Jon, 431–32
American Federation of Television and Radio Artists. See AFTRA
American Film Institute, 298–99
American Masters, 413
Annie Kay (childhood friend), 35, 36
Ann-Margret, 393–94
Anthony, Joe, 151
Arms and the Man, 79–80
Art Students League, 43
Ashby, Hal, 210, 231, 236–37, 247–49, 289–90, 292
Astin, Sean, 380
Austin, Dr. (psychiatrist), 127, 155
awards and nominations
Cannes International Film Festival, 91, 133, 160
Directors Guild Award for TV Director, 374
Oscar, 90–91, 133, 268, 294–95, 306, 364, 372
Bacharach, Burt, 420–23
Baghdad ER, 431–32
Bailey, Pearl, 248
Baker, Kathy, 439
Balcony, The, 173–77
Balter, Marie, 373
Barnett, Joan, 352
Bates, Kathy, 383
Battered, 375–77
Baumschlag, Stanley, 33
Beatty, Warren, 288–94
Behar, Joy, 416
Belafonte, Harry, 345
Bendix, William, 75
Benjamin, Richard “Dick,” 259–62
Bergman, Ingmar, 373
Bergner, Elisabeth, 325
Bernard, Tom, 404
Bernardi, Herschel, 160
Bernstein, Aline, 318
Bernstein, Walter, 100–101, 147, 153, 156, 435
Berry, John, 72–74, 83, 100, 143, 145
Birnkrant, Ruth and Arthur, 75, 94, 97
Black, Karen, 259–62
Black, Lenny, 28–30
blacklist. See also House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
AFTRA’s complicity in, 134–36, 139, 141, 438
AWARE, Inc., 134–35, 136–37, 140, 141
Broadway’s resistance to, 98
careers and lives ruined, 83, 134, 327, 439
children of blacklisted artists, 433–34, 438, 440
front men for writers, 100–101, 433–34
LG’s release from, 128, 178, 193
night of apology, 438–40
Screen Actors Guild’s and Reagan’s support, 369
television sponsors and, 138
Blakley, Ronee, 294
Bloomgarden, Kermit, 98
Blumenthal, Dr. (plastic surgeon), 154–55
Bondi, Eddie, 220
Bori, Lucrezia, 10
Boudin, Leonard, 108–13
Brando, Marlon, 72–73
Breslin, Jimmy, 358
Broadway Brawler, 401–10
Bromberg, J. Edward “Joe,” 74, 83–84, 85, 439, 440
Brooks, Albert, 385–86
Brooks, David, 194
Bruce, Betty, 69
Bruce, Lenny, 183–86
Brustein, Robert, 206
Buona Sera, Mrs. Campbell, 220–24
Burnell, Buster, 58–59
Burry, Allen, 428
Byrne, Gabriel, 370
Caine, Michael, 315–16
Cannes International Film Festival award, 91, 133, 160
Cannon, Dyan, 298
Captains and the Kings, The, 151–54, 156–57
Carnovsky, Morris, 193
Carson, Johnny, 297
Carver, Mary, 97
Caryl, Naomi, 229–30
CBS blacklist office, 178
Chamberlain, Richard, 307
Chambers, Dick, 276
Chambers, Everett, 353–55
Chambers, Nancy, 344
Channing, Stockard, 380
Charlie Chan and the Curse of the Dragon Queen, 341, 422
Chasman, Tanya and David, 103
Chayefsky, Paddy, 118
Cherry, Mrs. (elementary school teacher), 21–23
Chester (school friend), 49
Cho, Margaret, 397
Christie, Julie, 288
Cirker, Ira, 138
Clayburgh, Jill, 339–40
Cobb, Lee, 128
Coburn, James, 280
Cohn, Roy, 186
Collingwood, Charles, 137, 140
Collins, Joan, 415
Communism. See also blacklist
LG’s ignorance and rejection of, 67, 83, 93–94, 127
Manoff’s beliefs and associations, 74, 83, 89, 109, 119, 147–48
revelation of Stalin’s atrocities, 147–48
Conradi, Anne Marie, 19
Constantine, Michael, 304
Coolidge, Martha, 323
Cooper, Natalie, 339
Corman, Roger and Julie, 367
Costello, Tony, 344
Cotten, Joseph, 311
Craig, David, 166
Crane, Norma, 421
Crystal, Billy, 439
Cuccia, Vincent, 186
Cunningham, Sally, 66
Daly, John, 380–82
Danaher-Dorr, Karen, 352
Daniels, Jeff, 383–84
Dassin, Jules, 100
Davis, Andy, 299
Davis, Ossie, 238
Bromberg, Joe, 85
Carrie (maid), 28
Chester (school friend), 50
childhood neighbor, 28
Dante, Nicky, 399
Dora (grandmother), 81–82
father, 443–44
Fremo (aunt), 374
friends remembered, 445
Jack (uncle), 7–8
Manoff, Arnie, 200–201
McDowall, Roddy, 342–43
mother, 331–33
Rachel (mother-in-law), 442
Salt, Waldo, 319
Schwartz, Gladys, 318–19
suicide victim at Los Angeles hotel, 65–66
Taylor, Elizabeth, 423
Torre, Mike, 106
Defending Your Life, 385–87
de Havilland, Olivia, 311, 313
Dennis, Sandy, 105–6
Derwin, Dr., 394
Detective Story
Broadway play and film, 54, 71–72, 75, 77
Oscar and Cannes awards, 90–91, 133
DeVito, Danny, 402
Didion, Joan, 240
Diller, Phyllis, 264
Dillon, Melinda, 380
Directors Guild Award, 374
director work. See also documentary filmmaking
American Film Institute women’s directing workshop, 298–300
commercial films, 392–94
Directors Guild Award for TV Director, 374
first documentary, 321–23
first television project, 263–65
first theater project, 233–35
movies based on documentaries, 352–55
as new career, 315, 320, 323, 361
repeated mistakes, 340
vision, 327
Divorce American Style, 237
Doctors and the Nurses, The, 194
documentary filmmaking
for American Masters, 413–14
Feury/Grant Entertainment, 358, 360–61, 389–90, 411–12
filmmaking repertory family, 441
first film, 321–23
for HBO, 358–60, 362–64, 369, 371–72, 388–90
as inspired by Harlan County, USA, 358–59
lawsuits, 389–90
for Lifetime channel, 411–12, 414, 417–19, 421–23, 425–26
political expression through, 322–23, 370
Donald (dresser), 270
Doolittle, Jimmy, 233
Dorn, Dolores, 299
Douglas, Melvyn, 325–29
Douglas, Michael, 254, 293, 402, 428–30
Douglas, Paul, 106–7
Down and Out in America, 364, 369–72, 383–84
Downey, Robert, Jr., 370
Dugan, Dennis, 408
Dukakis, Olympia, 204
Duke, Patty, 243–44
Duke (school friend), 49
Dunn, Jimmy, 210
Dvorak, Miss (high school principal), 44
Edison Hotel theater, 79
education and arts training
Art Students League, 43
ballet classes at Metropolitan Opera House, 18
elementary schools, 21–25
George Washington High School, 44, 49
High School of Music & Art, 43–44
Neighborhood Playhouse, 51–57, 62, 192, 275, 318
School of American Ballet, 19
Walton High School, 44–45
Edwards, Gus, 13–14
Eldridge, Ronnie, 358
Electra, 202–4
Emmy nominations and awards, 212, 297, 432
Englund, George, 85
Falk, Peter, 173, 175–76, 268–69, 272–74, 276
Farrow, Mia, 205, 207, 211–12, 414
Faulk, John Henry, 135–36, 140–42
Fawcett, Farrah, 417–19
Fay, 296–97
blacklist enforcement, 212, 244
failure, 288
forgetting lines, 131, 272–76, 306, 386
heights, 214–16
loss of custody of Dinah to Manoff, 157, 201, 390–91
loss of youth and beauty, 154–56, 205, 207–8, 213, 238–39, 303, 320
Manoff’s anger, 435
pervasive “Nameless Fear,” 164–65, 306, 398
unwitting damage to another person, 131
use of fear in acting, 57
Feury, Joey
devotion to LG, 189, 240, 241, 445
Broadway Brawler film failure, 401–10
Catholic upbringing, 270–71
commercial production business, 241, 268, 270, 276, 317
drugs, 219, 225, 251, 336, 359
easy nature of relationship with LG, 189–90, 192, 227–28, 240–42, 276
Feury/Grant Entertainment, 343, 358, 360–61, 389–90, 411–12
financial savvy, 317, 351, 370, 413
first film partnership with LG, 299–300
“the girl,” 335–38, 347, 361, 367, 376–77
Green House, 314–15, 317–18, 319, 343–44
LG’s attraction to, 188–89, 228
LG’s family with, 447
painting, 230
passion for food, 222
protectiveness and possessiveness, 190, 252–53
as role model for Dinah, 251–52
sensitivity and thoughtfulness, 213, 379, 395
Feury/Grant Entertainment, 343, 358, 360–61, 389–90, 411–12
Fioretti, Belinda
adoption of, 279–83
car accident, 406
husband and children, 412, 446
visit with birth family, 286
withholding of affection from LG, 285–87
work with Feury/Grant Entertainment, 412
Fioretti, Joey. See Feury, Joey
Fioretti, Phyllis, 253, 271, 412, 442, 444–45
Fioretti, Rachel, 253, 285, 333, 336, 403, 442
Fisher, Carrie, 289
Flynn, Errol, 27–28
Following Her Heart, 393–94
Fonda, Henry “Hank,” 71, 121–22
Forster, Mr. (elementary school teacher), 35
Foster (classmate), 22–23
Fouchard, Madame (voice teacher), 50
Fraker, Billy, 317, 403, 405, 406
Franciosa, Tony, 98–99
Frankenheimer, John, 123–24, 125
Frawley, Jim, 170
Frederick, Lynne, 302
Friebus, Florida, 135
Friedan, Betty, 411
Friedlander, Len and Jenny, 285, 344
Front, The, 101
Fuchs, Michael, 369
Fugitive, The, 195–98
Furth, George, 312
Gang, Martin, 128–31
Garbus, Marty, 183–84
Garfield, Alan, 234–35
Garland, Judy, 419
Garrett, Betty, 440
Gates, Gary, 183
Gatti-Casazza, Giulio, 9–10, 11
Gazzara, Ben, 301
George Washington High School, 44, 49
Gest, David, 414–16
Gibson, William, 118
Gilardi, Jack, 255
Ginsberg, Milton, 364
“the girl,” 335–38, 347, 361, 367, 376–77, 379
Godmothers movie company, 324–25
Good Doctor, The, 307
Goodman, Miles, 381
Grace, Princess, 217
Graham, Billy, 197
Grant, Lee
children (see Fioretti, Belinda; Manoff, Dinah)
on concealment of affairs, 241–42, 335
contentment in domestic life, 89–90, 94, 437
cosmetic procedures, 87, 155–56, 230
craving for love, 42, 198, 294–95
drinking and smoking, 32–33, 47–48, 51–52, 128, 254, 271, 281
driver’s license and passport, 232, 364–66
education (see education and arts training)
emotional disconnection, 127, 155, 347
family background, 3–8
freedom from control by men, 168, 192, 227, 240–41
heart problems and pacemaker, 394–96
impractical upbringing and financial ignorance, 21, 76, 92, 317, 320, 351
love for Russian literature, 34, 94
marriages (see Feury, Joey; Manoff, Arnie)
mastoid operation, 33–34
memory loss, 130–31, 271, 275, 328
migraines, 229–31, 289, 327–28, 398
Neo-Synephrine overdose, 271
original name, 5
painting, 43, 127, 152–53, 166, 189
party drugs, 225–26, 251, 254, 359, 419
popularity with boys, 40–42, 45–47
religion (see Judaism)
romantic Heathcliff-model of men, 30–31, 59, 105, 148, 171
saying yes to everything, 230
self-appreciation of beauty and charm, 40–41, 44, 49
sleeping pills, 70, 271, 281, 309, 328
thyroid problem, 405–6
on turning sixty-five, 412–13
on youth and beauty, 154–56, 205, 207–8, 213, 238–39, 303, 320, 396
Green Mansions theater, 59
Group Theatre, 51, 74, 85, 101
Hansberry, Lorraine, 160
Hardin, Rusty, 389
Harris, Susan, 296
Harrison, Greg, 397
Harrison, Rex, 341–42
Hartnett, Vincent, 134–36, 139–41
Haskell, Dora, 5–6, 41, 44, 45, 47, 81–82
Haskell, Fremo
adoration of and plans for LG, 21, 27, 45, 47, 52
Haskell Nursery School, 5–6
as inspiration for LG’s character in The Landlord, 247
in Italy, 221–22
marriage, 95–96
in Paris, 16–18
Havel, Václav, 356–57
Hayden, Terry, 98
Haynie, Jim, 380
Hayward, Susan, 419
Hayworth, Vinton, 139
HBO, 358–60, 362–64, 369, 371–72, 388–90
HB Studio, 61, 105–6, 238, 339
Hedren, Tippi, 324
Heflin, Frances “Fra,” 103, 116
Hefner, Hugh, 177
Helm, Levon, 380
High School of Music & Art, 43–44
Hole in the Head, A, 106–7
Hollenbeck, Don, 440
Hopkins, Anthony, 415
Hopper, Dennis, 307
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC). See also blacklist
first actor to testify, 439
focus on Hollywood, 83
interrogation of LG, 108–13, 129–32
loss of public image, 178, 182
manipulation by legal advisor, 186
pressure tactics to obtain names, 178–79
speakers against, at Bromberg memorial, 85–86
Hunter, Holly, 339
Hunter, Ian McLellan, 434
Huston, Anjelica, 315
Internecine Project, The, 280
In the Heat of the Night, 236–37, 239, 414
Intimate Portrait series, 411–12, 414, 421–23
Irola, Judy, 322
Ironside, Michael, 319
Italy, 220–26
It’s My Party, 397–99
Ivins, Molly, 141
Jackson, Michael, 415–16
Jack (uncle), 7–8
Jacobs, Arthur, 389–90
Janney, Leon, 86
Joffe, Mr. (AFTRA lawyer), 140
Johnson, Laurence, 138–41
Jones, Christopher, 210
Jones, Jay, 446
anti-Semitic encounters, 17, 25, 36–37, 39, 229, 320
Bat Mitzvah, 38–39
Christmas envy, 38
in family background, 3–4
meaning of God, 66
religious observance, 37
Julia, Raul, 370
Justice, Milton, 301, 305, 329, 364–66, 377
justice, sense of
expression through documentary filmmaking, 322–23, 370
resentment toward powerful, 92, 115, 186
union fight against blacklist, 133–40
Kamen, Stan, 339–40
Kane, Carol, 315
Kanin, Garson, 106–7
Kedrova, Lila, 326–29
Keener, Catherine, 380
Kilgallen, Dorothy, 183–84
King, Alan, 214–16
Kleiser, Randal, 397
Kopple, Barbara, 358–59
Kraner, Doug, 403
Kroll, Lucy, 305–6
Kuluva, Will, 79
Lahti, Christine, 383–84
Lancaster, Burt, 123–24
Landlord, The, 231, 247–49, 268
Lardner, Ring, Jr., 83, 100, 439, 440
Lawford, Peter, 223–24
Leachman, Bryan, 309
Leachman, Cloris, 85
League of New York Theaters and Producers, 98
Lederer, Francis, 79
Lee, Canada, 440
Lee, Christopher, 311–12
Lee, Madeline, 135–36
Legato, Marianne, 394–95
Lehman, Ernie, 259–62
Lehne, John, 169
Leigh, Vivien, 170
Lembeck, Harvey, 98–99
Lemmon, Jack, 311
Levant, Oscar, 208–10
Lieberson, Goddard, 209–10
Lifetime channel, 411–12, 414, 417–19, 421–23, 425–26
Lithgow, John, 439
Littman, Lynne, 298
Lo and Behold, 85
L’Oracolo, 10–11
Louise (Sioux leader), 257
Lovell, Dyson, 394
Lynn, Jeffrey, 122
Madsen, Virginia, 370
flood and tornado, 317
friends and life in, 228, 241, 293, 310
Green House, 314–15, 317–18, 319, 343–44, 350
Malone, Dorothy, 205, 207, 210
Manoff, Arnie
accusation against LG of betrayal to HUAC, 199, 435
appropriation of LG’s earnings, 155, 158
as blacklisted writer, 83, 89, 100–101, 178
childhood and parents, 91–92
Communism, 74, 83, 89, 109, 119, 147–48
controlling and manipulative behavior, 92, 93–95, 119, 152–53, 156, 375
death, 200–201
at Dinah’s birth, 114–16
disapproval and anger toward LG, 76, 94, 109, 127, 148–49, 159–60
disinterest in LG’s background, 76, 89, 91, 92
early relationship with LG, 74, 75–76, 86, 88–90
estrangement from LG, 95–97, 159–60
extramarital interests, 124, 152, 201
family history of mental illness, 435
former marriages and children, 73–74, 84, 86, 93, 157, 159
intimidation of LG, 94, 127, 148, 159, 192, 201, 435
LG’s fear of custody battle with, 157, 201, 390–91
on LG’s testimony before HUAC, 128, 131–32
LG’s worship of, 105, 109, 159
marriage to LG, 97–98, 119, 159–60
meeting of LG’s parents, 88
need for LG as children’s caretaker, 93, 119, 158
in Paris, 143–47
physical appearance and manner, 73
Manoff, Dinah
acting roles, 296, 309–10, 353, 380
birth and infancy, 115–17
car accident, 253–54
coping skills, 229
drugs and rebelliousness, 250, 251, 253, 254, 270, 277, 308
estrangement from stepsister, 286
in Europe, 143–44, 147, 220–21, 304
on friendship, 307–8
grandfather and, 334
husband and children, 446
independent living arrangements, 253, 334, 345
on LG’s sixty-fifth birthday, 413
as Malibu girl, 227, 228–29, 252, 308
miscarriage, 406
Tony award, 310
Manoff, Eva, 73, 105, 117, 164
Manoff, Tommy and Mikey
in father’s custody, 157, 158, 160
LG as mother to, 90, 94, 96, 163–64, 437–38
Mikey’s suicide, 436–38
protectiveness of birth mother, 158
Tommy’s alienation and threat to LG, 435–36
March, Fredric, 154
March, Hal, 122
Marlowe, Scott, 393
Mason, Marsha, 307
Mastrantonio, Mary Elizabeth, 370
Matlin, Marlee, 397
Matter of Sex, A, 352–55
Matthau, Carol, 107, 165–66, 168
May, Elaine, 259
McCarthy, Mary Beth
LG’s health concerns, 395–96, 406
at LG’s mother’s deathbed, 332
at Moscow International Film Festival, 399–400
at passport office, 364–66
as production assistant, 321, 339, 360, 384
McCarthy, Mrs. (childhood neighbor), 7–8
McDowell, Malcolm, 301
McFarland, Dorothea, 62
McGavin, Melanie and Darren, 86–87, 92–93
McMahon, Horace, 73
McMahon, Patrick, 431–32
Medford, Kay, 106
Meisner, Günter, 304
Meisner, Sanford “Sandy,” 51–52, 56, 59, 441
Merrick, Monte, 380
Merrill, Dina, 415
Method acting, 53, 99, 101, 204, 275
Metropolitan Opera House, 9–11, 18
Middle of the Night, 154
migraines, 229–31, 289, 327–28, 398
Mikhalkov, Nikita, 399
Miles, Sylvia, 294
Miller, Arthur, 217
Miller, Harvey, 311
Milson, Dougie, 393
Minnelli, Liza, 414–16
Monash, Paul, 207
Moore, Demi, 407
Morley, Karen, 148
Morris, Roberta, 360–61
Mortell, Arthur, 446
Moscow International Film Festival, 399
Mostel, Zero, 100
Ms. magazine, 296–97
Mull, Marty, 244
Mulroney, Dermot, 380
Murrow, Edward R., 140, 178, 187
Mussolini: The Untold Story, 370
Nathan, Vivian, 55
Navasky, Victor, 85–86
Neighborhood Playhouse, 51–57, 62, 192, 275, 318
Nelson, Mervyn, 57
Nelson, Ralph, 318
Neon Ceiling, The, 255–57
Neufeld, Mace, 339–40
Newton-John, Olivia, 397
Nichols, Mike, 259, 267–69, 272
Nicholson, Jack, 293
Nizer, Louis, 140–41
No Place Like Home, 383–84, 403
Novak, Kim, 154
Nykvist, Sven, 373–74
O’Brien, Jack, 307
O’Connell, Susan, 324
Odets, Clifford, 85–86
Oditz, Carol, 403
O’Donnell, Cathy, 75
Ohio Shuffle, 339–40
Oklahoma! road tour, 62–66
Olivier, Laurence, 169–72
O’Neal, Ryan, 205, 208, 210, 417–18
O’Neill, Matt, 431–32
Oscar nominations and awards
Down and Out in America, 364, 372
Landlord, The, 294
Shampoo, 294–95
Voyage of the Damned, 306
Oz, Mehmet, 395–96
Pappa, Peter, 403
Parker, Eleanor, 75
Parker, Sarah Jessica, 370
Parkins, Barbara, 205, 207, 210, 244
Parks, Larry, 439
Parton, Dolly, 293–94
Pataki, George, 186
Perry, Hart, 359
Peters, Jon, 234
Pettinaro, Verino, 403
Peyton Place, 205–8
Pfeiffer, Michelle, 341
Phillips, Michael, 402
Piaf, Édith, 146–47
Pierce, David Hyde, 439
Pierce-Roberts, Tony, 383
Pierson, Frank, 255–56
Pine, Ellie, 144
Plaza Suite, 267–68
Plowright, Joan, 170
Pocono Camp Club, 31–32, 40–42, 70
Poitier, Sidney, 236–37, 239, 413–14
Pollard, Mike, 105
Polonsky, Abe, 100–101
Portnoy’s Complaint, 259–62
Post, Ted, 208
Prager, Stanley, 214–15
Prisoner of Second Avenue, The, 231, 268–70, 272–76
Private View, A, 356–57
Purl, Linda, 319
Quill, Tim, 380
Quine, Don, 206
Quinn, Tony, 295
Raskin, Carolyn, 264
Rasumoff, Abner and Musea, 12–13
Raymond (uncle), 34–35
Reagan, Ronald, 369–70
Redgrave, Lynn, 263–64, 424–25
Redgrave, Vanessa, 419
Reunion, 393
Richards, Ann, 141
Rivers, Joan, 263–64
Roberts, Eric, 397
Roberts, Rachel, 341–42
Robson, Mark, 245
Rose, Billy, 166–68
Rosenberg, Stuart, 194, 196, 301, 305
Rosenthal, Abraham
background, 3–4
contempt for Feury, 316, 333–34, 349
contempt for Manoff, 88–90
contention with LG over loan, 334, 347–48, 349–51
death and ashes, 443–44
East Rockaway nursery school, 91, 316, 349
move to LG’s home, 333–34
move to retirement home, 349
at parents’ home, 15
Pocono Camp Club, 31–32, 40–42, 70
principles of and need for respect, 31, 91, 316, 349
separation from and reunion with LG’s mother, 5, 15–16, 18
Rosenthal, Anne, 128
Rosenthal, Genevieve, 32–33
Rosenthal, Witia Haskell
adoration of LG, 26–27, 52, 89
background, 4
cancer and death, 331–33
dramatic tendencies, 26, 35, 39, 70
dreams and plans for LG, 3, 5, 18, 47, 48, 56, 89
East Rockaway nursery school, 91, 316, 332, 349
Haskell Nursery School, 5–6
as inspiration for LG’s character in The Landlord, 247
LG’s secrets from, 26, 27, 39, 48
loan to LG for Green House, 317, 333–34
separation from and reunion with LG’s father, 5, 15–16, 18
vicarious living through LG, 45, 48
Ryder, Alfred, 203
Sager, Carole Bayer, 422, 426–27
Salt, Waldo, 100, 103, 161, 230, 319
Sands, Diana, 248–49
Sarandon, Chris, 318
Saroyan, Carol (later Carol Matthau), 107, 165–66, 168
Savalas, Telly, 223
Sawyer, Connie, 70
Schell, Max, 315
Schimmel, Mike, 41
Schisgal, Murray, 214
Schlatter, George, 263–64
Schneller, Dr. (heart doctor), 396
School of American Ballet, 19
Schulberg, Budd, 217
Schwartz, Gladys, 103, 158–61, 230, 318–19
Scott, George C., 194, 267, 370
Scotti, Antonio, 10–11
Seasons of the Heart, 393
Sebring, Jay, 245
Segal, George, 393
Segall, Bernardo, 343–44
Shakespeare in the Park, 202–5
Shape of Things, The, 263
Shatner, Bill, 319
Shumlin, Herman, 98–99
Silk Stockings, 188
Silver, Joan Micklin, 323
Smith, Dick, 195
Sobieski, Carol, 255–56
Solms, Kenny, 293
Spacey, Kevin, 439
Spielberg, Steven, 302
Stanislavski, Constantin, 53, 101
Stanley, Kim, 305–6
Stapleton, Jean, 353
Stapleton, Maureen, 169, 171–72, 267
Staying Together, 380
Sterling, Jan, 302
Stewart, Jimmy, 311
Strasberg, Lee, 101–2, 232, 233, 234, 241, 311
Streep, Meryl, 385–87
Strick, Joe, 173–76
Stronger, The, 298–300
Stuart, Mary, 138
Sullivan, Joe, 156–57
Susann, Jacqueline, 243
Swarm, The, 315
Swarthout, Gladys, 10
Sylbert, Anthea, 288
Sylvia (aunt), 48
Tamiment summer resort, 57–59
Taormina Film Festival, 364, 366
Tate, Sharon, 245
Taylor, Elizabeth, 415–16, 423–27
Terkel, Studs, 141
Thomas, Marlo, 352, 373–74, 393
Thomas, Tony, 296
Threepenny Opera, The, 232–35
Tierney, Maura, 401, 403, 404, 406–7
Tinker, Grant, 353
Tomlin, Lily, 294
Torn, Rip, 385
Torre, Rosemary and Mike, 105–6
Towne, Bob, 288
Trumbo, Chris, 433
Trumbo, Dalton, 83, 100, 433–34
Turner, Lana, 210
Two for the Seesaw, 118–22, 169
Tynan, Ken, 107
Tyne, Ethel and Buddy, 103
Ustinov, Peter, 341
Vaccaro, Brenda, 240, 254, 263–65, 293, 294, 312, 393
Valley of the Dolls, 243–46, 419
Van Dyke, Dick, 264
Van Dyke, Mary, 54
Van Patton, Joyce, 106
Van Zandt, Porter, 120
Ventura, Clyde, 299
Verona, Steve, 397
Vietri, Albert, 403
Visiting Hours, 319–20
Vladimiroff, Pierre, 19
von Brandenstein, Patrizia, 327
Voyage of the Damned, 301
Walken, Chris, 339–40
Walker, Bobby and Elly, 251
Wallace, Mike, 139
Walton High School, 44–45
Warden, Jack, 291
Warren, Lesley Ann, 234
Warwick, Dionne, 420–21
Wedding Breakfast, 98–100
Weil, Claudia, 323
Weinglass, Leonard, 179
Welles, Orson, 301
Wertmüller, Lina, 366
Wexler, Haskell, 237
Whitehead, Bob, 108
Williams, Billy, 302
Willis, Bruce, 401–10
Winters, Shelley, 99–100, 124, 173, 175–78, 222–24
Witt, Paul Junger, 296–97
Wolfe, Thomas, 318
Women on Trial, 388–90
Woodard, Alfre, 439
Wyler, William, 75
Yorty, Sam, 232
You Can’t Go Home Again, 318
Young, Gig, 256–58
Young Savages, The, 123–24
Zaentz, Saul, 324
Zambanini, Richie, 403
Zeta-Jones, Catherine, 428
Zorina, Vera, 209
Zuniga, Daphne, 380