15 Vary your other dairy.

Milk doesn’t need fat to be satisfying. It’s the protein that fills you up, and all milk, from fat-free to whole, contains about the same amount of protein. So drink skim.

As you can see in the chart below, milk varies in calories depending on the percentage of fat it contains. You can cut fat and calories in a recipe by choosing milk products with lower percentages of fat. Consider the following substitutions:


TIP: image

If you’re using the milk to make a sauce, low-fat substitutes can make the sauce less creamy. To replace 1 cup of heavy cream in sauces, mix 1 tablespoon of arrowroot with 1 tablespoon of evaporated skim milk; microwave 1 cup of skim milk until it simmers; then whisk in the evaporated skim milk/arrowroot slurry and return to the microwave for 20 seconds. Season to taste with herbs or a small amount of grated cheese or both. To make a fat-free whipped cream, whip chilled evaporated skim milk with an immersion blender.

I’ve tried all these tricks, and they work!
