Dad calls with the
fan-freaking-tastic Newsflash
he has stopped drinking,
I’ve heard this before
for good.
Isn’t it always?
we should celebrate!
Dad thinks sober chips
and “sorrys”
can buy time lost
all will go back
as if nothing ever happened,
as if we never broke.
But those kids he left
are older now
with calloused hearts
he tries to soften
with his old trick
I am not amused.
Divorce changes
more than the present,
it changes the past too.
That old portrait,
blue background
the five of us
huddled together
smiling at the command
of the photographer’s
snap snap snap.
Lying through our teeth
to the camera.
Posing as a beautiful family.
That photo
revealed as counterfeit and
face down
in a drawer somewhere.