Christine Lockhart
Who keeps my practice, and my life, intact,
for her dedication to our dreams, her soul, her wisdom,
and her cheesecake
Scott Edelstein
Who always knows how to push open the gates to the muse and who’s the best red-pencil-wielder in the world
Cody Sontag
For letting me adopt her and giving me the experience of being mothered
Pat Matthews and Sherry Buckner
For such big hearts and openhanded giving,
both as playmates and in embracing the vision of Avonlea
Rabbitt Boyer
For friendship, generosity, and honor
Ann Weston, Karen Selby, Judy Burns, and Cassie Major
Because I wouldn’t be here now if you hadn’t been there way back when
To the Cove OH and Poker Society
Harry Lynam and Barbara Self
For endless games of Oh Hell, poker, and euchre,
and for showing up when something is tough
Blaine Haigh, Bridgemobile Captain
For rescuing me on a routine basis and
Joan Haigh
An endless source of good reading, manna for an author
Wauneta Fortson (Ace)
For many fun, good evenings at my wonderful table,
but please, quit leading trump, and
Gloria Tarver
Eternal mother, wise, warm, and generous
Avonlea Advisors and Board Members
For creating a haven community for women
who have carried too many tears, and
Avonlea Community Members
For having the courage to try one more thing