Fig. 1. Cornelis Bloemaert, Glaucus als Meermann |
14 |
Fig. 2. Henry Mahon, Scorbutic limbs |
16 |
Fig. 3. Henry Mahon, Scorbutic limbs |
17 |
Fig. 4. David Jones, Death and Life in Death |
44 |
Fig. 5. David Jones, Death Fires |
52 |
Fig. 6. Georg Forster, Ice Islands with Ice Blink |
144 |
Fig. 7. William Hodges, Pickersgill Harbour |
145 |
Fig. 8. X-radiograph of Pickersgill Harbour |
146 |
Fig. 9. Pickersgill Harbour and X-radiograph |
147 |
Fig. 10. Port Jackson Painter, Aborigines Attacking a Sailor |
163 |
Fig. 11. Port Jackson Painter, Mr. Waterhouse Endeavouring to Break the Spear after Govr Phillips [sic] Was Wounded |
167 |
Fig. 12. Port Jackson Painter, The Governor Making the Best of His Way to the Boat after Being Wounded with the Spear |
167 |
Fig. 13. Nicolas-Martin Petit, Aboriginal Dwelling |
203 |
Fig. 14. Charles-Alexandre Lesueur, Aborigines’ Huts on Peron Peninsula |
203 |
Fig. 15. William Westall, Port Jackson, A Native |
204 |
Fig. 16. Joseph Lycett, Cape Pillar |
205 |
Fig. 17. Joseph Lycett, Aborigines Spearing Fish |
206 |
Fig. 18. William Hodges, Ice Island |
207 |
Fig. 19. William Hodges, Island of South Georgia |
207 |
Fig. 20. Port Jackson Painter, Method of Climbing Trees |
208 |
Fig. 21. Port Jackson Painter, Aboriginal Woman Curing Her Child |
209 |
Fig. 22. Port Jackson Painter, Grotto Point in the Entrance of Port Jackson |
209 |
Fig. 23. Port Jackson Painter, Mssrs. White, Harris, and Laing |
211 |
Fig. 24. Port Jackson Painter, Portrait of Gna-na-gna-na |
212 |
Fig. 25. Port Jackson Painter, The Manner in which the Natives of New South Wales Ornament Themselves: Goo-roo-da |
213 |
Fig. 26. Port Jackson Painter, Portrait of Balloderree |
214 |
Fig. 27. Grass Cove, Marlborough Sound, New Zealand |
238 |
Fig. 28. David Jones, Gulliver and the Female Yahoo |
249 |