Chapter Ten
“Wait to Friday.” Annie said it over and over, sometimes without Tammy asking other times in answer to her question -
“Have you found someone? And what are we going to do Friday?” It all got her the same enigmatic answer. Friday was a lifetime away, an eternity of being nice to parents, avoiding the over solicitous hugs, kisses and enquiries after health and mental well-being.
“Why can’t she just leave us alone?” Annie demanded after one particularly sickly session of mother love. “We were all right before!”
“Before we thought she was our real mother,” Tammy had invincible logic. Annie found it hard to accept.
“Much more and I’ll be really rude to her!”
“Oh give her time, An, give her time, she’ll get used to it.”
“Give her time! All right, I’ll try and be good.”
“Tell me about Friday.”
“Wait to Friday,” and that’s all Tammy could get. But there were whispered telephone calls which stopped when she got close and a general air of mystery that intrigued and nearly drove her mad.
She guessed Annie knew exactly what she was doing. Most likely laying traps which no man could resist.
“Friday came at last, Adrienne and Martin got themselves ready, kissed and hugged the girls, drove away to a chorus of ‘take care’, ‘see you later’, and other meaningless expressions.
Tammy and Annie raced upstairs and changed, Tammy into a virtually backless low cut tight black dress as Annie had ordered, Annie into tiny cut off shorts and cropped top. When the bell rang they were ready and waiting. Annie opened the front door slowly, smiling her most inviting smile.
“Uncle Phil, do come in.”
“Thanks Annie. I must say this all sounds highly mysterious and interesting, what’s going on? Didn’t I see your parents going off down the road?”
If you did you were hanging around watching. Annie smothered her thoughts, smilingly inviting him into the lounge.
“You did. Tammy, Uncle Phil’s here.”
Tammy got up from the settee, aware of her twin’s prickling of excitement and lust, did some deep breathing to control her own feelings.
“Have a seat, Uncle Phil. Drink?” Annie crossed to the drinks cabinet, stood with a bottle of whisky in her hand.
“Just a small one, Annie, thanks.”
“Here,” with the glass in his hand he looked more relaxed, but still studied both of them carefully.
“So, tell me what this is all about.”
“Well -” Annie sat on the arm of his chair, making him go slightly red as her hip came into contact with his arm and shoulder. “We know what you’re like, Uncle Phil.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Tammy smiled.
“You keep a pile of - interesting, shall we say - magazines in your closet, don;t you?”
Phil looked at Tammy and then at Annie, saw knowing smiles knowing eyes and blushed deep red.
“Who’s been talking? Tony? I’ll kill my son when I get home!”
“Don’t do that, Uncle Phil, it wasn’t his fault, we know you men always have a secret store of magazines, so we mentioned it, just casual like. If you had, he’d know about it and of course he did. We were right, weren’t we, Tammy?”
“As usual.” Tammy smiled. They hadn’t asked Tony to do anything, they had gambled on Phil having the magazines. He was someone who sought every opportunity for hugs, kisses on the lips rather than the cheek, a hand sliding here and there, a quick pat on the backside, he had to have magazines - and it got Tony into trouble, Phil would have a go at him as soon as he could.
Phil began to panic, began to look very uncomfortable, tried to move away from Annie’s warm body and failed.
“Look, don’t tell your Aunt Phyllis, will you? I mean if she knew -”
“We won’t tell anyone, don’t you worry about a thing, Uncle Phil.”
“Look, we know now I’m not your real uncle, don’t we? Can’t we drop the uncle bit?”
“If that’s what you want.” Annie let her arm fall naturally to her side, touched his arm, let her fingers walk along his hand, nails painted gleaming wicked red, slid back to her wrist, held it lightly between her fingertips.
He tossed the whisky down his throat, held the glass out, silently asking for another one. Tammy got up took it from him making sure her fingers touched his, went to pour another drink, a larger one this time.
“So, what do you girls want with me, other than to tell me my guilty secrets?” blustering, still afraid, yet intrigued enough to stay.
“We want you to do us a favour, Phil.” Annie trailed a finger round his ear down his neck round his collar and under his chin. It was all he could do to sit still, Tammy could see his emotions ready to boil over. “Tammy here, she’s developed a taste for discipline, and you see, we don’t know where to go to get some! I mean, boyfriends are all right but they’re bit wimpy, get scared if we talk about spanking and things like that.”
Tammy watched Phil go even redder, he clenched his fists and pushed them into the cushion. Annie had scored a direct hit, it wasn’t just girlie magazines it was discipline too.
“So we were wondering, as we’re alone here, and no neighbours can hear us, whether you’d like to put Tammy here across your knee and tan her arse for her?”
“You’re not serious of course!” Blurted out through virtually ground shut teeth, his expression defying her to disappoint him.
“Yes, we’re serious.” Tammy stood up walked gracefully over to him, stood in her tight clinging dress which revealed everything, including the fact she wore no knickers.
“Go, go, go!” came from Annie, silent, impulsive, urgent. Tammy reached out a hand, silver nails flashing in the light blonde hair gleaming, face deliberately wistful.
“I’ve been such a naughty girl, Uncle Phil, such a naughty girl. Won’t you punish me for my bad deeds?”
“I don’t believe I’m hearing this,” he tried to stand up, his legs gave way and he fell back into the armchair again. “You’re having me on. Adrienne, Martin? Are you there? The joke’s over!”
“No one’s here, Uncle Phil.” Tammy knelt down, gazed into his eyes with her own large soulful ones. “You said you saw them leaving. No one’s here but us girls, and I’m the naughty one. Do you know Annie was so mad with me she was thinking of spanking me herself? Now she’s not really strong, but if she used a ping pong bat or a leather strap or perhaps borrowed a riding crop from one of her friends do you think she could make some impack on me? But that would be a waste, wouldn’t it? I mean, there are people - men - around who like doing it, who get pleasure out of doing it and who can do it a lot harder than Annie would.” Phil went even redder, his face began to swell, hands were twitching violently. Annie grinned from behind his shoulder, touched him and he jumped.
“Go on Phil, she’s begging for it, aren’t you, Tammy?”
“Spank me, Uncle Phil, spank this naughty girl.” With one graceful slithering movement Tammy prostrated herself over his knees as Annie got up, moved slowly and silently away.
“Damn it!” Phil raised his hand. For a long long moment Annie thought he was going to hold out against temptation but Tammy was just too much to ignore. Even as she thought he would resist, he brought his hand down with a resounding thwack! Tammy jumped, but didn’t cry out. He spanked her again, then tugged the dress out of the way, exposing her cheeks small round creamy white flushed with pink from his first smacks. He groaned, a long meaningful sound, and began to spank her hard, smacks ringing out around the room. Tammy squealed and jumped, wriggled and kicked but made no real effort to escape.
Annie pressed a button and began the tape recording that would ensure she had Phil forever in her grasp. Not that it would be needed, she was sure of that. Tammy’s cheeks were turning bright red under his onslaught, his stinging hand finding every inch of her cheeks, her cries urging him on to hurt her even more. The red became intense, her cries became real, and she finally broke down, sobbing and lying limply over his knees, her tears dripping into the carpet. Only then did Phil stop, run his hands lovingly over her bottom, his fingers sliding between the crack, finding her moistness. He stood up, tipping her ungracefully onto the floor as realisation hit him.
“O.K., so I did it. Now what? I suppose you report me?”
“Another drink, Uncle Phil?” Annie appeared as if by magic at his side, whisky in her hand. He saw her nipples pushing against the top, saw her thighs grind together in the cut off shorts, knew she had found the experience exciting, a real turn on. Tammy laid on the floor, bottom red and angry, weeping into the carpet, the picture of contrition, but this fingers had found the truth. She too had been turned on.
He snatched the whisky and drank it in one go.
“God, you girls are something else!” There was admiration in his voice this time.
Annie eyed the sleek good-looking too smooth man, saw the slicked back hair, pampered skin clean cut manicured nails and white hands and smiled.
“Would you like to come again one day, Uncle Phil?”
“I’d like to come now.” He grinned, pressed his crotch, tried to adjust the bulge.
“Tam, Uncle Phil is uncomfortable.”
ammy got up on her knees, dress around her waist, revealing her small blonde bush. She smiled tremulously, reached for him.
His cock came free as she slid down the zip, as she took him into her mouth he sighed with happiness. Annie took the opportunity to stop the tape, the sound of so much sighing and groaning covered the small click the recorder made. She smiled behind Phil’s back, giving Tammy the thumbs up sign.
One down, no two down how many to go?