Chapter Eighteen



47 Kensington Drive was everything Tammy said it was, run down, shabby, tasteless and graceless. Cheap garish coloured lights winked on and off in the window, a tree overladen with ornaments stood just inside.

Annie paused and pretended to be tying up a shoelace, her trainers were a little loose, and listened. She could hear raised voices and slamming doors even through the closed windows. My family, she thought, my family, cheap nasty lower class people! And I come from them! Her hatred spilled out, and she imagined a large spider in the front door. She heard a shriek, grinned and moved on, feeling much better.

“So easy,” she whispered “So easy to terrify people!” and smiled evilly. An old lady passing her by glanced at Annie’s face and immediately crossed over the road. Annie smiled a little more, feeling even more pleased with herself. Control. Power. That was what it was all about. Power could overcome anything, class problems, money problems, no, not money problems. That was something she wanted to work on, how to get money, lots and lots of money. There had to be a way to use her power, her sexuality, her dominance, to get money. Even as she questioned it, hurrying along the broken pavements past rusting cars and run down houses, she knew how she would get the money. An advertisement in a contact magazine.

“Me or Tam,” she mused aloud, startling a dog wandering around a pile of rubbish bags. It barked at her and ran off. “I could sell my services or Tam’s. Not sure what she’d think of it.”

A cold wind blew round the corner, making Annie shiver. Tammy had better be on time, that’s all, she thought, I’m not hanging around in the cold!

Tammy was on time, waiting on the corner of the road where Mr. Wrayland lived. Waiting and quaking. Annie could sense her fear verging on terror, sensed the anticipation which made it all worthwhile, felt the clutching of the muscles in Tammy’s rounded cheeks, felt the wetness that permeated the knickers, and knew Tammy was excited, no matter what she might say. She hurried up to Tammy and hugged her.

“Oh my twin, don’t I know you better than I know myself?” Annie put her arm around Tammy’s shoulders, drew her close as they walked along together.

“This one’s for me and me alone, kiddo.”

“No, it’s for me too, I did get such a thrill last time,” and it was true, she had.

Mr. Wrayland opened the door as they walked up the path, his eyes going wide at the sight of the two of them.

“Do I get both of you?” he asked, as they walked past him into the warm hall.

Annie laughed. “Definitely not! I want to watch this time, that’s all.”

Mr. Wrayland eyed her closely. “You’re a very strange young lady, if I might say so.”

“And you’re a strange man, Mr. Wrayland, it is an odd way of spending your time. Good job there are some of us who enjoy it.” She pushed Tammy into what she guessed was the lounge.

Tammy hadn’t spoken. She stood in the centre of the room, her legs perceptibly shaking, her eyes wild with fear and delight. This man was an expert and it wasn’t often she got punished by an expert.

Annie slumped on to the settee, absorbing Tammy’s apprehension and anticipation, feeding on it greedily, adding it to her own vicarious thrill of being able to watch. So often she was involved in something herself and wasn’t able to be no more than an onlooker. This time she could.

“I’m not happy about this,” Mr. Wrayland looked very uneasy, despite having the cane in his hand already.

No way are you unhappy, thought Annie. I’ve got you where I want you, old man! If you were unhappy there’d not be a cane in sight!

“Tamasine is my twin, my identical twin in every respect, Mr. Wrayland.” She spoke soothingly, approving as Tammy removed her coat and skirt. “We just have this difference of sexual inclination. I prefer to be dominant, she is a submissive - in case you hadn’t noticed. Well, it isn’t for me to punish my own twin, so I get someone else to do it. Last time I couldn’t come, this time I want to watch,” and not a word about feeling it myself. I daren’t mention that!

Tammy still hadn’t spoken, her gaze flashed from Mr. Wrayland to Annie and back again. Annie flashed her a silent message.

“You doing all right, kiddo, and I’ve got wet knickers too,” and she had, she wasn’t lying.

“Let’s make it twenty four this time,” she said aloud and Tammy gasped, went red and then groaned very slightly. Annie tut tutted under her breath.

“Kiddo, you’re not supposed to come before you get caned!”

Another silent message which brought a grin to Tammy’s face.

Mr. Wrayland took a deep breath, straightened himself to his full height and nodded.

“All right, if that’s what you want.”

“I do and so does Tamasine.”

“Then bend over the chair, young lady,” he touched Tammy with the cane, and she went obediently to the settee, leaning over the end, briefs stretched tight across her rounded cheeks, identical to Annie’s in every way except Annie’s never bore bruises of any kind. Ever.

And then he began the caning.