Chapter Three



Q. How old were you when Annie discovered sex, as you put it?

A. Seventeen. I knew something was different about her, we - talk to one another, you see, - I mean -

Q. Telepathically?

A. Yes, that’s right, that’s the word. Annie thinks at me and I think back. We’re that close. So I could sense a restless feeling coming from her to me, a - sudden awareness of her body and what it could do. She had this boyfriend at the time, Niall - Niall Hodgson, right dishy he was, every girl in the school was after him, but Annie got him. And like me, had him just where she wanted him too! He spent his lunch money on her, took her places, did things for her. And he sent away for things for her, got them delivered to his home address so our parents wouldn’t find out.

Q. What sort of things?

A. A small vibrator at first. Annie used it a few times, showed me how it worked, offered it to me but I said no. Then she said it was too small, too thin, it wasn’t doing what she wanted, and got Niall to send off for an eight inch big one, and used it to get rid of her virginity. Told me no man was going to take that from her. No man could say ‘I had Anastasia Webster first’ and get away with it. It gave her the edge over men which is what she wanted.

Q. What happened next?

A. Annie realised she was what is called a dominant. Niall was getting catalogues for her, sex toys and clothes, and she was turned on by pictures of women in black leather with whips and things, and fantasized about it. Niall was a wimp, despite being the hunkiest guy around school, and before long Annie had him tied up and was whipping him - Niall Hodgson! The school would die if they found out! His parents would too, and as for all his adoring fans -

Q. And you?

A. With the history of domination I’d suffered from Annie, I had to be a submissive, didn’t I? So before long Annie got other people, boyfriends who adored her, to hurt me. Wimp Niall started it, got a ping pong bat and spanked me with it, me bent over the work bench in the garage.

Q. Did you like it?

A. No, I hated it. But Annie insisted, and as she got my feelings she knew underneath my hating it was the feeling - a tiny feeling - of pleasure. I got that from obeying, rather than from being hurt.

Q. Your parents never found out?

A. No, they nearly always go out Friday nights to some dinner or party or something. The garage would be empty, we would ask someone round, and Annie would devise a session. Sometimes it would be me getting it, sometimes Niall, who was a real submissive man! It moved from ping pong bats to heavier things, a riding crop can hurt a lot, I had to be tied down for that. We had this one guy Mark, who liked fucking and would do anything to get into Annie’s pants. He used to bind me, wrists and ankles, large knots, take ages over them, making sure the knots were large enough for me to see so I could know for sure I’d never get out. Rope round and round my wrists, my ankles, I can see them now, those huge knots, can remember the edge of the work bench cutting into my stomach and breasts, you can see they’re not very big at the best of time. Then he would beat me with the riding crop, whatever amount Annie said. Six, twelve and once it was eighteen times. I think I’d displeased her over something. If I made too much noise she’d stuff an oily rag in my mouth. Later we got a leather ball gag.

Q. What were your feelings about all this by that time?

A. Getting to like it, as Annie knew I would.

Q. And Annie?

A. Annie loved it all. You see, it was me being subdued, punished she’d call it, and she would have my feelings coming through, mixed up with her feelings of domination, her having ordered me to take it, her being able to watch me take it, and my pleasure at being ordered to take it. Twin pleasures, she called.