Writing a book is far from a solitary pursuit. Huge thanks to critique readers Nancy Adams, Stephen Buehler, Adam Gratz, Emberly Nesbitt, Susan Parman, Larissa Reinhart, Brian Selfon, and Susan Spann, and my incredible Henery Press editorial team of Kendel Lynn, Rachel Jackson, and Erin George. And special thanks to two people who believed in this series from the start: my agent Jill Marsal and Malice Domestic Grants Chair Harriette Sackler.


Writing about a historian involves a lot of historical research, including the fun of discovering obscure facts, visiting mysterious locations, and talking with fascinating people. My research for The Ninja’s Illusion benefited from the help of many people, most notably Jacob Pandian, Larissa Reinhart, Susan Spann, Chizuko Goto, and Yuichiro Yamashita. Any mistakes in these pages are my own.


I’m forever grateful for the friends who kept me sane as I wrote this novel. I’m blessed with a wonderful community of more people than I can list individually with the space I have here. I need to at least mention local writers Emberly Nesbitt, Mysti Berry, and Michelle Cruz Gonzales, who keep me going at our café writing dates. Fellow members of the board of Sisters in Crime, who inspire me with all they do for this genre we love. And Diane Vallere, who never blinks an eye when I ask her the silliest questions.


And the reason Jaya got to travel to Japan is James, who first suggested we visit Japan. At the time I had no idea I’d fall in love with both the country and Japanese mystery novels.