Our world is chan­ging at break­neck speed. Only those organ­iz­a­tions with leaders who skill­fully and rap­idly adjust to the seismic shifts taking place around the globe will sur­vive and ulti­mately thrive.

Beyond helping busi­nesses cope with today’s chal­lenges, we must also pre­pare our youth for the future. But without a map to guide us into the unknown, how will we develop leaders who can recog­nize trends now, identify changes on the horizon, and quickly adapt?

For­tu­nately, research into fields exper­i­en­cing extraordinary change reveals remark­able lead­er­ship. As you’ll learn in Mary Searcy Bixby and Tom R. Davis’s forth­coming book, Lead­er­ship Storm, lead­er­ship can and must exist at every level of any suc­cessful endeavor. Both now and even more so in the future, influ­en­tial leaders at C-level and beyond must demon­strate an excep­tional ability to respond to change by teaching, inspiring, and enga­ging all mem­bers of an organ­iz­a­tion.

Based on inter­views with suc­cessful leaders throughout the United States for their book, Charter Storm, the authors describe both what effective lead­er­ship is and how to achieve it. They address the rap­idly chan­ging chal­lenges organ­iz­a­tions face in the short term and far into a future that prom­ises to be com­plex, volatile, and uncom­prom­ising. Your must-have guide, Lead­er­ship Storm shows how to suc­cess­fully nav­igate an unchartered future.

Lead­er­ship must be inspired and taught.


By Mary Searcy Bixby and Tom R. Davis