I wish to thank Mary Alice Orcutt Henderson and the Santa Paula Historical Society for the generous loan of images and research materials from their archives. I relied extensively on Santa Paula historian Charles Outland’s Man-Made Disaster: The Story of St. Francis Dam and the recent geological and engineering revelations by J. David Rogers in the Ventura County Museum of History and Art publication St. Francis Dam Disaster Revisited. A special thanks goes to Megan Benner for assistance in assembling the images for this book, to Glen Goodrich for creative consultation, to Patty Fallini for the map, and to my first writing mentor, Peggy Kelly.

The photographs and postcards and the broadside shown in this book
are from my private collection except for the following:
The following 26 photographs are provided courtesy of the Santa Paula Historical Society:
2, 15, 22, 28b, 33, 37, 39a, 40b, 51, 58, 110, 111, 113b, 116b, 117,
119, 120b, 121b, 122a&b, 123a, 125a, 127a&b, 128a&b