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I told Ellie I would meet her at the airport, but she told me to meet halfway. I was pacing back and forth on the train platform, and Buddy watched me, tilting his head from side to side.
It had been more than a year since I saw her in person, even then it wasn’t over ten minutes. She made a brief stopover at Haven to pick up some documents and met me on the way out.
Buddy was the first to see him. He sped like a bullet in her direction, nearly knocking her hat off.
Ellie looked beautiful, as always. My heart swelled at the sight of my best friend.
She paused when she saw me. “Cassie, it is so weird seeing you out of Haven,” she said, blinking her eyes. “It’s like I am seeing a fairy or something.”
I choked back my tears. “I am more of a unicorn.”
“I missed you, my pineapple,” Ellie said.
“I missed you, too!”
Tears were streaming down her face, and I realized mine were too. We hugged in the middle of the platform, with Buddy jumping all around us. We parted slightly, which gave him enough space to squeeze through in the middle, and it was the three of us, united at last.
“Where are you staying?” I asked after we both had a good cry.
“I rented an apartment with my manager/agent/PR. She arrived ahead of me,” Ellie said. “The shooting is going to be for six months, so we thought it was the best thing to do.”
“What is she like?” I asked. “Is she the one who got you the role?”
Ellie nodded. “Hira is a hurricane disguised as a human. She is a force to be reckoned with,” Ellie said, laughing. “I am just glad to have her on my side.”
“I am too,” I said. “I can’t wait to meet her.”
Ellie’s phone rang, and she glanced at it. She then received a text notification. “It’s her,” she said, grinning. “Let’s not keep her waiting. She is dying to meet you.”
We arrived at the address. What I thought would be a simple apartment in an apartment complex turned out to be an elegant Victorian townhouse, complete with a picturesque ivy climbing on the brick structure.
Ellie shook her head.
“It looks very nice,” I said. Buddy barked in agreement.
“Hira went overboard with the budget again,” Ellie said. “I didn’t think I could find someone who was worse than me.”
She rang the bell, and after a few moments, her manager came to the door. Hira looked like she stepped out of a fashion magazine. She was head to toe in high-end designer wear. She looked so much like Audrey Hepburn in 'Breakfast in Tiffany’s' that I nearly squealed.
I wasn’t the only one.
“OMG... dark tresses, dreamy green eyes... Cassie?” Hira asked. “I have heard so much about you that you have reached a mythical level in my mind.”
“Hira? It is so nice to meet you,” I said, beaming. “What a lovely townhouse!”
“Yes, what a lovely townhouse,” Ellie mimed in a deadpan. “How much is this loveliness going to cost, I wonder?”
Hira laughed, or I should say, twinkled like a million sparkling stars.
“Not much for my talented superstar,” She said, “Don’t worry, I turned in a favor from an old friend of mine. Enough talking. Come inside and bring the adorable pooch with you.” Buddy perked up when Hira petted him.
The townhouse was even more glamorous inside, with modern touches of glass and steel throughout. The staircase looked like they were floating on air.
“I am going to take a shower,” Ellie said. “Where’s the bathroom?”
“Upstairs to the right,” Hira said.
“Think you will be ok, Cassie?” Ellie asked.
Hira took my arm. “Yes, she is all mine,” she said. “Shoo now! Go freshen up.”
Ellie smiled. Hira waited impatiently until Ellie went upstairs and then took us into the kitchen.
“Want a drink?” Hira said, hovering around the fridge.
“I am good, thanks,” I said. “Just had a monster breakfast.”
“A girl with an appetite. I approve,” Hira said. Buddy barked hopefully.
She then opened the cupboard and took out a treat for Buddy.
“Cassie, have you ever considered acting?”
“Me? I don’t think I am cut out for it,” I said, shrugging. “I love movies but can’t see myself on screen.”
“Ellie mentioned that,” Hira said. “That’s too bad. I can imagine a best friends super hit with you too in it, kind of like Thelma and Louise. And a sexy Brad Pitt.”
“You mean James Evans?” I said. “Ellie has had the biggest crush on him since forever.”
“Does she? She never mentioned it!” Hira exclaimed. “That is why I need you, Cassie. For tid bits of gold info like that.”
“I thought everyone knew!” I said.
“Well, Ellie isn’t very talkative... unless it comes to you,” Hira said. “I haven’t seen her as happy since I first met her, which was in Dubai last summer. Did you know I was a fashion blogger but Ellie suggested that with my contacts and connections, I could be perfect as an agent?”
I shook my head. “Now you are everything... PR/Agent/Manager,” I said.
“Also her social media overseer, but that is the hardest one,” Hira said.
“It is?” I asked. “How come?”
“Ellie has a few trolls that follow her everywhere and post nasty comments... things like how she is a rich, entitled brat who only got famous because of her parents,” Hira said. “She was so overwhelmed until I took over her social media accounts. All that negativity is not good for her mental health.”
“I had no idea,” I said. “But that is crazy... Ellie moved out when she was seventeen. She achieved everything through her own hard work, sweat, and tears.”
“Welcome to the dark side of fame,” Hira said sadly. “I am afraid it will only get worse when she rises to the top... and she is determined to become a superstar.”
“Will that be bad?” I asked.
“It isn’t for everyone, but people with a strong circle of family and friends fare better,” Hira said. “Ellie has distanced herself from everything except her career. She hardly talks about her parents... and I am nosy, so I make it my business to know!”
Hira looked at my expression and said, “Sorry, I am piling all this on you, but you are her closest friend and I thought you should know.”
“Thank you, Hira. It shows what a caring person you are,” I said. Hira squeezed my hand.
Ellie came into the kitchen, towelling her wet hair.
“So what did I miss?” She asked. “Do we have any coffee in this fancy place?”
“Only espresso,” Hira said seriously. She then burst out laughing. “Of course, the coffee maker is by the fridge.”
Ellie flicked her wet towel at her, causing us both to shriek. Buddy barked excitedly.
“How long are you going to stay, Cassie?” Hira asked.
“I am here until August, then I will have to go back to Haven for the graduation ceremony,” I said.
“What about after that?” she asked.
I froze. Ellie answered for me, “Cassie takes it one day at a time. Coming here was a big step for her.”
“I am glad she did,” Hira said "Let’s have at least a few parties before you leave."
“Maybe just one party,” I said. “My classes are going to get intense soon.”
“So is our work,” Ellie reminded Hira.
“You two are no fun,” Hira said. “I bet he wouldn’t mind, would you, Buddy?”
Buddy jumped up and down in excitement and our laughter filled the kitchen.
The phone rang and we each dove to check our screens. This time it was for me.
“Why is he calling me now?”
“Who?” Ellie asked.
“Theo,” I said.
“You met Theo?” She asked.
“More like he found me,” I said.
“He has been obsessed with meeting you ever since I told him that story of yours,” Ellie said. “Sorry, I should have warned you.”
“Warned? Oooh, he sounds like trouble,” Hira said.
“You know him, Hira. It’s Theodore Winchester,” Ellie said to Hira with a knowing glance.
“Oh, him? Watch out for that one, Cassie... he is a naughty one,” Hira said, winking. “Though he has done nothing scandalous recently.”
The phone was still ringing. “What should I do?” I asked.
“Put him on speakerphone,” Ellie said.
“Ok,” I said and did as she told me. The three of us huddled over the phone.
“Yes, Theo. It’s me,” I said. “How are you?”
“How am I?” Theo said, groaning. “Absolutely miserable. I have been trying to find you everywhere. I asked John, but he is so tight-lipped about it, I might as well talk to a wall.”
John? Ellie mouthed.
“Actually, I am in London. I came to see Ellie,” I replied.
“Ellie? Is she there?” Theo asked, his voice slightly higher. Hira giggled, but Ellie said, “Yes, I am here. You found Cassie, you creep.”
“How come you never mentioned about me to her?” Theo said, sounding wounded.
“Why do you think?” Ellie said.
Theo laughed. “But I have changed. You know that.”
“All I know is I haven’t seen a tabloid headline with your name in about two weeks,” Ellie teased.
“That is a record, isn’t it? I am practically angelic,” Theo said.
“Right, sure,” Ellie said, rolling her eyes. “If anything happens with Cassie, you know you will have to deal with me.”
Theo cleared his throat. “Noted,” He said, weakly. “Now, can I get Cassie on the phone? There is something I want to ask her.”
“She’s here,” Ellie said, having way too much fun at Theo’s expense.
“A private moment, please? If you would oblige me, lady Eleanor?” Theo pleaded.
Ellie shrugged her shoulders, “Sure.”
I switched the speaker off and put the phone to my ear.
“What did you want to ask me?”
“Cassie, is it just you? Or is the friendship committee listening in?” Theo asked with trepidation.
I suppressed a giggle. “It’s just me.”
“I was wondering if I could ask you on a date?” Theo said. “I asked you before in the coffee shop, but I realized it sounded too casual. I would love to take you out on a proper date, Cassie.”
My heart beat wildly. I looked towards Ellie, but she was in the living room, fighting with Hira over the tv remote.
“I would like that, Theo,” I said.
“That’s fantastic! You don’t know how happy you made me, Cassie,” Theo said. “I will be a proper gentleman, I promise.”
“That would be nice,” I said. “I really don’t want Ellie hunting you down.”
Theo paused before bursting into laughter. I was smiling too.
“Yes, of course. I live in terror of that happening,” Theo joked. “I will see you on Monday?”
“I will see you then,” I said.
I was still smiling when Ellie returned to the kitchen. It seemed Hira was the winner of the great remote fight.
“Did Theo ask you on a date?” Ellie said.
“Yes. Is that ok?” I asked. “I know you and him... “
“Oh, god, Cassie... never mention that ever again,” Ellie said, shuddering. “We were just wrong together.”
“What about me?” I asked.
“Date him and see for yourself,” Ellie said. “I thought I heard John’s name, but I might be mistaken?”
I blushed. “No, you heard correctly. Theo and John are friends.”
Ellie’s eyebrows shot to her forehead. “Your John?”
I blushed harder. “He is not mine, anything,” I said. “But it’s John Damon, if that is what you are asking.”
“So John really is here?”
I nodded.
Ellie was deep in thought.
“What are you thinking, Ellie?” I asked.
“I always thought you and John would be together forever,” Ellie said.
“How could you say that? Even after what he said about you?” I exclaimed.
“I am no angel, Cassie, and John is so ...”
“He is so what?” I asked, my voice trembling.
“He is so good, Cassie. You were so happy together,” Ellie said, with concern in her eyes.
“Well, he doesn’t remember it the same way,” I said. “He hardly speaks to me.”
“I can’t believe it,” Ellie said, shaking her head. “He was crazy in love with you, Cassie.”
“He was a teenager. We both were,” I said. “Maybe it is supposed to feel that way at that age.”
Ellie made a non-committal sound. “What about Theo? Do you like him?”
“Yes? He is cute and funny,” I said. “He is very nice to me.”
“I hope it lasts,” Ellie said. “I really do.”
When she saw my expression, she said, “I am just worried for you, Cassie. I will support you whoever you choose, but I hope you listen to your heart.”
“I will,” I said. “I always have.”
Hira called from the living room. “Are you girls going to watch tv with me? I promise I won’t hog the remote.”
Ellie laughed. “You can’t stay alone for one second, Hira?”
“I want to know what you two are talking about, but I am too comfortable to move from this sofa,” Hira said, yawning.
“Hira, you are the most lazy snoop I know,” Ellie jokes. “Are you coming, Cassie? We can watch an Audrey Hepburn film?”
“That sounds perfect,” I said, absentmindedly. My mind was still reeling from what Ellie said.
She didn’t sound mad at John. In fact, she was even taking his side.
Was it possible she had forgiven him?
The question was: should I do the same?