Richard Carlson was a great human being. An author whose books inspired and elevated the lives of many millions of people, Richard was a man of vast authenticity, creativity, and humanity.
We live in a volatile world. Entertainment has become more attractive than education. Personal gain is pursued more than individual growth. Being selfless is less sexy than taking selfies. It seems to many of us that society has lost its way.
And so, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff has never been so relevant.
It remains a phenomenon today, reminding us with simple brilliance of what it takes to rise to our best and what we need to do to enjoy a life beautifully lived.
I first met Richard at a large gathering. He was the famous headliner, and I was his opening act, just starting out in the field of personal development and life mastery after leaving a career as a litigation lawyer. As introverts, we both wished we didn’t have to do the VIP “meet and greet” and make the small talk the host asked that we make. But we did it, and laughed about our discomfort and mutual love of solitude after the session was over. That first encounter led to a great friendship.
I didn’t see Richard as often as I would have liked, as we lived on opposite ends of a continent. However I got to know him well, through our phone calls and digital connections. I discovered his depth, his humor, his devotion to family, and his remarkable commitment to doing his part to make our world a better place.
Richard Carlson was taken away from us too early, but life has its own flow and delivers unexpected twists that not one of us can fully understand. Please know that the book you are about to read was written by a man of uncommon wisdom and a person of deep love.
I know the words that follow will inspire, influence, and lift you, as they have for so many others, in so many nations—people who long for a richer life and a larger impact, as well as a world where we all are happier, healthier, braver, and kinder.
My sense is Richard would feel blessed that this new edition is being released at this time of great global uncertainty, knowing that he remains an instrument of service to so many.
I celebrate him, his contribution, and the publishing of this very special edition.
And I congratulate you for choosing it.
With love and respect,
Robin Sharma
Author of The Monk
Who Sold His Ferrari
and The Leader Who
Had No Title