
Harley stared at the newspaper photo. A man in a military uniform and a woman in a sundress embraced one another on Main Street, the parade behind them. Their hands were entwined and the woman grinned at the camera, but the man had his head turned, hiding his face.

Beneath the picture, in small, bold print it read:

Susan Thompson, a graduate of Notchey Creek High School, enjoying the parade with her boyfriend, Martin Evans.

Harley grabbed the November 1st issue for the following year, her gaze rushing down the front page.

Her breath caught in her throat.

Girl and Baby Killed in Tragic Car Accident Off Maple Bluff

A mother and her baby were killed by a possible drunk driver in the late hours of Halloween night, police say. This happened on Nullichucky Road northbound near Farmer’s Croft shortly before midnight. Authorities speculate an unknown vehicle slammed into the back of Thompson’s car on Nullichucky Road, causing it to careen down Cedar Bluff and burst into flames.

The woman’s mother, Cynthia Thompson, of Notchey Creek, told The Telephone the victims were her daughter, 19-year-old Susan Thompson, and Susan’s 3-month-old son, Jacob. Susan and the baby were last seen driving down Main Street at around 11:30 p.m. in Thompson’s car. Cynthia Thompson is unsure why her daughter and the baby would have been out at that hour and considers it very unusual behavior for Susan.

Thompson’s charred remains were found inside the car this morning, but the baby is still missing. Broken glass in the rear window suggests the baby was thrown from the car. Police are conducting searches for the baby’s remains at present, but aren’t hopeful given the amount of active wildlife in the area.

Harley tucked the newspapers in her bag and grabbed her keys. There was one more thing she needed to check.