
[ From Chip ]

To Tim Walker: Thank you for taking up the mantle to get this truth into the lives of teens. It has been a privilege working with you on this project.

To Vicki Crumpton and the Baker team: Thank you, Vicki, for seeing the potential of this project to help teens. You and the Baker team took the initiative to make a good idea a reality.

To Walk Thru the Bible: Thank you all for your support and encouragement all along the way.

[ From Tim ]

To God: For reminding me every step of the way that I need you—not for words or time or anything else—I just need you.

To Chip Ingram: Thanks for giving me the opportunity of a lifetime and entrusting to me a message so close to your heart. It has infiltrated my heart as well, and I find that I’m a lot more revolutionary than I ever thought I was.

To Jennifer: I’m supposed to be a master of words, but somehow they just seem inadequate when I think of all you are to me. I love you very much. Thanks for walking on this journey with me. It’s crazy. It’s wonderful. It’s scary. But I’m glad you’re here every step of the way. Thank you for entrusting your life to me and allowing me to entrust my life to you.

To Grayson, Hamilton, and Bryce: You are my three favorite little superheroes in all the world. I’m so blessed to be your dad. I love all three of you very much.

To the revolutionaries for inspiring me and living this out—Annie, Bobby, Audrey, Bo, Mike, and Amy.

To Dad and Mom: For giving me a foundation so clear and so real that even though I strayed at times, I never went too far. Thanks also for providing a quiet place to write this book.

To my family, whose love for me has never wavered: You may not have known all the details of my life, but you always saw who I really am, even when I couldn’t. Thank you, Marc, Donita, Cory, Sharon, Steve, Lynne, Stephanie, Steve B., Janet, Bob, Grandpa Olin, Grandma Cerny, Aunt Shorty, Charles, Martha, Hanyaw, MeMaw, (can you tell I’m from the South?), and my Walker/McCook/Ray/Olin/Cerny families.

To all my friends who prayed for me when I needed to know that what looked impossible to me wasn’t to God and gave me much-needed encouragement along the way: Joey Smith, Lare and Amy McCreary, Joe and Anda Barnett, Mark and Gwen Brague, Don Munn, Chris Rogers, Jim and Laura Hunter, Mary Ledford, Buck and Pam Dyer, Laurin Makohon, Travis Stoneback, Jim Gabrielsen, Paula Kirk, Chris Tiegreen, the Walk Thru the Bible staff, the Next Exit Youth Group at Restoration Church of God, NXAM Sunday school, Fern Nichols and the Moms in Touch, Tim Brenner, Crystal Kirgiss, Jim Hancock, and Robert and Sarah Mullins.

To Vicki Crumpton, the Baker publishing team, and Curtis Yates: Thanks for walking me through the process of writing a book and for helping me communicate both my heart and God’s.

And if I forgot anyone, I’m sorry. Maybe I’ll get to write another book and can mention you then!