Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
“aftermath” of mass extinction, 142
Age of the Earth, The (Holmes), 86
Alaskan earthquake of 1964, 262–267
Albion, and White Cliffs of Dover, 210
Alone on the Ice: The Greatest Survival Story in the History of Exploration (Roberts), 169
American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 198
American Miscellaneous Society (AMSOC), 296–297
Amitsôq Gneisses, Greenland, 127
Andersen, Hans Christian, 27
Andersonian University, Glasgow, 330
Apennine Mountains, Italy, 219
Aphrodite (Greek mythology), 1, 14–15
Apollo space missions, 113
Appalachian Mountains, United States (eastern U.S.), 61–63
apparent polar wander curves, 234–235
Aquilapollenites pollen flora, 225
Arthur (mythological king), 186–187
Arthur’s Seat, Edinburgh, 49–50
asteroid impact hypothesis, 221–228
Atlas (Greek mythology), 24
Atlas Mountains (northern Africa), 24, 313
Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 167–170
Australia National University, 238
B-25 Mitchell bombers, 10
Balaeric Basin (western Mediterranean), 310–311
Battle of Deptford Bridge, 26
Berwickshire, Scotland, 40
Black Hawk Gold Mine, California, 288
black lung disease, 60–61
blueschist facies metamorphism, 259
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 27, 243
Bonneville salt flats, Utah, 99
Bonnie Prince Charlie, 37
Braintree, Massachusetts, 183
Braveheart (1995 film), 187
British Association for the Advancement of Science, 324
Brongniart, Alexandre, 72, 184
Buffon, Count of (Georges-Louis Leclerc), 36
Butano Sandstone, California, 291
Cajon Pass. California, 284
calcium aluminum inclusions (CAIs), 93–94
California Division of Mines and Geology, 288
“Cambrian explosion,” 179
“Cambrian slow fuse,” 179
Cambridge Arctic Shelf Program, 171
Campanian Plain, Italy, 2
“canary in a coal mine,” 58
Canon of Insolation of the Earth and Its Application to the Problem of the Ice Ages (Milankovitch), 334
Cape Mendocino, California, 284
“capture” hypothesis, of Moon formation, 115–116
carbonaceous chondrites, 92–97
Carlsberg Ridge (Indian Ocean), 242
Carnegie Institute of Washington, 232
Carrizo Plain, California, 284
Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge University, 233
Champollion, Jean-Francois, 243
chondritic meteorites, 92–97
CLIMAP (Climate: Long-range Interpretation, Mapping, Prediction), 335–336
Climate and Time, in their Geologic Relations (Croll), 330
“Collier’s Lass” (poem), 56
Commonwealth silver mine, Arizona, 100
“cool under pressure,” 259
cosmic microwave background radiation, 217
cover-up, of San Francisco earthquake, 277–279
crust-mantle boundary, 295
Curie, Marie and Pierre, 81–82
CUSS (oil consortium), 296
Cycladic Islands, Greece, 256, 258
D’Omalius D’Halloy, J.-B.-J., 212
Daly City, California, 284
“dark side of the moon,” 121
“daughter” hypothesis, of Moon formation, 115–116
Deepsea Challenger (submarine), 253
Dibblee Geological Foundation, 288
Dolcoath Mine, Cornwall, 31
Earthquake (1974 film), 282
“earthquake weather,” 282
Edmund Fitzgerald (ship), 147
Edward I (king; “Longshanks”), 26, 187
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 296, 305
Ellesmere Island, Canada, 327
Enola Gay (airplane), 221
Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. (EPA), 110
Esseg Fortress, Austria, 333
European Battle-Axe culture, 14
Evangeline: A Tale of Acadie (Wordsworth), 190
Ewing, Maurice “Doc,” 164, 250
extraterrestrial life, 152
Fairchild, Herman Leroy, 101
Farouk (king of Egypt), 305
Field Act (1933 U.S. law), 283
Fig Tree Group, South Africa, 132, 140
fluxgate magnetometer, 232
Fort Tejon earthquake of 1857, 284–288
“Franciscan Formation,” California, 259, 268
Franklin, Benjamin, 36, 41
Freiburg Mining Academy, 48
From the Earth to the Moon (Verne), 120
fusulinid foraminiferans, 191
Galatea (Greek mythology), 15
Gateway Arch, St. Louis, 301
Gaul (Roman province), 24
Geevor Tin Mine, Cornwall, 28–32
Gemini space missions, 113
Geological Society of London, 87
Geology of Southern California (journal), 288
Giebichenstein, Germany, 318
Glasgow, Scotland, 37, 324
Glastonbury Abbey, England, 186–187
Glen Tilt, Scotland, 49–51
Global Marine Company (GLOMAR), 296–299
Gogo Formation, Australia, 167
Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, 277
Grand Canyon, Arizona, 75
granular iron formations (GIFs), 149–150
Great Oxidation Event (GOE), 150–152
Great Slave Lake, Canada, 128
Green Ammonite Beds, 69–71
Gunflint Range, U.S./Canada, 144–145
Hamersley Range, Australia, 147–149
Hawaii hotspot volcanism, 185, 292
Hayward Fault, California, 279, 281
Hemerdon Mine, England, 33
Hidalgo del Parral, Mexico, 90–91
Hill-Rust-Mahoning mine, Minnesota, 144–146
History of the Kings of England (Geoffrey of Monmouth), 186–187
HMS Challenger (ship), 251, 298
Hollister, California, 284
Home of the Blizzard (Mawson), 169
Hot Springs, South Dakota, 112
Humboldt, Alexander von, 323
Hutton’s Section, Scotland, 49–52
Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory of the Earth (Playfair), 53
Imperial College London, 86
Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, 296
International Geological Congress, 174
International Tin Council, 33–34
“invisible hand,” of the marketplace, 65
iron-nickel meteorites, 98–111
Isle of Arran, Scotland, 45, 49
Jason and the Argonauts (Greek mythology), 301
Johns Hopkins University, 278
JOIDES Resolution (ship), 300
Jura Mountains, Switzerland, 321
Jurassic rocks, of Britain, 66–73
Kaibab Limestone (southwestern U.S.), 102
Kelvin, Lord (William Thomson), 80–83, 86
Kentucky, United States, 61
Khirokitia (Neolithic village), 14
Kilauea (volcano), Hawaii, 48, 222
Klamath Mountains, California/Oregon, 19
Kuhn, Bernhard Friedrich, 321
La Panza Range, California, 291
“lack of cropping” hypothesis, 142
large igneous provinces (LIPs), 149
Lester Park, New York, 136
Lewis, Meriwether, and William Clark, 326
Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989, 277, 281
Long Beach earthquake of 1933, 283
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 190
Los Angeles, California, 286
magnetic reversal time scale, 238–240
Manuels River Gorge, Canada 184
Marina District, San Francisco, 277, 281
Maxwell, James Clerk, 231
Memoirs of an Unrepentant Field Geologist (Pettijohn), 160
Mercury space missions, 113
Mesabi Iron Range, Minnesota, 144–145
Meteor Crater, Arizona, 98–102
Mexican-American War, 326
Miller-Urey experiment, 96
Moenkopi Shale, Arizona, 102
Mohorovicic discontinuity (“Moho”), 295
Mohorovicic, Andrija, 295
Mojave Desert, United States, 287
Monterey Peninsula, California, 266
Montesquieu (Charles-Louis de Secondat), 36
Monument Rocks, Kansas, 214
Moonstruck (1987 film), 120
Mordred (Arthurian mythology), 186
Morgana (Arthurian mythology), 186
Mount Erebus, Antarctica, 167
Mount Everest, Nepal/China, 251
Mount Kilimanjaro, Kenya, 171
Mount Wilson, California, 300
Murchison meteorite, 95–97
Museum of Comparative Zoology, 324
National Academy of Sciences, 136, 266
National Research Council, 110
National Science Foundation (NSF), 296–297
Neenach volcano, California, 290–291
Neptune (Roman mythology), 48, 120
neutron activation analysis, 221
Newcastle University, 233
Niobrara Chalk, Kansas, 213
Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone, Quebec, 129
Odysseus (Greek mythology), 301–303
oldest liquid water on Earth, 131
“On a Piece of Chalk” (Huxley), 214–215
On the Origin of Continents and Oceans (Wegener), 196
One Thousand and One Nights, 231
Onesilus of Salamis (king), 15
Oregon Iron and Steel Company, 104
Orocopia Schist, California, 291
“pacemaker” of the Ice Ages, 336
Pacific Coast Ranges (western North America), 19
Painted Desert, Arizona, 98
Pallett Creek, California, 286
Palmdale, California, 291
Palm Springs, California, 279
Panama-Pacific International Exhibition 277
Parkfield, California, 284
Pelona Schist, California, 291
Pennsylvania, United States, 61
Pettijohn, Francis J., 160
Pilbara Craton, Australia, 147
“Pillars of Hercules,” 24
Pinnacles National Park, California, 290–291
Pirates of Penzance (opera), 27, 180
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 147
“Planet of the Scum,” 140, 142
Pliny the Younger, 3–8, 10
Pluto (Roman mythology), 48
Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts, 318
Point Arena, California, 291
Point Delgada, California, 279
Point of Rocks Sandstone, California, 291
Point Reyes, California, 284
Powder River Basin, Wyoming, 65
PPRG (Precambrian Paleobiology Research Group), 174
Precambrian basement rocks, 200–201
precision depth recorder (PDR), 250
Presidio, San Francisco, 276
Principles of Geology (Lyell), 53–55
Principles of Physical Geology (Holmes), 87–88
“Proto-Atlantic Ocean,” 185, 292
Pueblito de Allende, Mexico, 89–92
Pygmalion (Greek mythology), 15
pyrolusite dendrites, 136
Queensland, Australia, 167
Rancho San Julian, California, 287
Ransome, Frederic L., 256
regional metamorphism, 258
Reliquiae Diluviae (Buckland), 320
Rensselaer Bay, Greenland, 327
Richard I (king; “the Lionheart,”), 15
Richfield Oil (ARCO), 287, 288
Riversleigh, Australia, 167
Rochleau mine, Minnesota, 146
“Rock of Scilla,” Italy, 303
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 36
Royal College of Science, 83
Royal Society of London, 330
sal ammoniac (ammonium chloride), 40
Salisbury Crags, Scotland, 49–52
Salton Sea, California, 291
Salton Trough, California, 284
San Andreas (2015 film), 282
San Andreas Valley, California, 283
San Bernardino Mountains, California, 284
San Francisco earthquake of 1906, 99, 271–278
San Francisco Peaks, Arizona, 98
San Francisquito Formation, California, 291
San Gabriel Mission, California, 286
San Gabriel Mountains, California, 284, 288, 291
San Jacinto Fault, California, 279
San Juan Bautista, California, 279, 284
Santa Barbara, California, 287
Santa Cruz, California, 286
Schokland, Netherlands, 316
Scottish Enlightenment, 37–40
Seismological Society of America, 279
Serbian Academy of Sciences, 334
Seward, Albert Charles, 136
“Shales with Beef,” 69–71
Sierra Nevada, California, 19
Slighhouses (farm), Scotland, 40
Smithsonian Institution, 91, 136
Somerset Coal Canal, England, 69–70
South Crofty Mine, England, 33
State Earthquake Investigation Commission (SEIC), 278–281
Station Eismitte, Greenland, 199
“Steadfast Tin Soldier, The” (Andersen), 27
Stevens Klint, Denmark, 222
Stromboli (volcano), Italy, 48
Sunset Crater, Arizona, 98
Superman (1978 film), 282
“supermature” sandstones, 158
Swiss Society of Natural Sciences, 322
Taynton Limestone, England, 69
Temblor Range, California, 291
Tennessee, United States, 61
Theory of the Earth (Hutton), 41–43, 53
Thermodynamics of the Atmosphere (Wegener), 195
thicknesses of sediments, 79–80
Tomales Bay, California, 279
Transverse Ranges, California, 284, 291
T. Rex and the Crater of Doom (Alvarez), 227
Trip to the Moon, A (1902 film), 120
Troodos Mountains, Cyprus, 22
University College London, 83
University of Adelaide, 169
University of Belgrade, 333
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), 140, 174, 296
University of Chicago, 109
University of Edinburgh, 40, 48, 86
University of Glasgow, 38
University of Marburg, 196
University of Pennsylvania, 326
University of Saint Andrews, 330
University of Utrecht, 253
University of Wisconsin, 288
Upernavik, Greenland, 327
Upper Peninsula, of Michigan, 13, 318
U.S. Public Health Service, 110
USS Cape Johnson (ship), 242
Valencia Street Hotel, 272
Vening Meinesz, Felix Andries, 253
Vermilion Range, Minnesota, 144–145
Vienna Institute of Technology, 333
Virginia (state), United States, 61
Vulcan (Roman mythology), 1, 3
Warrawoona Group, Australia, 132, 140
Washington (state), United States, 191–192
Wealth of Nations, The (Smith), 38
West Virginia, United States, 61
Western Interior Cretaceous Seaway, 213, 223
“White Cliffs of Dover, The” (Burton), 208–210
Whitewater Canyon, California, 279
William the Conqueror, 208
Yosemite National Park, California, 318
Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, 223, 225