Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
Abu Simbel, 305–307
abyssal plain, 309
Acadian Orogeny, 189–190
Acasta Gneiss, Canada, 128–129
accretionary wedge, 267–268
acid rain, 65
acritarchs, 178
Adams, John, 183
Adams, John Quincy, 183
Adonis, 15
Advance (ship), 327
aes Cyprium, 14. See also copper
Aesop, 301
Africa, 19, 147, 313
“aftermath” of mass extinction, 142
Agassiz, Louis, 316, 321–336, 328
age of the earth, 79–88
Age of the Earth, The (Holmes), 86
Agnostus, 184
Aikenhead, Thomas, 37
Aladdin, 231
Alaska, United States, 191–192
Alaskan earthquake of 1964, 262–267
albedo, 172–174, 330–332
Alberta, Canada, 318
Albion, and White Cliffs of Dover, 210
Aldrin, Buzz, 92, 113–114
Aleutian Trench, 263–264
Alexander the Great, 15
Allende meteorite, 89–94
alluvial fans, 310–311
Alone on the Ice: The Greatest Survival Story in the History of Exploration (Roberts), 169
Alps, 321–325
aluminum, 33
aluminum-26, 94–95
Alvarez, Luis, 220–222, 227
Alvarez, Walter, 219–228
Alvin (submarine), 19
American Association of Petroleum ­Geologists, 198
American Miscellaneous Society (AMSOC), 296–297
American Museum of Natural History, 104–106, 205–207
amino acids, 96
Amitsôq Gneisses, Greenland, 127
ammonites, 210, 213, 223, 225
Ampherer, Otto, 115
amphibians, 225–226
amphibolite, 258
Amstutz, Andre, 267
Anatolian Plate, 19
Andersen, Hans Christian, 27
Andersonian University, Glasgow, 330
angular unconformity, 35, 43–46
Antarctica, 167–170, 201–205, 225
anti-matter, 233
Antler Orogeny, 191–192
Antler Terrane, 191–192
Apennine Mountains, Italy, 219
Apex Chert, 132
Aphrodite (Greek mythology), 1, 14–15
Apollo 8, 121
Apollo 11, 92, 112–113, 116
Apollo space missions, 113
Appalachian Orogeny, 190–191
Appalachian Mountains, United States (eastern U.S.), 61–63
apparent polar wander curves, 234–235
Aquilapollenites pollen flora, 225
Arabian Peninsula, 313
Arduino, Giovanni, 47
Armorica, 28
Armstrong, Neil, 92, 112–114
Arthur (mythological king), 186–187
Arthur’s Seat, Edinburgh, 49–50
Asaphiscus, 182
Asaro, Frank, 221
asbestos, 259
Asilomar resort, 266
Asimov, Isaac, 218
Assyrians, 15
asteroid impact hypothesis, 221–228
astrology, 120
Aswan High Dam, Egypt, 305–308
“Atlantic fauna,” 180–183
Atlantic Ocean, 24–26
Atlantis, 24, 187
Atlas (Greek mythology), 24
Atlas Mountains (northern Africa), 24, 313
atmospheric oxygen, 142
Attenborough, David, 205
Austin Chalk, 213
Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 167–170
Australia, 28, 62, 130–132, 138–140, 147–148, 165–179, 201–205
Australia National University, 238
Austria, 62
Auvergne, France, 235
Auvergne volcanoes, 48
Avalon, 186–188
Avalon Peninsula, Canada, 184, 187–190
Avalonia Terrane, 187–190
B-25 Mitchell bombers, 10
baddeleyite, 125
Bailey, E. B., 160
Bakker, Bob, 227
Balaeric Basin (western Mediterranean), 310–311
Baltimore, Maryland, 226
banded iron formations (BIFs), 148–152, 157, 167, 175
Barredo, Rosa, 276–277
Barringer, Daniel, 100–102
Bathybius, 135
bathyscaphe, 251–252
Battle of Britain, 208
Battle of Camlann, 186
Battle of Culloden, 37
Battle of Deptford Bridge, 26
Battle of Hastings, 208
Battle of Nopalucan, 326
Bay of Naples, 1–8
Beaumont, Elie de, 323
Becquerel, Henri, 81–82
Belerion, 25
Belgium, 62, 212
Benioff, Hugo, 254–255, 265
Bentham, Jeremy, 38
Bernhardi, Reinhard, 321
Berwickshire, Scotland, 40
Bex, Switzerland, 321–322
Big Bang, 217
“big one,” the, 286
Bikini Atoll, 296
“bitter salts,” 311
Black, Joseph, 38–46, 51
Blackett, Patrick, 233
Black Hawk Gold Mine, California, 288
black lung disease, 60–61
Black Sea, 151
“black smokers,” 20–21
Black Ven Marls, 69–71
Blake, William, 124
“blue green algae,” 138. See cyanobacteria
Blue Lias, 69–71
blueschist, 249, 256–259, 268–269
blueschist facies metamorphism, 259
Bolivia, 28
Boltwood, Bertram, 82–84
Bonaparte, Charles-Lucien, 323–324
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 27, 243
Bonneville salt flats, Utah, 99
Bonnie Prince Charlie, 37
brachiopods, 224
Braintree, Massachusetts, 183
Branner, J. C., 279
Branner, John, 277–278
Braveheart (1995 film), 187
Brazil, 149, 201–205
British Association for the Advancement of Science, 324
British Columbia, Canada, 191–192
British Museum, 85, 243
Brittania, 24–25. See also England, UK; Great Britain
brittle stars, 224
Brongniart, Alexandre, 72, 184
bronze, 12–14, 23–28
Bronze Age, 12–14, 24–28
Brown, Harrison, 109
Brunhes, Bernard, 235
bryozoans, 224
bubonic plague, 231
Buch, Leopold von, 323
Buchan, James, 37
Buckland, William, 319–325
Budapest, Hungary, 333
buddle pits, 31
Budyko, Mikhail, 172–173
Buffon, Count of (Georges-Louis Leclerc), 36
Bullard, Edward, 232, 242, 291
Burin Peninsula, Canada, 154–155
Burma, 86
Butano Sandstone, California, 291
Byzantine Empire, 15
Cairo, Egypt, 308
CAIs. See calcium aluminum inclusions
Cajon Pass. California, 284
Cajuns, 190
calcite, 210
calcium aluminum inclusions (CAIs), 93–94
Caledonian Orogeny, 189
California, United States, 191–192, 326
California Coast Ranges, 256–259, 279, 286
California Division of Mines and Geology, 288
California Gold Rush, 271–272
Caltech, 94, 108–111, 173–174, 254, 279, 295
Calvert, George, 187–188
Calvinists, 37
Cambrian Period?, 134
“Cambrian explosion,” 179
“Cambrian slow fuse,” 179
Cambridge Arctic Shelf Program, 171
Cambridge University, 171, 233, 241–242, 291–292
Cameron, James, 253
Campanian Plain, Italy, 2
“canary in a coal mine,” 58
Canberra, Australia, 238
Canon of Insolation of the Earth and Its ­Application to the Problem of the Ice Ages (Milankovitch), 334
Canyon Diablo crater, 98
Canyon Diablo meteorite, 98–102, 109
“cap carbonates,” 175–177
Cape Mendocino, California, 284
Cape York meteorite, 104–105
Capri, Italy, 2, 6
“capture” hypothesis, of Moon formation, 115–116
carbon cycle, 64
carbon dioxide, 212
carbonaceous chondrites, 92–97
Carboniferous Period, 62–66, 336
Carey, S. Warren, 292
Carlsberg Ridge (Indian Ocean), 242
Carmen (opera), 271
Carnegie Institute of Washington, 232
Carrizo Plain, California, 284
cartel, tin, 33
Carthage, 24
Caruso, Enrico, 271–276
“Cassiterides,” 24–25. See also Brittania; England, UK; tin
cassiterite, 23, 28
catastrophism, 41–43, 55, 228
Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge ­University, 233
“celestial spheres,” 231
chalcocite, 20
Chalcolithic Age. See Copper Age
chalcopyrite, 20
chalk, 208–215
chalk downland, 210–212
Challenger Deep, 251
Chamalaun, Francois, 238
Champollion, Jean-Francois, 243
Charpentier, Jean de, 321–323
Charybdis, 301–303
chert, 148, 259
Chicxulub (crater), 223
Chikyu Maru (ship), 300–301
child labor, 60–61
China, 28, 56–57, 62, 66, 147–148, 229
chondritic meteorites, 92–97
chondrules, 92–94
Chumakov, Ivan S., 308
Circe, 301–302
Cita, Maria B., 309–315
Clackamas tribe, 102–105
clams, 224
Claudius Ptolemaius, 231
Clean Air Act (U.S.), 65
Clerk, John, 44, 50, 52, 53
Cleveland, Ohio, 147
CLIMAP (Climate: Long-range ­Interpretation, Mapping, Prediction), 335–336
Climate and Time, in their Geologic Relations (Croll), 330
cloud chamber, 233
club moss, 63
coal, 56–66, 201, 336
“coal measures,” 62–66
coal mining, 56–66
coal swamp, 63–64
coccolithophores, 210–212, 224
coccoliths, 210–212
Coconino Sandstone, 102
coesite, 101
Cold War, 305
Collenia, 138
“Collier’s Lass” (poem), 56
Collins, Michael, 113
Collinson, D. W., 233
Colorado Plateau, 99
Colorado River, 161
Columbia University, 207, 295
comets, 132
Commonwealth silver mine, Arizona, 100
concretions, 136
Congo, 28
Conophyton, 138
Constantinople, 10
continental crust, 295
continental drift, 194–207
Conybeare, William, 62
Cook, Jesse B., 272
“cool under pressure,” 259
cooling of earth, 80–81
Copernican system, 231
copper, 11–22
Copper Age, 12–13
copper ax, 12
copper mining, 15–16
“Corallian Group,” 69–71
corals, 122, 224
“Cornbrash,” 69–71
Cornell University, 122
Cornwall, UK, 25–34
Corsica, France, 314
cosmic dust, 220–222
cosmic microwave background radiation, 217
covellite, 20
cover-up, of San Francisco earthquake, 277–279
Cox, Allan, 236–240, 243–247
craters, 116–119, 132
Creer, Ken, 233
Cretaceous Period, 208–215, 219
Crete, Greece, 14
Croatia, 333
crocodilians, 225
Croll, James, 329–336
crust-mantle boundary, 295
Cryptozoon, 136–142
Cuba, 328
cubic zirconia, 124–125
Cuppy, Will, 216
Curie, Marie and Pierre, 81–82
CUSS (oil consortium), 296
Cuvier, Baron Georges, 72, 75, 184
Cuyuna Range, Minnesota, 144–145
cyanobacteria, 132, 135–142, 151–152
Cycladic Islands, Greece, 256, 258
Cynognathus, 204–205
Cyprus, 14–22, 314
D-Day, 295–296
D’Omalius D’Halloy, J.-B.-J., 212
D’Orbigny, Alcide, 75
Dalrymple, G. Brent, 236–240, 243–247
Daly City, California, 284
“dark side of the moon,” 121
Dartmoor, England, 28
Darwin, Charles, 81, 115, 134–135
Darwin, George, 115
“daughter” hypothesis, of Moon formation, 115–116
Davidson, G., 279
Davie, James, 40
Dawson, J. W., 135–136
De Magnete (Gilbert), 229–230
Dead Sea, 310–315
Deccan lavas, India, 222–226
Deep Sea Drilling Project, 298–300
deep-sea sediments, 335–336
Deepsea Challenger (submarine), 253
degassing, 131
Demotic (language), 243
Denver, Colorado, 226
Desmarest, Nicholas, 48
Devon, England, 26, 28, 33–34
Devonian Period, 63
diamictites, 170–179
diatoms, 224
Dibblee, Tom, 286–289
Dibblee Geological Foundation, 288
Dickinson, Bill, 266–268
Diderot, Denis, 36
dinosaurs, 69, 218–228
Diodorus Siculus, 2, 25–26
Dodge, William, 106
Doell, Richard, 236–240, 243–247
Dolcoath Mine, Cornwall, 31
dolomite, 311
Donau Stage, 329
“drift,” glacial, 319
Du Toit, Alexander, 199–200
Dulles, John Foster, 305
Duluth, Minnesota, 147
dune deposits, 201–205
Dunkirk, France, 208
Durham University, 86
dwarf elephants, 14
Dwyka tillite, 203–204
Dylan, Bob, 147
dynamo, 232
Earthquake (1974 film), 282
earthquake hazard, 282–283
earthquakes, 271–293
“earthquake weather,” 282
Earth’s core, 107–108
eccentricity cycle, 330–336
echo sounder, 242, 249–251
eclogites, 258
Ediacara biota, 178–179
Edinburgh, Scotland, 37–39, 49
Edmund Fitzgerald (ship), 147
Edward I (king; “Longshanks”), 26, 187
Egypt, 243, 304–308
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 296, 305
Elatina diamictite, 170, 174
electron, 231
electron microscope, 212
Ellesmere Island, Canada, 327
Elrathia kingi, 181–182
Elsasser, Walter, 232
England, UK, 75
Enlightenment, 36–38
Enola Gay (airplane), 221
Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. (EPA), 110
Eozoon, 135–136
epicycles, 231
Ernst, W. Gary, 259, 268
erratic boulders, 316–319
Eskola, Pentti, 258
Esmark, Jens, 321
Esseg Fortress, Austria, 333
Ethiopia, 304
eukaryotes, 138, 178
European Battle-Axe culture, 14
Evangeline: A Tale of Acadie (Wordsworth), 190
evaporite zonation, 310–311
evaporites, 301–315
Ewing, Maurice “Doc,” 164, 250
Exogyra (oyster), 210
exotic terranes, 189–192
extinction, 218–228
extraterrestrial life, 152
Fairchild, Herman Leroy, 101
far side of the moon, 120–121
Faraday, Michael, 231
Farouk (king of Egypt), 305
“father of English geology.” See Smith, ­William
fault offset, 289–291
faunal succession, 72–74
Faust (Goethe), 48
feldspars, 157
Ferguson, Adam, 38
ferns, 63
Field Act (1933 U.S. law), 283
Fig Tree Group, South Africa, 132, 140
Finland, 317
first-motion analysis, 263–265
“fission” hypothesis, 115–116
Flagstaff, Arizona, 98
Flinders Ranges, Australia, 167, 169, 178–179
flint, 210–212
flume studies, 162–163
fluxgate magnetometer, 232
“fool’s gold.” See pyrite
Foote, Albert, 100
foraminifera, 224
Forbes, Edward, 324
Forest Marble, 69–71
formation of the moon, 115–118
Fort Tejon earthquake of 1857, 284–288
“foundlings.” See erratic boulders
Fradkin, Phillip, 276
France, 62, 212
“Franciscan Formation,” California, 259, 268
Franklin, Benjamin, 36, 41
Franklin, Lady Jane, 326–328
Franklin, Sir John, 326–328
Freiburg Mining Academy, 48
freshwater fish, 225
frogs, 225–226
From the Earth to the Moon (Verne), 120
fusulinid foraminiferans, 191
Gagarin, Yuri, 113
Galatea (Greek mythology), 15
Galilei, Galileo, 230–231
Galloway, Scotland, 49
Gargano, Italy, 314
Gateshead, England, 83
Gateway Arch, St. Louis, 301
Gaul (Roman province), 24
Geevor Tin Mine, Cornwall, 28–32
Geike, Archibald, 41, 316, 330
Gemini space missions, 113
geochronology, 82–85, 127–129
geodynamo model, 232
Geoffrey of Monmouth, 186–188
geologic cross section, 62–63, 67–68
geologic map, 72–76
geologic time, 79–88
Geological Society of America, 87, 222, 226–227
Geological Society of London, 87
Geology of Southern California (journal), 288
Gerald of Wales, 186–187
Germany, 66
Gibraltar, 24, 191, 313–315
Giebichenstein, Germany, 318
Gilbert, Grove Karl, 98–101, 279–281
Gilbert, William, 229–231
glacial deposits, 165–179
glacial striations (scratches), 203–204, 319–322
glacial tills, 169–179, 203–205
glaciation, 316–336
glaciers, 316–336
Glaessner, Martin, 178–179
Glasgow, Scotland, 37, 324
Glastonbury Abbey, England, 186–187
glaucophane, 256, 259
Glen Tilt, Scotland, 49–51
Glenn, John, 113
Global Marine Company (GLOMAR), 296–299
Glomar Challenger (ship), 298–300, 309–315
Glossopteris, 204–205
gneiss, 258
Goethe, Johann, 48
Gogebic Range, Michigan, 144–145
Gogo Formation, Australia, 167
Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, 277
Gondwana, 189, 190, 196–207
Gould, Stephen Jay, 46
graded beds, 157–160
gradualism, 228
Grand Banks earthquake of 1929, 154–156, 163–164
Grand Canyon, Arizona, 75
Grand Canyon of the Nile, 305–308, 314
granular iron formations (GIFs), 149–150
granulite, 258
graphite, 132
graywacke, 158–160
Great Britain, 57–62. See also Brittania; Cornwall, UK; England, UK; Scotland, UK; Wales, UK
Great Oxidation Event (GOE), 150–152
Great Slave Lake, Canada, 128
Greek (language), 243
Greeks, 1, 14, 23–25, 36, 57, 229, 231, 256
Green Ammonite Beds, 69–71
greenhouse world, 64, 212–215, 225
Greenland, 104, 109, 127, 132, 140, 171, 195–199, 326–328
greenschist, 258
greenstones, 127
Gressly, Amanz, 323
Griggs, David T., 255–256, 261–262
Grinnell, Henry, 327
Grinnell College, 108–109
Gryphaea, 210
Gualala block, 284, 291
Gubbio, Italy, 219–222
Guiguzi, 229
Gulf of Mexico, 222
Gunflint Range, U.S./Canada, 144–145
Gunz Stage, 329
Guy of Lusignan, 15
Guyot, Arnold, 242
guyots, 242
gypsum, 151, 210, 225, 303–315
Hadrian’s Wall, 41–42
Hall, James, 51, 136
Hamelin Pool, Australia, 138–140
Hamersley Range, Australia, 147–149
Harland, W. Brian, 171–179
Haruna dacite, 236–237
Harvard University, 174–179, 324
Hawaii hotspot volcanism, 185, 292
Hays, James D., 335–336
Hays, Paul, 173–174
Hayward Fault, California, 279, 281
headframe, 29–31
Hecataeus of Miletus, 24
hedgehogs, giant, 314
Heezen, Bruce, 163–164, 206–207, 242, 249–253
heliocentric system, 231
Hell Creek, Montana, 222
Hemerdon Mine, England, 33
Henry VII (king), 26
Henry VIII (king), 187
Herculaneum, Italy, 2–10
Herodotus, 304
Hess, Harry, 242–250, 255–256, 262, 291–292, 296
Heston, Charlton, 282
Hibbing, Minnesota, 144, 147
Hidalgo del Parral, Mexico, 90–91
hieroglyphics, 243
high-sulfur coal, 65
Hildebrand, Alan, 223
Hill-Rust-Mahoning mine, Minnesota, 144–146
Hill, Mason L., 288–289
“hilltop removal,” 65
Himalayas, 258
hippos, dwarfed, 314
Hiroshima, Japan, 221
History of the Kings of England (Geoffrey of Monmouth), 186–187
HMS Challenger (ship), 251, 298
HMS Erebus (ship), 326–328
HMS Terror (ship), 326–328
Hoba meteorite, 103
Hoffman, Paul, 174–179
Hollister, California, 284
Holmes, Arthur, 79, 83–88, 185, 199, 242, 261
Holy Grail, 187
Holy Roman Empire, 15
Home of the Blizzard (Mawson), 169
horsetails, 63
Hot Springs, South Dakota, 112
House Range, Utah, 182
Howchin, Walter, 170
Hsü, Ken, 268, 309–315
Hughes, Ellis, 104
Humboldt, Alexander von, 323
Hume, David, 38–40
Hungary, 62
Huronian glaciation, 177–178
Hutcheson, Francis, 38
Hutton, James, 38–55, 66, 79, 87, 316, 321
Hutton’s Section, Scotland, 49–52
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 135, 214–215
Hyatt, Alpheus, 324
hydrofluoric acid, 126
hypervitaminosis A, 167
Iapteus Ocean, 185
Ice Ages, 321–336
“ice catastrophe,” 173
icebed-limestone sandwich, 170–173
icehouse climate, 64
Iceland, 242
Idaho, United States, 191–192
igneous dikes, 47–55
Illinoian Stage, 328
Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory of the Earth (Playfair), 53
Imbrie, John, 335–336
immature sediments, 158
impact hypothesis, 116–118
Imperial College London, 86
India, 62, 201–205, 222
Indian Ocean, 242
Indonesia, 28, 33, 191
Industrial Revolution, 57–66, 69, 146
Inferior Oolite, 69–71
Ingersoll, Ernest, 324
inoceramids, 224
Institute of Geophysics and Planetary ­Physics, 296
International Geological Congress, 174
International Tin Council, 33–34
Inuit, 104
“invisible hand,” of the marketplace, 65
Ionian revolt, 15
iridium, 220–228
Iron Ranges, U.S./Canada, 144–149
iron sulfide, 151
iron-nickel core, 232
iron-nickel meteorites, 98–111
Irving, Ted, 233
Isle of Arran, Scotland, 45, 49
Isles of Scilly, 25
Israel, Jonathan, 38
Isua Supracrustals, 127, 132, 140, 149
Italy, 301–305
Jack Hills, Australia, 130–132
Jacobites, 37
jadeite, 258
James, William, 324
Jameson, Robert, 48
Japan, 62, 256, 258
Jason and the Argonauts (Greek mythology), 301
jasper, 148
Jebel Musa, Morocco, 24
Jedburgh, Scotland, 43–44, 189
Jefferson, Thomas, 36
Jepsen, Glenn, 218–219
Johns Hopkins University, 278
Johnson, Dwayne, 282
Johnson, Ellis, 232
Johnstone, John, 76
JOIDES Resolution (ship), 300
Joly, John, 80, 154
Jordan, David Starr, 324
Joseph of Arimathea, 187
Jura Mountains, Switzerland, 321
Jurassic rocks, of Britain, 66–73
Kaaba, the, 103
Kaibab Limestone (southwestern U.S.), 102
Kane, Elisha Kent, 326–328
Kansan Stage, 328
Kant, Immanuel, 36
Kasting, James, 173–174
Kay, Marshall, 207
Kehoe, Robert, 110
Kelvin, Lord (William Thomson), 80–83, 86
Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, 263–264
Kennedy, John F., 112, 294
Kennedy Channel, 327
Kentucky, United States, 61
Kenya, 304
Kepler, Johannes, 330
Khirokitia (Neolithic village), 14
Khrushchev, Nikita, 305–306
Kilauea (volcano), Hawaii, 48, 222
Kimmeridge, 69–71
King, Elbert, 90–94
Kirschvink, Joe, 173–179
Klamath Mountains, California/Oregon, 19
Knights Templar, 15
Knox, John, 37
Kodiak Island, Alaska, 263–264
komatiites, 127–128, 149
Köppen, Wladimir, 196
KPg extinction, 219–228
KT extinction, 219–220. See also KPg extinction
Kuenen, Philip, 161–162
Kuhn, Bernhard Friedrich, 321
Kulling, Oskar, 170
Kummakivi, Finland, 317
La Panza Range, California, 291
“lack of cropping” hypothesis, 142
Lake Huron, 145–147
Lake Erie, 145–147
Lake Mead, 161
Lake San Andreas, 283
Lake Superior, 145–149
Lake Victoria, 304
Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory, 63–164, 206, 219, 240, 249–252, 291–292, 294, 309
Land’s End, England, 28
large igneous provinces (LIPs), 149
latent heat, 51
Laurasia, 196–207
Laurentia, 190–191, 196
Lawson, Andrew, 283
lawsonite, 256, 259
layered gabbro, 16–18
Le Verrier, Urbain, 330
lead contamination, 109–111
LeConte, Joseph, 324
Leibniz, Gottfried, 36
Lenman, Bruce, 38
Lester Park, New York, 136
Lewis, Meriwether, and William Clark, 326
Lightfoot, Gordon, 147
Lightfoot, John, 35, 43
Lincoln, Abraham, 328
Linnaeus, Carolus, 184
lizards, 225
lodestone, 229–230
Logan, Brian, 138
Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989, 277, 281
London, UK, 75
Long Beach earthquake of 1933, 283
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 190
Los Angeles, California, 286
low-sulfur coal, 65
Lunheng, 229
Lusi Chuqiu, 229
Lyell, Charles, 53–55, 228, 324, 330
Lyme Regis, England, 69
Lystrosaurus, 204–205
“M reflector,” 308–309
M-type asteroids, 107
Madagascar, 14
magnesium-26, 94, 107
magnetic anomalies, 240–247
magnetic reversals, 235–238
magnetic reversal time scale, 238–240
magnetic separators, 32
magnetism, 229–247
magnetometer, 206, 232–234
Malaysia, 28
Malta, 314
mammals, 225
mammoths, dwarfed, 314
Manhattan Project, 109, 220
Manson Crater, Iowa, 222
mantle convection, 87
Manuels River Gorge, Canada 184
map of the seafloor, 249–252
maria (lunar sea), 116–119
Marianas Trench, 251–253
Marina District, San Francisco, 277, 281
marine geology, 206–207, 240–245
marine reptiles, 225
Maris, Roger, 147
Marquette Range, Michigan, 144–145
Mars, 64, 176–177
Mason, R. G., 241
mass extinctions, 142
Matthew, F. E., 279
Matthews, Drummond, 242–247, 250–251, 262, 291
mature sediments, 158
Matuyama, Motonori, 235–236
Mawson, Douglas, 167–171, 178–179
Mawsonites spriggi, 179
Maxwell, James Clerk, 231
Mayer-Eymar, Karl, 304
McDougall, Ian, 238
McKenzie, Dan, 291
McPhee, John, 79, 249, 271
Mecca, Saudi Arabia, 103
Mediterranean, the, 23–24, 301–315
Megalosaurus, 69
mélange, 259, 309
Memoirs of an Unrepentant Field Geologist (Pettijohn), 160
Mercanton, Paul, 236
Mercator, Gerardus, 232
Mercury space missions, 113
Merlinia, 188
Mertz, Xavier, 167
Mesabi Iron Range, Minnesota, 144–145
Mesosaurus, 204–205
Messinian salinity crisis, 309–315
Messinian Stage, 304
Meteor Crater, Arizona, 98–102
meteorites, 89–111, 131
meteorology, 194–198
methane hydrates, 176–177
Mexican-American War, 326
Michel, Helen, 221
Michigan, United States, 144–148
microbial mats, 138–142
microwave oven, 217
Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 242, 299
mid-ocean ridges, 243–247, 250–251
Middle Ages, 57
Middle East, 13, 14
Migliorini, C. I., 163
Milankovitch, Milutin, 332–336
Miller, Stanley, 96
Miller-Urey experiment, 96
Mindel Stage, 329
Minnesota, United States, 144–148
Misenum, Italy, 3–8
Mississippi River, 326
Modocia, 182
Moenkopi Shale, Arizona, 102
Mohorovicic discontinuity (“Moho”), 295
Mohorovicic, Andrija, 295
Mojave Desert, United States, 287
Monterey Peninsula, California, 266
Montesquieu (Charles-Louis de Secondat), 36
Monument Rocks, Kansas, 214
moon rocks, 112–122
Moonstruck (1987 film), 120
Moores, Eldridge, 79
Mordred (Arthurian mythology), 186
Morgana (Arthurian mythology), 186
Morley, Lawrence, 247
mosasaurs, 225
Moulton, Ray, 101
Mount Erebus, Antarctica, 167
Mount Etna, Italy, 1, 48
Mount Everest, Nepal/China, 251
Mount Kilimanjaro, Kenya, 171
Mount Snowdon, Wales, 75
Mount Vesuvius, Italy, 1–10, 48, 271
Mount Wilson, California, 300
Mozambique, 85
Munk, Walter, 295–300
Murchison meteorite, 95–97
Murphy, Thomas, 232
Museum of Comparative Zoology, 324
Nagasaki, Japan, 221
Namibia, 103, 175–177
Naples, Italy, 2, 271
Nasser, Gamel Abdul, 305–307
National Academy of Sciences, 136, 266
National Research Council, 110
National Science Foundation (NSF), 296–297
Nature (journal), 174, 185
Neapolis. See Naples, Italy
near side of the moon, 118–120
Nebraskan Stage, 328
Neenach volcano, California, 290–291
Neolithic Age, 12, 14
Neptune (Roman mythology), 48, 120
Neptunism, 48
Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 322–323
neutron activation analysis, 221
Nevada, United States, 191–192
New Stone Age. See Neolithic Age
New Zealand, 62
Newcastle University, 233
Newfoundland, Canada, 154–155
Newton, Isaac, 36, 124
Nile River, 313. See also Grand Canyon of the Nile
Niobrara Chalk, Kansas, 213
Noah’s ark, 219
Noah’s flood, 35–36, 47–48, 75, 319–322
Nobel, Alfred, 216
Norber, England, 317
Normandy, France, 295–296
North Pole, 327
Northwest Passage, 326–328
Norway, 85, 171, 316
Nova Scotia, Canada, 154–156
“nuclear winter,” 225
nuées ardentes, 3
Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone, Quebec, 129
Oakland, California, 279
obliquity cycle, 334–336
Occidental College, 236
oceanic crust, 295
oceanic trenches, 251–252
oceanography, 206–207
ocean salinity, 80
Odysseus (Greek mythology), 301–303
Odyssey, 301–302
Ohio, United States, 61
oldest fossils, 132
oldest liquid water on Earth, 131
Oldhamia, 135
Old Red Sandstone, 45, 189–190
Old Stone Age. See Paleolithic Age
Olema, California, 278–280
Olenellus, 181–182
Omori, Fusakichi, 279
“On a Piece of Chalk” (Huxley), 214–215
On the Origin of Continents and Oceans (Wegener), 196
One Thousand and One Nights, 231
Onesilus of Salamis (king), 15
Ontario, Canada, 144–148
Opdyke, Neil, 233
ophiolites, 16–22, 259
Oregon, United States, 191–192
Oregon Iron and Steel Company, 104
Orocopia Schist, California, 291
Ottoman Turks, 15
Ötzi the Iceman, 11–14
Oxford Clay, 69–71
Oxfordshire, England, 69
“oxygen holocaust,” 142, 151
oxygen isotopes, 131
Oyster Club, 40
oysters, 224
“pacemaker” of the Ice Ages, 336
Pacific Basin, 115–116
Pacific Coast Ranges (western North ­America), 19
“Pacific fauna,” 180–183
Packard, Alpheus, 324
Paine, Thomas, 36
Painted Desert, Arizona, 98
Pakistan, 222
Palace Hotel, 274–275
Palache, Charles, 256
Paleocene Epoch, 225
Paleogene Period, 219–220
Paleolithic Age, 12
paleomagnetism, 171–173, 229–247
paleoseismology, 286
Pallett Creek, California, 286
Palmdale, California, 291
Palm Springs, California, 279
Panama Canal, 277
Panama-Pacific International Exhibition 277
Pangea, 63, 185, 196–207
Paradoxides, 183–187
Paris Basin, France, 72
Parker, Robert, 291–292
Parkfield, California, 284
Pasteur, Louis, 218
Patterson, Clair “Pat,” 108–111
PDR. See precision depth recorder
Peary, Robert, 104, 327
Pelona Schist, California, 291
Penfield, Glen, 222–223
Pennsylvania, United States, 61
Penrose Conference, 266–267
Penrose Medal, 87, 309
Penzias, Arno, 217
Peridotite, 16–18, 127
Peronopsis, 181–183
Perraudin, Jean-Pierre, 321–323
Persians, 15, 36
Perth, Australia, 138
Peru, 28
Peruvian Andes, 171
Pettijohn, Francis J., 160
pewter, 27
Phillips, William, 62
Phoenicians, 15, 23–25
“physics envy,” 81
“pickup” hypothesis, 115–116
Piedmont Terrane, 190
Pilbara Craton, Australia, 147
“Pillars of Hercules,” 24
pillow lavas, 16–18
Pink Floyd, 121
Pinnacles National Park, California, 290–291
Pirates of Penzance (opera), 27, 180
piston cores, 206, 294, 335
Pitt, William, 302
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 147
Plafker, George, 263–265
“Planet of the Scum,” 140, 142
plate tectonics, 87, 205–207
platinum, 222
Plato, 24
Playfair, John, 35, 38–46, 53
plesiosaurs, 225
Plinian eruption, 4
Pliny the Elder, 3–8, 10
Pliny the Younger, 3–8, 10
Pluto (Roman mythology), 48
Plutonism, 48, 235
Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts, 318
Plympton, England, 33
Point Arena, California, 291
Point Delgada, California, 279
Point of Rocks Sandstone, California, 291
Point Reyes, California, 284
Poland, 62
Polaris, 330
Pomona College, 288
Pompeii, Italy, 1–10
Pomponianus, 5
Porth y Rhaw, Wales, 184
Posidonius, 24
potassium-argon dating, 236–237
Powder River Basin, Wyoming, 65
PPRG (Precambrian Paleobiology Research Group), 174
Precambrian, 134–142
Precambrian basement rocks, 200–201
Precession cycle, 330–336
precision depth recorder (PDR), 250
Presbyterians, 37
Presidio, San Francisco, 276
“primary” rocks, 47–48
Prince William Sound, 263–264
Princeton University, 242, 291, 296
Principles of Geology (Lyell), 53–55
Principles of Physical Geology (Holmes), 87–88
Project Mohole, 296–301
prokaryotes, 138
“Proto-Atlantic Ocean,” 185, 292
proton-precession magnetometer, 232, 240–242
pseudoarcheology, 187
pseudofossils, 136
Ptolemaic Empire, 15
Pueblito de Allende, Mexico, 89–92
“pure research,” 217
Pygmalion (Greek mythology), 15
pyrite, 20–21, 151
pyroclastic flows, 3
pyrolusite dendrites, 136
Pytheas of Massalia, 24
quartz, 127, 157–158, 258
Quebec, Canada, 129
Queensland, Australia, 167
Quesnellia Terrane, 191–192
rabbits, giant, 314
radioactive decay, 82–83
radioactivity, 81–82
radiolarians, 224
Raff, A. D., 241
Ramsay, Allan, 38
Ramses II (pharaoh), 305–307
Rancho San Julian, California, 287
Ransome, Frederic L., 256
Raup, David, 194
Reeve, Christopher, 282
regional metamorphism, 258
Reid, Harry Fielding, 278–279
Reliquiae Diluviae (Buckland), 320
Rensselaer Bay, Greenland, 327
Rhône River, 313, 314
Richard I (king; “the Lionheart,”), 15
Richfield Oil (ARCO), 287, 288
rift valley, 250
Riss Stage, 329
River Tilt, 49
Riversleigh, Australia, 167
Roberts, David, 169
Rochleau mine, Minnesota, 146
“Rock of Scilla,” Italy, 303
Roman emperors, 2
Roman Empire, 15, 110
Romans, 1–10, 14, 36, 23–25, 231
Roosevelt, Theodore, 101
Rosetta Stone, 243–245
Rotunda Museum, 76
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 36
Royal College of Science, 83
Royal Society of London, 330
rudistids, 224
Ruggieri, Giorgio, 309
Ruhr Valley, 62
Runcorn, Keith, 233, 240
Russia, 62, 149
Rutherford, Ernest, 81–82, 233
rutile, 127, 158
Ryan, William B. F., 309–315
sag ponds, 282
sal ammoniac (ammonium chloride), 40
salamanders, 225–226
Salisbury Crags, Scotland, 49–52
salt, 303–315
Salt Lake City, Utah, 99
Salton Sea, California, 291
Salton Trough, California, 284
San Andreas (2015 film), 282
San Andreas fault, 185, 271–293
San Andreas Valley, California, 283
San Bernardino Mountains, California, 284
San Francisco earthquake of 1906, 99, 271–278
San Francisco Peaks, Arizona, 98
San Francisquito Formation, California, 291
San Gabriel Mission, California, 286
San Gabriel Mountains, California, 284, 288, 291
San Jacinto Fault, California, 279
San Juan Bautista, California, 279, 284
sandstones, 157–160
Santa Barbara, California, 287
Santa Cruz, California, 286
Saratoga, New York, 136
Sardinia, Italy, 314
Scandinavia, 318
Scarborough, England, 76
“schistus,” 45
Schokland, Netherlands, 316
Schopf, J. William, 140, 174
Schrag, Dan, 175–179
Science (journal), 174, 221
Sclater, John, 291
Scotland, UK, 36–46, 66
Scott, Robert Falcon, 167–169
Scottish Enlightenment, 37–40
Scottish Highlands, 49–50, 324
Scripps Institute of Oceanography, 206, 240–241, 291–296
Scylla (Greek mythology), 301–303
sea level drop, 223, 226
sea lilies, 224
sea urchins, 224
seafloor gravity, 253
seafloor spreading, 87
seamounts, 242
“secondary” rocks, 47–48
Sedgwick, Adam, 134
sedimentary facies, 323
Seismological Society of America, 279
seismology, 253–255, 263–265, 271–293, 295
Serbia, 13, 332–334
Serbian Academy of Sciences, 334
serendipity, 216–218
serpentine, 259
serpentinite, 259–260
Seward, Albert Charles, 136
Shackleton, Ernest, 167
Shackleton, Nick, 335–336
Shaler, Nathaniel, 324
shales, deep-sea, 259
“Shales with Beef,” 69–71
Shark Bay, Australia, 138–140
shark teeth, 210
sheeted dikes, 16–18
Shell Oil, 288
Shepard, Alan, 113
Shoemaker, Gene, 101–102
Siccar Point, Scotland, 44–46, 189
Sicily, Italy, 301–305, 314
Sierra Nevada, California, 19
silicoflagellates, 224
Sinbad the Sailor, 231
“sister” hypothesis, 116
Slave Terrane, 128
Slighhouses (farm), Scotland, 40
“slushball” earth model, 178–179
smelters, 32–33
Smith, Adam, 38–41, 65
Smith, John, 68
Smith, William, 63, 66–73, 78
Smithsonian Institution, 91, 136
Smollett, Thomas, 37
snails, 140
Snellius (ship), 161
“snowball earth,” 150, 171–179
sociology of science, 226–227
solar insolation, 329–330
Somerset, England, 62–63, 69, 186–188
Somerset Coal Canal, England, 69–70
Sonoma Orogeny, 191–192
Sonomia Terrane, 191–192
Soudan, Minnesota, 147
South Africa, 62, 132, 140, 149, 201–205
South Crofty Mine, England, 33
Soviet Union, 305–308
Spain, 62
spectral analysis, 336
Spencer, Percy, 217
Spitsbergen, 171
sponges, 224
Sprigg, Reg, 178–179
Sputnik, 112
SS Portia (ship), 155
St. Davids, Wales, 184
stamp mill, 31
Stanford University, 279, 287
Stannary Courts, 26
State Earthquake Investigation ­Commission (SEIC), 278–281
Station Eismitte, Greenland, 199
Statue of Liberty, 301
“Steadfast Tin Soldier, The” (Andersen), 27
Stevens Klint, Denmark, 222
Stikinia Terrane, 191–192
stishovite, 101
Stöckse, Germany, 318
Stoic philosophy, 15
Strachey, John, 62–64, 67–68
Straits of Messina, Italy, 301–315
stratigraphy, 66–73
strike-slip fault, 279, 288, 292
strip mining, 65
stromatolites, 134–142, 167, 311
Stromboli (volcano), Italy, 48
Strutt, Robert, 83
subduction, 267–270
Sudan, 147, 304
Suez Canal, Egypt, 305
sulfur isotopes, 151
sulfuric acid rain, 225–226
Sunset Crater, Arizona, 98
“super-greenhouse,” 64
Superman (1978 film), 282
“supermature” sandstones, 158
Svalbard, 171
Sweden, 184
Swiss Society of Natural Sciences, 322
Switzerland, 321–325
Tacitus, Cornelius, 3, 6
Taconic Orogeny, 190
taconite, 147
Tarling, Don, 238
Taynton Limestone, England, 69
tectogene, 255–256
TED conferences, 266
Temblor Range, California, 291
Tennessee, United States, 61
termites, 64
Tertiary Period, 219–220
“Tertiary” rocks, 47–48
Tethys Seaway, 191
Teviotdale, Scotland, 45
Thales of Miletus, 229
Tharp, Marie, 163, 206–207, 242, 249–253
Theia, 116–118
Theophrastus, 57
Theory of the Earth (Hutton), 41–43, 53
Thermodynamics of the Atmosphere (Wegener), 195
thicknesses of sediments, 79–80
tidal friction, 120–122
tilloid, 170
“tilt” cycle, 334–336
Tilton, George, 109
tin, 23–34; cans, 27; foil, 27; mining, 23–24
TNT, 216, 221
Tomales Bay, California, 279
Torreson, Oscar, 232
tourmaline, 127, 158
transatlantic cables, 80, 156, 163–164
transform faults, 291–293
Transverse Ranges, California, 284, 291
T. Rex and the Crater of Doom (Alvarez), 227
Triceratops, 225
Trieste (ship), 251–252
trilobites, 180–186, 292
Trip to the Moon, A (1902 film), 120
Troodos Mountains, Cyprus, 22
tsunamis, 263, 154–156
turbidites, 160–164, 259
turbidity currents, 160–164
turtles, 225
Tyrannosaurus, 225
UFOs, 152
unconformities, 43–44, 80
uniformitarianism, 41–43, 55
Union Oil Company, 287
University College London, 83
University of Adelaide, 169
University of Belgrade, 333
University of California, Berkeley, 220, 256, 278, 283, 288
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), 140, 174, 296
University of Chicago, 109
University of Edinburgh, 40, 48, 86
University of Glasgow, 38
University of Graz, 196
University of Iowa, 108
University of Marburg, 196
University of Pennsylvania, 326
University of Saint Andrews, 330
University of Utrecht, 253
University of Wisconsin, 288
Upernavik, Greenland, 327
Upper Peninsula, of Michigan, 13, 318
uraninite, 151
uranium-lead dating, 82–86, 127
Urey, Harold, 96
U.S. Geological Survey, 136, 236, 263, 268, 279, 287
Usiglio, M. J., 311
U.S. Public Health Service, 110
USS Cape Johnson (ship), 242
Ussher, James, 35, 43
Valencia Street Hotel, 272
Vancouver, Canada, 226
Variscan Orogeny, 28
Vega, 330
Veneti people, 26
Venetz, Ignace, 321–323
Venice, Italy, 15
Vening Meinesz, Felix Andries, 253
Ventura, California, 286
Venus, 1, 64
Vermilion Range, Minnesota, 144–145
Verne, Jules, 120
Vetlesen Prize, 87–88, 240
Vienna Institute of Technology, 333
Villumsen, Rasmus, 199
Vine, Fred, 242–247, 250–251, 262, 291
Virginia, Minnesota, 146
Virginia (state), United States, 61
volcanism, 1–10
volcanoes, 131, 326
Voltaire, 36
von Pechmann, Hans, 216
Vulcan (Roman mythology), 1, 3
Vulcanalia, 3
Wadati-Benioff zone, 254–255, 262
Wadati, Kiyoo, 254–255, 265
Walcott, Charles Doolittle, 136, 180–184, 324
Wales, UK, 58–66, 75
Walker, James, 173–174
Wallace, William, 187
Walsh, Harry, 275
Warrawoona Group, Australia, 132, 140
Washington (state), United States, 191–192
Waterloo Bridge, 324
Watt, James, 38, 41
Wealth of Nations, The (Smith), 38
Webb, Edward, 69
Wegener, Alfred, 87, 194–207, 236
Weinberg, Steven, 214
Wells, John W., 122
Werner, Abraham Gottlob, 48–49, 66, 75
Wernerians, 326
West Linn, Oregon, 104
West Virginia, United States, 61
Western Interior Cretaceous Seaway, 213, 223
Wheeler Shale, Utah, 181–182
White Cliffs, of Dover, 208–211
“White Cliffs of Dover, The” (Burton), 208–210
Whitewater Canyon, California, 279
Willamette meteorite, 102–106
William of Neckham, 229
William the Conqueror, 208
Wilson cycle, 186
Wilson, J. Tuzo, 185, 262, 291–293
Wilson, Robert W., 217
Winchester, Simon, 75
Wisconsinan Stage, 328
“wobble” cycle, 330–336
Wolfle, Dael, 214–215
Wollaston Medal, 77, 87, 309
Wood, H. O., 279
Woodford, A. O., 288
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, 19, 240, 294, 206
Woodward, John, 35
Wrangellia, Alaska, 191–192
Würm Stage, 329
Yorkshire, England, 76
Yosemite National Park, California, 318
Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, 223, 225
Yugoslavia, 332–335
Zanclean Stage, 304
Zeno of Citium, 15
zircon, 124–133, 158
zirconium, 124–126
ZTR index, 127, 158