Little Prince

This party is for

A little prince.

He has long hair,

Soft blond hair

That hangs over

His white shoulders.

His eyes appear

To be black stars

That move like the wind,

Shine, quiver and give off sparks.

He is my crown,

My pillow and my spur.

My hand, that bridles

Horses and hyenas,

Goes where e’er he takes it.

When he frowns, I tremble.

If he complains,

My face, like a woman’s,

Turns white as snow,

Then red, as blood

Pours through my veins.

His pleasure causes

My blood to ebb and flow.

This party is for

A little prince.

¡Venga mi caballero

Por esta senda!

¡Éntrese mi tirano

Por esta cueva!

Tal es, cuando a mis ojos

Su imagen llega,

Cual si en lóbrego antro

Pálida estrella,

Con fulgores de ópalo,

Todo vistiera.

A su paso la sombra

Matices muestra,

Como al sol que las hiere

Las nubes negras.

¡Heme ya, puesto en armas,

En la pelea!

Quiere el príncipe enano

Que a luchar vuelva:

¡Él para mí es corona,

Almohada, espuela!

Y como el sol, quebrando

Las nubes negras,

En banda de colores

La sombra trueca,–

Él, al tocarla, borda

En la onda espesa,

Mi banda de batalla

Roja y violeta.

¿Conque mi dueño quiere

Que a vivir vuelva?

¡Venga mi caballero

Por esta senda!

Come, my gentleman;

Come this way.

Come, my tyrant,

Into this cave.

When he appears

Within my sight,

It seems a pale star

Casts its opal

Brilliance o’er all

In a dark cavern.

When he goes by

The shade acquires textures

Like the sun,

That wounds the blackest clouds.

Behold me, then, at arms

In the struggle.

The little prince

Wants me to fight again.

He is my crown,

My pillow and my spur.

And, just as the sun,

Breaking up the black clouds,

Turns shadows

Into bands of colors,

When he touches the thick wave,

He embroiders

My red and violet

Battle colors there.

So, my master wants

To return to life?

Come, my gentleman;

Come this way.

¡Éntrese mi tirano

Por esta cueva!

¡Déjeme que la vida

A él, a él ofrezca!

Para un príncipe enano

Se hace esta fiesta.

Come, my tyrant,

Into this cave.

Let me offer life

To him, to him.

This party is for

A little prince.