“Not only was Martí one of the most brilliant literary figures in the history of Latin American letters, but also — as the relevance of his observations more than a century later shows — he was one of the most underrated political thinkers of modern times.”

—John Kirk, José Martí: Mentor of the Cuban Nation

“[Martí] added a social agenda to the historic program of national liberation and instantly converted a movement devoted to the establishment of a new nation into a force dedicated to shaping a new society. Martí transformed rebellion into revolution… Like a master weaver, Martí pulled together all the separate threads of Cuban discontent — social, economic, political, racial, historical — and wove them into a radical movement of enormous force.”

—Louis A. Pérez, Jr.,

José Martí in the United States: The Florida Experience

“Oh Cuba! …The blood of Martí was not yours alone; it belonged to an entire race, to an entire continent; it belonged to the powerful youth who have lost probably the best of teachers; he belonged to the future!”

—Rubén Darío

“From 1898 to the present day the validity of the admonitory words of Martí has retained its force. The main problems confronting Nuestra América since the 1880s… are those foreseen by Martí.”

—Roberto Fernández Retamar