Chapter 102
New York, 1984
No longer curious about the end destination of the envelope she mailed each month, Deirdre O’Neill posted a new one. She knew what the envelope contained. She’d steamed several open, tried to figure out the logic and came up dry. So she’d confronted Tom Devlin. His explanation that the newsprint had two functions, one the kids who played the lottery could feel important and two it told Walsh when to expect a deposit to arrive in Dublin. “So next month the winner is O’Reilly, the poor bloke was only seventy-four.” He grinned and she finally figured it out.
This morning she didn’t even think about it. Before daylight, she had picked up Amy and they began the seventeen-hour drive south. Deirdre was on a mission.
Charleston, South Carolina, 1984
It was the first game of the season and young ladies from nearby colleges, packed the bleachers, ogling the prime specimens of young manhood soon to march on to the field. Deirdre turned to Amy and said in a worried voice. “Damnit! In uniform they all look alike. How will I find him?”
“Let him find you,” Amy suggested.
“Remember dunce, Tom said we have to find him—there was no way he could get a message through. So Jas doesn’t know I’m here.”
Amy winked mischievously. They watched as the cadets, with eyes straight ahead, only permitted muscles allowed to function, formed up in ranks. The O’Neill girls stood in the president’s box; a group of male cheerleaders milled around directly below them.
“Get up on the wall,” Amy said. “I’ve got an idea.”
“Just do what I say.” Amy pushed on her cousin’s back to get her moving. Without realizing what she was in for, Deirdre climbed up on the cement barrier. “Aim for the tall blond,” Amy giggled and shoved.
“What—” Deirdre yelped as the wind came up under her short denim skirt.
The quickly reacting fellow caught her before she hit the ground. The blond haired youth was grinning widely as he set her on her feet. “Best catch I ever landed,” he said.
While Deirdre tugged down her skirt and stammered, “Thanks, I slipped.”
“Hang in after the game, that’ll do for thanks.”
“Sure,” she lied. “Give me a boost back up?” She deliberately spun to face the field as she stepped on the crouching youth’s cupped hands.
“I could have broken a leg or worse,” Deirdre said as she punched her cousin’s shoulder.
Amy snickered. “Confidence, Girl. The way that blondie was eyeing you; I knew he’d catch you. Now Jas knows you’re here.”
“So does the whole place! And me with orange underpants.”
The marching had just halted when he saw her come flying out of the stands. He instantly recognized Deirdre! Behind him Jason Connors heard his cousin’s sharp intake of air, and struggled to control his own surprise.
When the Cadets made their mad dash for the stands, Jason headed for the president’s box. Brian was right at his back as he leaped over the wall.
“What are you doing here?” Jason gasped to the sound of the girls’ quick chatter.
“Can’t stay,” Brian warned and tugged at his cousin’s tunic.
“Wait!” Jason attempted to shove him off.
“Look, damn it.” Brian gestured to where Philip Caine was apparently questioning another freshman.”
“Gotta go,” Jason agreed. “I’ll make a break for the loo at half time—be by the door.”
“Don’t sweat anymore love,” Deirdre said. “IGA to the rescue.” And she shoved an envelope in his hand with the order, “Read it carefully.”
“Be by the door,” was an added plea as Jason quickly fell instep behind his cousin.
Brian was cursing under his breath. The last thing they needed was the IGA, he thought as he led the way to the seats they’d been instructed to claim and remain in.
Only one of their senior bodyguard was waiting for them. Randy Johnson was in the football squad and Matthew Reed was finishing his duties on the field. When Jason attempted to move passed him, Philip Caine’s fingers locked painfully on the back of the youth’s neck. Instinctively Jason braced at the demanded, “Where in hell you been?”
Jason sucked in air as Brian quickly countered, “We got mixed up, Sir. And some parents got in our way, we couldn’t mow ‘em down.”
“Park it!” Caine pushed Jason into a seat while two other cadets scurried over to make room. “Anderson,” he ordered. “They move from here I want to know.”
“Yessir,” followed the retreating senior’s back.
“Ann-der-son,” Jason slurred just high enough for the freshmen in their immediate vicinity to hear. “Ann-der-son? Never heard of a bull dog being a watchdog.”
“Stuff it Connors.” Anderson blushed as the other cadets snickered.
But Jason was not about to let up. “With that pushed in mug of yours must be tough brown-nosing. You have to spread the cheeks to reach the asshole?”
“You ought a know Connors, Caine’s made you an expert at that—”
Jason turned so quickly that their faces were only inches apart and the rippling laughter from the other freshmen drifted into nervous muttering as Jason started to stand. His fingers had curled into fists when Brian grabbed him and forced him back in his seat.
“Cool it Jas,” Brian warned. “A fight will finish us. You want to stay locked in the damn room forever.” Still not releasing his hold on Jason, he growled, “Anderson, keep your yap shut.” and the cadets pressed closely around them now, in an effort to disguise the confrontation, seconded the order.
Having effectively neutralized the problem of John Connors’ son without compromising the academy, and maintaining control yet not physically crippling the culprit; the honored status of the aspiring young officers has remained intact
So when the senator’s daughter and niece appeared unexpectedly on his doorstep, the commandant, with full confidence restored in them, instructed Matthew Reed and Philip Caine to escort the O’Neill girls to the game. Once the field ceremonies were completed the seniors returned to this pleasant duty.
“You mean you didn’t come intentionally?” Matthew Reed was mildly surprised by the admission.
“To this place? I’m not into uniforms.” But the smile Deirdre bestowed on him made it appear she might be convinced to change her mind. “Don’t know about Amy.” She bent her shoulder into the other girl’s shoulder. “We were heading for Palm Beach on a weekend break-away when our air pooped. Can’t be fixed till Monday. Amy’s dad was in school with your commandant so to the rescue. Terrific dinner and two quick dates—not bad. Must have figured we weren’t into the ma and pa scene.”
“Right.” Amy sighed at the horrible thought. Moving her fingers lightly over Philip Caine’s uniformed arm, her tone was a teasing plea. “You won’t give us away? We said the car would be ready in a couple of hours, a quick lie. We don’t want to be stuck with the old folks all weekend.”
“If we didn’t have those knobs hung around our necks.” Caine complained to Reed, and then grinned at Amy. “It could prove to be an interesting weekend.”
Mathew Reed was already contemplating how they might con Randy Johnson into managing their guarding task alone. He was aware it had to be a case of the two of them, for if Phil got any closer to Amy O’Neill they’d merge as one. “What motel are you staying at?” he asked Deirdre. For if there was even a chance in hell of making it, he decided, he was going to be prepared.
Nearing half time, with the cadets behind seven to fourteen, Jason Connors considered cheering out loud; only the fear of a public lynching deterred him. With everyone, even Brian, absorbed with the action on the field, he had been able to safely read the instructions in the envelope.
At first he was nearly drawn to laughter by Deirdre’s elaborate scheme to rescue him. But as time passed sweat began encircling his stiff collar. His neck still throbbed from Caine’s latest abuse and fresh scabs on his feet itched where he couldn’t scratch. The girl’s solution began to seem rational. By the time he could safely leave his seat, he’d convinced himself the plan was sound and could work.
When the ginger-hair girl tripped in front of the men’s room he was there to catch her. “Lucky dog,” several accompany cadets hissed but no one saw the action as Deirdre slipped a vial into Jason’s palm.