Accountability for Tax Dollars Act of 2002

Accounting, Federal

basis for
congressional allocations, nature of
congressional authorizations and appropriations
GAO decisions
other spending authority
federal allowances, nature of
federal entity allotments, nature of
federal obligations, nature of
legal form for
other conditions for
OMB apportionment, nature of
proprietary accounting
for assets
for costs
for disbursements
for expenses
for liabilities
for revenues or receipts

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)

auditing standards, U.S.
AU 312.62
AU 314
AU 314.41
AU 318
AU 325.06
AU 325.07
AU 402
AU-C 200
AU-C, 240.15
AU-C, 315.06
AU-C, 315.11
AU-C 330.04
AU-C 501
generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS)

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

Anti-Deficiency Act

noncompliance consequences
Section 3679 audit considerations

Association of Government Accountants (AGA)

Public Attitudes toward Government Accountability and Transparency (survey)
Redefining Accountability: Recovery Act Practices and Opportunities (research report)

Attestation reports

on agreed-upon procedures
practical consideration
government standards, additional
on internal controls
on management’s assertions
feasibility of engagement, determining
internal controls and related testing
practical consideration

Audit and attest engagements, types of

financial-related audits
settlement audits

Audit criteria, Federal

Accountability for Tax Dollars Act of 2002
Anti-Deficiency Act
noncompliance consequences
Section 3679 audit considerations
Budget and Accounting Act of 1921
audit and examinations of the government and others
Budget and Accounting Procedures Act of 1950
audit principles and standards
Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990
agency CFOs and deputy CFOs
annual independent audits
CFO “applicable accounting principles”
CFO responsibilities
concerns of Congress
Federal financial statements
financial policy and OMB
other changes
Department of Homeland Security Financial Accountability Act of 2004
Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990
Federal Financial Management Improvement Act of 1996 (FFMIA)
compliance, auditing and reporting
Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006
Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act of 1982
Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA)
need for
Impoundment Control Act of 1974
Improper Payment Information Act of 2002
Inspector General Act of 1978
Single Audit Act of 1984
additional “standards” for
audits of federal grantees, historical problems with
scope of, as amended
working papers
Supplemental Appropriation Act of 1951
U.S. Constitution
budget and financial management laws, major
congressional authorizing legislation
Federal budget defined
financial authority

Audit, planning

account risk analysis
audit strategy/plan
Gantt chart
Federal auditees
assessing the agency’s control environment
learning the agency’s business
initial approach, developing
establishing materiality
establishing rules of engagement
identifying significant accounts
knowledge gaps, planning to fill
models and checklists
team meetings
techniques and sources of information
audit and consulting reports and working papers
Circular A-123 documentation
documenting understanding
historical and interim accounting information
internal guidance
internally developed documentation
management and operating personnel

Audit model, Federal

agency financial statements
audit evidence
audit tests, procedures, and activities
checklists and models
discreditable acts
Government Auditing Standards
management’s assertions
pervasiveness of
phases of Federal audits
Phase I: planning the audit
Phase II: understand and evaluate internal controls
Phase III: test controls, transactions, account, and account groups
Phase IV: reporting audit conclusions, audit results, and auditor’s opinion

Audit testing

information technology considerations
internal controls
determining which controls to test
transaction accuracy, ineffectiveness of testing for
walk-throughs and
outsourcing accounting and data services
analyzing universe
ensuring completeness of universe
relationship of control testing to substantive testing
substantive tests
analytical procedures
validating account balances
types of
compliance with laws and regulations

Auditing, Federal, background of

auditing the Federal Government, definition and scope
auditing and government
standard-setting agencies
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
Government Accountability Office (GAO)
Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
Offices of Federal Inspectors General
types of governmental audits
attest engagements

Auditing standards, U.S.

AU 312.62
AU 314
AU 314.41
AU 318
AU 402
AU-C 200
AU-C 240.15
AU-C, 315.06
AU-C, 315.11
AU-C 330.04
AU-C 501
recent developments in
2006 standards
Federal guidance


Balance sheet

accounting for assets
accounting for liabilities
accounting for net position of Federal entity
classifications in

Budget and Accounting Act of 1921

audit and examinations of the government and others

Budget and Accounting Procedures Act of 1950

amendments to

Budgetary accounting


Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990

agency CFOs and deputy CFOs
annual independent audits
CFO “applicable accounting principles”
CFO responsibilities
concerns of Congress
Federal financial statements
financial policy and OMB
other changes

Chief Financial Officers Council (CFOC)

Chief Information Officers Council (CIOC)

Clarity Project

Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996

Cloud computing

Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) of the Treadway Commission

Internal Control—Integrated Framework

Congressional Budget and Impoundment Act

Congressional Budget Office (CBO), role in federal budget

Consolidation Appropriations Act of 2005, Division H, Section 522


responsibility for
Cost Accounting Standards Board (CASB)
Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA)
General Services Administration (GSA)
Government Accountability Office (GAO)
individual contracting agencies
Office of Management and Budget (OMB)

Cost Accounting Standards Board (CASB)

Council of Inspectors General for Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE)


Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA)

Department of Defense (DoD)

Department of Homeland Security Financial Accountability Act of 2004

Department of the Treasury


E-Government Act of 2002

End-of-audit, quality control, and reporting procedures

auditor’s reports, illustrative
final critique of audit plan, programs, and procedures
independent auditor’s reports, issuing
on compliance
on financial statements
on internal controls
legal representation letters
management letters
management representation letters
quality control review and validation
audit documentation
staff assignment, supervision, and competence
special-purpose report


Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB)

Federal budget

phase I: budget preparation phase
phase II: congressional action phase
phase III: budget execution phase
PPPBS, ZBB, and MBO concepts
planning, programming, and budgeting system
planning years

Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990

Federal Financial Management Improvement Act of 1996 (FFMIA)

compliance, auditing and reporting

Federal financial management policy, major legislation to establish

Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006

Federal Grants and Cooperative Agreement Act of 1977

Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA)

Federal Information System Controls Audit Manual (FISCAM)

Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act (FMFIA) of 1982

Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP)

Financial Audit Manual (FAM)

major changes to
Section 580.32

Financial audits

financial statement
other audits, review, and examinations

Financial and internal control reporting, Federal

assessing internal control over financial reporting
emerging issues
achieving government-wide audit opinion
developing information to support decision making
enhancing financial reporting
leveraging technology to audit more effectively
emphasis on internal control over financial reporting
Federal financial statements
accelerated audit and reporting schedule
FY 2012 results by agency
internal control over financial reporting, assertions relating to
internal control standards
reporting by federal agencies
GAO’s Government Auditing Standards
OMB internal control deficiencies

Financial-related audits

Financial statements, Federal

accounting principles for Federal entities, hierarchy of
balance sheet
accounting for assets
accounting for liabilities
accounting for net position of Federal entity
classifications in
Federal Government’s accounting hierarchy
Federal reporting entity
breadth of accountability
limitations of appropriation, cash basis accounting
basis of accounting for U.S. statements
content of consolidated U.S. statements
format of consolidated U.S. statements
management discussion and analysis
reporting by departments, agencies, and government as a whole
government corporations
performance and accountability reports
reporting, historical emphasis of
required supplementary stewardship information
statement of budgetary resources
statement of changes in net position
financing sources, classifications of
statement of custodial activity
statement of net cost
statement of social insurance/changes in social insurance amounts

Fund accounting


Gantt chart

General Services Administration (GSA)

Generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS)

Government Accountability Office (GAO)

decisions governing Federal appropriations
definition of performance auditing
Federal Information System Controls Audit Manual (FISCAM)
Financial Audit Manual (FAM)
major changes to
Section 580.32
Government Auditing Standards (Yellow Book)
and grant reviews
Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government (Green Book)

Government Auditing Standards (Yellow Book)

examples of materiality in

Government Corporation Control Act (GCCA) of 1945

Government Management and Reform Act of 1994

Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA)

need for

Grant audits

cooperative agreements
events requiring accounting entries
cash advances
expenditure reports
grant agreement
grant applications
grant authorization
schedule and voucher of payments
audits of agency management
methodology of audits of
grant types
grantees, audits of
allowable costs criteria
tests of Federal grant compliance policies and regulations
types of
grants defined
responsibility for grants
controls for grants-in-aid
Government Accountability Office (GAO)
grants-in-aid process
individual Federal grantor agencies
Office of Management and Budget (OMB)

Green Book. See Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government


Impoundment Control Act of 1974

Improper Payment Information Act of 2002

Improper Payments Improvement Act (IPIA)

Independent auditor’s reports, issuing

on compliance
nature of
special, additional report
on financial statements
agency, elements of
audit opinions on Federal financial statements
on internal controls
Federal agency
on special-purpose financial statements, illustrative

Information Technology Management Reform Act (ITMRA)

Information technology (IT) systems, auditing and evaluating

audit and information assurance services, growing demand for
audit process
phase I—planning
phase II—testing
phase III—reporting
key laws and regulations on information security, understanding
Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996
E-Government Act of 2002
OMB Circulars
privacy and expanded requirements
business process application controls
methodologies and standards
OMB circulars and memoranda on privacy
privacy acts and guidance
Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements (SSAE)
security, understanding need for

Inspector General Act of 1978

Internal controls. See also Financial and internal control reporting, Federal

audit testing of
determining which controls to test
transaction accuracy, ineffectiveness of testing for
walk-throughs and
completing and documenting auditor’s understanding of
controls, definitions, and requirements
evaluation requirements
Federal guidance
Federal standard setters
historical perspective
reporting by federal agencies
risks, assessing and evaluating
additional OMB requirements
approach, finalizing and documenting
auditing procedures, developing
definitions and classifications of
levels of
threats, identifying
vulnerabilities, identifying

Internal Control—Integrated Framework (COSO)


Joint Financial Management Improvement Program (JFMIP)


Kearney & Company, P.C.


Management audits

Management discussion and analysis


National Defense Authorization Act of 2010

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

security areas
SP 800-146


Office of Management and Budget (OMB)

apportionment, nature of
audit requirements for Federal financial statements (Bulletins 06-08 and 07-04)
Bulletin 01-02
Bulletin 06-03
Bulletin 07-04
Circular A-11
Circular A-21
Circular A-87
Circular A-122
Circular A-123
Appendix A
auditee documentation pursuant to
Circular A-127
Circular A-129
Circular A-130
Appendix I
Appendix III
Circular A-133
Circular A-136
circulars and bulletins
circulars and memoranda on privacy
Circular A-130, Appendix I
Memorandum M-03-22
Memorandum M-06-16
Memorandum M-06-19
Memorandum M-07-16
Memorandum Recommendations for Identify Theft Related Data Breach Notification
internal control deficiencies
Memorandum M-09-15
Memorandum M-10-26
regulations relating to grant awards
requirements for assessing internal controls
role in federal budget

Office of Personnel Management (OPM)

Offices of Federal Inspectors General

Operational audits


Performance audits

elusive scopes and changing views
general standards
collective competence of audit teams
professional judgment
quality control and assurance
fieldwork standards
obtaining sufficient and appropriate evidence
orientation phase
ad hoc database
conducting a survey
origin and credits
report of audit
reporting standards
content of reports
distributing reports
written reports
risks and issues, reviewing
audits for economy, efficiency, and effectiveness
different and elusive criteria

Planning, programming, and budgeting system (PPBS)

Privacy acts and guidance

Consolidation Appropriations Act of 2005, Division H, Section 522
Privacy Act of 1974

Procurement audits

cost criteria, allowable and unallowable
costs, allowable, unallowable, and indirect
of direct and other contract costs
external contract
factors to consider in planning
postaward surveys
preaward surveys
pricing reviews
varied scope

Procurements, Federal

accrued costs
accrued expenditures
obligations incurred
agency units involved
accounting section
contractor or vendor
contracts office or procurement section
program office or allottee
Treasury Department
forms, key
cash advances
contract document
financial expenditure reports and invoices
procurement request and authorization
request for proposal or bids or quotes
schedule and voucher of payments
submitted proposals or bids

Proprietary accounting

for assets
for costs
for disbursements
for expenses
for liabilities
for revenues or receipts

Public Attitudes toward Government Accountability and Transparency (AGA survey)

Public Company Accounting and Oversight Board (PCAOB)


Quality control and assurance standard

Quality control review and validation

audit documentation
staff assignment, supervision, and competence
assignments and responsibilities
continuing professional education


Recovery and Transparency Oversight Board (RATB)

Redefining Accountability: Recovery Act Practices and Opportunities (AGA research report)

Reports Consolidation Act


Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX)

Settlement audits

Single Audit Act of 1984

additional “standards” for
audits of federal grantees, historical problems with
scope of, as amended
working papers

Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government (Green Book)

Statement of budgetary resources

Statement of changes in net position

financing sources, classifications of

Statement of custodial activity

Statement of net cost

Statement on Quality Control Standards (SQCS) 8

Statement of social insurance/changes in social insurance amounts

Statements on Auditing Standards

SAS 78
SAS 82
SAS 88
SAS 90
SAS 94
SAS 102
impact on GAGAS
practical considerations
SAS 103
SAS 104–111
documenting audit process based on audit evidence
executing the audit
SAS 109
SAS 110
SAS 112–114

Statements of Federal Financial Accounting Standards


Statements on Standards for Attestation Engagements (SSAE)

Supplemental Appropriations Act


Yellow Book. See Government Auditing Standards