African Americans
as soldiers
Grant’s dealings with
given military opportunities
alcohol, Grant’s problems with
Alcoholics Anonymous
Allen, Robert
Ammen, Daniel
Ampudia, Pedro de
Anderson, Richard H.
Appomattox Campaign
Appomattox Court House
map of
Arista, Mariano
Army of Northern Virginia
Army of the Cumberland
supply lines restored to
Army of the James
Army of the Mississippi
Army of the Potomac
Army of the Tennessee
Atlanta, Georgia
Babcock, Orville E.
Badeau, Adam
Bailey’s Ferry
Banks, Nathaniel P.
Bates, Edward
“Battle Above the Clouds”
Beauregard, Pierre G. T.
evacuates Corinth
opposes attack on Petersburg
replaced by Bragg
traps Butler’s army
Belmont, Battle of
map of
Benham, Henry W.
Benicia Barracks
Benny Havens’ Tavern
Benton, Thomas Hart
Big Black, Battle of
Birney, David Bell
Blair, Francis P., Jr.
Boggs, Harry
in partnership with Grant
fetes Grant
refuses Grant’s handshake
Bonneville, Benjamin L.
Bowen, John S.
Bowers, Theodore S.
Bragg, Braxton
attacks Hooker
overtaken by Buell
replaced by Beauregard
routs Rosecrans
Brandy Station, Virginia
Breckinridge, John C.
brevet rank
Brooks, Noah
Brown, Owen
Brown’s Ferry
Buchanan, Robert C.
Buckner, Simon B.
Buell, Don Carlos
Grant invades jurisdiction of
overtakes Bragg
replacement by Rosecrans
Bull Run, First Battle of
Bull Run, Second Battle of
Burnside, Ambrose E.
resigns commission
slow to advance
succeeds McClellan
supports Petersburg mine
Butler, Benjamin F.
fails at Drewry’s Bluff
feuds with Baldy Smith
leads Army of the James
relieved of command
Cadwallader, Sylvanus
Camp Salubrity
Camp Yates
Canby, Edward R. S.
Carondelet (gunboat)
Catton, Bruce
Cedar Creek, Battle of
Chagres River
Champion Hill, Battle of
Chandler, Zachariah
Chattanooga, Tennessee
map of
restoration of supply lines to
Thomas’s headquarters at
Chetlain, Augustus L.
Churchill, Thomas J.
Clarksville, Tennessee
Cleburne, Patrick R.
Clemens, Samuel L. (Mark Twain)
Cold Harbor, Virginia
Lee entrenches at
Meade departs from
Collins, E. A.
Comstock, Cyrus B.
confiscation policy
Conner, David
Corinth, Mississippi
Battle of
Federals advance against
Federals occupy
Johnston fortifies
Van Dorn attacks
Corps of Engineers
Corpus Christi, Texas
cotton smuggling
Crittenden, George B.
Crook, George
Cullum, George W.
Curtis, Samuel R.
Cutler, Lysander
Dana, Charles A.
covers up Grant’s drinking
condemned by Grant
has Stanton’s confidence
spies on Grant
Davis, Jefferson
Grant, Jesse Root, letter to
seeks peace talks
plans Richmond’s evacuation
Vicksburg’s defense ordered by
Democratic Party
Dennison, William
Dent, Frederick T., Jr.
Dent, Frederick T., Sr.
as crotchety slave owner
disapproves of Grant
hostility to federal government
provides land to Grant family
Dent, Julia.See also Grant, Julia Dent
appearance of
exchanges letters with Grant
parts from Grant
smitten with Grant
honeymoon of
marriage of
Dent, Louis
Department of the Ohio
depression, economic
Detroit Barracks
Diligent (steamer)
Dorsett, Lyle W.
Dougherty, Henry
Douglas, Stephen A.
Drewry’s Bluff, Battle of
Duff, William L.
Early, Jubal A.
attacks Sedgwick
dispatched to Valley
leads Valley army
routed by Sheridan
threatens Harpers Ferry
threatens Washington, D.C.
underestimates Sheridan
Eaton, John
Ewell, Richard S.
Farrag ut, David G.
Ferrero, Edward
1st United States Dragoons
Floyd, John B.
Foote, Andrew H.
Forrest, Nathan Bedford
attacks Sherman
raids Grant’s supply lines
Fort Diablo
Fort Donelson
Battle of
commanders of
map of
Fort Fisher
Fort Harrison (Fort Burnham)
Fort Heiman
Fort Henry
map of
captured by U.S. Navy
Fort Hindman
Fort Humboldt
Fort Pemberton
Grant fails to suppress
Tallahatchie route blocked by
Fort Sumter
Fort Vancouver
4th U.S. Infantry
Franklin, William B.
Fremont, John C.
as “Pathfinder of the West”
relieved from command
sends Grant to Cape Giradeau
threatens Missouri Confederates
Frost, Daniel M.
Fry, James B.
Galena, Illinois
Gardner, Franklin
Garita de San Cosme
Garland, Hamlin
Garland, John
General Order No.
Getty, George W.
Gettysburg, Battle of
“Gibraltar of the Confederacy”
Gillmore, Quincy Adams
Globe Tavern
Golden Gate (steamer)
Goode, Simon S.
Gorman, Willis A.
Grant, Clara (sister)
Grant, Elizabeth T. (cousin)
Grant, Ellen ("Nellie") (daughter)
Grant, Frederick Dent (son)
Grant, Hannah Simpson (mother)
indifference toward children
marries Jesse Grant
views on slavery
withdrawn nature of
Grant, Jennie (sister)
Grant, Jesse Root (father)
acquisitive nature of
in business partnership
involved in illicit cotton sales
learns tanner’s trade
marries Hannah Simpson
offers son job
owns leather store
pride in first son
unpopularity among neighbors
views on slavery
writes Attorney General Bates
writes Secretary of War Davis
Grant, Julia Dent (wife).See also
Dent, Julia
as farmer’s wife
nurses sick husband
pregnancies of
returns to White Haven
visits Grant’s headquarters
wedding of
Grant, Mary Frances (sister)
Grant, Noah (grandfather)
Grant, Orvil (brother)
Grant, Peter, (uncle)
Grant, Samuel Simpson (brother)
“Grant the Butcher”
Grant, Ulysses S.
alcoholism of
and Buckner
and Charles F. Smith
and Dana
and Frémont
and Longstreet
and McClernand
and McPherson
and Pemberton
and Rosecrans
and Scott
and William F. Smith
and Wilson
aptitude for mathematics
as farmer
as first Union hero
as leather hauler/laborer
as youthful horse trader
assists Governor Yates
at Belmont
at Camp Salubrity
at Cold Harbor
at Chattanooga
at Forts Henry and Donelson
at Fort Humboldt
at Garita de San Cosme
at North Anna River
at Petersburg Mine
at Shiloh
at Spotsylvania
at The Wilderness
at West Point
birth and youth of
botches attack on Petersburg
brevets awarded to
business ineptitude of
confiscation policy of
conservative generalship of
courts Julia
criticism of, after Shiloh
dealings with African Americans
determination of
early education of
early exposure to firearms
enters Kentucky
equestrian skills of
fails to communicate with Halleck
first clash with Lee
first meeting with Stanton
first visit to Washington, D.C.
forms staff
gambles in army
given White House reception
homesickness of
honeymoon of
impresses Dana
in Appomattox Campaign
injury and recovery
in Mexican War
in Petersburg Campaign
integrity of
invades Buell’s jurisdiction
in Vicksburg Campaign
issues civil proclamation
issues regimental regulations
marriage of
moral and religious values of
music, aversion to
musters in volunteers
occupies Paducah
offers services to Adjutant General
organizes 21st Illinois
Pacific coast service
parents of
plans approach to Vicksburg
promoted to brigadier general
promoted to captain
promoted to lieutenant general
promoted to major general
rashness of
relationship with father
relationship with Halleck
relationship with Lincoln
relationship with mother
relationship with Rawlins
relationship with Sherman
resigns commission
runs afoul of Captain Buchanan
self-restraint of
sells real estate
sickened by war’s carnage
slavery, attitude toward
snubbed by McClellan
soldiers’ needs met by
spied on by Dana
succeeds Colonel Goode
supports freedmen
supported by Washburne
temper of
unshakable confidence of
views on Jewish merchants
views on slavery
visits New Orleans
votes for James Buchanan
war horses of
youthful work habits of
Grant, Ulysses S., Jr. ("Buck") (son)
Grant, Virginia ("Nellie") (sister)
Greeley, Horace
Gregg, David McMurtrie
Gregg, John
Grenada, Mississippi
Grierson, Benjamin H.
Griffin, Charles
Halleck, Henry W.
arouses Lincoln’s suspicion
cannot communicate with Grant
conciliates Grant
congratulates Grant
disregards Grant’s suggestions
duplicity of
Halleck, Henry W.
enlarges Grant’s district
fails to support Grant
neglects Grant’s accomplishments
promoted by Lincoln
restructures army
supports McClellan
vacates Commanding General
Hamer, Thomas
Hamilton, Charles S.
Hancock, Winfield Scott
Hardee, William
Harland, Edward
Harpers Ferry, West Virginia
Harris, Thomas
Hays, Alexander
Herrera, Jose Joaquin de
Herschberger, H. R.
Heth, Henry
Hill, A. P.
Hillyer, William S.
Holloway, E. B.
Holly Springs, Mississippi
Hood, John Bell
Hooker, Joseph
“Hornet’s Nest”
Hovey, Alvin P.
Howard, Oliver O.
Humphreys, Andrew A.
Hunt, Henry J.
Hunt, Lewis C.
Ingalls, Rufus
Iuka, Mississippi
Jackson, Mississippi
Jackson, Andrew
Jackson, Claiborne
James River
Janes, Henry W.
Jefferson Barracks
Jewish merchants
Jo Daviess Guards
Johnston, Albert Sidney
Johnston, Joseph E.
Jones, William
J. R. Grant Company
Kautz, August V.
Kearny, Stephen W.
Kelton, John C.
King, Mary
Kittoe, Edward D.
Know-Nothing Party
Lagow, Clark B.
Lawler, Michael J.
Ledlie, James H.
Lee, Francis
Lee, Robert E.
and Corps of Engineers
approves McClernand’s Vicksburg
at Cold Harbor
attacked by Hancock
attempts breakout from Petersburg
dispatches Early to Valley
emboldened by success
evacuates Petersburg
first clash with Grant
lapses into pessimism
prefers defensive warfare
responds to Sheridan’s advance
seeks separate peace with Grant
talks surrender with Grant
Lincoln, Abraham
and Halleck’s persecution of
congratulates Grant
election victory of
ends leadership search
promotes Halleck
reelection victory of
revokes General Order No.
spies on Grant
supports Grant
takes notice of Grant
upholds Grant against McClernand
visits Petersburg front
wants military presence in Texas
writes despairing memo
Lincoln, Mary Todd
Literary Society, West Point
Logan, John A.
Longstreet, James
Lookout Mountain
Louisiana Purchase
Lowe, John W.
Lyman, Theodore
Lyon, Nathaniel
Madison Barracks
Magruder, John B.
Mahone, William
Manassas Junction
McCall, George A.
McClellan, George B.
fails to capture Richmond
remains inside Washington defenses
snubs Grant
succeeded by Burnside
succeeds Winfield Scott
supports Halleck against Grant
wins presidential nomination
McClernand, John A.
and William T. Sherman
as self-promoter
attacks Fort Hindman
given expedition by Lincoln
“intense vehemence” of
relieved by Grant
troops “stolen” by Sherman
McClure, Alexander K.
McCook, Alexander M.
McDowell, Irvin
McFeely, William S.
McPherson, James B.
at Battle of Corinth
at Fort Donelson
death of
engineering expertise of
Grant’s indebtedness to
Meade, George Gordon
at Cold Harbor
at Spotsylvania Court House
attacks Petersburg
at The Wilderness
in Appomattox Campaign
leads Army of the Potomac
promoted to major general, U.S.A.
relations with Sheridan
Memphis, Tennessee
Mexican War
Mexico, Missouri
Missionary Ridge
Mississippi River
Mobile, Alabama
Mobile Bay, Battle of
Molino del Rey, Battle of
Monterrey, Battle of
Morgan, Michael R.
Morton, Oliver
“Mule Shoe,”
Nashville, Tennessee
National Union Party
Nelson, William
New Castle, Virginia
New Mexico Territory
New Orleans, Louisiana
New York City
New York Tribune
North Carolina
Oglesby, Richard J.
Ord, Edward O. C.
Overland Campaign
Paducah, Kentucky
Palmer, John M.
Panama City, Panama
Panama Herald
Panic of
Parke, John G.
Parker, Ely S.
Pemberton, John C.
advances on Grant
at Big Black
at Champion Hill
befuddled by Grant’s diversions
retreats to Vicksburg
sees Vicksburg garrison depleted
surrenders Vicksburg
Peninsula Campaign
Perryville Campaign
Petersburg Mine
Petersburg, Virginia
Pickett, George E.
Pillow, Gideon J.
Pittsburg Landing
Pleasonton, Alfred
Polk, James K.
Polk, Leonidas
Pope, John
Port Gibson, Mississippi
Port Hudson, Louisiana
Porter, David Dixon
Porter, Horace
Prentiss, Benjamin
Price, Sterling
Prometheus (steamer)
Puebla, Mexico
Quinby, Isaac F.
Ransom, Thomas E. G.
Rawlins, John Aaron
Red River Campaign
Republican Party
Reynolds, J. J.
Richardson, Albert D.
Richmond, Virginia
River Queen (presidential yacht)
Rosecrans, William S.
at Chickamauga
at Corinth
displeases Grant
relieved by Thomas
replaces Buell
slow to pursue
Rowley, William R.
Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez de
Savannah, Georgia
Schofield, John M.
Scott, Winfield
arrests Pillow
carves up Taylor’s army
character of
in Mexican War
replaced by McClellan
Sedgwick, John
7th Congressional District Regiment
Seward, William H.
Sheridan, Philip H.
avoids confrontation in Valley
given wider command
raids Richmond
relations with Meade
routs Early
Sherman, William T.
at Chattanooga
at First Bull Run
at Shiloh
attacks Jackson
attacks Vicksburg
besieges Jackson
captures Atlanta
cooperative spirit of
Grant’s indebtedness to
in Atlanta Campaign
in Carolinas Campaign
observes “Battle of St. Louis”
on March to Sea
raiding strategy of
with Grant in St. Louis
Shiloh, Battle of
Sibley, Henry Hopkins
Sierra Nevada (steamer)
Sigel, Franz
Simon, John Y.
Simpson, Hannah.See Grant
Hannah Simpson
army’s attitude toward
boundaries of
Dent family’s attitude toward
Grant’s views on
Smith, Charles F.
Smith, Edmund Kirby
Smith, John E.
Smith, Watson
Smith, William F. ("Baldy")
at Cold Harbor
attacks Petersburg
egotistical nature of
feuds with Butler
relieved by Grant
reappointed a major general
Smith, William W.
Sons of Temperance
South Carolina
Southern sympathizers
Spotsylvania, Battle of
St. Louis (gunboat)
St. Louis, Missouri
Stanton, Edwin M.
first meeting with Grant
spies on Grant
Stanton, William
Steele, Frederick
Stephens, Alexander H.
Stevens, T. H.
Stevenson, Carter H.
Stoneman, George
Stuart, James E. B.
Tallahatchie River
Taylor, Zachary
advances against Mexicans
forces Ampudia’s surrender
ordered to occupy Texas
political affiliation of
Terry, Alfred H.
Thomas, George H.
Thompson, M. Jeff
Tilghman, Lloyd
Tod, George
Torbert, Alfred T. A.
trading permits
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Trumbull, Lyman
Tucker, St. John
Tunnel Hill Ridge
21st Illinois Volunteer Infantry
Tyler, John
“Tyler’s Grippe”
United States Military Academy
Van Dorn, Earl
Vance, Joseph W.
Vera Cruz, siege of
Vicksburg, Mississippi
bombardment of
defenses of
Grant closes in on
Grant fails to take by storm
Grant plans approach to
Grant’s early attempts to reach
map of
surrender of
Yazoo River access to
Vose, Josiah H.
Wallace, Lewis
Wallace, W. H. L.
Wallen, Henry
Warren, Gouverneur K.
Washburne, Elihu B.
congratulated by Grant
early call for military action
introduces lieutenant generalcy
Washington, D.C.
Webster, J. D.
Wheeler, Joseph
Whig Party
Whistler, William
“White Haven”
“Wide Awakes”
Wilcox, Cadmus M.
Wilcox’s Wharf
Wilderness Tavern
Williams, Seth
Williams, Thomas
Wilmington, North Carolina
Wilson, James Harrison
Wood, Thomas J.
Worth, William J.
Wright, Horatio G.
Yates, Richard
Yazoo River
yellow fever
Young, J. Preston