
My thanks to Peter Cook, who told me Stuff about paper, and Scott Lynch who answered medical questions. Phillip Wiebe told me how to dissolve rocks. Alexx Kay ( was of considerable help keeping me from tripping over my own feet, as were all of those who have contributed to the Lyorn Records ( Brian Newell helped me keep track of who went where and how long it took. Emma Bull, Pamela Dean, Will Shetterly, and Adam Stemple gave much needed help on getting it into shape, as, of course, did my editor, Claire Eddy. A warm thank you to copy editor Sophia Dembling, to Irene Gallo, artist David Palumbo, and to the entire production staff at Tor, who make me look good. My humble respects are always due to Robert Charles Morgan, who started it all, and my agent, Kay McCauley, who helps keep it going.

Additional proofreading and copy editing by sQuirrelco Textbenders, Inc.