I was - Ana Kunt
To be - (M)Ykun/(F)Tikun
The - Il, al
Same / like (as in similar) - Zay/mitl
Good - Kwayyis
Here - Hina
Very - Giddan/Awi
And - Wi
Between - Bain
Now - Dilwa’ti
Later / After / afterwards - Ba’din/Ba’d kidah
If - Lau
Yes - Aywah
To - Li
Tomorrow - Bukrah
Person - Insan/bani adam/shakhs
Also / too / as well - Kaman/bardu
If it was between now and later
Lau kan da bain dilwa’ti wi ba’dain
It's better tomorrow
Yufaddal bukrah
This is good as well
Da bardu kwayyis
To be the same person
Yikun nafs ilshakhs
Yes, you are very good
Aywah, inta kwayyis awi
I was here with them
Ana kunt hina ma’ahum
You and I
Inta wa ana
The same day
Nafs innahar
*In the Arabic language, adjectives follow the noun. For example, “the same day” is nafs innahar, “small house” is beit zrir, “tall person” is shakhs tawil, and “short person” is shakhs aseer.
*In this program, the article “the” (il, al) will sometimes become a prefix at the beginning of the noun. For nouns beginning with d, n, r, s, sh, t, th, and z, the l is omitted and replaced with the initial consonant of the following noun. “The people” / al-shakhs is ishakhs. The Nile il-nil is inil. It is dropped when spoken; however, when written, it’s usually il-shaks or il-nil.