
I write in a very solitary way. I don’t often seek advice during the writing process, and instead just lock myself away until I’m done. Once I re-emerge, squinting in the daylight, I am so grateful that there are people who can make some sense out of what I’ve put on the page. My editors, Claire Bord and Helen Bolton, have been fantastic, as I knew they would be, and they and the rest of the Avon team work very hard on my behalf.

My wonderful agent, Sonia Land of Sheil Land Associates, has been a source of sound advice and support, as always, and long may that continue.

As much as I enjoy the professional help, I am lucky to enjoy the support of a small band of people who do what they can to help me. In particular, I would like to say thank you to Angela Melhuish for setting up and monitoring my Facebook fan page, and to Liz Wilkins and Belinda Cohen for telling people about me on the internet forums.

For everyone else, I know who you are and I won’t forget.