Eliminated player returns to The Fishbowl with shocking truths

by Monica Summers, August 15, 2016

Many analysts theorized early on that the beautiful, devious Ariana would waltz away from ABC’s new hit reality show with the grand prize. An early fan favorite, Ariana presented herself as a sympathetic figure: she claimed to have been raped, leaving her a single mother at 14. Worse, a genetic condition endangered her daughter’s life.

However, everything changed when Seattle’s Jen took the temptation to leave the show early, paving the way for J-dawg’s return. Readers may remember that J-dawg left The Fishbowl after the second week amid allegations of cheating in a contest that required the contestants to disclose information about themselves (See story here).

Upon his return, however, J-dawg revealed that he wasn’t the only contestant who had been less-thanhonest with the fans. Only moments after he officially re-entered the competition, J-dawg told America that he’d done some research at home.

The other contestants were shocked to learn that Ariana never had a child. Her entire backstory was taken from a character she played in a movie. (See video)

Ariana attempted to convince the others that J-dawg was lying, until he began to repeat her lines from the film. Her resulting meltdown garnered four million views on YouTube within an hour after the show aired on the East Coast. (See video)

She spent the rest of the week trying to recover, but Ariana’s fate was sealed. For the first time, the viewers nominated to put Ariana up for elimination. Viewers may remember that Ariana was previously the only

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