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- abdication
- Abell, Thomas
- absolutism
- Addison, Joseph
- Admiralty: Board Room
- Agincourt
- Albert, Prince
- Alfred the Great, King
- Aliens Act (1705)
- Amalia, Princess Dowager
- America
- British colony
- Declaration of Independence
- War of Independence
- Amicable Grant
- Anglo-Dutch alliance
- Anglo-Dutch War
- Anglo-Saxons –
- Anglo-Scottish wars
- Anne, Queen
- accession to throne
- death
- friendship with Sarah Churchill
- heir to throne
- ill health
- popularity
- as Princess Anne
- succession issue
- war against France –
- Anne Boleyn –
- Anne, Duchess of York
- Appeal from the Country to the City, An
- Armada, Spanish
- army
- Arthur, King –
- Arthur, Prince of Wales
- Assertio Septum Sacramentorum (Henry VIII)
- Attainder, Act of
- Bank of Amsterdam
- Bank of England
- Banqueting House, Whitehall
- Barry, Charles
- Baxter, Richard
- Beaufort, Margaret, Countess of Richmond ––
- Beckford, William
- Berwick-on-Tweed
- Bible
- Great Bible
- King James Bible
- Tyndale’s translation
- Bill of Rights
- Binnenhof Palace, The Hague
- Blackheath, Battle of
- Blenheim, Battle of
- Blenheim Palace
- Boleyn, Anne, see Anne Boleyn
- Bond of Association (1584)
- Boston Tea Party
- Bosworth Field, Battle of –
- Bourbon, Duc de
- Breda, Declaration of
- Brighton Pavilion
- Britain
- Union
- as world power
- British Commonwealth
- British Empire xxix
- American colonies
- Brittany
- Brussels
- Buchanan, George
- Buckingham Palace
- Burghley, Lord, see Cecil, William
- Burke, Edmund
- Reflections on the Revolution in France
- Burnet, Gilbert
- Byng, Admiral George
- Caerleon, Dr Lewis
- Calvinism
- Cambridge
- Canada
- Canterbury Cathedral
- Carlos II, King of Spain
- Caroline of Ansbach
- Caroline of Brunswick
- Catherine of Aragon
- Catherine of Braganza
- Catholic Church
- and Act of Settlement
- Army and
- and Bill of Rights
- Charles II and
- Elizabeth and
- French
- Henry VIII and –
- under James I
- James II and
- Mary I and –
- Mary Queen of Scots and
- suppressed in England
- Wolsey and
- Cavalier Parliament
- Cecil, William, Lord Burghley
- Protestantism
- and Royal Supremacy
- and succession to Elizabeth
- Chapels Royal
- Charles I, King
- and Church
- in Civil War
- coronation
- despotism
- governs by royal decree
- Grand Remonstrance
- and Parliament
- popular support
- portraits and statues
- pro-war sentiments
- revenue-gathering schemes
- and Royal Supremacy
- and Scotland
- trial and execution
- Charles II, King
- assassination plot
- coronation
- death
- defeated by Cromwell
- Dutch wars
- in exile
- foreign policy
- illegitimate children
- and Parliament
- and Popish Plot
- and religion
- restoration
- Scottish support for
- succession
- Touching for King’s Evil
- Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor –
- Charlie, Bonnie Prince, see Stuart, Prince Charles Edward
- Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
- Charlotte, Princess
- Chatham dockyard
- Child, Sir Josiah: Brief Observations Concerning Trade and Interest of Money
- Church of England
- bishops
- break with Rome –
- Clarendon Code
- Convocation
- under Elizabeth
- heresy laws
- James II and
- privileged status
- Protestant fundamentalism versus Catholic opulence
- reforms of Edward VI
- returns to Rome
- ritual and ceremony
- under William and Mary
- see also Royal Supremacy
- Churchill, John, see Marlborough, Duke of
- Churchill, Winston
- Civil List
- Civil War
- Clarence, George, Duke of –
- Clarence House
- Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of
- Clarendon Code
- Clement VII, Pope
- Clive, Lord Robert
- Cobham, Richard Temple, Viscount
- Colbert, Jean
- Coleman, Edward
- Cologne
- Common Prayer, Books
- Commonwealth of England
- Conservative Party
- constitutional monarchy
- Continental Congress
- Convention Parliament
- Cornwall, rebellion
- Cornwallis, Lord Charles
- Covenanters
- Cranmer, Thomas, Archbishop
of Canterbury - Book of Common Prayer of
- and Edward
- Cranmer, Thomas – cont.
- facilitates Henry’s divorce
- Royal Supremacy created by
- tried and executed by Mary
- Cromwell, Oliver
- and Charles I
- and Charles II
- conflict with Parliament
- death
- as Lord Protector
- military commander
- offered crown by parliament
- portraits
- religious views
- succession issue
- Cromwell, Richard
- Crown Imperial, see Imperial Crown
- Cruikshank, George
- Crystal Palace
- Culloden, Battle of
- Cumberland, William, Duke of
- Dakar
- Darnley, Henry Stuart, Lord
- Days of May
- Declaration of Indulgence
- despotism
- Dettingen, Battle of
- Devonshire, Georgiana, Duchess of
- Diana, Princess of Wales
- Disraeli, Benjamin
- Doncaster
- Dover, Treaty of
- Drake, Sir Francis
- Dunbar, Battle of
- Dunstable Priory
- Dutch East Indies
- Dutch Republic, see Netherlands
- Edgehill, Battle of
- Edinburgh
- Edward I, King
- Edward III, King
- Edward IV, King ––
- Edward V, King –
- Edward VI, King –
- absolutism
- birth
- clash with Mary
- coronation –
- death
- as God’s Vice-regent
- heir to throne
- Protestantism
- succession issue
- Edward VII, King
- Edward VIII, King
- Edward the Confessor, King
- Elizabeth I, Queen ––
- death
- defence of the realm
- heir to throne
- imprisoned by Mary I
- and Mary Queen of Scots –
- portraits
- as Protestantism
- religious moderate
- and Royal Supremacy
- succession issue –
- at Tilbury
- Elizabeth II, Queen
- Elizabeth of York
- Eltham Palace
- Ely
- Epiphany, Feast of
- Erasmus
- Esher, Reginald Brett, Viscount –
- Evelyn, John
- Exclusion Crisis
- Exeter
- ‘Family of Henry VIII’ (painting)
- Faversham
- Fawkes, Guy
- Field of Cloth of Gold
- Fontenoy, Battle of
- Fortescue, Sir John –
- The Governance of England
- Fotheringhay castle
- Foxe, John: Book of Martyrs
- Framlingham castle
- France
- absolutism –
- and America
- Anne’s war against –
- Charles I’s war with
- Days of July
- financial system
- Fronde
- George I’s war with
- Henry VII and
- Henry VIII’s wars with –
- of Louis XIV
- Napoleonic
- Protestant persecutions
- regency
- Revolution
- revolutionary wars
- Seven Years War
- War of the Spanish Succession
- Wars of Religion
- William III’s war against
- Francis I, King of France
- Frederick the Great, King of Prussia
- Fronde
- Georg August, Elector of Hanover, see George II
- Georg Ludwig, Elector of Hanover, see George I
- George I, King
- arrival in England
- coronation
- death
- as German
- modest monarchy of
- quarrel with Prince of Wales
- and succession to Anne
- unpopularity
- George II, King
- as British king
- coronation
- death
- as Hanoverian Prince
- military leader
- and Pitt
- popularity
- as Prince of Wales
- George III, King
- accession
- and American colonies
- as British king
- clash with Pitt
- death
- George III, King – cont.
- Golden Jubilee
- madness and regency
- modest lifestyle
- resolved to abdicate
- George IV, King
- accession to throne
- attempts to divorce Caroline
- Brighton Pavilion of
- building projects
- coronation
- death
- debts
- disastrous marriage
- as Prince of Wales
- as Prince Regent
- unpopularity
- George V, King
- George, Prince of Denmark
- Germany
- Gillray, James
- Glorious Revolution
- Godfrey, Sir Edmund
- Grand Alliance
- Grand Remonstrance
- Great Council
- Great Exhibition (1851)
- Great Fire of London
- Great Plague
- Greenwich
- Gresham, Sir Thomas
- Grey, Lady Jane
- Grey, Charles Grey, Earl
- Grey family
- Greyfriars Kirk, Edinburgh
- Guildhall, City of London
- Gunpowder Plot
- Habsburgs
- Halley, Edward
- Hampden, John
- Hampden, Richard
- Hampton Court
- Handel, George Frideric
- Hanover, House of
- Hatfield
- Henrietta Maria, Queen
- Henrietta Maria, Duchess of Orleans
- Henry V, King –
- Henry VI, King –
- Henry VII, King ––
- birth
- death
- exile in Brittany
- as Henry Tudor
- Imperial Crown commissioned by –
- kingship of –
- marries Elizabeth of York
- rebellion against
- relations with son
- war with France –
- wins English throne –
- Henry VIII, King –
- absolutism
- birth and childhood
- and Catholic Church –
- coronation
- death
- declares himself ‘Emperor’
- dissolution of monasteries
- divorce –
- excommunicated
- fails to father heir
- marriages
- and Parliament
- as peace broker of Europe
- portraits
- rebellions against
- relations with father
- religious moderate
- succession issue
- as Supreme Head of Church –
- vision of kingship ––
- wars with France –
- Holbein, Hans xxvi
- Holy Roman Empire
- Holywell
- Houghton Hall, Norfolk
- Hume, David
- Hunt, Leigh
- Hyde, Anne, see Anne, Duchess of York
- Imperial Crown
- commissioned by Henry VII –
- described –
- destroyed
- imperial monarchy
- India
- Indulgence, Declaration of
- Industrial Revolution
- Ireland
- Jacobinism
- Jacobites
- James I of England and VI of Scotland, King –
- childhood –
- claim to English throne
- death
- financial difficulties
- as King of Great Britain
- as peacemaker king
- proclaimed King of England
- Protestantism
- religious settlement of
- and Royal Supremacy
- Scottish coronation
- The Trew Law of Free Monarchies
- vision of monarchy
- James II, King
- accession to throne
- and Anglican Church
- army of
- assassination plot
- birth of son and heir
- Catholicism
- coronation
- death
- dispensing power assumed by
- as Duke of York
- Exclusion Crisis
- exile
- invades Ireland
- as Lord Admiral
- marriage
- and Monmouth’s rebellion
- revenues
- sense of divine purpose
- succession issue
- Touching for King’s Evil
- and William’s invasion
- Jane Seymour
- Jefferson, Thomas
- Jervaulx Abbey
- John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster
- judiciary
- Julius II, Pope
- Juxton, Bishop
- Kensington Palace
- Kent, William
- Keppel, Arnold Joost van
- King’s Evil, Touching for
- Kingston, Sir Anthony
- La Chaise, François d’Aix
- La Hogue, Battle of
- Lancaster, House of –
- La Rochefoucauld, Duc de
- Laud, William, Archbishop of Canterbury
- Lavenham, Suffolk
- law xxviii
- judiciary
- as source of royal revenue
- Lee, Richard Henry
- Lee family, of Virginia
- Lehzen, Baroness
- Leicester House Set
- Leopold, Holy Roman Emperor
- Lexington
- Liberal Party
- liberty –
- limited monarchy –
- Locke, John
- An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
- London
- Long Parliament
- Lords of the Articles
- Lorraine, Claude
- Louis XIV, King of France
- and Charles II
- death
- and exiled Stuarts
- invades Germany
- revokes Edict of Nantes
- war against England
- Louis XVI, King of France
- Louis Philippe, King of France
- Louvois, François, Marquis de
- Lowestoft, Battle of
- Ludlow
- Luther, Martin
- Lutheranism
- Lyme Regis
- Magdalen College, Oxford
- Magna Carta
- Maitland, Sir William
- Malplaquet, Battle of
- Manchester, Edward Montagu, Earl of
- Margaret Tudor
- Marie-Antoinette, Queen
- Marie Louise Victoria, Duchess of Kent
- Marlborough, John Churchill, Duke of
- and Blenheim Palace
- dismissed
- joins William
- military victories
- Marlborough, Sarah , Duchess of
- Mary I (Mary Tudor), Queen –
- birth
- as Bloody Mary
- Catholicism
- clash with Edward VI
- death
- heir to throne
- marriage to Philip II –
- phantom pregnancy –
- Mary II (Mary Stuart), Queen
- death
- as heir to throne
- inauguration
- marries William
- rules jointly with William
- Mary of Modena
- Mary, Queen of Scots –
- Catholicism
- claim to English throne –
- in England
- imprisonment and execution
- Mary, Princess Royal
- Masham, Abigail
- Maundy Thursday
- Mauritshuis, The Hague
- Medway, Battle of the
- Melbourne, William Lamb, Viscount
- Milford Haven
- Milton, John
- Minorca
- monarchy –
- absolute ––
- child monarchs
- constitutional
- despotic
- dispensing powers
- divine nature of
- elective
- family monarchy
- female monarchs
- free
- as guarantor of rights
- as guarantor of stability
- hereditary
- imperial
- limited xxix–
- loss of divinity
- modern
- and Parliament
- popular
- Presbyterian view of
- regicide
- revenues –
- ritual and ceremony
- spiritual authority ;
- see also Royal Supremacy
- subjects’ attitude towards
- warrior kings –
- Whig and Tory views of
- monasteries, dissolution of
- Monck, Gen. George
- Monitor, The
- Monmouth, James, Duke of
- Montcalm, General Louis
- Montrose
- Monument, City of London
- More, Sir Thomas –
- Mountjoy, Lord
- Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor
- Nantes, Edict of
- Naseby, Battle of
- Nash, John
- nationalism
- Nayler, Sir George: The Coronation of His Most Sacred Majesty King George the Fourth
- Netherlands
- New Model Army
- Newcastle
- Newmarket
- Newton, Sir Isaac
- nobles
- Norfolk, Duke of
- Norman England
- Nottingham
- Noy, William
- Oates, Titus
- Old Pretender, see Stuart, Prince James Francis
- Opdam, Admiral
- Orange, House of
- Ornaments Rubric
- Osborne House, Isle of Wight
- Oudenarde, Battle of
- Oxford
- papacy xxviii
- excommunication of monarchs
- Henry VIII and
- papal authority
- Regnans in Excelsis Bull
- Paris
- Treaty of
- Parliament xxviii
- and American colonies
- Bill of Rights
- and British union
- Cavalier Parliament
- Charles I and
- Charles II and
- Church legislation
- in constitutional monarchy
- Convention
- Cromwell and
- Edward VI’s disregard for
- electoral reform
- Elizabeth’s
- and Exclusion Crisis
- George II and
- Gunpowder Plot
- Henry VIII’s
- James I’s –
- James II’s
- Long Parliament
- Mary I’s
- and New Model Army
- Palace of Westminster
- Pitt’s
- purge of MPs
- Rump Parliament
- Scottish
- Short Parliament
- state opening of
- and taxation
- Tory
- Triennial Act
- Union Parliament
- Victoria and
- William III and
- Pavia, Battle of
- Paxton, Joseph
- Peel, Sir Robert
- Pembroke Castle
- Pepys, Samuel
- Perth
- Peterloo Massacre
- Philip II, King of England and
Spain – - Philip V, King of Spain
- Philippe, Duke of Orleans
- Pilgrimage of Grace
- Pitt, Hester
- Pitt, Thomas ‘Diamond’
- Pitt, William Sr
- Pitt, William, the Younger
- Pius V, Pope: Regnans in Excelsis Bull
- Plantations
- Ponet, John
- A Shorte Treatise of Politike Power
- Pontefract
- Pope, Alexander
- Popish Plot
- Poussin, Nicholas
- premiership
- Presbyterians
- General Assembly
- view of monarchy
- Preston
- Pride, Col. Thomas
- Princes in the Tower –
- private secretary
- Privy Council
- Protectorate
- Protestantism
- under Edward VI
- Elizabeth and
- French
- Henry VIII and
- radical
- restored by William III
- suppressed by Mary I
- see also Reformation
- Pugin, Augustine
- Purcell, Henry
- Puritans
- Pym, John
- Raleigh, Sir Walter
- Ramillies, Battle of
- rebellions
- American
- anti-Reformation
- Catholic
- Cornish
- Jacobite
- Pilgrimage of Grace
- against Mary Queen of Scots
- Monmouth’s Revolt
- Scottish
- Wyatt rebellion
- Reform Acts
- Reformation xxviii
- Remonstrance of the Army
- republicanism
- Restoration
- Restoration Settlement
- Richard III, King –
- as Duke of Gloucester –
- Richard, Duke of York
- Richmond, Surrey
- Rights, Bill of
- riots
- ritual
- Easter
- Feast of Epiphany
- Maundy Thursday
- Touching for King’s Evil
- Rochester
- Rome
- Royal Exchange
- Royal Naval Hospital, Greenwich
- Royal Navy
- Royal Society for the
- Encouragement of Arts,
- Manufactures and Commerce
- Royal Supremacy
- abolished
- Act of Royal Supremacy (1534)
- and Bill of Rights
- challenged by Protestants
- Charles I and
- Charles II and
- Cranmer’s creation
- Edward VI and
- Elizabeth and
- Henry VIII and –
- James I and
- Mary I and
- Rump Parliament
- Ruyter, Admiral Michiel de
- St Bartholomew Eve Massacre
- St Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh
- St James’s Palace
- St Margaret’s, Westminster
- St Paul’s Cathedral –
- Salisbury
- Sancroft, William, Archbishop of Canterbury
- Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, House of
- Scawsby Leys
- Scone Palace
- Scotland
- and Aliens Act
- Bonnie Prince Charlie in
- Covenanters
- George IV visits
- and Hanoverian succession
- Jacobite rebellion
- James VI of –
- independence
- invasions of England
- Parliament
- Privy Council
- supports Charles II
- union with England –
- war with England
- see also Presbyterians
- Scott, Sir Walter
- Second Civil War
- Security, Act of
- Sedbar, Adam, Abbot of Jervaulx
- Sedgmoor, Battle of
- Settlement, Act of
- Seven Years War
- Seymour, Jane, see Jane Seymour
- Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of
- Shakespeare, William
- Sherrifmuir, battle of
- Short Parliament
- Sixtus V, Pope
- slave trade
- Somerset House treaty
- Sophia, Electress of Hanover
- South Sea Bubble
- Spain
- Armada
- Henry VIII’s alliance with
- Spanish Empire
- Spanish Succession, War of
- Spurs, Battle of the
- Stamp Act
- Stirling Castle
- Stowe
- Stratford Hall, Virginia
- Stuart, House of
- Stuart, Prince Charles Edward (Bonnie Prince Charlie)
- Stuart, Prince James Francis (Old Pretender)
- Catholicism
- claim to English throne
- claims Scottish throne
- legitimacy questioned
- Tory support for
- succession
- Act of Succession
- Edward VI’s ‘Device’ for
- Suffolk, Duke of
- taxation –
- of American colonies
- Amicable Grant
- Cromwell and
- decimation
- extra-parliamentary
- Free Gift
- indirect
- Parliament and
- ship money
- Taylor, Sir Herbert
- Test Act
- Tewkesbury, Battle of
- Tewkesbury Abbey
- Thornhill, James
- Tilbury
- Torbay
- Tory Party
- anti-Exclusionist
- Charles II’s supporters
- and electoral reform
- George I and
- impeachment of ministers
- James II and
- Parliaments
- under Peel
- supports for Old Pretender
- and Test Act
- Victoria and
- view of monarchy
- William III and
- William IV and
- Tower of London
- Princes in the Tower –
- prisoners
- Triennial Act (1694)
- Tudor, Edmund, Earl of Richmond
- Tudor dynasty
- Tyndale, William
- Obedience of the Christian Man
- Uniformity, Act of (1549)
- Union, Act of (1707)
- United Kingdom
- universities
- Utrecht, Peace of
- Vanbrugh, Sir John
- Van Dyck, Sir Anthony xxvi
- Vauban, Sébastian de
- Victoria, Queen
- accession
- and Albert
- Jubilees
- and Parliament
- widowhood
- Vienna
- Villiers, Elizabeth
- Virginia
- Voltaire
- Walpole, Horace
- Walpole, Sir Robert
- Walter, Lucy
- Warbeck, Perkin
- Warham, William, Archbishop of
Canterbury - Wars of the Roses ––
- Washington, George
- Waterloo, Battle of
- Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of
- Wessex
- West Indies
- Westminster Abbey
- Westminster Hall
- Westminster, Palace of
- Weymouth
- Whig Party
- and electoral reform
- as Exclusionists
- George I and
- radicals
- Victoria and
- view of monarchy
- William III and
- William IV and
- Whitehall Palace
- Whitgift, William, Archbishop of Canterbury
- William I, the Conqueror
- William III (William of Orange), King
- army commander
- birth and childhood
- Calvinism
- and Church ritual
- court of
- death
- homosexuality
- inauguration
- invasion of England
- joint rule with Mary
- marries Mary
- and Parliament
- as Prince of Orange
- reclusive tendencies
- revenues
- struggle against Catholic France
- unpopularity
- view of kingship
- war against France
- William IV, King
- coronation
- death
- as Duke of Clarence
- lack of pretention
- and parliamentary reform
- William II, Prince of Orange
- William, Duke of Gloucester
- William and Mary College, Williamsburg
- William the Silent
- Williamsburg, Virginia
- Wiltshire, Earl of
- Winchester
- Windsor
- Windsor, House of
- Witt, John de
- Wolfe, General James
- Wolsey, Thomas, Cardinal Archbishop of York
- condemnation of Luther
- death
- diplomatic skills
- and Henry VIII’s divorce –
- rise to power
- Woodstock, Oxfordshire
- Woodville, Elizabeth –––
- Worcester, Battle of
- Wren, Sir Christopher
- Württemberg, King of
- Wyatt, James
- Wyatt, Sir Thomas
- York, House of –
- York Place
- Yorktown, Battle of