…living with a woman ain’t so bad providing a man don’t make a habit of it…

Monroe D. Underwood

I drove back to Betsy’s place.

The moment I stepped out of my car Mary Bright’s Airedale broke loose.

I had to go all out to beat him to the door by a length.

Bonzo reared up on the glass.

His eyes were shining.

His tongue was hanging out.

He smiled at me.

So did Mary Bright.

I waved to Mary Bright.

She waved back.

Bonzo barked.

I went upstairs.

Betsy had left a note.

She was out on a call.

I sprawled on the couch and read a story in Eagles magazine.

“Death Birds of the Argonne Skies.”

After that I played a game of chess with myself.


I watched part of the ball game on television.

The Cubs were getting massacred.

I ate a ham sandwich with horseradish mustard.

I drank two cans of beer.

It was very hot horseradish mustard.

I found my recording of Alte Kameraden.

It sounded great on Betsy’s big set.

I smoked a pack of cigarettes.

I fell asleep on the couch.

It had been an afternoon of utter debauchery.