…the best laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley…feller what said that got a cigar named after him…might of done even better if he could of spoke English…
Monroe D. Underwood
Betsy was going down to Mama Rosa’s grocery store the next morning.
She said why don’t you come along?
I said before I would go shopping with a woman I would climb Mount Everest.
I said in the nude.
I said in January.
I said blindfolded.
I said at midnight.
I said carrying a grand piano.
I said besides I got other plans.
When Betsy left I called Candi Yakozi.
I said do you know anybody named Ysteb?
Candi said is it terribly important?
I said damn right.
Candi said would you believe that I know just oodles of Ystebs?
She said come right over.
I said are any of them named Nivlek?
Candi said is that important too?
I said very.
Candi said oh my goodness gracious what an astounding coincidence.
She said as a matter of fact almost all of them are named Nivlek.
She said hurry over and you’ll get steak and eggs.
She said steak and eggs isn’t all you’re going to get.
I took a shower and dressed.
I met Betsy at the bottom of the stairs.
She was carrying a bulging shopping bag.
She said where are you going?
I said I am going out for steak and eggs.
Betsy said go back upstairs.
She said I just bought steak and eggs.
She said steak and eggs isn’t all you’re going to get.