
Most books are not written in isolation, and this one is certainly no exception. I’ve long been intrigued by the concept, difficulty, even impossibility of forgiveness—so when I learned about restorative justice, I was more than ready to find out more.

Whether you as a reader could forgive the crimes committed within this book only you will know. I can’t tell you whether or not I could, because I haven’t been in the same situation. And that is what always resonates deeply with me, the assumption we’d know what we’d do in any given situation without ever having experienced it.

Most of all I would like to thank Dr. Marian Liebmann, OBE, for so much detailed and patient guidance through the process of RJ and the sharing of her expert knowledge. I have bent the rules for the purposes of the story and yet she continued to give support in the way she does for those who benefit so much from it.

I would also like to thank another extraordinary lady, Alex Raikes MBE, Director of SARI (Stand Against Racial Inequality). It was Alex who first introduced me to restorative justice and who paved the way to this book. I have yet to write the story that took me to her in the first place, but I am determined to do it one day.

Now I must express my deepest thanks to the burns surgeons who gave so generously of their time and knowledge to help me with the injuries inflicted at the heart of the book. First to Jeremy Yarrow, MBChb, BSc, FRCS (Plast.), of Morriston Hospital Burns Unit in Swansea. I will be forever indebted to you, Jeremy, for managing to condense so many years of training and experience into words and treatments that allowed me to bring feeling and authenticity to the story. (If there are any experts out there reading this and something is wrong, please know this will be entirely down to me.) Also a huge thank-you to Jonathon Pleat, BAPRAS, BBA (Plastic Surgery), based in Bristol, for setting the course, correcting my early drafts, and putting me in touch with Jeremy Yarrow.

Last but by no means least a truly joyous thank-you to my wonderful agent, Luigi Bonomi, for unfailing support and advice. And to the exceptionally talented and magnificent team at HarperCollins: Kimberley Young, Liz Stein, Sophie Burks, Elizabeth Dawson, Fleur Clarke, Rachel Quin, Kate Elton, Roger Cazalet, and every one of the unsung heroes behind the scenes who do so much to bring you the books. So many amazing accomplishments were achieved during the lockdown period, and so much fun was had too, albeit virtually, but no less enjoyable for that.

Susan Lewis

November 2020